(2008/10) Oct 2008

Jasminetea: sigh! yea... talked abt taking public transport, it always so dishearting! For my 1st preg, i was lucky hubby can drive me. But for this preg, i've been taking buses every day (cos hubby works far away from me and he starts work early) - to n fro! Imagine every morning i purposely leave the house very early just to avoid the bus crowd and will reach office 1 n half hr earlier! And then knock off time lagi worst, I got to squeeze with pple and those buses i take usually very very packed (stand until the door lor!). Now tummy haven't get big still can squeeze.. i cannot imagine tummy getting bigger then still must squeeze!
Jasminetea, nobody helps u up when u fall? GOSH!! these pple really very horrible!! I rem teh last time i took mrt w my big tummy n standing in front of 2 men(seated) and not even one gave up his seat for mi!*faint* Somemore still looked at me ley!! So angry!
Don't wanna spoil my friday talking abt these... it's never ending one..

oops, jasminetea/janey

i realised I addressed the wrong person in an earlier post... Should be jasminetea gg japan n not janey... Paisei...

My girl is ok, most of the time she will point to my tummy and say bb, then sayang my tummy or kiss it.
But she's been throwing tantrums to ask me to carry her cos I can't do that much anymore.
Not sure if she feels insecure or just that the terrible twos are coming soon...

But yes it is very tiring! I just dun have energy to do simple stuff with her like playing at the playground and the other day I was so tired din even have energy to stand up and blow bubbles! Had to tell the maid to get me a chair to sit down...
<font color="ff6000">Morning everyone,

I also kept a photo of my test kit! haha. I'm an avid scrapper, so definitely going to scrapbook my preggie journey and lots of my new baby when he/she arrives! Have invested quite a lot in this hobby liao so hubby said i better not lose interest in it. I scrapped a few albums of my wedding and honeymoon so far.

On transport, after the almost-fainting incident on the mrt last week, hubby and i decided that we would take train to the terminal station so that we get a seat all the way.
worked pretty well so far. I stay near the end, so it's only an additional 10 mins to the journey for me.

I think if I'm very pregnant next time like 5th month onwards, I'll stand at the seat with the sign and WAKE UP the person who is pretending to be sleeping. I'll say in as nice a tone as I can manage "Excuse me, I think this seat is reserved for people like me and I really need the seat today, thanks". And see whether i embarass them enough! Wah lau - it's time to stand up for our rights!

I can drive but cos we live 5 mins from mrt station and work places are near mrt we don't intend to buy car yet. unless baby really requires car later. I also dun like driving. Lots of independence, but I just am not a good driver lah.

Oct08mummy, heee.. what you said is quite true also.
My hb does ferry me around even before my pregnancy. Just that the tots of taking public transport during pregnancy esp during peak hours really scared me off after my horrible experience :S

And talking about giving up seats, I did that too during my pregnancy. An old lady who can hardly stand walked in thr MRT, as usually all act blur and I got to get up to give my seat to her. But the old lady refused to take and keep saying I'm pregnant, can't fall down so must sit. All other passengers in MRT are all "deaf" at that moment. Finally, a man a bit paisay, unwilling gave up his seat to the old lady. Hai~

Little Ger, totally understood how you feel. And ya, the bus stop was full of passengers waiting for buses but not a single person came up to help me to get up and even ask if I'm hurt or something.
I was so sad that I went to office to cry. Possibly also over-emotional 'cos I was pregnant and I kept worried that something will happen to my baby.

Haaa.. yup maybe don't talk about this anymore lar. So dishearting.

you didn't make any mistakes. Janey is going to Japan. I'm still making my plan for it.
Hi all...do any of u have bad breakouts? I'm one who seldom suffer fr breakouts but these few days all of a sudden pimples starting appearing everywhere on my face...is it due to preg hormones n it's jus my skincare routine?
<font color="ff6000">for me i always get breakout just before AF. So when i got preggie the first few weeks wah breakout was baaaaad. then now skin calmed down a little. but still got occassional small whiteheads popping out here and there - sian!</font>
Aiyoo.. all these dishearting incidents on MRT, I have heard so much!!! Sometimes I really wonder how these people are brought up.. Hiaz.. Luckily for me, before I shift to the west part of S'pore, I bought a car. If not I really don't know how I can take a 45mins MRT squeezing with so many people!! And S'poreans just don't know how to stand inside the carriage, they prefer to stick their faces to the door!! Horrid!

So far no breakouts for me...
can i check how many times did you gals BD during fertile periodbefore conceive? me trying for six months liao and still no egg.. so sad now
Even own singaporeans are disgusted with own fellow mates. wonder when will these ppl wake up manz. hates it. Thank god i only took MRT once this week, cos hubby needs to use my car. If not sure die die i take Taxi or my car.

guess what, when i was taking this taxi to my girl's school, the ride was horrible. the moment i stepped out of the taxi, i threw up.

