(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff6000">oh really? wow I must try to feel... Lying flat and touching should feel a quicker beat at the tummy right? cos baby's HB is twice ours.</font>

lili_fc and mummies,

the bip bop u feel is ur own pulse.
Cos first preggie i like u all so excited but when I happily told gynae is it I can feel my bb's heartbeat, he said that's my own heartbeat! I felt so pai sei, thinking he must be sniggering at me inside, thinking another silly mummy... =p
<font color="119911">wahh so lost in conversation le.. hee can feel pulse meh?? i cannot feel leh
hope nothing wrong...!! try again tonight when lie on bed. o ya for MS i find vitagen (or yoghurt) helps for me too

corrine>> we BD many times to get le! but try to space out about 2-3 days ba. lucky then get lor. must lie down after BD dun so fast wash off, best overnight i guess, altho a bit messy. oso put a bolster at my hips, dunno if it helps tho haha psychologically mabbe ;P </font>
orhh... but i really feel it when i lie on bed &amp; touch... it's happen many times liao..

nvrm! just wanna share w you gals
<font color="119911">hey i just heard that the herbal egg from eu yan seng can help qu feng and reduce bloatedness. anyone try? do feedback, ty

lili>> no worries lah, we're all very excited to be mummy mah =)
it's ok lah. Excited mah and we r not experts in ba(3) mai(4) rite?

Now I still lie down and feel the bip bop altho I know it's my own. Somehow putting my hand there makes me feel close to my bb. It's xie mai xiang lian after all!
<font color="ff6000">I feel like going for shoulders massage. Anyone thinking of doing this or has done this? Any recommendations on a place where they do this? Feel quite achey sometimes...</font>
Just came back from Dr TC Chang clinic at TMC today and FINALLY can see baby's heartbeat. YEAH!!! Was so relieved. Didn't want to think so much about the pregnancy prior to this just in case we lost the baby. Even the doc sounded a bit more enthusastic this time and asked my hubby to come over to see the scan. The last appt, he had the 'let's wait a while and see first ya' tone.

Better still, he also ok my trip to Japan 3 weeks from now. Just had to see him before I fly to confirm everything ok. Who else going to Japan??? Janey? Jasminetea? When and where are you guys going? All to see cherry bloosoms hor? Keke... Me going F&amp;E to central Japan, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Osaka, Kyoto..etc. Have to plan a slow slow trip loh, since pregnant and travel with a 2 yr old. Also gotta miss out on the hot spring cos we are not suppose to soak in hot water right?

Travel Tip: You guys know you can buy a day travel pass at the train stations right? Take all the trains u want within the city area for a single fixed fee. If not, you gotta pay a bomb on transportation, especially if you get lost. And if you are travelling long distance between a few cities using the JR Shinkansen, get a JR rail pass at the JTB centers. There's one right in Takashimaya top floor.

Question to all mummies: Anything you can do to 'help' the foetus grow? Cos my foetus is kinda small now, even the doc feels so. But he says it's not really within my control woh. How?
think i won't go for that lah... the goodie bag also more for people with kids oredi.

how ah, dunno which massage place does only shoulders and upper back leh...
Hi all,

Haven been posting, coz only will be seeing Dr next week, so nothing to update. Hope everyone is coping well with the pregnancy so far. Feeling ok except for occassional "Meng Meng" feeling, like want to burp but cannot come out.

As for the hot spring, I have a gd frd who soak in hot spring when she was a few months pregnant leh. Her hubby said BB will "Chow Da" but she find it ok, and went ahead. Her bb is born healthy. But personally, I am more Kaisu, wouldnt do it if I were her lor

Ya, I have heard of the one day unlimited train ticket in Japan, but must plan your journey properly, if you are going many places then is worthwhile. If u are only going one place and stay for the rest of the day, then I heard its not worthwhile.
yep yep, TC Chang is like that one. For both my preg, when cannot see bb yet, he always has a wait n see attitude. Think he likes to play it safe and not give parents too high hopes in case they get disappointed later.
But later when can see bb, he'll always sound very happy and optimistic!

Wow! U gg to so many places? If u dun mind me asking, r u Jap or ur hubby Jap since ur nick is so jap?
i thot not supposed to massage during first trimester?
Even after that if u want massage gotta do pre-natal one and make sure the person doesn't use too much force.
Yah I also want to do pre-natal massage but some mummies told me to wait after 1st trimester first...

