(2008/10) Oct 2008

Rachel mummy

hows ur sore throat? I went to fish and co. with HB and HB ordered "swordfish collar" for himself...later the waiter came over and ask me "err mdm, are u pregnant?"..i said "yes". Then he told me i cannot eat the swordfish collar because the mercury content is very high so pregnant women cannot eat...heehee...so all mummies...remember ok? cannot eat swordfish...not that its very common lar.

<font color="ff0000">Diane</font>, my voice same as last week.. as SEXY. kekeke... still not totally recover yet. haiz.

wah fish &amp; co!! yum! yum!

swordfish too?? i only know we cannot eat stingray only. dunno abt swordfish.

thanks diane for ur info.
ya lor... i was quite surprised that swordfish cannot eat, then i went home to do some reading...indeed cannot eat swordfish. Shark, king mackerel also cannot eat.
welcome tracee, me too just finish my 1st Tri but am still throwing occasionally. Tummy still feel bloated. Not sure if you are experiencing this?
wah Diane, the fish and co staff is very good! deserves a medal.

At work now... wish the weekend was longer!

Jasminetea, for the same reasons, I'm also looking forward to next gynae visit!
Morning ladies...

Jus had my NT scan last Sat...results are within range. Relieved! Baby measures 6cm...wonder if it's of avg length...jus got into my 12th week yesterday so I guess my 1st trimester is consider over today...phew...at last!

It sounds like constipation to me. You may want to call up the gynae to ask. Pregnant women are very prone to constipation so do get your wife to eat lots of fruits and drink lots of water. I still get constipation even when I eat fruits quite often compared to when I was not pregnant.

Oh, what's NTscan? I saw the pamphlet but dr ang never mentioned anything about it. You did your oscar test already?

Dr ang didn't generate any report on the neck. He just told me when he's doing the ultrasound,"Let's look at the neck ..." like that and said it's not thick.
Yes, he did tell me all's well if he doesn't call me up personally within one week.
I think my bb is 11 week plus, so this week should be 12th week. How abt yourself? I still feel very tired and weak and nauseous and no appetite. Everything smells too strong to be eaten altho I still force myself to eat bit by bit.

My friend just finished her caesarean with dr ang. He sounded really pro according to her, like he's done it a thousand times already.

Val and dimpletot,
Yes, kk was a nightmare for me. It was a traumatic experience for me. They refused to divulge anything altho I was losing alot of blood. Even when I needed blood transfusion, the doc only told my parents that I was losing 'some bloody water only'. In one day, I was jabbed about 8 times for different reasons, for which I knew not. The only thing they asked me was,"Do you feel giddy? Do you feel giddy?" when I was losing blood but they refused to tell me what's happening to me when I asked them. I actually told them I wasn't giddy altho I felt I was slipping into some form of sleep becos I didn't know I was losing blood.

The way they removed my blood clots was also a painful process. Without a word, they came to me and asked me to open my legs, and started to poke very hard into my vagina. At one point, when they asked me to open my legs again, I trembled so hard the doc was unable to check me, and he scolded me,"What's so scary about it?!!"

Then when I had huge clots falling out of my body, the nurses were also very disgusted and equally shocked. They didn't know what they were.

All in all, everything is still so vivid in my memory. I always shudder whenever I think about it. My gynae was totally unsympathetic during my checkup when I showed apprehension. He didn't like me to ask questions. And he thought I was abnormal when I enquired about the possibility of a caesarean becos I was frightened abt a normal birth. He sent me to a shrink.
<font color="ff0000">elcwong</font>, my fella was oso measured at 6am during my 12 weeks.

<font color="0000ff">Diane</font>, wonder sharks fins can eat or not?

my bb should be 15th weeks now. Same here he jsut scan and then tell me the neck is 0.2cm or 2mm which is ok. My appetite has returned but still feel bloated most of the time.

My goodness, ur ordeal in kk sounds scary leh!!!
NVM ok, now we are in Dr Ang's safe hands.

