(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="#4C787E"> mousebb
is the nurse who tol dher.. nt frm the doc. so she will be goin down on this comin sat to see the doc. she is worried sick... poor tin.. Bb like this.. n those mummies still tok rubbis... sometimes i find that since we are all mummies, y cnt we tink b4 we tok.. alamak!!!</font>
Hi Mummies!!

Anyone heading to studio loft? I am keen but cos I am feelng a little under the weather, hubs ban me from going.

Sean Lau Photography... someone mentioned they signed up for his package. Can share the details? His style very anne geddes. Nice!

TCM... looking for TCM recommendation for fertility. Does anyone have a contact to share? Not for me ah... Asking for a friend.
hi mummies!
wah so any posts to catch up on!
tks xinying for loading pix! very well taken.
erm, and tks for the very kind comments..
my boss who seldom comes to office came in the other day n said "wah! u havent lost the weight huh.." *PENGS*
<font color="#4C787E"> Hey mummies.. i join in the wrong thread just nw n the post below caught my attention.. keke... tink some of u might like it...

Hi Mummies:

BabyCare Festival 2009
S'pore Expo Hall 6B
27 Feb - 1 Mar 2009
Fri &amp; Sat - 11am - 9pm
Sun - 11am - 8pm</font>
i bought a tub from a spree here, but no time to try yet hehe

hope this weekend can get time to rest
haha! yah.. my hubby everynite ask me.. want mcdonalds?! *pengs* i think he's a growing child still.. he eats n eats and the weirdest hrs and he still looks the same!
<font color="#4C787E"> bbgoh
haha.. u know.. out of a sudden.. hve this tin came across my mind.. coz some of the mummies say they wanna hve the nxt gathering at their one of the mummies condo rite.. den let all the BB wear the neck float n let them swim in the pool.. lol!! tink the BB in the pool will caught the residents attention... </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
I see. The last time when my son was still in the hospital after I was discharged, the nurses at TMC told me to try go see my son everyday to build the bond with him and to breastfeed him if I can. I went twice a day to see him until all the nurses can recognise me and hubby le.</font>
<font color="#4C787E"> dumbo
LOL!! mayb ur hubby are those who eat liao nvr grow fat.. so he dare to eat lor.. but my hubby is unlike ur's.. he's those kind that eat liao will grow n grow.. so he control.. haha.. it's me who always tell him i wan this n that n force him to eat with me.. keke...</font>
<font color="#4C787E"> mousebb
haha.. ic.. she wish to do.. but her BB is in the NICU. and also her mum will nag nag nag.. she got so pissed off.. n she has an elder gal at hme.. she also vry stress lor.. den the mum keep shoutin at her elder gal.. n the hse is like so noisy.. her mum is helpin her as a confinement lady lor..</font>
<font color="aa00aa">dumbo, rebecca
My hubby is the "dustbin". He would finish whatever I cannot finish. Whenever pple commented he has ballooned, he would point at me and say I'm the cause for it. Hahaha!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
In your fren situtation, she needs to have a supportive family. But if bb is in NICU, cannot do much also, want to breastfeed also cannot cos bb premature still doesnt know how to suck yet. </font>
ya.. 3 more days to go.. I have been going gym and swiming lately to spend my time.. coz hb always come home v late.. left me alone at home, so lonely....

wow.. yr boy really picky leh.. I nv handle kids, so I really son know how wor...

yr friend so ke lian leh.. she must be really sad lor... these ppl really bad lor..
Hi Mummies,

Wah, I spend a few hours to finish reading all the Archives. Hee.. today d topic not SEX ah... so disappointed... tot can share more. haiz...

I'm counting down for u too!!! Very soon u will get to see Varner!!

add me: [email protected]

i've added u!!

normal pool got too much chlorine. better dun...
Re: baby fair!!! I'm gg on Friday!!! dun wanna caught in the crowd. Wanna get cheap and good baby stuff. time to stock up!!!
yes, she has a room of her own. but need to get monitor ..
but with a room of her own, sleep on mattress on floor?

i'm looking at it now..
added u in FB..

