(2008/10) Oct 2008

thank lili,

hubby is the one most excited..

he even bought a jumper saying future soccer star...

looking forward to play soccer with him...


seem most dad-to-be prefer boy. my DH also when go shopping i always look for girl sweet clothes, he only look for boy one. i told him, nw gynae said our bb mostly is girl mah whey u always look at boy stuff.
he said haven confirm mah, wait after do detailed scan lah... *faint*
Aiyoo... Thread moves so fast again! Kekek..

So mummies, the Ameda deal at Robinson is good? Is it worth the trouble to ask my fren to buy for me? Cos the Ameda with carryall is selling for about US$199 on the webby... Or should we just but the pump but not the milk bottles bundled with it?
same same. even gynae said "likely" a girl, hubby looks at gun and i told him that bb likely a girl lei... he gave me a smile... but i not sure about his preference
Waa! the thread move super fast, i think i have mastered 'speed reading' skills from this thread. haha

bbgoh, i bought a combi stroller, it states from NB to 24 mths. i think when baby is 2 yrs old, they should be walking most of the time. The sales person said for NB strollers, the design is such that the seat can be brought down to almost a flat level so that baby can lie down horizontally as they cant reallie sit yet

Trace, i think my hubby oni keen in strollers n car seats. He had been fidgeting with these items everytime we shop! Basically, he dun reallie look at other stuff like milk bottles. haha

I heard from my brother that the babies born in this year are mostly boys.. i dunno wat kind of calendar he checked, but it seems true. I am going for my detailed scan this thur, so excited!

Btw, anyone happen to noe whats the difference between the avent manual pump isis via (containers with blue lids) n manual isis (normal milk bottle container)? The containers for the breastmilk are different. May i know which is better?

thanks for info. thk i ll get it within this week since kiddy palace got 20% off for member.
yst forgot to ask whether applicable for stroller or not. maybe ll go taopayoh one ask in these few days bah.
Another place where you'll find a wide selection of baby prams, push chairs etc.. Mothercare at Harbor front. Went there yesterday and they do have a pretty wide selection of various brands and types of car seats, strollers etc. Worth visiting.
Breastpump - Ameda / Medela PIS/ Manual
Just a word of encouragment to you & myself... we have to be very determine to go BF , milk supply is not an issue - it is always a dd & ss issue but rather how determine we are.
<font face="tahoma"> hi ladies,
so many already know the bb's gender... am still waiting. cant wait for detailed scan in 2 weeks' time.
dear all mummies,
see so many postings!

i'll be away on 3 days compassionate leave... will check back again for ur updates n postings...
<font color="0000ff">Lili,

I got the express steriliser


Congrats on a bb prince, wah our thread really very limited princess lolx :p


My Dh prefer a gal leh...but too bad for him tis round hahaha, think he still hoping Detailed Scan might reveal a gal hahaha :p


Your DH same as mine, he leaves the small nitty gritty items to me hahaha</font>
for me, its the opp. when doc says most likely boy..hubby then said that most likely oni ma..maybe its a gal..(so will oni start shopping after detailed scan this sat) heee..
Thanks everyone,

Hubby like went on a buying spree.

buy this buy that ....

this year like a lot of boys...

2 of my friend also expecting boys...
most of my frens guessed its a girl for me..haha..some even bet for dinner! minority guess its a boy...

hubby guess its a ger! haha
Chris, congrats on ur baby boy!

forest, take care!

littlebluey, i think oni both os us buy the avent sterilizer during the robinson sale (150 buck for the promo set) May I know when will u send in the waranty card? coz i think they will need to look at the receipt if we (touch wood) send in for repair in future. In this case, wat date do we put? I am confused.

n yah, do u intend to buy avent breast pump oso?

ms piggy, i noe how u feel... i oso cant wait to see my baby gender
wait until neck super long liao! I need to noe the gender then I can do the 'massive' shopping! hahaha

bbgoh, i saw the kiddy palace promo poster in fine prints "not valid for special priced items" so i think some playpens n strollers will not be entitled to discounts. its good to ask
<font color="0000ff">Beary,

I haven filled the warranty yet, most prob will wait till I start using it hahahaha ;p

If those manufacturers do ask, then say it was a gift how wld u know? hee hee...

Me not getting avent pump, shd be getting ameda
wat abt u??

Re: Strollers

I oso agree that Kiddypalace discount does not apply to strollers becos some of the brand are alrd on discounted prices!


