(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ms_pi: tell Jenny to give you a thicker needle so that when the hormones are being injected, it goes in more easily and is less painful. She did that for me. But I had mine at the area nearer to the hip 'cos I drive, so I had no choice. Scared inject bum hor, then cannot sit down. Ke ke ke ke...

I was very nervous when I was there also. It hurts lah, but surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be. Maybe because I was scaring myself silly! ha ha ha...</font>

u r with Dr Ong too?
Is Jenny the older nurse?
she say she will be doing the injection for me tonite. No need to see Dr Ong, i was still worrying whether she can handle.
Thicker needle.. OMG i wont dare to see..
Actually when the needle goes in, it's not painful at all. The most painful part is when the hormones are being pressed into our buttocks and later part when the thing takes effect. I kept on "sor sor" my butts after tat... hubby laughed at mi!
<font color="aa00aa">Ms_pi: ya, I am with Dr. Ong as well and yes, Jenny is the older nurse. Dun worry, the thicker needle is according to their medical knowledge. Honestly, I could not tell the diff and yes, Littleger is correct, you can only sorta feel the hormones being pressed in. But thereafter, a bit sore, that's all. Jenny was really quite careful and gentle.

Everafter and Isabelle, I will most possibly go for 1 bedder too so that my hb can stay over with me.
For my #1 time, there was a promotion for 1 bedder. Praying hard there will be one too this round! heeee..
hey purebliss, gimme ur msn so that I can add you.

Mummies, we can also chat over msn if you guys want. Mine is [email protected]

isabelle, how's ur #1 taking ur pregnancy? I have been so tired ....and so lazy to look after him. Leaves him to the maid most of the time. I feel really bad ...but ...what can I do?

karen_sg, I have already booked my CL. I have to cos I dun have any helper at all.

I am also most likely getting a one-bedder. Like isabelle, I am a scardy cat!!!!! I am afraid of the dark. My imagination will really run wild!!
Hi Purebliss, we won't bump into each other yet cos I have been staying in overseas, hope to come back soon and give birth in Sin.. Will go for Dr Wong if I were to give birth in Sin. Any idea what's her charge from 3rd trimester onwards, assuming delivery package charge is the same. Can ask her for me? I rem I asked her before when I went for papsmear few months back, she said dun need package already if I am already in 3rd trimester.

Btw, it's not 100% always FREE upgrading from 4-bedder to 2-bedder or even 1-bedder at TMC. When i gave birth to my #1, (I also booked 4-bedder as advised) but "sui sui" that day 4-bedder is not full, so we got to pay to upgrade to 1-bedder.
Ms_pi: Buffy &amp; Littlerger were rite. Jenny is very good and she will comfort me whenever i go for injection. coz i scare.So now got U, Buffy, littleger &amp; me seeing Dr. Ong.

Buffy: u drive? i oso. my hubby &amp; myself each have a car and i wondered if i can still drive when my tummy gets bigger.
ribena, can drive lah. my #1 i drive till she was induced at 38weeks. but lately while driving, i feel strain at the lower pelvic, so i decided to bring the seat slightly nearer. Good to have own car right, like that hubby cant fight over who gets the car.
Hi Emma,
yup, my boy was born in Aug. I didnt join the aug mummies thread.

Hi JuzMe,
MAH also got free upgrade but quite limited.
My SIL was quite lucky to get free upgrade to 2 bedder and i wasnt so lucky.

Anyway, i dont mind having more room mates partly coz i'm not comfortable staying in hospital. For my 1st birth, i only stay for 1 night and the next day im back to home sweet home
Hi Oct08mummy, u are rite! I prefer to have my own car. Great to know that i can actually drive even when my tummy grow big. Thanks!!
Hi Ribena, I was also thinking if can drive car or not. Recently when I drive, the seat belt abit too tight, sometimes I feel stomach abit pain...
Morning Mummies...
Been following this thread for a while &amp; had just tested positive this morning.
Will be meeting my gynae tomorrow &amp; this will be my second child.
Hope to exchange pointers with you guys...
1. I am fr Sept 2007 Thread, I have got extra Avent Milk dispenser, bought at$10.10 from Robinson, letting it go at $8.20. Meet up collection.
2. Brand new Satin Sarong carrier (never used b4), bought at $45. But package open up before.
Letting go at $38.80.
3. Fisher price Rainforest Musical mobile bought at $99, letting it go at $75.00. Only used for 2.5months.
Interested parties, please email me at [email protected].
Good morning Oct MTBs

Everafter, I was in Gleneagles Hospital. That time, the single bedder package is $1,700 for 3D2N for normal delivery etc. Something like that. Without promotion, it is $2,100. I also can't rem exactly. However, I rem I end up didn't pay a lot of cash. Off and on, there will be promotion ties up with credit cards company, so keep a lookout for that.