Japan ramen is heavenly!!!

No one in the family is Japanese. Keke. But both hubby and I worked in Japanese firm and one of our Japanese collegues is my daughter's god mother. I also did Japanese studies in uni. Easier to do Japan F&amp;E if you can speak a little Japanese.

Initially planned to go so many places because didn't expect to be pregnant. But now, just gotta slow things down loh. Try not to be so ambitous, but difficult leh. Once you are overseas, sure kiasu want to do everything and go everywhere. Hahahaha. Lucky my mum-in-law is travelling with me so she can help me with my girl.

Haven't checked with Dr Chang about the hot springs yet. But I'm probably won't go in lah. Besides, somebody gotta keep watch on my girl. I don't think she can take the hot water also.

As for massges, the older folks don't encourage, even for foot massage. But I guess if you tell the person doing the massage, they will adjust the strength of the massage and avoid some pressure points for you. But for me, if they dun use force, the massage not so shiok. Hahahhaa, me macho-sadist...
anyone have pain in the breast? i feel my breast like blueblack... is this engorgement? i don have any engorgement during first preg...
helo mommies, been missing for the past week coz been sick sick sick.
my poor boy also sick...first time in 17mths...all the things i read and prepare myself for somehow forgotten when its ur own son thats having high fever in the middle of the night. sigh....lucky he's better liaoz after antibiotics. now just left cough and phelgm, monitoring.

as for me, u know lah. 1st tri cannot take med. cannot take antibiotics and cough mixture. so i spent the first week coughing my lungs out every night and day. got fever can take panadol, can take flu tab and serrazyme for throat redness. thats about it. i spent the whole day eating and sleeping, but due to coughing and pregnancy, every time i wake up machiam never sleep. on 5 days mc. now after 1.5 weeks, a bit better now..but still sleep machiam never sleep. i dun rem feeling this tired in 1st prgenancy. but then, they say u forget all the bad things after baby is born right? hehehehee....

sorry for being grouchy...just need to air it.

Buffy and ribena... u girls in BP too? ME TOO!!!
me in senja. is this ur 2nd one too?

Japan - Wow someone going Japan for hols!! envious!!!
happy for you. will be so fun before baby is born...

me now still in 2 minds whether to go with Hubby to KL for friends wedding, bringing my boy along. i know i will be super tired, and hubby wil be driving there. but i do so wanna bring my boy there...so most prob going lah. i must tell myself I CAN DO IT! right? hehehe.

<font color="0000ff">giving up seats</font>. its really sad to hear all that about singaporeans. but i think, for those women out there, its even sadder when they have been through pregnancy themselves yet they dun give up seats to preggie moms! double sad...it just reflects very badly on them. anyway, this incident not related to pregnancy, but there was once recently i on the bus, got an old lady accompanied by a maid got on the bus, the old lady is obviously not smooth in her movement and need support. i was reading my book, and the old lady stopped in front and didnt walk past me, so i tot she got a seat oredi and continue reading., before the bus got onto the BKE, i looked up and she is holding onto the front railing with her maid supporting her. everybody can see but nodboy giving up!!! i looked around, and got up to the front to ask the old lady to take my seat. as i expected, once i left my seat, a young indian lady plonked herslef down in my seat. i cannot believe it though i was expecting it. i mean, she can SEE there's someone needing it more than her right?? so i went back, told her the seat is for HER (the old lady), and she very embarrasedly got up. its so sad....where did our compassion go. how wld they feel if its THEIR mother up there...

its my 5 weeks now. tmlw is 6 weeks oredi. someone asked about mouth feeling funny? thats common during pregnancy...dun worry. our taste buds change ah... and mouth always taste funny and soon water will taste funny too. in my prev pregnancy, i like to add a bit of lemon into my plain water to make it tastier, and i drank a lot of that happily. but now...dunno why if i drink that i feel worse after the cup! seems like this pregnancy more acid in my tummy. my nausea seem a bit worse..... and appetite also worse..... no matter how much i sleep also not enough....sigh..

aiyoh...seems like after 1.5 weeks of MIA i become very loh soh..sorry ah, bear with me.