Hye why ur friend have c section? Dr Ang advocates natural birth

Have u thought of which hospital to give birth already? BBgoh's gynae is also Dr Ang.

Rachel mummy

wah i dun know about sharks fins...heheeee...maybe eat a bit lor since got collagen...wahhaaahaa...i think mercury are fiund mostly in the meat of the deep sea fishes.

oh dear... thankfully you survived the ordeal at kk... sounds like a horrible gynae.


Better not eat shark's fin. Heard that the fin also contains mercury. Basically larger deep sea fishes all have higher mercury concentrations.


my bb was 5.78cm at 12 weeks.
<font color="119911">morning all! wah so sian monday again. today supposed to see gynae one but must postpone coz mummy wanna come along and she can only make it next week. haha issit funny to go wif mum?? anyway now must wait one more week to confirm gender lor
hey you PIL will keep asking gender?? my PIL never even ask us once leh! so funny hor. mabbe they scared we (or i) get pressured ba?

rains>> wah ur experience sounds so scary. i think they never answer u coz they oso dunno. i got one frend kena bleeding oso, clots and clots. went glen e but gynae there oso cannot figure out whats wrong. wahhh ur gynae sent u to shrink! waliao...how come kk liddat one??

pappy2b>> wah u only worry ur baby never worry ur wife ;P ya sound like constipation. u should inform your gynae if you are concerned.

dimpletot>> wah now i feel like eating fish and co...</font>
Hi Val,

I'm still vomitting everydae! it's anytime in the day

I'm doing my OSCAR tmr...I'm so worried ..n din sleep well yesterday. I read the other thread on OSCAR test, the more i read, the more scared I am..haiz....

NTscan is done at TMC, more detail than normal scan only nothing diff.. i asked to do bcoz when he scan ta his clinic find the neck a bit thick so do NTscan to double confirm
<font color="ff0000">Diane</font>, ya.. my EDD same as u too. kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">dimpletot</font>, *sob sob* my fav leh!!

dun be too worry, the more worry u r the worst vomit u ll have. this is wat i experience last week when i finish done NTscan loh.
initially i tot is ms cuming back again, then 2days lata when i really cheer up le dun worry wbt amnio test le. nw i get back my energy my appetiate &amp; no vomit at all le

dun worry too much, u must believe ur baby, he/she is doin fine in ur tummy

all the best
hi all, just want to let u all know that the fish soup outside some/mostly use batang fish.. read somewhere that batang is actually king mackeral which shdn't be eaten now..

just had fish soup last week at cineleisure and asked the person what fish is that she told me the white one is batang and the fried one is snapper.. seems like cannot eat ah so now decided not to eat fish soup outside anymore..

thanks for the info man!!!..i liked to eat the fish soup at my office leh. I know that its batang but dun know the english name for batang lor...gosh!!
Snapper shld be ok?
Hi bbgoh,


I really can't help worrying abt this n that..esp going thru so much for this pregnancy, and I had a miscarriage before..so for this baby, I doubtly worried! and have been praying hard. I woke up at 4am this morn n can't sleep after that.. haiz...

think positive! cos worrying doesn't help anything, and being optimistic and happy can only do good for your bb.
You're almost through the first trimester right? that's very good already... getting totally stable. and you can take the vomitting as a sign that your bb is ok. cos those who have MS also get worried if suddenly MS stops within first trimester...


are you preparing a room for your bb? went to ikea over the weekend cos thinking of buying a wardrobe. no wardrobe in the bb/guest room. saw one white one around $410 quite nice and suitable. think it's called Pax something.

then started wondering whether bb is boy or girl cos that room is now blue (dark blue one wall, light blue three walls) and would be weird if I had a gal and everything is pink (clothes etc) but the room is so blue! think my PIL want boy and I'm quite keen to have a gal, but so long as it's a healthy child we'd all be very happy! can't wait to find out... hee.
Hi TraCe,