Welcome d0tzzz!
Good morning mommies,

Talking abt hospital stay, when i had #1, we actually extended our stay for 1 more day coz we really love the food at Mt E! and becoz my daughter was born on 30 Dec, if we stay one more day, we get to enjoy their new year dinner....... Ok, you all must be thinking me and hubby are crazy! hahaa

Hi Ribena,

I also drove all the way until before i delivered my #1.

Hi Millie,

Cordlife is a cordblood banking facility. The difference between Cordlife and Stemcord is that Cordlife also do research whereas Stemcord is only a place for you to strore the cordblood.

I banked my #1's cordblood with Stemcord coz my gynae had some special package with them last time.
hi Jasminetea,

My hubby got the F&amp;E package from this agency

Its quite resonable and they are specialise in JAL. Plus, they can even book local tour to mt Fuji, which we cannot reach using their JL line, like our MRT.

For more information, you can also collect materials from:

77 Robinson Road, #26-01, SIA Building Singapore 068896
TEL: 6223-5300
FAX: 6223-6522

Hope this helps!

We intend to go disneyland, hello kitty land, city tour and mt fuji. Total no. of days should be around 7days 8nights, so based on the package we took, i think hubby extended another 3 more days stay.
Hi mummies,

Just a poll , anyone after having 2nd kid thought of becoming fulltime sahm? If so, what sort of income level do you think its comfortable to substain a family of 4?
HI Janey,

Thank for the wonderful information! My plan is possibly to go for 5 days max.
I will need to researh more for now. Pregnant still can go Mt Fuji huh? I scared it is too much for us to take ler.
<font color="aa00aa">ribenali: ya, I drive.
'Cos for a while, hubby and I were taking cab to and fro work every day. Hubby works very long and irregular hours hence come back late. So, in the morning, he prefers to sleep a bit longer lor. 'Cos of the increase in cab fare, we figured it is much easier for us to buy a car. We just got our car early this year though I have had my licence for 10 years!

Hubby and I work near to each other so coordinating is not an issue. Good to know that we can still drive till near full term 'cos it will be so much more convenient.</font>
wah u gg japan? So envious!
Enjoy ur trip there! How old is ur kid? I'm sure he/she will be enthralled by disneyland!

Thot of bringing my girl there too. But no money and hubby sure to say NO!!! haha
Hi Janey,

For me, I will still be full time SAHM with my 2 kids. It is not easy to be full time SAHM, 1st: no income, 2nd: don't have time for myself. Also, need to save $ and need to carefully consider b4 every spend.

But, my hb and me really don't believe in maid, and my PIL/mother not possible to help us... so I must learn to take care kids.
Hi Buffy,
The jab was quite painful. Til this morning i still feel it on and off. But now ok already. Thanks..
Do we have to take this jab tru out out pregnancy?
Hi Millie, actually its not complusory depending on whether you think its important.I took out the FAQ from cordlife webby so you can take a look:

Why Save Cord Blood Stem Cells?
Since 1988, UCB stem cells have been used to treat an increasing number of diseases. Today, this numbers more than 72, including blood and metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency ailments and autoimmune diseases. For a full list of treatable diseases, click here.

When transplanted into a patient, the haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) migrate to the bone marrow and produce new blood cells, boosting the immune system. With the rapid advances in technology, the number of diseases treated by stem cell therapies is expected to increase.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ms_Pi: I think it is the soreness? Yah, the soreness comes on and off but you should be OK in a day or 2. Do you have MC to rest at home?

As for the jab, I do not have to take it throughout. I took it intially because I was spotting and cramping, hence it was not stable. So Dr. Ong gave me the jab plus I am on Duphaston twice daily. I originally started with 3 times daily but the gastric got so bad that I was told to cut down the dosage. Jenny and Dr. Ong told me to monitor where if I do not spot anymore, then I need not take the jab.

