(2008/10) Oct 2008

yougurt, my gynae din scold me leh two weeks ago i put on 3.5kg since last visit she din say anything.. cos i told her no MS so i ate a lot she's okay leh..

yah dun dare touch durian anymore lor now..

i no appetite to eat leh.. eat for the sake of eating onli.. oso eat liao will feel veri bloated.. my hb say maybe is due to the bb growing so i will feel bloated but i think not so fast right?

every morning i need to drag myself to work.. sighzzz sian hor..
little bluey, now I feel like eating curry puff liao...
poor things... all the suffering mummies hang in there! must REN!

soon we'll have a cute little bundle of joy in our arms.
<font color="0000ff">Cheerbear,

Like you, oso eat for the sake of eating hmm..sometimes the thot of eating makes me revoke!! yieks!! but bo pian leh..hmmm


Go buy and eat hee hee ;p</font>
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Did u go and see a GP and consult on the other alternative med u can take to relieve the pain since you are allergic to Panadol??</font>

When you going to tour huh? i also thiking of going this two weeks. did we need to make appointment or just drop by? Is your gynea a gynea from Mt A?

So good, your weight maybe is at the low side or healthy range b4 preg, so weight gain may not be a concern to you. But for me no lo, thank god that i still can gain the max 12kg. I have a friend who already overweight initially and gynea ask her not to gain single kg till give birth, and she just gave birth and she manage to maintain her weight. so amaze, and i "salute" her. she very discipline in diet. and her bb healthy and strong.
I also have gastric reflux before preggie. So now I am feeling worse. And yes, I definitely fee worse in the evening and can't eat much for dinner sometimes. U know what other medicine for heartburn is safe to take during pregnancy?

I also eat for the sake of eating, especially dinner. I only take a mouthful of rice and try to eat more fish. I really hope I will feel better after the 1st trimester.

Last time I used to think its good to be preggie and spared the menses cramp for 9 months. Think I wana take back my words!

I am craving for coke and ribena now.
Hi JJmom, I am thinking of going to Robinson sale tmr, any good buy when you went today? have some vouchers that I need to spend! Thanks!!

Today had Japanese food that I have been craving all along! And my dear fren treated me for that! So happy! Had slamon sashimi also.. Kekeke..
<font color="aa00aa">Hi mummies,

Im from march mummy, selling 1pkt Nepia NB diaper, used 4pcs left 56pcs asking for $13. Keen parties can sms me at 91466419. Due to cant fit my gal. Thanks.</font>
hi mummies, can i join in the list. this is my 1st bb , gynae will b mr tan hk (sgh) , edd 16/10/2008. im born in the year of monkey
Rachel Mum
Hope your migrane is getting better now. I can understand the pain cos during my 1st pregnancy, I also had migrane very often till I cried in front of my gynae when he said he couldn't prescribe me any stronger pain killer cos of pregnancy. He gave me some panadol. It took a longer time for the pain to go away cos the medicine which I was given have a very mild effect.
Morning all mummies!

wow, mousebb - buffet dinner.. yummy.. any occasion? enjoy your dinner... at least have something to look forward lei...
morning mummies

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, i m allergic to all painkillers except panadol before pregnancy. will have swollen eyes after taking them. during pregnancy worst. cant even take panadol.

now my sore throat is still there. add on last nite i kena cough le. came back to work to clear some stuff. later go &amp; see GP.

<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font>, very jialat one hor. i realised during pregnant i m very weak. haiz...

where to for buffet dinner??
morning mummies

icylemon, u sick still hve to go to work. better pack ur stuff go home n rest...

mousebb, where's ur buffet dinner? so envy i stil have to work shift...
so sianz... enjoy ya dinner tonight...
Morning ladies....