Relax. Everything will be alrite. If you still vomiting (MS) means you are 100% alrite k. Relax and enjoy ur pregnancy. You wan a sad bb ? or happy bb ? Stop reading those "funny" website. Talk to your bb more....
tracee, hope it will get better for you. now I feel the worse in the morning and after 12 I am fine. I still have to take medication to curb it. cant wait for it to go away....dont worry about the OSCAR scan everything will be alright. I am going for mine this Sat. my gyne just measure the thickness of the neck at his clinic and its alright since I requested for OSCAR so he ask me to go to Paragon to get it done.

elch, my at 12 week 5.4cm.
val, i had my oscar done at paragon. the sonographer is a really nice lady. also, i didn't have to wait long and the cost is slightly cheaper at TMC ( i did mine at TMC last year). they have a nice tv screen for you to see the baby when you lie down. all in all, i'm happy doing it at paragon and might ask to do my 20 weeks detail scan there too!
actually read abt the fish thingy from a green colour book published by a group of KK Hospital doctors..the book can be found at MPH..

they mention that batang and white snapper cannot eat ah... they stated no more than 3 servings dunno a month or a week that one cannot remember..
then i have a feeling that the fried version is the white snapper.. though uncertain, think i'm avoiding all fish soups outside jus to play safe.. since the harmless looking batang fish we've been eating this while can turn out to be the king mackeral ah...
a bit worried now cos been eating fish soup almost every week.
hi pinky brain, is it on the 8th floor? Yah I am going this Sat at 9am. How much did you pay for the scan and will they release the results to you immediately?
hi rain

ur experience is indeed scary .. cos i have a fren who shared the same scary experience .. the gynea who sees her actually says "dunno" .. also with KK .. may i check with u if yours are those junior gynea or senior gynea?

Any news for those mummies who suppose to go for the amino test ? mousebb ?

Hi Liitlebluey,

Do you know "ding zhi yong" ? since you are from 933. My husband doesnt like him as his wife is his fan. I always praise him he got nice voice...hehe
i guess everything in moderation lor... once a week should be ok. Liyan was saying no more than 3 servings a month or week rite?

i ate wantan mee just now. and papaya and pear... full....
Val, yes, it is on the 8th floor. you can actually see the measurement as the sonographer measures. you can also ask her if all's ok. she did show me the baby's head and told me brain formation seems normal and also told me that she can see the nose bridge and it seems normal. as for the blood test, they have yet to give me the results. guess i'll have to wait for my gyane to give me a call. i paid 265 in total.
Thanks everyone for your encouragement!

I hope everything goes on well..so does that means if I'm still vomitting, my baby is ok?

Last week I din go for checkup, juz feel something not right, cos I goes chkup almost everyweek. Keep thinking if my bb is ok..haha...

I'm still taking medicine too, and have to inject this hormones thingy everydae too...tough but i think it's worth everything.. :p
Aiya, you remind me - I forgot to ask how big the bb was.

Dr ang caesared my friend becos hers was a breech. Ya, I asked him about the percentage of his patients who are caesared and he said only 10 percent.

Dr ang only told me his patients deliver at TMC. Between TMC and Mt A, I'd prefer TMC. Mt A very old leh. And I read in this forum that TMC has tasty confinement food.
Can't wait to try. haha!

I was like you. I also went to read some thread on Oscar test, until I didn't want to do it. For weeks, I asked my family and friends whether I should do it or not until they got so fed up with me. A friend said,"If you do it now, you don't have to think about it anymore. If you don't do it now, when you're in your 5th month, you want to do anything also cannot." And Dr ang told me if I didn't do it there and then, next time cannot do liao. So I did it and made him promise to jab me only once.

My gynae was a senior consultant, but during my stay in the hospital, some junior docs attended to me becos I didn't know that docs made such a big diff. I didn't like my gynae during the checkups already so I didn't specifically opt for him for the stay. But I believe even if it was my original gynae, the experience wouldn't have been any less painful or traumatic.