going to sleep liaoz....good night pretty mommies!!!
yvonneho, guess the hormones making ur breast expand and the blue black is coz of expansion? i dun think u can get engorgement at this time. it only happens when the milk supply comes in? prob for 2nd time mums will be earlier like 3rd tri, but not so soon right? is it coz ur bra is tight? can try a looser bra, or one without underwire. when the underwire cuts into the breast now, our tender breast will be sore... maybe thats whats causing the blue black. or u can try bra extensions?

last resort is check with gynae...
missk &amp; purebliss,
i added u in msn...

scan thru the posting above, read tt some of u also have pain in breast... till now do u still feel the pain? i have this pain for quite afew days already... how u all handle? and i see some white white thing stuck in the nipple... tried squeezing, nth come out..
wah... thanks for the quick reply... so 2nd time mum will have all this earlier... ok... will inform my gynea during next visit... is this ur 3rd child?
<font color="119911">dimpletot>> but the talks focus on pregnancy leh, not baby care. i oso quite sad when see the goodie bag is some baby formula, but i suspect they will also give out the mum's formula listed in the link.

no one else keen to go? i was thinking $15 pax a bit ex to go hear the talk leh... but got pregnancy nutrition etc. thot of going wo hubby haha save $15 so see any kakis not... anyone?</font>
bunnyhop: Hey u staying in senja? i'm staying in jelapang!! we are the BP gals!! haha!! this is my first. first time being a mother. For the giving up of seat, ur incident happened to one of my lectures(in poly) before, she told us, if we want to give up the seat, and the person is not near us, we need to leave our things on the seat and then go get the person to come to our seat.
hi ladies, i experienced cramping, similar to menstrual cramps last night. Any of you experiencing the same thing? Quickly did my readings and found out that it might due to my uterus growing n expanding.

Hi Jasminetea,

Sounds good! So you have decided to switch over to Japan! haha...its definitely a good choice if you like Disneyland
I heard this one is better than HK one..

Well, for me i guesss 2nd one will be taken care by me also, hopefully all works out to be ok ok..hehee..maybe plus a maid to help out.

Maybe your nanny cannot handle both, especially a baby and if you girl is very active, then she might not be able to cope. Perhaps engaging a maid is good too if budget wise work out for you, especially she can help you with housework or misc stuffs also. Is your hubby job very busy? Seriously, i might be considering getting a maid too, but at least i am home to supervise the maid :p I am those very timid kind, scare maid do something to my baby.

Hi Karen,

Same here, i will try to work it out myself with 2 kiddos, but hubby says maybe get a helper which is good in the long run..like helper can do housework and cook, i can spend more time with kiddos. We thought of tingkat, but maybe after sometimes, we also need to cater proper meals for our kids, so helper might be good...housework is definitely a big concern, because i hardly have time nor energy, we try out part time cleaner, but again, after some calculation seems like engaging a maid could be more sensible.

My elder is born in 2005. So she is turning 3 this year
Right after baby is born!

Hot springs, jacuzzi is a no-no for preggies. I read up on this before.

Me got pink spotting on thurs, on bedrest at home since then, sigh.
Hi Janey,

Like you, I'm also a SAHM with a kid who's born in 2005. I'm also thinking of engaging a maid before no. 2 arrives. Initially we didn't want a maid, then after considering that i don't have any relatives to help us when no. 2 arrives, we thot better to engage one. At least i can concentrate on caring for the children and not be overly concerned on doing housework.
Hey Pinny!

Same here! Now its seems that a helper is a must liao..haha..I might be looking at a finding one soon
Have to plan carefully, especially having a maid is an extra expense, i think roughly 700-800 per month, including her daily necessities, cum salary/levy.

If got car, then expense will be much higher too.