Haiz I also have been suffering from migraine since few days back....so many days till I lost track...sometimes it gets better n sometimes worse...last nite slept at 8+pm but still wake up with bad migraine tis morning...

i am on the GNC prenatal formula. Yes. I also have bright colored urine leh. I think u are right. Its because of the pills bah.


my HB also dun dare because he is afraid of hurting baby. Plus during first tri, i have bleeding after we did it so he felt very guilty. But now I ok already so we start again yesterday. haahaaa!!
<font color="119911">hi morning to all mums to be!! how have you ladies been? argh its been eons since i log in!!! after the HK trip come back to office, i been absolutely swarmed!
so many new tasks to do.. boohoo... really tempted to throw in the towel and quit hahah... but for the 3 month maternity...ren!!! coming to work oso such a darn pain for me, esp the stupid NEL now is soooo darn very crowded argh. anyone get seats from peak hour crowd yet? my tummy showing liao, i have to wear maternity stuff
luckily i buy some loose loose clothing from ESPIRIT in HK... hee

hey next monday i going for my 2nd trimester blood tests liao. anyone done it yet? think got triple test, thalesimia (sth like that), hep b, etc. i still thinking wanna do the triple test not. anyone not going for the test? also, by then, CROSS FINGERS hope to find out gender liao! any one managed to scan gender yet?

Cheer Bear>> me oso feel 2nd trimester the MS feeling can be worse than 1st!! but for me, luckily is not as often. still craving only unhealthy foods leh. all the soupy fish stuff all turns me off
<font color="0000ff">IcyLemon,

U better faster go see the GP and get medicine, else it's not a solution either, it's not very gd to stay ill for so long hmmm....


Migraines/Headaches are very common in pregnancy becos of the hormones, it might further aggravate the condition. Juz hv to find ways to relieve ourselves of it....are u on MC oso?

Wah Mousebb,

so shiok ah!! going for buffet! ke ke ;p

Btw, for those ladies who went to the Robinson sales ytd, any good buys? Think I really have to go shopping for clothes these wkend le...lamenting to my DH tis morning that I got no clothes to wear le!!! hahahaha lolx....</font>
<font color="119911">aiyo migraine... faint i oso had migraine for a period. lucky now better liao. do take care ya elchwong and mousebb

Rachel Mummy>> not feeling well better see GP get MC and rest ya? i think pregnancy period our body is weaker. take care ya

pinkimum>> aiyo i oso dread every dinner. i now thinking of having dinner at 4+ before my gross feeling comes haha... but think i will starve by morning ;P

sales>> robinsons got sale? hey i think metro oso got some baby sale, but til this sunday only
lili, Rachel mum, littlekwek,
Thanks. No special occasion. My sil is giving the whole family a treat. The buffet dinner is at Grand Copthorne Waterfront. If I'm not wrong, it's an international buffet.

I cant help worrying about the little one in my tummy lor and I'm looking forward to do the amino test at least i can know the results. Feel so torturing to wait.....
Littlebluey....nope I'm at work...I'm left with only 6 days of medical leave this year....must save n scrimp abit...hah...

Juz Me...thks...u travelling NEL too? Me too...hah...coming to work still ok can get seats but going back hm is normally stand all the way fr Dhoby to Punggol...
Rachel mum
Same here. This pregnancy also make me feel so week leh. No migrane this round but frequent headaches. I wonder is it bcos my blood pressure is too low? I have low blood pressure before my 1st pregnancy.
i had tummy upset last night after the Thai Food &amp; dinner... now still don't feel good...

i'm left with 2 days MC only... help!!!
<font color="ff0000">littlekwek</font>, my lady boss not tat understanding. oso dun dare to take MC.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, ya.. going to see a GP near my office at 10am.

<font color="0077aa">Juz Me</font>, even GP give me MC dun know can take or not. i hate to see ppl "face colour".

<font color="aa00aa">mousebb</font>, wah nice place leh.
health and bb are more important. If finished mc and really need rest, then you have to take annual leave hor. Dont tong!
<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font>, my 1st pregnancy i had high blood. touch wood, this pregnancy currently ok. stable.

