(2008/10) Oct 2008

morning all

tanya awake from 2+am to 6am today! argh.. so many days no slp le! i'm starting to worry sth is wrong leh. any other babies got such slp problem?
catch up with the posts another day

o ya, anyone with tanya's pics pls email to me k?
[email protected], also same email for FB. thanks

Morning mummies...

I send u mine alr.. u got it?? I bought 1 top only.. keke...

babygap not cheap leh.. and the bodysuit mostly long sleaves..

u got try massage her tummy??? drink gripe water??
Hi Enya,

I didn't manage to get the milk bags from you as baby was so erratic in Sg. I was so exhausted going from places to places with her. Sorry....
Morning mummies

MsPiggy - No problem. Will give GAP a miss, too expensive for me liao :p. Will go search for ON spree in forum.

Juz Us - Oh dear, your tried giving pacifier?
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">R&amp;R, tweety and vanilla,
got your orders.

I will placed order later during lunch time. Spree closed

So far 5 of us sharing the shipping. The based charge is divided equally among us, the weight/vol charges is based on no of items purchased.

Exchange rate will be based on my CC rate.

Collection can be arranged at AMK, TPY or IMM at my convenience. If via postage, I will advise the $$$ after that. </font> </font>
<font color="ff0000">Good Morning Mommies!!


Our babies are still at the age where they are adjusting their sleeping patterns so whatever patterns she has now will still change. I remember my elder daughter and son only has permanent sleep pattern after they are abt 6-7months so not to worry. Just remember to keep her awake as mush as possible during 5-8pm period. Hope this helps....

Noted with thanks...

I have been using webcam to view my bb in Indonesia... He seems lose weight.. and I called my mum just now.. she said yes Varner lose weight lately.. so heartpain..

My grandma said he looks like missing mummy and maybe coz of no BM to drink.. haiz..
<font color="#307D7E"> Mornin Mummies!!

wa... early mornin i already saw my name liao ar. hehe... no la.. nt yet rape him la.. dun hve a chance leh.. keke.. some more last nite i reach hme already 11+. btw the time we shower the kids n ourselve.. already 12+. den i login for awhile.. is already 1am liao.. den i cnt tahan liao.. so slp.. haha... mayb to nite.. to nite can try.. keke...</font>
<font color="119911"><font face="tahoma">no worries ladies.

you must be missing him so much.... no one can help you care of him while you work here?

My indo neighbours have no choice but leave baby with maid. but on and off her mum will come stay with her</font></font>
<font color="#307D7E"> Tweety
hw come u n BB got seperated leh? is like this de.. coz that time my Nicholas got admitted to KKh n i stay in the hospital n look aft him, my Gracia also lose weight. hubby see liao heartpain.. dun worry la.. he will be fine de.
i ever tot of getting a maid. but i have so many worries. heard too much abt maids ill treating the baby.

let my mum take care of my baby seems ok now. but as usual, got to tahan her nags!!
yes.. my bb in Indonesia coz last min noone take care of him... so I got to leave him at my mum's there... my MIL need to work, so she cant help lor...

I MISS HIM SO MUCH>... I do a stupid things again.. I cried in toilet.. hahaha.. faint...

This Sunday he will be back here already.. will be permanent here liao...

I think alot of foreign mummies faced this problem.. coz "niang jia" all not in sg... I think I will get a maid if the nanny I engaged cant stay long here...
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety
You must have missed your son very much. LAst time you mentioned if your mil help to take care of your son, you need to rush home by 6pm++ every evening, right? In this case, hiring a maid may be a solution for you cos your mil can still help you to keep an eye on the maid and bb until 6pm++. You try to go home early after your work and the time your bb spend alone with the maid will not be too long. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Tweety
Pls dont say that. You are not doing stupid things. I'm sure for any one of us here, we would do the same thing too. Today is already Thursday. Just look forward to seeing your son on sunday and you will feel happy. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">R&amp;R's mummy
Same here. I dont want to take the risk to leave for kids with the maid the whole day esp when there is more than 1 maid at my house. Never know when thing is going to happen.