I think maid can help me with housework, cook and when i need help with elder, she can do that...but not baby, i don't really trust maid handling baby or newborn. Now my elder knows how to communicate already, so i am more confident.
<font color="aa00aa">bunnyhop, am in Pending.
My parents are in Senja though. This is #1 for me, unplanned. Hence a bit caught offguard and also a bit blur. Everything also dunno. Ha ha ha... My bro (who just had a 2month old son) actually knows more than me.
Super jat lat. Ke ke ke...

ribenali: You are so lucky to have such a nice boss. My boss is not as nice and understanding as yours. I was running late for a meeting on Thurs morning 'cos I woke up really light headed. Hence dare not move and just sat in my bed waiting for the moment to pass. Texted his PA to tell her to inform him that I was running 10 mins behind. When I arrived and entered into the meeting and he very sarcastically said to me while rolling his eyes "so glad you could join us."
He knows that I am preggie 'cos I had to tell him due to urgent MC 2 weeks ago when I was cramping and spotting. I was so hurt you know. Additionally he has a 9 yr old daughter plus his wife had 3 miscarriages before they were successful. So you can imagine how I felt man. Sigh... I was actually looking out for another job 'cos I really did not want to work under a boss like that. However, found out I was preggie. Hence, hanging on lor...

Storeberry: hahaha... you took pic of your kits too????!!!??? I tot I was the only "kua1 zhang1" one!
preggie kits
wah u mummies r so on, take pics of ur preg kit! For 2nd preg, I tested in shopping centre, then positive. I was so happy n excited my preg kit fell into the toilet bowl! =p

u took jap studies in uni? Me too. Hmm... mebbe have even seen u before! Ur matriculation no started with what? Mine is 99.
<font color="0077aa">Buffy: I'm sorry to hear that u have a terrible boss. 3 miscarriage? i tink he might be the cause of it. Look at the way he talk. Feel like stranggle his neck. Endure ok. take the 3 mths maternity leave then leave that non-humane place. Nowadays, ladies are more competent as compared to the past. We are educated and independent. I'm sure we can make it anyway. It their loss for not cherishing us.</font>
Hi Mommies,

Sigh.. my #1 kenna HFMD from the school. Am so angry with that parent who continued sending the elder kid to school when the younger one is infected with HFMD. Because of their irresponsibility, there is an outbreak of HFMD in the school!! FUMING!!!!

Hubby was saying if anything happens to the unborn, he's definitely gonna sue this parent!

Feel so sad that #1 is suffering and i cannot offer her comfort enough becoz of the pregnancy
i was too excited lor. And I din want my mum or to know we were trying that month. If i had thrown it into the bin, she might have seen it. Only wanted to say after it was confirmed.
Cos she kept telling me still breastfeeding very hard to conceive and said i shld stop first. But I dun think so cos my periods were already regular n my gynae also said it's ok. So part of me wanted to prove her wrong...

Wah! That parent is really very idiot hor! Pls lah they so scared lugi their money on school fees meh??? They shld be shamed in public for their selfishness!
Poor u. HFMD very cham one rite? Got blisters in mouth also. Ur poor #1... Take care... *Hugz*
Isabelle, me graduated in '99, so I guess you won't know me. My japanese all down the drain already, so now had to take course and aim for JLPT 2 this dec. Since I'm SAHM until this pregnancy is over, might as well try to pick up the language again and hope it'll be useful when I look for work again.

Just enrolled my 2 yr old in a 3 hr playgroup today. She'll start next week. Concerned about the HFMD also. The school had outbreak before but they do what they can to keep the parents informed and disinfect the place. Keeping my fingers crossed...
Rei-chan: Which playgroup did u enrol ur girl into? 3hrs consider longer than the normal playgroups ley.. the one i enrolled my girl is only 1.5hrs. How much is the course fee for the playgroup?
so u r senpai!

yes yes my jap all down the drain also. My JLPT 2 cert is just a piece of paper now and in fact I dun even know where it is anymore! Think now u ask me to take JLPT 3 i also cannot pass man! Very jiat lat.
Yep think it's a really good idea for u to keep in touch with ur jap and take the JLPT 2 (much more marketable!!! since JLPT 3 &amp; 4 r very common) since ur work is related to it. And ur hubby can also practise with u (I'm assuming he's also very on abt jap).
I have no chance to practise anymore. So i think i'll just say ta ta to jap!
All the best!
Buffy: What a nasty boss u've got there. Sure demanding of him!! AT home must be a MCP!! Endure till u get ur 3mths maternity den tender. No point staying under him after u have gave birth.

Isabelle: Hahaha... so now ur mom knows aldy?
<font color="ff6000">wah buffy, so sorry to hear about your que1 de2 boss. It always amazes me how nasty people can become bosses.