<font color="0000ff">lili_fc</font>, muz be too spicy for u.
mousebb, rachelmum
ya, guess i can't take it... after lunch, i'm so full till evening. but i still had heavy dinner cos' bb still need to eat.
rachel mum
Bo mian mah! Health and bb are more important. I have used up all my mc on my last day of work and i felt very bad. I called up my hr personally and told them about my condition to seek their understanding. I also hate to see pple 'face colour' but for the sake of bb, no choice leh.
<font color="0000ff">lili_fc</font>, try to avoid heavy meals. not good for body oso. eat little but more meals.
Sometimes when my stomach still feel very full, I would go for soupy stuff so at least I know my bb wont get hungry. Try not to have too heavy meal otherwise can cause heartburn also hor.
<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font>, see ppl's face colour very sick one hor. esp when comes to apprasial time. they will comment &amp; comment. haiz...
<font color="0000ff">During pregnancy, our immunity system tend to be weaker, therefore we have to be more careful in our diet....

Elch, very cham hor, we hv to think about how many days MC we have and etc...hmmm...but really if no choice still have to take de...

My Boss told my IC not to overload me with work ever since knowing my condition, I did not know it until one of my colleague told me abt it. Think they oso abit "jealous" about it, then i told that colleague, if it's within my job scope, I will definitely do the tasks - no EXCUSE!! I dun want them to be talking bad behind my back......


If really cannot tahan, muz take leave to rest ok, dun force yourself...take care ya!!</font>

yes. Dun worry too much, it is not good for urself and bb. Leave to GOD. If your bb is yours mean yours, else nothing we can do.
Littlebluey...haiz ya lor...will really use my MC if cnnt tahan but if can tahan will still come to work...the most is come work show face never produce work...haha...
hmmm, seem like i am not the onli one suffering.. ytd i jus told my mum that i am feeling so bad and sick until i jus feel like aborting this bb.. last time think preg veri gd coz no need to do heavy things and no menses cramp but now with all the vomit and bloated feeling.. i am so xin ku.. help!!!

anyway, i know is stupid to have this thinking and my mum did told me when she was preg with me was veri xin ku too.. so she say thats y the saying "shi shang zi you ma ma hao" now that i am a mum myself will know the suffering and pain for giving birth..

to all mummies.. we r the greatest so jia you and ren !!!
<font color="ff0000">cheer bear</font>, dun even have tot of aborting the baby. dun say it out too. the baby will know. they can hear.
Poor you, how about trying lemon+honey or starfruit juice (add a bit of salt in it). It helps to reduce the sore throat. But, not to sure can we take starfruit now, coz heard my MIL said it is cooling fruit.
Hi ladies,
can anyone help me to update my info in the Table?
Mummies: Phtanus
EDD: 28 Oct
Child: #1
Gynae: Dr. Yvonne Chan
Hospital: TMC
Zodiac: Dragon

Thanks a lot!
<font color="ff6000">morning mummies...

on MC and leave, I'm very thankful have been feeling ok this pregnancy, only taken 1 day MC so far this yr, and still have 30+ days of leave cos accumulated from last yr. on appraisal, i dun care liao... likely to go on no-pay leave or change jobs after giving birth. now just tong till Oct only. just do my best and ignore all the crazy demands/expectations.

yesterday i was so touched, this middle aged indian lady in a sari gave up her seat for me around lavendar station. i boarded at city hall, and was resigned to stand in the crowded stuffy horrible noisy train till simei. but she got up even though she was carrying things. i said it's ok, but she insisted. even more touched when i realised hers was not a short trip - she was still on the train when i got off! sometimes only women can sympathise cos they also gone thru same thing.

yougurt -
I'm thinking of going this week or next Sat. the tours are at 11am, no need to pre-book i think. just show up at the counter. like TMC one.

littlebluey -
I went robinsons' yesterday! first to leave office (i dun care cos i'm always first to arrive in office as well) for retail therapy. bought 3 sorella wireless bras - quite comfy! and some nighties, and a L'range blouse - stretchy comfy material.

Juz Me -
welcome back! we missed you! shall we organise our oct mummies gathering soon? </font>

Hi everyone,

May I join in? My EDD is 28/10/08. Doc is Dr Wong MT (Thomson Women's Clinic) but I'll be delivering at Mt. A.

Next week I'm going for NT test. Anyone can tell me more about it?