I had fish soup and bought alot of muffins back to office hahahaha ;p</font>

I have cravings for muffin for days


I am feeling the movements of my bb too...n sometimes quite late at nite still moving ard..i told my hubby..juz like him! nite owl..
that's cute... so active till middle of night?

do you gals still eat in middle of night? i had 1 pc of bread + cheese last night... sometime, when hungry in middle of night, also woke up to eat... haha... hope my weight is okay when go check up this Friday..
Will update you gals if "likely" become "confirm" a girl after my detailed scan on 23 May.... hahaha
Congrats on having a prince!

My hubby is opposite. He prefers girl although he also doesnt mind if it is a boy and guess he must have prayed hard and that's why his prayer come true, hahaha....
I don't mind a prince / princess... my colleagues &amp; MIL did say the way i look/ change, seems like bb is a boy. BUT, after last visit, gynae say "likely" a girl... i have to switch my thought that bb is a girl.... haha.
Forest, my deepest condolences.

Lili, I do get hungry ard 10+ even thou I had heavy dinner
I really vy scare tat I will gain more than 12kg for my pregnancy. But sometime I cannot tahan coz got craving...sigh
I had burger king! mushroom DOUBLE swiss burger!

littlebluey, i think i will get the avent manual pump 1st to try out. If it is too slow, then I will get the electric ones. My fren told me by using the avent manual one, i am more in control, coz sometimes it may be painful initially to BF. My threshold is super low, so i better slowly pump myself. haha

now i am just very confused wat is the difference between the avent isis via (blue lids container) and avent isis(milk bottle container).
Anyone can advise?
I dont eat in middle of the night. Had Ajisen ramen yesterday at around 5.30pm and was feeling a bit hungry at around 10.30pm but din take anything. Trying to control my weight. I realised even though I have ms for this pregnancy but it seems like the weight out of sudden shoot up very fast leh.

My deepest condolences. Take care.
lili, my detailed scan is in the afternoon at 2pm, TMC
so i will have a light lunch, then quik quik go scan and come back to office

my edd is on 11th Oct
me too..feel the bb movement more @ night..always loving the feeling..if not, will try to 'ka-jiao' the bb..then let DH feel the kicking..makes him really happy..hee =)
suggest that you take 1/2 day instead.
i was told to be prepare to be in clinic for 1/2 a day just in case bb not cooperative, but they will give me an MC. My appointment is 9.30am.

i'm in 20wks this week
how many weeks are you now ? me only felt it more recently..me about 20 weeks now..
feel abit like 'butterflies in the stomach' , at times, can feel like a slight &amp; gentle punch .initially not sure..but after a while, you will know it =) sometimes, its like something 'swimming' inside..
lili, i wanted to take leave, but my colleague oreadi took leave, so end up they oni allowed time off
no choice, just pray that baby cooperative...i reallie hope this time can see the gender and that baby is healthy, i am going mad with all the suspense! hahaha
beary, dunno how to describe the movements. Intially its like something popping inside, recently starts to feel more frequent kicks and like wat jollyhppy said, its like smthing swimming inside
Don't worry, some ppl dun feel bb kicks so early, u're normal

jollyhoppy, my hubby just manage to feel the kicks last sat! he's so excited! hehe...
<font face="tahoma"> beary,
you will still know the gender before me! my detailed scan is on 2 June

my EDD is 9 Oct. very close to yours.</font>
ya, and every now &amp; then, he will try to put his fingers on my tummy and 'find' bb's hands/legs..aiyo..feel like he is buying a fish like that...
everytime when i feel bb movement, i wanted &amp; hoping that hubby can feel too. But seems like bb not cooperative enough, don't want to "play" with daddy... haha
lili, jollyhoppy, my hubby very funny..cos when i feel the kick he's always too late to come touch my tummy. and he sang to my bb and said: bb it's papa, where are u! hahahahaha....

jollyhoppy, i am into my 19th weeks now. maybe my baby swimming skills not so good yet, so nber swim much. haha
Reallie envy u all!

everafter, I am sure ur hubbie will be over the clouds feeling the baby movements

lili, my mc oreadi quite 'high' liao, so i better save for a rainy day!
i am worried that the later part of pregnancy, i may need it, coz i have frens who had very bad backache n leg cramps in the later stages...

mspiggy, ur detailed scan at TMC too? i think the nurse give me the earliest date available when I hit 20th week. How come urs is later compared to mine? coz ur EDD very close to mine! if u deliver at TMC, maybe we will be neighbours!