I haven't told my bosses yet. I think they will be nice about it lah... my team leader might not understand cos he's a rabid worker (send out email at 2am 3am every night type) but I don't care. nothing to lose - already intended to leave after maternity.
the other bosses will probably be more understanding cos they are older (team leader only one yr older than me and an unmarried guy) and one has a kid. Only thing is I cannot run around too much when pregnant and i think our project requires attending quite a lot of meetings and maybe quite a bit of 'on site' work nearer Sept. haiz.

wah, really lucky all you mummies planning on going Japan. Enjoy! </font>
Littleger: The childcare center is called Just Kids. They have 3 centers, I'm going to the one at Jurong East. Fees are $250 before subsidy. Quite ok lah, consider it's privately run, fully air-con and includes lunch. Important thing is that my girl can socialise with other kids and I have a few hrs to myself to preserve my sanity. Hahahhaha

We sent her to the same childcare center when she was 20 mths. It was half day, but we are late most days (girl sleeps late) so it's about 9am - 1pm. She was quite happy there cos she has outgoing personality. But grandparents were complaining that she's too young and too small size compared to the other kids, so we took her out after 2 weeks. Didn't helped that there was 1 case of HFMD and 1 boy bit my girl. But other that, she was perfectly happy.

Must understand that if the kid is in a childcare environment, sure got pros and cons wan loh. Got friends to play with and at the same time the teachers cannot be watching your kid full time because there are so many other kids around. Must learn to 'let go'. I saw a mother was hanging around one day and was so nervous when my girl went over to touch his face. She hurried in to intervene. Not that my kid is scratching her son or anything... If the mummy cannot let go hor, sure very stressed...

Isabelle: So you didn't use your jap when working at all? There's a pity. My hubby works in US firm now, so he not interested anymore. I'm not sure how I can pass JLPT 2 in dec when my due date is in Oct. Must study hard now loh, I guess. Plan to study at the MacDonalds next to the childcare center while waiting for my girl. Will bring me back to my teenager days again. Hahahahahah...
Hi mummies...

anyone interested in pre-natal yoga class?

8 lessons for $80 (75 mins a session)
venue: RC/Blk 154 Bishan st 13
pls contact Rita at : 94872845
Hi buffy, your boss is irritating lo!!! Super insensitive!! Keke.. yah you are not the only one who took photos... :p

Juz me, my DH might not be able to go &amp; I am thinking of going..don't know yet. How, you going? PM me yah?
hello mummies, how's everyone doing?

This is one of my concerns too. Last year, there was a breakout at my child's kindy. Hence I pulled him out from class for about 3 months. I didn't allow him to swim either. There was this mother who told me that HFMD is not infectious. I almost died. It's infectious, right?

Re: Civic-mindedness
Now that my son is attending playgroup once again, I am rather perturbe that some mothers continue to send their children to school even though their children have a bad flu/cough. Mucus is sometimes green. I thought we should have the understanding that the child must be at home if he or she is not feeling well?
Re: inconsiderate bosses

It's a pain to work for bosses who are not understanding at all. Sometimes, we as workers feel so paiseh even to take one day of medical leave. But we have no choice right..if we are spotting and all? Maybe, they are very concened about the work progress.

So my take is...as long as our conscience is clear, don't bother about ur bosses! At most, only appraisal will be affected. My priority right now is my family, although I was very much like the rabid team leader dimpletot works for.

Really envious of those mummies going to Japan ...sounds like so much fun!!! Have fun ..and post ur vacation pictures!!
hi,oct mummies, found this interesting forum while searching about duphaston.my edd is 17Oct and I have a 1 4yr+ boy.

hi, missik, I thought rules about keeping an ill child at home is clearly stated?but I guess sometimes, if the kid doesn't have a temperature and appears active, the parents are usually more than happy to send him/her to school so to keep the routine....Not that I am approving it but I learn to accept that my boy would have to be exposed to all germs once he starts school...but if you have strong concerns, you should always talk to the teachers.

Btw,I'd just gone for my 6th week scan and can hear the heartbeat. Despite not being a 1st time mum, I am wondering when should I go for the next scan. My gynae seemed to read my mind and told me to decide for myself since I appeared super anxious. Can the ladies here pls give some advice? thank you!

tested positive - very surprised as this is unplanned. still in early days - will probably start feeling excited all over again ( 3rd time in a row! gave birth in 2006. 2007 and now...) once baby stabilizes. anyone in similar situation?
