(2008/10) Oct 2008

Hi linda,
take care & rest well b4 u try again!

I think my 2nd pregnancy is more stressful than my 1st....I cant wait for my 2nd apptmt next week to hear the heartbeat and see baby growth to get more assurance.
When i see the gynae for my 1st, the heartbeat was already detetced.
It seems like the more informed i am about pregnancy, the more frightened i am.

My 1st pregnancy was a breeze and i dont get all these nausea and giddness. I hope these are signs that i'm carrying a girl. hehee
Anyway, my boy is 18mths old.

Btw, does any mummies have those chinese calendar to check the gender of baby?
Hi Buffy,

So happy to hear that you had a wonderful scan. Its really happy and excited to hear the heartbeat. i still rem i nearly burst into tears when i hear the heartbeat. Initially, i don't intend to keep my baby as my hubby and myself were not prepared to have one yet but it came by accident. After considerations and believing its a gift from God, we decided to keep it. After hearing the heartbeat, i'm really glad that i keep the baby. I truely believe that he/she will bring joy and happiness in our life.
MrsLau.. seems like we're in the same situation.. sigh.. when i was preggie with my #1, at first visit, could alr see sac so now that gynae cant find the sac, its indeed very worrying..
also.. my ds is also 18 month old.. is urs born in aug/sept? u from any of those threads?
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Ribenali: so nice to hear from you!
Yah, the scan was quite amazing... I think I was still OK, hubby was the one who broke out into this wide grin.

Great that you both are keeping the BB. For me, the pregnancy is also not planned.

When is yr next scan? My next check up is in week 10, not sure if there is scanning...

Coming to this, ladies, how often are you guys scheduled to see yr gynae?</font>
buffy.. if i dun remember wrongly, for first tri, its every 2 weeks, then 2nd tri it may drag to 3-4 weeks before each visit.. and last tri, towards the end, its visit almost every week for my gynae.. not sure if its the same with every gynae..
PureBliss/ Pinny,

My boy is 13 months old. I stay at home since when I pregnant my #1, bcos I need bedrest for 1 month and the boss terminated the service... but for me the most important is to keep the baby.
although govt say cannot terminate service but normally small compnay dun care 1. they will find a lot of reasons... forget it...

I also cant wait for my 2nd appointment next week to hear the heartbeat and see baby growth. Last week only see the water bag (yang shui), maybe bcos too early . I also worry...
Good morning ladies,

Linda, I'm very sad to hear what had happen. Please take good care of yourself for now. Rem to do a mini confinement to build back your health ya?

Janey, I might consider again for F&amp;E to Japan now. Maybe limited ourselves to a few places with Disneyland and Hello Kitty land as a must haaaa.. Have you booked your air tickets? Any reasonable pricing one? How about hotels? Any recommendation?

My gal loves Japanese food! So defintely food will not be a problem for her if we go Japan heee..

The agency refunded us $800 for the $1000 deposit we paid. Consider very good already 'cos it is less than 30 days to our departure when I cancelled my booking.

Welcome to all new MTBS who just joined this thread.
Elchwong, Flu and fever will not affect your baby. However, it is best that you don't self-medication. Pls see a GP and tell him/her you are pregnant so that he/she can give you appropriate mediciation which is safe for pregnant woman. Take care ya!

Buffy, for my gynae, 1st trim she is seeing me every 3 weeks. 2nd trim, she will see me monthly. I think from 30 to 33 weeks onwards, she will see me every 2 weeks and finally every week at 36 weeks or so. This is provided there is no problem in my pregnancy.

For my 1st pregnancy, I got spotting in my 1st trim so she see me more often to monitor during that period.
Hi Elchwong,

I'm also having a bad flu now. Yesterday i blew my nose so hard, i had a very bad nose bleed... freaked my colleagues out!

I didn't take any medication... just let it recover by itself.
<font color="ff6000">Morning everyone,

I also had cold for at least 2 weeks. Didn't go on medication according to gynae's advice. Just bear it out.

Hi Linda,
Sorry to hear about your loss. Be strong. *hug*

Hi Purebliss,
thanks for the assurance! some gynaes are really quite touche that way. Looking forward to seeing her already! Can share some points on why u think TMC is better?
hi gals,
Just discover i am pregnant on sunday.
Monday went to see a gynae and took a blood test.
Yesterday the nurse call back and ask me to go for hormones injection tonite.
Very worried now cause i had mc one yr ago.
After trying for a year, finally manage to concieve again but cant help worrying that the same thing will happen again.
Is hormones injection common? How high is my chances of having the baby if my hormones is low?
Anyone knows?
Hi Chrys, wah, so we have the same gynae. Who knows one day we might bump into each other. Actually dun think there is a fix date to visit the gynae right? My last pregnancy, I went to her when I am 10 weeks. This rd, my official visit will be 15 march, that is when I am 8 weeks. I will be signing up the package with her from 12 weeks onwards. Ya, she will clarify whatever thing u asked her... and thats y we find that she is very assuring.

