(2008/10) Oct 2008

Ya...very cute. bb kept moving and bouncing. The doc very hard to capture and measure then she starts talking and praising bb then bb starts co-operate and let her measure. very funny. My 1st was very quiet and lazy one. less movement.
bb so cute. how many wks are you now?
during my NT scan, bb still sleeping .. sucking thumb.. and gynae wants me to cough to make bb turn..
dun think u can pack me inside ur luggage la.. i will die of oxgyen leh.. anyway been longing to go europe but no chance. then u can go there do alot of shopping.. all the branded stuff leh so cheap compare to spore :p

u how many wk liao? so fast can see bb gender meh.. maybe ur one is a gal so shy use hand to cover.. keke
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

We prefer a gal!
me too.. 1st time mummy.. actualli i wan a boy but my hb prefer gal.. my mil praying day and nite to hope for a boy too.. so i hope is a boy and if i dun wan to hv 2nd child is ok and she will not nag at me liao
me too me too.. 1st time mummy
i thk 1st one ll prefer boy let pil happy bah, hope can have 1 boy &amp; 1 girl
wah so many people prefer boys ah...heehee..i have no preference..
just hope baby is healthy and happy!!..but i know my HB is secretly hoping that its a gal...he says gals are cuter.
heee.. perhaps for us.. this will be my PIL's 13th grandchild.. so boy or gal doesn't matter..praying a healthy &amp; happy baby c",)
i also only hope a healthy baby but i noe in pil's eyes sure prefer boy as my hub is only son &amp; also elder grandson.
hub &amp; i nvr thk prefer boy or gal
last week went for NTscan, pil asking can see boy or gal or not
funny hor... most hubbies will prefer a gal.

but as women will hope is a boy so tat PIL will be happy.

infact i ask alot of my male colleagues they oso prefer gal. girls tends to be more tian xin to parents. and sweeter. easier to take care.

ya lor my MIL always ask after each visit whether bb is gal or boy. Sometimes i feel like asking her "why so gan chiong??"...heeheee

I called Dr Ang just now to confirm my NT scan results. He said for scans like mine conducted at his clinic, he would not generate any reports. Then I ask him why some mummies must go TMC to do NT scan, then he just tell me my oscars results are 1:10,000 so no need to go NT scan at TMC...my next scan would be the detailed scan at 20 weeks...

But u also never do oscars right?...from the beginning he already asked you to do NT scan at TMC already hor? I very confused man.
Diane, dun be confused..
this is wat i thk lah >> once he did a normal scan at his clinic show the neck thickness is normal then u dun have to go TMC do NTscan, can direct do OSCAR. for my case, like wat other mummy said, the % between OSCAR &amp; NTscan just diff 5% so even after do NTscan then do OSCAR again ll get the same result and only is the high risk then must go amnio again. so he direct ask me skip OSCAR.
i dun dare to call him ask these thing le, he always seem so busy de. when u call is he pick the phone or the nurse? if the nurse then u ask pass to Dr Ang huh?
I was at the clinic earlier having my OSCAR done. the sonographer told me if you can see the nose bridge, baby sld be ok. not sure if only the fluid measurement matters or other stuff too. Btw, i drank coke and had coffee every so often. i think as long as everything's done in moderation it sld be ok.
i think girl more cute leh... clothes nicer also...

boy ah, wah lau. wait till they turn 3-4 yrs old, terror man! although i have a friend whose girl is terror also.
HI Whitepaper,
Take good care of yourself when u are in Europe especially the cold weather. I remembered i was in Munich and Switzerland during my 7 weeks of pregnancy.. i feel so terrible and the weather was extremely dry and cold... remember must always keep warm ok. Ya, just to tell you that Zara and H&amp;M sells very cheap infant/baby clothes. I bought alot when i was there although do not know whether girl or boy yet... very worth buying... so u take care ya...
yoyo ladies!

just went for check up on wed. bb is 5.5cm at 12W. wonder if abit small? my boy seems to be bigger at tat time. hmmm.....dr didnt say anything so assume should be ok ba.

next fri going for Oscar scan n then photoshoot. now headache...dunnp what to wear cos most of my tops r abit tight liao.

my mom just made me a cup of honey last week. think should be fine la....dun worry.

me also coke n coffee quite frequent though not everyday. everything in moderation should be okie. i wanna keep myself happy during pregnancy n not restricting what can be eaten...like what i did during my 1st preg.
Whitepaper: I miss europe &amp; holidays!!! Enjoy yourself there, wish I am there as well! Kekeke...

I think honey is good for bb, never hear anything about honey...
Dear mommies!!!

I went gynae yesterday and my baby measures 9cm at 15 weeks, AND IT'S A GIRL!!! though gynae is only 80% sure lar, not confirmed. But can see "emptiness" between the baby's legs... hehehe... happe coz my family, including PIL all wanted a girl. Girl cuter lar. And in modern S'pore, having a girl is better lar

Jeregiam - thanks for advice. Will take care and shop for baby clothes there. Now almost confirm baby is girl so can get more stuff

Cheer Bear - no worries u'll have a chance to go there lar, next time together with baby
In my previous trips I went to UK and France also very nice

Storeberry - thanks
I'll miss all of you while I'm there. So used to reading the forum everyday. I won't be bringing my laptop along though it's an official trip. Coz like what I said, no work to do one. So unless i step into an internet cafe, I won't be able to read what you girls are discussing
whitepaper >> congratulation, altgh not 100% but gynae normally queit accurate de.. hope can see mine on next visit too
Hi hi,

This is my second post here.

