(2008/10) Oct 2008

ladies, so envy all of u have been smoothly gone thru NT scan or OSCAR.
i did normal scan at clinic gynae get 2.7mm then ask me to do NTscan at TMC get 3.0mm. Gynae said dun waste money to do OSCAR & suggest me to do Amnio test on next visit ll be on week 15.

how u read the NTscan report, i saw tat show a background test is 1 : 771 & adjusted test is 1 : 65. as i noe we take >300 as a risk ratio. so i should get the background one or adjusted one?

any mum to be here can share the same experience as mine. btw, i m 29 & hub is 33 should be consider not over age bag..


i dun have a report for my NT scan. The doc just tell me everything is fine leh at 2mm. So also dun know how to advise you. Perhaps the other mummies can help.
Rachel Mum
Hope your sorethroat is getting better now. Remember dun take any 'liang teh' hor. I also have bad sorethroat for nearly a month and when i visited a GP, she told me preggie women cannot take liang teh cos it's too cooling. Can only drink lots and lots of plain water.
Oscar test = NT scan + blood test.
When i took my NT scan on last fri at TMC, my bb's neck thickness is 3.3mm. My gynae has then advised me to take the blood test and if the blood test come out normal, then dun have to do amino test liao. Blood test result takes about a day but amino test can only be done when bb is around 16-18 weeks. There is a small risk of miscarriage for amino test, about 1:200. Unfortunately, my blood test result still show risk of DS and so have to go for amino test when bb reaches 16 weeks.
<font color="119911">eyesight: Diane>> i got the reverse problem!! i went for lasik b4 getting pregnant, but now i feel my degree has changed!! they say pregnancy will do that! darn i should have gone AFTER delivery!

Bras: Diane, whitepaper>>wahhh u all so gifted!
me last time A also too big haha now still wearing A lor. was hoping for more "gift" when pregnant but no have leh...lol

forest>>normal bra still fit ok. any reason why get maternity bras, unless normal bra cannot fit? is it like nursing bra that can unbutton to feed baby?

midnight>>my gynae call it triple test and she does it for 16th week. i think is NT and OSCAR all testing for similar thing. so mabbe your gynae call it sth else?

rachelmummy>>woah sexy sexy ;P have more rest and fluids ya? and rest your voice, come chat us instead hee... no nid use voice one ;P

nosebleed: littlekwek>>me no nasal bleeding (yet?) but i read that its one of the symptoms of 2nd trimester. you last time nose bleed b4? coz all my life i never nosebleed b4, so mabbe thats why dun have.

Down Testing: bbgoh>>ya u and hubby not in risk range i think. u should get your gynae interpret for you coz i think we not as qualified as the gynae wor. last visit, my gynae measured the spine thickness and say unlikely to have down syndrome, plus me and hubby also same age as you. she say we don't have to take the triple test unless we want to lor. wondering anyone opted NOT to take the test?
good morning mummies

this morning my hubby finds me very sexy becoz i totally lost my voice. kekeke....

<font color="ff0000">littlebluey</font>, i tried before le. does not work on me. any other cure to cure loss of voice??

<font color="0000ff">val</font>, thanks gal.

<font color="0077aa">juz me</font>, tao yan!
<font color="aa00aa">mousebb</font>, oops! yesterday i bought a btl of luo han guo from fu hua herbal tea station. i drank the whole btl!!
Rachel Mum
Should be ok lah. Just dont take anymore cooling stuff for the next few days lor. Everything take in moderation should be alright lah.
During my 1st pregnancy, i din know about this cooling thing also and ended up, drank flasks and flasks of barley water and eat lots of water chestnut also bcos I had fever. But heng bb still ok.
mousebb >> thanks for ut info. may i noe who is ur gynae? mine is Dr Lawrence Ang. he keep ask me dun have to do bloodtest as only waste money since nw from NTscan not good result so as well bloodtest also wont be good de.
then advice me to do amnio to get 100% accurate answer but he still say we see how on next visit lah.
so when ll u do the amnio test? my next appnt is 5th May
<font color="0000ff">Morning Ladies,

A Cold Rainy Morning to stay at home and snooze, too bad dun have such luxury, was feelin so unwell tis morning that I puke


Heard there another formula but you might not want to drink it leh...heat up coke with lemon bring to a boil and drink heard it's effective...else gargle your mouth with salt water supposed to help for sore-throat!! Have a Speedy Recovery!


