(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">That's why I like to log into this thread!
Think if my hubby happen to read this thread, he will faint! Hahaha!</font>

R&amp;R - Hee. This string of posts is damn funny! wink. Okie oke - those who dun report in tmr .. we know what happened tonite!! ngek ngek.
muahahaha... maybe next time the daddies will log in to join us in the forum.

mite have... mr jellypurin, mr ruffles, mr rebecca, mr mousebb etc etc... hahaha....

hahaha... tonite cannot. tmr lor... tmr cannot friday lor...

The more I think about it, the more it's impossible hor?? How can he control for one year? Think really got outside activity.

Tonight la! Still wait till weekend. When the mood comes, must go for it already. How to wait until weekend? Hmm, husband is sleeping in bedroom now. Just waiting for my lightbulb to sleep, then I can hee hee hee.

Huh? How come this time SL must make appointment first?
<font color="0077aa">R&amp;R,
u really make me LOL lei! 'wash clean clean, prepare for major servicing'

By saying tat, u meaning our HB or ourselves huh?! hahaha....</font>
<font color="119911">Anyone interested to get BabyGap online ?? I've 20% disc for more than $100 purchases.

If yes let me know, am doing a spree for myself and my neighbours. Open for Oct babies only. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mummies, remember to take precaution hor. Come next month, who knows some of the mummies here would start to go visit their gynea again! Hahaha!!!</font>
skylar is very beautiful!!!

sometimes it's the shower gel or soap you use to bath her.

i use burt bee buttermilk lotion. and cb wash gel.
R&amp;R's mum,
Haha...smell dettol?! Not so nice lay!!! Hee...but good idea hor, maybe can kill the tadpoles...wahaha...
<font color="119911">whitepaper,
ok let me know soon... as the disc only valid till 12 Feb. please send your order with correct url to tohval at gmail dot com

i will be using vpost. exchange rate will be based on my CC dont need 2 payments. pay me when items arrive coz i trust you gals will not run away</font>
<font color="119911">karen,
you're still fertile even though your menses not here yet. dont play play if you're not thinking of #2 soon

aunty flo also has not visit me yet

Wah tok abt sex only by midday got 3 archive pgs Liao. Power!


U the most horny hor? This topic only post so much! I peifu yr friend -- lunchtime quickie do where? Toilet ah?!


Very funny leh u want to smack the boy. I think u should !
must tell yr gal cannot so easily believe boys!! Esp not 9 yr olds! What is this world coming to? Even 32 year old female teacher going to kena jail for sex with minor. Tou2 nao3 bu4 qing1 xing3. The boy can be young and stupid but she?! 2 kids some more, how to explain to them in future? Haiz.
i maybe interested in gap leh... i pm u

re: getting preggers when tbf &amp; mensus not here
my gynae warned me better to hv protection... we are still fertile, in fact, v fertile!
oh gosh... i tot if i'm on tbf, sure wouldn't tio #2. But when i read about mousebb and rebecca's experience, i was going like OMG...but luckily, i haven't been doing any night activites ...keke

i've same experience as you, find it painful when we tried 2-3 months ago..and after that, i don't dare to do it anymore!

your bb gal very pretty!! so smiley and charming.
hi mummies...

Xinying ask me come in and read the forum.. i really read until i LOL there and my ger wake up. Piangz now all taking about SEX... hahahahahah!!!!
hmm, my nephew still take a lot of milk even when he is eating solids! somemore the cereals u making for ur bb sometimes can add bm, so hor, i think demand will still be there.

ya, that's y i think i better go c gynae soon... i feel bad i short change my hubby
Got back from lunch and was shocked to see so many archives! Had a hard time going through the archives!

Like your hubby, my hubby's also a 'monk-wannabe'...
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
It depends. I remember when we start wenxuan on semi-solid, he still drank a lot wor! </font>
HAR? Tadpoles like dettol??!! In this case, cham lor! Wahaha...Calling for littlebluey!!! Any BP for condom?! HAHAHA...
haha...my gynae did warn me that it will be dry when we are breastfeeding...I think i'm put off by the stretchmarks on my tummy and boobs, that's why also not interested anymore..
my poor hubby, been rejecting him with all sorts of stooppid reasons...

Oic..so not so frightening afterall.But timing very "zhun" hor, do once already tio lioz...

Chio mummies
Too bad i didn't get to meet Ribenali..but i think Dumbo and Jill also very chio leh!

We missed u yesterday! How's life w the twins and boy?

On menses

Mine also not here yet. One good thing midst all the tiring things. Come to think of it, more than one yr no AF liao.... Great!!
<font color="119911">jellypurin and tweety,
yes even for sale items but we must meet $100 or more of purchases... but might cancel this spree coz not many frds interested difficult to meet the min purchases of $100 to qualify. </font>
That day my colleague was compalining to me abt menses cramps.. ask me how.
My reply... i more than 1 year no such feeling. Cannot remember liao.
Wahaha....something we can cheer abt amidst all the pumping, leaky boobs, stretch marks etc.