At least you dont have to be worry cos your mum is taking good care of your gals
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, my son is really a fussy eater. He is so fussy and picky on food that he doesnt like any home-cooked food. Even when we tabao hawker food for him, the most he only eat the same thing once or twice nia. Really dont know what to do with him. He is coming 18 months soon and I'm worry that he doesnt eat enough solid food. He likes roti prata with curry gravy but I heard roti prata is hard to digest. How?</font>
<font color="#4C787E"> mummies
for those who hve bumbo seats at hme. can use until wat age? coz my Erin is turnin 5mths old this mth. den i dun feel like buyin it liao... tot of rent it.</font>
mousebb>> no she hardly slp oso. add together all mabbe 2-3 hours in total for naps

but ur child any problem digesting the roti prata not? what foods he don't eat in particulr? is it vegetables?

surf>> she refuse pacifier leh

gio>> ok i will try that, can i ask then at night when she wakes and wanan stay awake, what should i do? should i let her cry, keep trying to nurse her to slp, play with her (she obviously wants this) or what? my hubby getting very little rest and i scared affect his work

tweety>> must be tough
dun worry lah, not stupid. is understandable. yay! must be looking forward to the weekend then.

xinying>> got link for cafe cartel pics?
i have a problem here.
any suggestion...

used playpen for my girl, now she's flipping..next not sure what will she do.
where to let her sleep when older? any suggestion?
My mil work from 7-11 pm.. so I got to rush home lor.. but if got maid, I think should be ok for few hours alone with her..

SUnday he will be back.. really cant wait to c him... Now I wonder how those mummies throw their baby away??? they don miss them???

Roti prata very oily leh.. better don let him take too much... Ever thought of cook yourself?? buy some recipe??
i m using baby cot too. thking to chg to mattress just put on floor let her sleep, hw do u thk? its a gd idea?
i'm using playpen with NO front zip...

your cot can't adjust to the 2nd level?

how to change to let her sleep on floor with us? and furthermore, i have a dog at home... sure will have fur on her bed..sigh
just bear with it, another 3days niah.. *hug hug*

hope ur info help me too. seline also keep changing from sleep thru till nw awake from 3am.
i have been 2wks nvr slp well plus get cough, ver hard to recover. i never cough for so long de. last nite went GP he said if still not recover then must take X-Ray le as my chest pain when coughing
yah mine got 2nd level so nw i put her near my bed &amp; open 1 sd so she same as sleep with us loh. cant slp with us when chg to mattress lah, we got bed frame ler
icic u got dog then cant put on floor liao loh.. u got any spare room for her?
<font color="aa00aa">Xinying, Juz Us, Tweety
He doenst like plain prata. When we gave him some curry gravy, he seems to like it very much and eat very fast. He doesnt like fish, pork and beef. Only like chicken. He still take some vegetables. We tried not to give in to him but each time when he is hungry, he would come to me and cry and say "mum mum", I see le also heartpain. And worst, I dont know how to cook!!!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
I also put a mattress on the floor to let wenmin sleep and flip during day time which I think is the safest.

If you want to let you gal sleep on the floor, have to ensure your dog will not have any chance to go near to her. </font>
I managed to get a 3.45pm slot. But will go earlier to see if there any cancellations. want to meet for lunch?
<font color="#4C787E"> Xinying
LOL!!! u bad leh.. like this say ur Marcus. fat = cute ma... haha... last time my cousin is like this also. his birth weight was 9.1 pounds. i tink is 4.1kg ba... but lucky my aunt go for C-sect. doc say, if she were to go for normal delivery, her V will tear.. haha.. she told me n i laugh like nobody business..

aiyo.. *patz* dun worry. u will be find de ok.

i hve a fren ar.. i dunno hw to console her leh... she just delivered on 28Jan n her BB is a premature BB. den recently the nurse told her that the BB is nt doin well n might need to go for a minor surgery. i dunno too detail la.. she just roughly told me.. den got mummies rebuke her of nt visitin her boy everyday. n they say her until like she is a heartless mummy... hw? hw m i goin to console her? i really pity her n the BB lor.. haiz.........</font>
<font color="119911"><font face="tahoma"> Tweety,
your item is out of stock. you still want to buy other things?


spree open till 3pm. waiting for 1 frd's order</font></font>
<font color="#4C787E"> lili
i let my son slp on the floor with a mattress. coz i'm stayin with PIL. i dun hve extra room for him. so we share the same room n he slp on the floor. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
Since doc said is a minor surgery, tell you fren not to get too worry. She should have faith in the doctor and the medical team who will take good care of her bb. The bb is hers. As long as she is doing her best, just ignored whatever other pple want to say.</font>

<font color="#4C787E"> mummies
anyone here bought ur BB to hwa xia for swimming course? or u all bought the tub n neck float n transform ur toilet to be the hwa xia BB swimin center? hehe...</font>