Dun worry too much, am sure things will turn out fine
<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font>, ok noted.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, heat up coke with lemon!! nah nah nah!! i wont dare to try leh.
<font color="0000ff">IcyLemon,

Juz refrain from fried and oily food, drink more water, honey+lemon am sure you will get back your voice very soon
My gynae is Adrian Woodworth. Hubby was telling me even if Dr din suggest a blood test, he would want me to go for it also at least we dont have to wait for so long to take amino test.
My next checkup is on 19 Apr (next Sat) and most probably by then, my gynae will help me arrange a date to go for my amino test.
<font face="tahoma"> Hi bbgoh,
My bb measured avg abt 2.7mm for the NT scan too, but the blood test combined with the scan result turns out okie.

My personal view is why not just do the blood test first coz your age are under high risk.

For my age 31, my gynae said that the normal range is 1:577 and my result is 1:624 hence everything is perfectly normal.

Amino test has its risk too. Hence it's safer to take the blood test only, the results might be good hence you dont need to do the Amino test.

My 2 cents worth of opinion... hope you dont mind
anyone able to see bb gender already? the last chkup i went during my 11w2d, gynae suspect its boy, cos something sticking out between the legs, but she not 100% confirmed, gotta wait til 16 wks later then can know.

Not to pin too high hopes on boy, i suspect its the umbilical cord which we saw instead. Any comments?
Hi bbgoh,

From wat i guess, shd look at the adjusted risk figure. Coz it takes into account ur age, bb's measurement, blood test (if any)..tat's wat i understand from my OSCAR report for my #1. When i visit my gynae last evening, he use his highlighter to highlight the "adjusted risk" ratio on the report instead of the "background risk" ratio, and told me not too worry. Fyi, i did NT scan this time round.

The article is v.long but u might be interested to read it. The article says “The NT-adjusted risk combines a woman's background (age-related) risk and the NT measurement of the index pregnancy”. U might want to call up ur gynae to ask for exactly wat each of the ratios meant.

From wat i noe, OSCAR includes the blood test which NT scan doesnt hv, hence, the former is more accurate. Was told by my gynae that accuracy for NT is 85% and OSCAR is 90%, so i guess the reason why ur gynae suggest Amnio is bcoz he feels 85% is close enough to 90%? Esp since u hv done the scanning twice alredi, so scanning error is quite low?

I noe its not easy not worry this, but try to tik positive. I do noe of 1 mommy who hv not so gd NT/OSCAR results and had gd results for Amino. I hv also heard many of such stories. Good luck!

my gynae also lawrence ang leh!!!...Eh how come he generated a report for you and not for me?....
I took the oscars.
Whitepaper, glad to meet u last nite
U don't look fat at all lah, can't even notice tat u r preggie yet.

I tried the clarin oil liao, quite a nice lime scent but I m lazy to wash after application :p juz leave it on since it's not sticky.

Thanks again for the BP
Wonder can we get the other clarin products for postnatal slimming? Muhahaha...i m KS :p
<font color="ff6000">Mousebb -
try to make yourself think positive. no point worrying since worrying doesn't help anything...

icylemon -
how come you lost your voice? lots of water and rest lor... i like this chinese lozenges called Jing Sang Zi but since preggy dare not take.

