(2008/10) Oct 2008

mine visit me every month after 6wks of delivery le
and worse is the flow heavier than b4 :S

mine lesser leh.

when younger the flow lasted 7 days.

in my late 20s lasted 5 days.

now after giving birth to 2 kids. the flow lasted 4 days nia.
xinying- Heee then can drink it..cos freshly EBM tastes good~~ ;p

Envy all mummies who attend the gathering!! Must be loads of fun meeting new frens and hot mamas!!

Heee think if I attended, no one will know me lah cos I seldom post on this forum...more of silent reader leh... keke! ;p
u dare to drink..so far I haven taste it leh..

the taste no good arh?? then bb how??? still hv to drink...

FB got photos?? i go KP.. kekeke...
Thanks for the pics!

Frozen bm is super fishy...I tried and gagged...that's how bad it is! But still baby drinks! Haha...
soo busy..wow, juicy topic today !!
erm..me & hub on leave tml..keke....

nicky: we all know you =) the nite owl..hee..how's everything ?

XY : me cannot acces fb in ofc..can't wait to see the pics once home..mmm, i think in the end, ashton & marcus neber take pic leah..
wow.. those photos are nicely taken...thks xy..
Oct 08 mummies all so gorgeous...

we got the same stroller...

omg.. must be awful... I scare of milk since young though..
xinying- Saw those pics le...All nicely taken and agree Oct'08 mummies and babies look really great!! ;)

jellypurin- Heee true hor cos I seldom post mah..sekali go liao pple dun know me cos I seldom 'appear' in this thread le..keke!
My girl ah... sometimes sooo notti & cranky one...Now she seems able to recognise pple and environment le... went my parents hse often one..but past week everytime go there, she will wail and cried lor... *Headache*
I latch her fully, so she wil reject bottles at times...which I fear I will have a hard time to wean her off oso leh if I wanna stop bf in future...;p

jollyhoppy- Haaa ya me the nite owl!! ;p Now no longer the nite owl liao!! Keke!
Things are fine, so tiring taking care of bb 24hrs!!
Chris : no i didn't =( tot you gg yest... i guess not gg, cos in the end, i sign up with sean lau..so looking fwd for that..

tried to ctc u, but you dun accept PM leah.
can PM me your hp c",)

nicky : glad to know you are coping well =) come come, join us for the next one...

i guess we will prob have >30 mummies + bb the next time !! woo hooo
Dimpletots, I also wanna come but down with very bad flu and my boy kanna it also. :p.. next rd one sure come.. now hubby asking me to take more vits C cos he cannot afford me to fall sick. My boy very close with the gers.. and the gers started their nonsense already.
Saw ur pics for the tuesday gathering mummies! Darn, miss out so much fun.. zzzz.. next rd I bring Giselle and Danielle along with my Boy.. hahahaha!!! Dunno how to cope with 3 kids manz... Pram??
jellypurin- Heee yalor not gng back to workforce yet leh...keke! Actually since preggie, I have not been working le...;p

jollyhoppy- Heee ok will see if I'm able to attend the gathering next time!! keke!! ;)
Wow it's nice to be able to put faces behind the nicks. Thanks XY for taking all the pics! Hmm, now I really (#$()#@) never go.

This time all babies awake to take pics.
xy and jollyhoppy,
tmr u all going SL? me having bad headache now thinking to keng mc tmr.. if not going SL then i will stay at home to nua hahaha
XY: not gg =( tml DH's bday..and he doesn't wanna spend it at Studio Loft..we should have went yest morning b4 meeting the mummies..hehhee

jellypurin : yesh..i love his skills..i signed up in one of the BP. paid $188 instead of $238..you interested ? maybe i can try to call & see if can add 1 more..keke
the funny thing is most of the pics i can recognise the bb but not the mummy! even with the captions :p after seeing so many pics, im lost...hahah
jellypurin- Heee yah SAHM got pros and cons lah... sometimes find it sooo tiring leh..;p
heee here're 2 pics of her.. Yup I'm in facebook!! ;p



My girl..Kaelyn.. now she's 16wks.. ;)
She's dropping alot of hair oso..Gonna shave her soon!! ;p

<font color="aa00aa">Xinying
Thanks for sharing the pics! All babies look so adorable! Marcus is so chubby and cute! Like his smile. Look so cheeky! He looks so active and alert for a 4 months old bb! </font>