Hi Rei-chan, I was a SAHM since my preggie with #1 (7 weeks) and I guess I will be a SAHM for another 2 yrs at least. Same thoughts! Hubby was saying get everything over and then I can go back to work... Hard to find a part time job, so I went back to do part time studies again. Till now still studying... haha! Old student liao. My boy will be 2 yrs old exactly when I give birth to #2. My gynae even joke with me who knows this #2 wanna have same birthday as the brother. :p

Hi Linda, sorry to hear abt ur loss and pls take care of urself... Get a mini confinement and try again! Jiayou!

Hi Karen SG, I also pretty look forward to my next appt when my bb should be ard 8 weeks... Wanted to see its heartbeat and little legs and arms etc... hahaha! Will be bringing my boy along and make him know he has a little sibling coming along...
Hi dimpletots, ermm... in TMC, the nurses do follow up calls on how ur bb when u discharge and they have those post natal care services to ur home. Their labour wards are renovated with more facilities ( make u relax )and most importantly, I love their "BU TANG" ( fish and papaya soup, herbal soups ). Can even order for a week supply and bring home. :p Nurses are friendly and willing to help too. Get free upgrade from 4 bedder to 2 bedder room...Most important, emergency time, My gynae and pds are there... My cousin also feels TMC better... pricing with MAH not much diff except carparks are very troublesome to find. Well... some prefer MAH and some prefer TMC. Initially I also opt for MAH... but in the end still choose TMC.
thanks purebliss! your inputs really make deciding less of a headache.

in my search for a gynae, I realised that some gynaes prefer not to advise on GP matters. like if I have a cold, they would say, if you feel like you really want to medicate then go and see a GP and they will advise you on which medication. Guess i thot that gynaes should be my one-stop doc throughout the pregnancy and they will prescribe medication that is pregnancy friendly if necessary. but seems like still have to go to GP separately! Anyone else had similar experience?
hey isabelle, r u a june mummy too? Yah, my son was born in june 06

purebliss, oh r u christine? Yes, I know Liwen. How did you get to know her?

carole: Congrats!!!!!!! Didnt know u r preggie too!!!
Buffy: My first scan is 5th week, 2nd scan is 8th week. my next scan will be 12th week. I do not know how Dr. Ong scheduled it but i'm always looking forward to the scan coz that's the time i can see my BB in me.
Hi Ms pi: Welcome to join us here!! I'm now on weekly hormone jab and daily hormone medication. I can't say its very common but at least you are not alone. The jab, i should say its painful for me and its jab somewhere near the butt. i've got a fren who had a mc and when she's pregnant, her gynea in m'sia dint get her do blood test. And after her mc, she went for thorough check-up in singapore and found out that her hormone is low and if she's preggie, she needs to go weekly jab to stabilise her foetus. I guess the low hormone level could be due to the kind of stress that we are now facing and oso the kind of food that we are eating. Dun worry, just rest well and i'm sure u will enjoy the process of pregnancy with all of us here!!
<font color="aa00aa">elchwong: incidentally happened to chance upon a Cold / Flu article on preggie ladies. I think the article said it should not harm the feotus but of course, there are certain medicine which may not be safe. Hence, best to see a doctor about the cold and not take over-the-counter drugs.

Jasminetea: thanks! I am asking 'cos I went for one scan at week 5 (to confirm the pregnancy and also position of sac) and just another on Mon, week 7 (to check on heart beat). Dr. ong is asking me to go back in 3 weeks time. I was just wondering if I am going too often...

Ms_pi: Yah, hormone injection is pretty common. If I am not wrong, it is to inject progesterone (female hormones) so that we can maintain the pregnancy better. There are a couple of other girls here who have taken it, me included. Additionally, some of us are also on hormone tablets taken daily. So do not fret too much ok?</font>
<font color="119911">Linda>> so sorry to hear
pls take care and all the best ya?

i'm just wondering if anyone else suffering from constipation :paiseh:
<font color="119911">thanks Chris! no wonder i had stopped my vitagen intake but din link it with the constipation. faint. will go get more vitagen or yoghurt tonight.
Hi dimpletot, I remember when I had cold or cough during my pregnancy with #1, my gynae will still prescribe medicine for me. Did not ask me go and visit GP. By the way, who is ur gynae?

Hi Missk, YA!! U got it right, always see u on msn but no chance to chat with you... I know her because she is Nov 06 mum... My son suppose to pop in Nov 06 but guess he is too impatient... pop in Oct 06.
How are u doing? When will u be back in SG?
Juz me,

I get constipation too... so bad that can see blood leh. Guess it's time to down Yakult

Hey mommies,

I dunno what came over me just now.. All of a sudden, i had this tremendous urge to storm into my boss's room and let her know that i'm pregnant. Thankfully, my boss was supportive.. phew!! I have another colleague who's also pregnant and due abt the same time too.. i thot my boss would frown upon my pregnancy.