Why dun you ask Jenny what the next step is?</font>
No i didnt got any mc.
I got not have spotting, but got cramp on and off.
I am taking Duphaston 3 times daily too.
I didnt get to see Dr Ong last nite.
Jenny only told me to go back again next wed for the next jab. For now, is to wait for my 2nd blood test to see whether the hormones level goes up. Hopefully can get it tomoro. very worried cause i do not have much pregnancy symtons. Only feel bloated, cramp and sometimes breast a bit painful.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi dear, bloating and minor cramping and breast soreness are all early pregnancy symptoms. I experience those too, along with slight fatigue. I do not have any MS at all so far and am into end of Week 7 already. So, try not to fret too much Ok? I am still having on and off spotting though just a wee bit and it is like brownish in colour as opposed to the first time when it was more bright red... Am a bit worried too but trying not to fret too much also.

If Jenny told you to head back next Wed for the jab, then you should. I think some of the girls here are also on the jab weekly. Take care of yourself OK? *hugs*</font>
Hi Ladies,

Storeberry, ya, FBI card got additional 5% discount on rooms ( i think so ) but this rd, me under SBI liao. FBI utilize already. Hahaha!! All those fetal assessment scans etc, got 10% discount. Yup, TMC got only 1 4 bedder ward and chances of getting upgrade is high.

Karen_SG, if my house is in time before my delivery, I will get a CL to help me this rd... cannot do without helper, can die especially my #1 trouble maker. Hubby says after delivery, likely to get a Filipino maid to help also. My existing maid, cannot make it.

Chrys, oic, so you are in overseas... but I dun think she has any package for 3rd trimester only. I think she charge ala carte liao... better call her clinic and check it out.

Missk, u are already in my msn... hehehe....

Mummies, my msn is [email protected]

I wondering anyone of ur tummy starts showing? My one a little even though 6 weeks... scary.
Thanks a lot buffy..
You know til now i still cant believe i really am pregnant. i havent even throw away my test kit. Will look at it again and again. Hope this is not a dream..
Hi Millie,

For us, we decided on Cordblood banking coz we treat it as a form of insurance for our child. This "insurance" can be a lifesaver if anything happens to the child.

There's also a good chance that the parents or siblings may be able to use the stemcells too.
Ms_pi: Hey! Think we got the same thing from the start. Initially, i oso dun believe that i'm preggie and till now i still have the test kit with me too!! My hubby says i'm crazy!! haha!! I oso got the cramp as well, i read abt it and it is due to stretching of the ligaments of our uterus. its very normal. We need to maintain our hormone level to carry our baby. So, bear with it. Rem U r not alone ya!

Ladies: Cool!! so happy to know so many of us are driving. I feel much comfortable driving than taking public transport coz nowadays pple pretend to sleep and not to let pregnant ladies like us to sit. Sadness!! Where have their moral values went to? Haiz..
<font color="aa00aa">ms_pi/ribenali: hahahahahhahaaa... i did not keep my test kit but... i took a pic of it! LOL! Actually of the 2 kits! My hubby did not quite believe it was positive and made me test again a couple of hours later! Quite darn funny now that I think of it.
But I decided to take a picture of it as a remembrance, may even print the pic out 'cos I have half a mind to do a scrap book or some sort to capture the moments along this 9+months journey.

Ribenali: ya! tell me about it! before i was driving, i used to think to myself "alamak, next time preggie sure die!" 'cos my bus is literally like a sardine can every morning! then who knows, a month into having my own zoom zoom, kena preggie liao.
How long does the bb cordblood need to stay in the bank cos i dun c it in the webby ? BTW, wat is the lifespan of the cordblood and wats the max age of the kid it can save ?
Are u saying that it can b used for other siblings as well ?

So which one hv u all decided to opt ?
Buffy: I muz say that ur BB comes at the rite timing ah. Hahaha!!! I stayed in Bt Panjang for coming 10 years and i'm good in squeezing into a super pack bus but tink can't do tat with big tummy. If i take public transport, i sure late for work one. Hahaha!! I'm oso tinking of doing a scrap book but had been very tired to do so. I should start to do asap if not, my memory is getting bad and can't recall all the details.
<font color="aa00aa">ya! timing was immaculate, pardon the pun! You stay in BP too ah? I used to take 960 so you can imagine how pack the darn bus was!