I believe they know la. The nurse was changing my pad and she gasped,"Oh my god!" and rushed out. And 3 docs rushed in to poke and poke my vagina. They would have known that I was bleeding. But they kept quiet when I asked,"What's happening to me? What's the matter?"

I felt very fortunate to be able to walk out of kk alive, so it hit me very hard when I got pregnant again.

Oh dear, I didn't know shark's fin cannot eat. I had it when I first knew I was pregnant, and am intending to have some more.

If cannot eat the fish meat in the fish soup, can drink just the soup or not? And what is ang goh li? I just had some yesterday. I hope it's fine.

I got a strong feeling that my bb is going to be a gal. The symptoms are exactly the same as my previous one and it's also very tiny. I hope it's a gal so that she can keep my elder one company.
alamak...i also ate shark fin .... during my fren's wedding banquet...i think small portion shld be ok. No worry.


how many week u now ? do you have to jab everyday ? which mean ur gynae does a scan for u everyday ? You must be suffer alot ... poor thing...be strong k...i think it is 100% worth when u see ur little one 's smiling face....>v<

i am glad that you are in safe hand now. That was indeed a very traumatic experience.


just curious .. any idea wat symptons will tell it is a boy and what symptons will tell it is a gal? kekeke ... i cant wait for my next scan which is two weeks later .. so long
nope. I'm getting fatter. haha.

i was looking at the mirror today, and asking hubby whether i looked pregnant or just fat. Definitely prefer to look obviously pregnant - otherwise ppl will be wondering aiyoh why this girl spare tyre so big still wear clothes that can see the bulge. DH very confidently said i looked pregnant - yay.
Hi rains,

Glad that u're fine, the kk experience is horrifying!! My colleague with kk, i hope she'll b fine. She asked me y i dint want to go to kk, i cant tell her the exact reasons. Just heard that nurses quite fierce. anyway, kk is not convenient for me also

Actually aft reading the thread, i tot of not gog for tmr's appt.
cos i m scared of the negative results...in fact my hubby told mi, wads the point of having the OSCAR test? He told me..if its negative, does that you we are not gog to have the baby? wad he meant is true..but somehow i need some security..if not i will keep thinking otherwise... haiz..


I'm now 12 weeks 1 day :p used to have jab twice a week. Now Dr give me this hormone cream, which I have to insert into my vagina everyday..less pain but hv to do it everydae..

I did my scanning every week...just dat last week I have 'graduated', Dr asked mi to see him twice a week now..hehehe...but din see the scanning for a week, just felt something is missing..
<font color="0000ff">carina</font>, i nvr expect i will lose weight. wonder if it is normal. yet to see gynae leh. 24 arpil is my next appt. did u tell ur gynae?

my 1st one, i start to gain weight ard 20 weeks. nvr lose weight before.
Your kk experience is making me worried leh. I went once for a check-up with a senior consultant. Seems okie. I also went to gleneagles before that.
I went to Dr Lee Keen Whye at Glene for my first consultation back here.
Think I opposite from you, I only feel better in the morning. Come late afternoon before dinner, I will start to feel bloated. Before bedtime is the worst.

fish soup>>
I also didnt know cannot take fish soup. I thought it is good to eat fish and I like the fried fish. How about those fish in san lao horfun?
I also didnt know cannot take stingray, had a bit last week.

juz me,
I wonder if my pil will ask about gender. But they never ask me about my pregnancy or how I feel at all. Basically, they never ask anything at all.
When then consider 1st trimester over? When we finish 12 or 13 week?

Dont worry too much. Think its easier said than done and all of us are constantly worrying about this or that. But try to relax and have happy thoughts. That is what I tell myself.

rachel's mummy

my gyne knew i losing weight but he said as long as bb grow, he not worried. my first pregnancy also like tat, i gain 5kg and bb weigh 3kg