Now that i've told her, i feel such relieve!
<font color="ff6000">purebliss, I have only seen one gynae - HK Ho, and am going to see Joycelyn in 8th week upon strong recommendation of a friend. So if things go well with her, will prob settle with her, cos her charges more reasonable. </font>
Preggie n juz me
poor things! I had very bad consti too during my first preg. I still rem clearly cos the first time it was on my b'dae somemore.
Was in the toilet for like an hour and after I finally managed to clear, I felt too weak and terrible to go out for dinner with my hubby.

Second time was when I was 6 mths preg. Again 1 hr in the toilet.

My next visit I'm gg to ask my gynae for suppostitories to insert just in case. Dun want to go thru consti again!

Also eat more prunes. It helps.
dimpletots, oic... Doc Joycelyn Wong charges is $688 from 12 weeks onwards but exclude medications. Her delivery package is $2300 for normal which includes 3 days 2 night stay in 4 bedder ( usually upgrade to 2 bedder for free ) and her rounds while u are in hospital. Her stitches not painful. Hee!
yup, have heard abt her wonder stitches and sweet nature. my friend studied under her in kk and said she is very sweet to her mummies.... i think i need the kind of gynae who can mother me. haha.

is there any baby stuff we should be preparing now? seems like most stuff can wait till much later to buy rite? probably only confinement nanny need to research and book soon... haha.
Hi ribenali &amp; Buffy,
Thanks a lot for the reassurance!!

ribenali, I am with Dr Ong too.
I am very scare of injection. Even taking blood is painful i feel.
But as long as i can have a healthy baby i guess its all worth it.
Hi Purebliss, I was initially very into MAH but now really seriously considering TMC. Cos have the free upgrade from 4 bedder to 2 bedder room and also with the FBI card, there is discount for delivery and hospital services and also Cordlife. So I think its more worth it lo.. Kekeke..

Dimpletot: I took package with my gynae &amp; it includes normal consultation for flu, cough. Don't know if medication is included cos Dr gave me medicine twice, once they charge the other time didn't... :?

Preggie: Your boss is understanding!!
hi all SAHM mummies,

will u get any helper when ur #2 come out? will u take care of them urself? during confinement, will u employ any CL or helper help u? how about to handle toddler and newborn if u didn't have any helper?
<font color="119911">this free TMC upgrade is only for gynae from TMC? haha i oso wanted MAH now reconsidering after hearing all of u ;P</font>
for TMC, is it automatic free upgrade from 4 bedder to 2? or subject to availability on that day itself? cos might be in situation where all the 2 bedders are booked then we're stuck with 4 bedder cos we booked 4 bedder mah....
Hi Juz Me &amp; dimpletot, because TMC only have one 4-bedded so the chances of getting upgraded to 2-bedded is very high. What I know is the 4-bedded is usually for people who do their day-surgery but if sway sway have beds for 4-bedded then gotta take. But most mummies that I spoke to have free auto-upgrade.

everafter not thinking of one-bedded cos only stay for 2 days, DH can go home &amp; rest, sleep in hospital also not comfortable..
<font color="119911">everafter>> honestly i oso want 1 bedder, esp 1st child i very panic. haha easier if hubby around to help mah, and child get to sleep with us. but price oso an issue. now i still slightly prefer hubby and child stay over. mabbe 2nd child then dun nid lor. more steady liao at least ;P u leh? thinking of 1 bedder?

btw i hear hubby stay over have to pay extra even if 1 bedder ya?</font>
ya i also thinking of gettin 1 bedder..cos wait at night, pain want to drink water also got someone to help mah..and if suay case, 2 bedder the other mother got lots of visitors then will disturb ur slp also leh
me gg for one bedder
cos I am very timid. I dun dare to stay in 2 bedder and then wait the bed beside me got no one.
Wld prefer my hubby to stay with me too.

My SIL stayed Gleneagles. First two nights no one and the room faces some forested area. I wld be so freaked out cos my imagination very wild... Will keep wondering 'who's' on the next bed... Yeek!

why dun window shop ard after u know the gender? And then when GSS starts, go buy all the things you have 'shortlisted'? Can save money! Hee

My first preg, GSS during confinment. And I missed out on the sale. So this time I'm gonna make I don't! Haha

Juz me

yes hubby stay over need to pay extra. For TMC, if u just want breakfast for him it's $75 per day.
My first bb also room in with me. But after that at nite we sent her back to nursery cos we cld not tahan her crying. In the end the nuirse said she so guai guai sleep in nursery. Din cry at all!