Ya, I am feeling the fatigue these days too. I had a tough time in the office today 'cos work up dizzy and was so tired. But cannot "siam" work 'cos am organising a conference cum team building thing for my office tomorrow, hence die die must persevere...</font>
I used to take 190 and its terrible. in the past when i'm schooling, i took 187, its juz as bad. I'm more lucky. My Boss told to go back office when i'm feeling better and to excuse me from all activities. He wants me to rest. I guess ur company should be short handed that's why u need to work very hard. Muz inform ur colleague if u r unwell so that u can take small break in between work.
Hi Buffy, I also took a photo of my test kit.. LOL!! It was so surreal that I wanted to keep a photo to remember it... Kekeke..

Hi Millie, I think can store it for 20 yrs, every year we need to pay for storage fee of $250/yr. I am not too sure about the life span &amp; max age, you can call &amp; ask them. I am still deciding which one but more for cordlife. siblings
hi Jasminetea,

You are most welcome
Ya..the Mt Fuji part is in our plan, but it should be ok since we are going with a local tour which picks up at our hotel and no need to transfer and walk alot. haha..my hubby say go japan not everyday thing, so might as well go Mt Fuji
We plan to go longer this time because not sure when the next trip will be leh..with no. 2

If you have 5 days to spend, you probably can go Disneyland and city of tokyo! I still tink Japan might be a better idea, but if you can drive, then Australia not bad, because can drive around..haha...

By the way, how are you going to make arrangement after baby no. 2 comes? Do you have a maid now?

Hi Karen,
Are u still a SAHM? Me too! I feel lot more confident about bringing up my kid myself, partly upbringing and other aspects which my parents or maid cannot do it. How are you coping with 2 kids? My elder will be off to 3 hr pre-nursery so i can spend more time with my baby
Childcare was not my option as i know my elder will get sick often which i have no energy nor money to spend on..heartbreaking when kid is sick.
Good morning Ladies

Talking abt taking bus/public transport during pregnancy. Hai~ For my 1st pregnancy, we haven't bought a car. So throughout my pregnancy, I took bus and I worked very far away from my house. I'm a bit lucky 'cos my pregnancy was very smooth but at the end of 3rd trim (8th mth), it is kind of difficult. Cab is so expensive, I limited to taking it only when I'm really tired. You can forget about people giving up their seats for you. 70% of the time, I stood in the bus till I reached my office and it is a 1 hr bus ride. :S Can still have people snatching seat from me right in front of my eyes. Somemore when I was boarding and alighting bus, I was being pushed.
There was once in my 5 mths, I was being pushed down from the bus and I fell on the floor at the busstop. Luckily, I didn't land on my tummy. Else I do not know what would happen. And not a single person help me to get up.

In MRT, when I walked in, all the sitting passengers "fell asleep" and amazingly when I got a seat, all woke up liao. It is so dishearting to talk abt this.

Anyway, this pregnancy, my hb tried to drive me fro and back to work when he can. So better lor.
So envy mummies who drive themselves


Yesterday I spent the whole day studying budget for Japan trip. Heee.. after planning etc, I will most likely go for it. Now need to check with my agency if the voucher can be use to purchase air tickets only instead of taking package.
I will definitely go Disneyland and Hello Kitty land haaaa..

I'm still looking into the arrangement when #2 arrives. At this moment, we were thinking of getting my gal's nanny to take care of baby. But we do not know what to do with my gal. Nanny expressed that she prefers not to take care of 2 'cos very "shiong". I do not have maid at this moment but am seriously considering to have one when #2 comes 'cos I scare I can't cope without help esp when my hb is busy or not available. I'm not very keen to put my elder gal into childcare also as she does not enjoy being in big group. So still thinking about it.

Jasmine, envy those with cars? nono dun you ever. mummies with cars are not much better off ya though we get to have our car. but the sad thing is hubby will expect you to run his errands and also get from pt A to pt B yourself. If my hubby knows that place i am going is far, he will tell me to go myself. tt's the minus pt.

But i think now cos i am preggy, he would likely drive me ard.

Having own car has the freedom to go anyway without having to wait for public transport, but not forgetting the carpark and traffic jam and also the ERP.

That day i took MRT with #1, we managed to get some seats, but when i saw an old lady was entering, i cant help but to stand up to give up the seat even when i am pregnant. I saw some "Idiots" pretending to read or zzz-ing away. Really disgusted! These people should be EDUCATED manz.

Btw, i am SAHM with a Fili maid. Maid does the housework and feeding and showering my #1, rest of the time #1 sticks to me like a leech. kekeke