Based on the price on the site.. I think u go to babyGAP should hv rompers but I saw liao like mostly long sleaves...
hi ribena,
i added you to my facebook.

add me as well: [email protected]

today my bb went for the pneumo and rota. she's super fussy now.
but i hope that she won't get fever. she now weighs 6kg and is 61.5cm long at 3mos.
<font color="ff0000">*wave* hello Dumbo!! u r another chio chio mummy in oct thread.</font>

<font color="0000ff">RibenaLi,
you ham sum ah... u share ur SEX story with us lah. Juicy one har. kekeke....
I've applied for leave to go to the fair on Friday too to avoid the crowd...

Hubby and I discussed and decided to get a playyard to surround a mattress and let my boy sleeps when he knows how to crawl...he sleeps on his own in his own room too...
i agree tat i m ham sum. i wouldnt deny... hahaha!!! tink my hubby couldnt take it that i'm so power!!! hahahahaha!!!!

forest oso taking leave to go on friday. haha!! U girls wanna meet there together then we go buy tings together??? ur hubby coming along with u?
hello mummies,

am back frm lunch..had MOS..kekeke..n went FOX!!! its 50%+ 15%(min 2 pcs). i bot 4 pcs for my gal!!! for 28 bucks..so happy...
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">busy bee,
no JJB this time round, only L'ovedbaby products.

We're doing clearance now for JJB diaperbags though. 30% disc off RP... limited stock only.

can see www.bebe-et-maman.com\store for available stock </font></font>
u so powerful?? kekeke...

I gym at my condo.. keke.. this Friday play tennis.. hope can burn some fats...

what u girls wanna get huh??? I got no idea what to buy wor.. hahaha...

bbFOX again?? u really power lor...
<font color="ff0000">JuzUs, Bbgoh,

The trick is to train them to sleep throughout the night is to play/distract them as much as possible. Of course when u are training them, they will cry/scream because it's their sleep time. Then once around 8pm, give them a bathe then a feed, that will send them right to sleep. This is what I do with Skylar when she's over 1 month old.

5pm - Don't let her sleep. Try playing, talking, cuddling her during this time. She will cry but try not to give in.

7.30-8pm : Get ready her bath and give her a bath around this time.

8.15am - Give her a feed.

8.30pm - Wrap her up and let her sleep in a dark room.

I do this routine everyday ever since Skylar was over 1month old and how she knows after her bath at night and milk, she will go to sleep for the night. Of course i still give her another feed at 11pm but she is asleep during that feed and will sleep thru until 7-8am.

Hehe funny thing is she also know around 7.30pm time is her bath time so will start demanding for her bath, like an alarm clock.
Any mummies here use california baby shampoo and body wash?

How is this use? Pour into the water and mix or have to rub onto baby's body?

My gal's legs are rough.. suspect Avent body wash is the cause. Thinking of trying CB. Any comments?
cant see rite??? But all my close frens will noe! hahaha!!! But i do agree abt less sex= more agruement coz we had it after bb is born. and i oso suspect my hubby coz like karen's hubby, i tot he had become a monk after i gave birth. hahaha!!! but now better if not, i sure rape him one!!!

Then he so poor ting, he later told me he couldnt get over when he saw that when i was giving birth... he mentioned... got a lot of blood...
hehe.. i see..
hope i can get out of the house for a while to exercise. have to reactivate my amore membership..

when and where is it ah?

confirmed you in FB.
I cant wait for the next Taka Baby Fair.

I need to get another Maxi Cosy Car seat &amp; Avent teats &amp; bottles!!!
Me also trained my bb to get his last feed on 10pm... Sometimes he will cry asking for milk at 9.30pm coz he wanna sleep liao.. but I will carry him and watch tv till he really cant tahan... after his last feed, he will sleep already...

I think u and me same leh.. high SEXdrive... Opppppppssss....keke... but my hb LOW lor.. faint.. maybe due to stress coz he's not like that last time...

I think we got to spend money in order to lose weight.. if free course, we sure laze de..
im using.. my girls' skin so far so good.
i pump 2-3 times into running bath water till bath water filled ard half the tub.
Gio &amp; tweety
reach home alrdy abt 7pm then hb &amp; i r busy washing &amp; leave seline on cot so she ll fall spl her own loh
by the time we finish everythg huh is abt 9pm liao