Yes, I notice that your EDD is the same as mine.

My gynae is dr lawrence ang. I've read some unfavourable stuff about him, but personally I'm quite comfortable with him. Unlike my first gynae at kk who hated me asking questions and sent me to a shrink probably becos he couldn't stand me, dr ang is very assuring and seems to know what he's doing. I just did my oscar test on thursday. I was scared to death becos at kk, the docs jabbed me at least twice or thrice just to draw blood from me. They said my vein is too thin. But dr ang only took 1 jab to draw the blood and it wasn't as painful as I'd imagined. And just by looking at the ultrascan alone, he told me that the 'nose' of the baby is visible and neckline is not thick - meaning that there's a 70% chance that it's not a down-syndrome baby.

But he was visibly shocked when I asked him 'How come it doesn't look like a baby to me?" I thought by 11th week, the baby should have legs and hands fully developed. But it still looked like a pupa to me. He quickly explained to me that the different patches are the future hands and legs. And he actually said,"Eh, I thought this is your second baby? How come alot of things you also don't know?"

Becos kk never explains anything to me, even when I was on the brink of death.
hi mummies

Anyone still having morning sickness. me jus reach 13 weeks and my MS seems to be getting worst. me alreadi lost 4 kg and no appetite at all..... sigh how huh?

tis is my 2nd pregnancy, my 1st is a girl but she is very hyperactive leh. like buttock got needles cant sit still for 5 minutes.
Hi ladies,

Any mommy experience blood in stools? Wife has it last night (1st occurence since pregnancy. shld be 13weeks+). Very worried!!!
Dont know bb affected anot?!?!?!
rains ..
my gynae also Dr Lawrence Ang

just done my NTscan too but not as lucky as u. my baby neck is thick so need amnio test on next visit
Hi gals,

I just went for my normal checkup on Wed and the ultrasound showed the baby wave and wave then bounce up and down. Dr Wong commented that it was playful... heehee! Then after the checkup, hubby said playful like mummy... then he shake head. keke!

I'll be doing the OSCARS next Wed at TMC. Anyone knows what are the charges?
Oh ya, I bought the crocs too. It's very comfy. I also bought another pair from Bata. It's the Comfit series and costs only $29.95 plus it's really comfortable. I like it more than the crocs. Designs not so nice and not much to choose from though.

Anyone knows where to buy good maternity bras? I seem to have 'outgrown' my normal bras.
hi rains, oh really. My gynae is Dr Lee Keen Whye at Glene. Din know kk was like that lucky I did not choose to go there. Hope this is a better experience for you.

Went for check up yesterday at 12 weeks and baby is doing well. going for Oscar next sat hope all is fine. Gynae check thickness of neck yesterday seems ok so he did not say much.
<font color="ff6000">Hi all,

hope everyone is having a nice weekend. I'm enjoying mine!

Mint - OSCARS at TMC should be $318.

Carina - what did you gynae say abt the weight loss? Is he/she advising you on how to put on more or stop losing so much?

Purebliss - thanks so much for the samples!! received them today. Do PM me abt the postage and packaging yah? Definitely want to pay you.

Pappy2B - haven't experienced that so wouldn't know. Best to check with your wife's gynae.

Rains - oh dear, your previous experience sounded really bad...what happened? glad that you're having a better experience with gynae this time.
Dear all,

I'm new to the thread.

Finally i went thru my 1st trimester yesterday. My 1st trimester was really tough! had spotting for the first few weeks and was hospitalise..
hi dimpletot

oh my gynae din say anything leh. may be i throw out everything i makan during the 1st trimester. me now 13weeks still have severe throw out. the anti-nausea medicine dun help either. sigh. my 1st pregnancy, i vomit throughout the 9 months and oni put on 5 kg. bb at that time weigh 3kg.
Hi mummies,

I just received my order from babycenter, and it's too loose for me @ the
underbust area.

This is the Original Nursing Bra -Plus, in S.
On the product info, it says that S is good for 32-36, C-D. But I think it's
will be quite loose
for 32 (i'm a 32).

You can view the product at

Designed with care in Canada, Made with pride in Mexico.

Would like to sell at SGD$50.
Hi ladies,

Good morning.
Hope all of you had a nice weekends.

Juz me, welcome back.
Hope you had enjoyed ur trip. I had a wonderful break in Korea. Wish that I can go for holidays again, but guess it will be a long time before I can go to another one.

Congrats to all who had passed the OSCARS test and who had known the baby's gender.

Heee.. I'm getting very excited to know my baby's gender too though I got no preference boy or girl, except want a healthy baby. Just wish to be able to do more things once I knew gender, like finding names, getting clothes etc.
So really looking forward to my next visit next Sat.

Whitepaper, usually 80% is more or less confirmed

my gyane is also Dr Lawrence Ang. Ya i also quite comfortable with him.
I took the oscars test at his clinic too. I was very nervous but he was very gentle so still not so bad...heehee
Did he tell u for the oscars, no news means good news?
I did not hear anything from him after 2 weeks so decided to give the clinic a call lar. The results were ok. 1:10,000.

For the scanning of the neck etc, he din generate any reports for you right? He only told me verbally everything is ok. So i presume ok lor.

So ur bb is now 11 Weeks?