I think into my week 7th nw, and MS is kicking in slowly. The smell ard is horrible esp. those from the Air Purifier. Went Thomson Plaza last nite, and i walked passed the Air Purifier Kiosk, i cough n cough and pee alittle on my shorts. soo embrassing. I cant control my urine now. little bit too sensitive smell, i wil just threw up or cough till non stop. haiz..

corrine, i did only once! i tot the Fertile period over, so happily BD. then... kena JACKPOT! If you did not ovulate, have you seen a gynae? or did you use the O kits to help?
I am trying for No. 2.. my first one is coming to three this year.. so dun wan the gap to be too big.. but now

since I am trying for no. 2 so I think me should have not problem ovulate right and my menus usually quite accurate one.
corrine, doesnt mean that your period is on time = you ovulate. its not that way. you might wanna check with your gynae and see if you really ovulate. if not, best to use an O kit to help you in the coming cycle.

I have same think as u... i dun want to let my 1st at child care.... if he get sick then i will be more trouble also worry it will spread to the #2. hmm... right now thinking to take care 2 of them by myself, and dinner tabao and part time cleaner, but still cook for #1.

for time arrangement for 2 kids need to step by step, see how it goes... like that time when i take care #1, i also no helper, no experience and no CL..... ask around y n how... learn from mistake ... hahaha.... if really cannot do it, then 2nd opinion is get a maid... but i really dun like this idea lor

we can encourage each other when #2 out. ;P
Ur 1st one also born in Jan 2007 rite?
Oct08mummy: MS started long ago for mi.. every night after dinner i will feel like "merlion".. the feeling really very terrible! I tried having very small portion of dinner but also no use. Now only hope MS faster subside... i really feel terrible! And my mouth keep having those weird werid taste esp the saliva.. anyone also feel this way?
littleger, dunno why I MS over smell. other times i am ok. Eating ok. Getting hungry every 2 hours and then resting on my bed. Feel like getting really fat. haiz
Oct08mummy: This morning i put on my jeans and realised it's abit tight... so i decide better dun wear it if not uncomfortable for one whole day not worth it! I realised 2nd pregnancy the tummy showed out quite fast ley.
hi mummies

when gynea ordered bed rest, does it mean we cant even go for a short meeting? like 3 hrs meeting? ...

do ur really do bed rest?
wan a mousy
yes. It means REST. No meeting. 3 hrs is not short lor... Like very long!
It also means mental rest, not just physical...
hi wan_a_mousy, yeah, like isabelle says, it means rest. you should be confined to bed and not walk about unnecessarily if you are prescribed bed rest.
isabelle ..
that serious! haiz .. tot can sneak out for a while ...

thanks ...

do u mummies feel headache and dizziness? i feel so lousy with nausea at times ..
littleger, is the weird taste like what you feel in your mouth when you are sick? i get that too, like th saliva has become tasteless or like i've taken too much medicine. don't have much appetite to eat cos of that.
seems like most of us having MS lor..sigh! i get it very bad during night times and it's bcos of the over-whelming gastric juice inside that's making me puke
wan_a_mousy, cannot go out, must rest in bed. ask your hubby to get some magazines for you, watch some dvds, nap, chit chat here or over the phone, but CANNOT GO OUT. just be good, 7 days will pass de, ok.

littleger, it feels good when i take a little sip of juice, just to take away the taste. but will come back again one la. what have you been eating? i've been eating mostly bread.
everafter .. think quite common .. try nt to hv empty stomach b4 u sleep ...

maybe hv some cookies before u sleep .. i cant take crackers .. will make me puke .. so i always eat 2 pcs of butter cookies .. u try
yah i was feeling so bloated and uncomfortable one night, in the end I i slept at 8:40 and didn't wake up until 7am the next day!! I hate feeling bloated and looking bloated.
Hi Corrine, I just off my contraceptive pill and BD one and kanna. But before that I am taking Bai feng wan also. My mum says Bai Feng wan makes woman very fertile.
xuanting: I also took mainly bread n biscuits (soda biscuit). There was a period when i cannot stand the taste and I drank my girl's Rosehip Vit drink!! I tried taking the meiji yoghurt after my dinner sometimes and i think it can prevent mi from "merlion" ley!
Everafter: Same here, felt extremely bad during night time! Sometimes i feel better after i vomit out!
wan_a_mousy: I was also on long mc at home not long ago.. hubby bought alot of DVDs for mi.. so just stay at home n watch n rot lor.. U better listen to the doc and rest at home.
littleger, but today not pain / swollen liao.. feel tenderness... as compare to last few weeks... pain till cant touch them..
lili_fc: seems normal cos a few of us here experienced it.. dun worry.

everafter: yaya... sometimes i oso stand by the wash basin n just wait for the feeling to come or i just forced myself to puke, really will feel better after tat!
so i will experience pain &amp; no pain during these period?
i worried... tml go check up again.

do you gals feel bb's heartbeat when u touch your tummy? sometime, can feel, sometime can't... but vy happy..
everafter, i can feel bb's. Try put your finger on top of the tummy where u feel ur bb is... can feel "pip pop" one...really!


hv lei .. mixture of pulse rate .. if nt hw does the chinese sinseh feel pulse and will say .. "congrats .. u r preggy" we always see t in chinese drama lei .. haha