Gals -
yup no mood to work today with the rain and everything felt like taking urgent leave.

but so so glad it's friday. even at work colleagues are in holiday mood.
tonight going friend's hen party at Oohtique! haha, looking forward.

later thinking of going to shop for flat shoes during lunchtime... got C&amp;K vouchers.
<font color="ff0000">dimpletot</font>, my voice get worst since last nite. then this morning wake up totally no voice. *sob sob*

i think at the mean time i will oso get stersils the lozenges to tahan 1st.

my friend's gynae was lawrence ang too. Her scan was not good so he also asked her to go for amnio rather than oscars. I guess he must have a reason for it? Btw my friend at high risk though. She was 38 when pregnant with her child. In the end she did not go for amnio since she made up her mind to keep baby no matter what.
Rachel mummy

u can go to those medical hall to buy the pre-made honey lemon drink....sometimes they have cold one also (if u take cold drinks).
<font color="0000ff">IcyLemon,

Drink warm honey lemon, it's better for the throat and if possible drink warm water oso, will heal faster!!

I need to use my voice pretty much, so that's how I maintain it in top form
<font color="ff0000">diane</font>, ya intend to go fu hua medical hall &amp; check if they have. hope they do. thanks gal.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, okie okie. thanks gal.

i m sad i lost my voice. i want my voice back!! i want to go K song!!
Diane, JJmom2008...I also lazy to wash off the oil after application as I find it nt oily n oso abit wasteful to shower off after apply cos it might nt be absorbed by my skin yet leh...hah...
rachel mummy

u are hilarious!!..ook ok...u can "k song" all u want here....heeheee...ya fu hua medical hall have honey lemon.
gd morning all...
raining this morning... took a cab from nearest mrt to work... sigh..
you gals think of buying crocs shoes to wear? heard is non-slip
<font color="ff0000">diane</font>, i really want to K song leh. hehehe....

<font color="0000ff">lili_fc</font>, i m wearing croc MJ during fri &amp; weekends. i love my crocs!! during weekday ofc hour i will wear hush puppies shoe. the base is oso non slip. i have to buy such shoes coz i m very clumsy.
<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

Later u faint ah? wait sound to you like "screaming chicken" how? muhahahahahaha ;p

I guess you gals muz sing very well!! I only can hide at home and sing with my DH</font>
Diane >> so qiao huh, i got the report bcoz i go TMC do the NTscan so the sonographer direct give me 2set then i go back to clinic 1 Dr Ang took &amp; 1 copy i keep loh..

mspiggy &amp; haziline >> thanks for sharing the info. i roughly understd why Gynae wan me direct choose amnio le, ehmm ll consult more on next visit bah. during this few weeks i try not to thk abt it, hope baby just growing well.

ms gone for abt 2weeks le then dunno why since wednesday cum back again &amp; even worse. sigh
<font color="0000ff">IcyLemon,

Ahem..I'm a free-lance DJ, event emcee and sometimes voice over for ads..

And of coz for my wkly KTV sessions hahahaha</font>
<font color="ff0000">littlebluey</font>, really!! u r a freelance DJ!! wah event emcee &amp; voice for ads sia...

which radio station?? class 95 or yes 933??
heeloo ladies - so happy to be home and zz today with all the rain
Went back to work this Mon, then yesterday and today on mc to rest.. So shiok. My body and baby musy have been so happy with all the zz! Went to scan also, and so happy to see my baby waving its hands and legs. Doc even said the baby 'show-off'. He is growing very well. In fact his size is that of a baby 1 wk ahead of him! (I call my baby 'him' for ease of reference, and becos I think it is a him...anyone with instincts on your baby's sex?
<font color="0000ff">ruffles</font>, so shiok! MC &amp; at home. really envy u. when i have my 1st one my instinct tell me is a boy. well... after detail scan it came out to be a girl. so for this 2nd pregnancy i dun want to think abt it le. juz pray hard tat the bb is healthy. girl or boy does not matter to me. kekeke....
<font color="0000ff">IcyLemon,

That's a **secret** hahahahahaha...


So fast got instinct that yours is a baby boy! So cool!!
Juz me: Welcome back!!! How's ur trip? had fun? Oh, have u gotten the CDs? U have my mobile no.? u wanna contact me directly? So that we can arrange to get it from u and pay u as well.

Whitepaper:When will u be coming back from Korea? Can help me to get the oil as well when u r back? its really ex to get it outside.
