(2008/10) Oct 2008

It's a very asian mindset to expect our kids to give us money when their financially independant. My any mo friends dun give their parents any molah.

I dun expect Marcus to support me when i'm old, but it'll be nice if he does lah. He'll have to save and support his own family next time too.

u mommies r funny; ya I wanna pinch her cheeks until she orh cheh!

Cannot use pillows meh? I bot the Baby Safe pillow with a hole in the middle. My PD told me that baby's head must be a little elevated when sleeping so baby does not puke and for neck support.

Pildough - I also found using the sterile cotton wool mah fan and ex. In the end, just use normal cotton wool. 1 pc for right eye, ano for left, ano for forehead and chin, and neck. But I use boiled water even for her ass.
cos cleaning also include the mouth mah then try not let baby take tap water cos got bacteria etc.. facial area best to use boiled water..
my boy is having some slight cough with alot of phlegm in it. do u all think i shd bring him to see a dr today? anyone can advise is there any clinic open today for baby?
mommies, this thread really moves fast.

Surf, u mentioned pain when expressing with PIS, you should check out the size of the funnel you are using. I changed the standard size to the L size and now there's no pain even if i try to express for more than 20minutes.

Karen, my PD says can give water even if TBF, cos they will just pass out as urine, but i give in small quantities. it oso serves as a form of cleansing the mouth after milk.

Btw, any auditors here? how do you store your milk when you are on the go?
hi hi wow thread so fast!

Karen, yah she's born 26 Oct.
oh and thanks for helping me ans bbgoh about the headband link hehehe!

Forest hellloo!!! wow u have good memory, u even remember my wedding photos????? hhhmmm as to who she looks like more, there are 2 groups of ppl loh hehee. 1 say me,1 say my hubby.but those who say looks like me MORE lah hehehe! fair what, coz my big one looks more like hubby mah heheh...

about ur qn on Ergo, i think better to use when they can sit? around 4mths bah. thats when their back is stronger and neck stronger, so better. coz the ergo basically put them in a sitting position. if their back and neck not strong, so may not be good to carry long time?

phildough,are u the one who ask about changing table? my big one uses the IKEA bookcase cum changing table until he's 2 yrs old. the specs say until 13kg, so i stop changing him here when he's 12+kg, which also happens to be around the time meimei about to be born. since i intend to change mei mei on the changing table, i want to unlearn him from it first before meimei comes along, so he wun think meimei snatch the table from him u see hehee. mine is not the trolley changing table,mine is the bookcase one from ikea, where u buy an attachment "platform" and attach onto the bookcase.

Surf, I mix the EBM only when they are the right temp, else u will spoil the EBM....i use hot water to warm up.

cooled boiled water => oh i stop using liaoz. i only clean her eyes with cooled boiled water and sterile cotton balls when she has those eye shit when she infant. once her eyes clear, and once my confinement finish (i can touch water), i use warm tap water and no longer use sterile cotton balls hehe. now only her hanky to clean her face with warm tap water.

jellypurin, i bought my ergo 2 yrs back at a BP.
my friend organised it, think around $140-$150 if i not wrong.
dun feel sad about the photoshoot, u can go again?? its tmlw!!!!!

Mint, i chose 5 photos in the end.
so only top up $10 hehehee....lucky. eh i never recieve ur PM leh!! is there something wrong with my email? yahoo? my friend email i also never get! ur baby so cute!!!! hehehe! and i like the romper u got.

Enya, thanks!

Jasminetea, ur girl got SO MUCH hair!!! super CUTE lah! hey....looks like you can't meet us tmlw liaoz? :p *wink wink*. can u guess who i am hehee..

Whitepaper, no ur photos very cute! coz the baby cute mah!!!! the setting not important, its the ingredients thats important hehehe!

xinying, i got msg ribena last week ask about her, she recovering but no totally. so prob resting bah? eh ur PD so siao one...like contradicting his words??? dun be mad kae?

surf, babies with no hair also cute what! and yes can also wear a cutey beanie!
i rem seeing lovebug that time during xmas photoshoot, her boy was wearing this very cute beanie, i asked her where she got it from, think she say pumpkin patch? but i tot i heard cabbagepatch? or u can buy the headband i have like what mint suggested? hehehee...

Surf, u can try going alone. i brought Jaz alone for the xmas one. HOwever, going alone u may not be able to get very nice pics, coz when i put Jaz in the chair, i had to stay near her in case she falls down. so i cannot be near the camera trying to capture her attention and make her smile. so xmas one dun have much smiling pics. but for cny one, lucky my parents happen to come with me. so they try to catch her attention while i make sure she dun fall hehehee....
dimpletot, i breastfeed sitting on the bed. only rarely lie down. coz if i lie down, when baby stop drinking and fuss, i cannot get up fast enough to burp her before she wakes up my boy. hehehe.so yes, my back also complaining.but i just bought this Hui Ji Bu Yao Jing, am trying to drink everyday to see if it helps. at one point of time, i also cook du zhong bu yao tang at home to drink during lunch or dinner.

karen, babies grow when they are sleeping!!!
oh about diapers leaking, why not try Pampers and Mamy poko? I find these 2 brands are the best for night time usage.

Ruffles, why that woman so SIAO ONE!!!!! i wld have been angry too! i hate these ppl who think they know a lot abt babies but actually they know nuts!
hi joanne, i am not an auditor, but i use Fridge-To-Go to store my EBM from office to home or to anywhere.
can keep cool quite long. but must but those with more cooling panels.
mint, what colours/design socks u hv left?

ruffles, your poor baby! her beauty sleep disturbed...

re:glass bottles,
actually you can go back to the maternity ward to ask for more milk bottles. Just give them a call before you go down so that they keep some for you. Mt A will give..

dimpletot, i bf on the bed in the sitting position at night. put a pillow on your thighs and then put baby on top, at least dun have to bend your back lor.

xinying, aiya got reply email from Maternal love re Hotsxxxxgs, apparently we cannot even discuss about it on the forum, violates their agreement with the supplier.. erm, any other mummies want it, PM me?? I need 2 more. Will go ask my friends.. I will ask re 3.

jellypurin, where did you get your waterproof mattress protector?
Cleaning the face
Like Xinying, I also using warm tap water lei. Aiyoh, seems like I'm doing all the wrong things. Perhaps I should go to one your houses and do peer observation for a week!
Junior Member
Username: featherg

Post Number: 137
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Saturday, January 10, 2009 - 5:08 pm:

Hi mummies

I have some qns:
1. I bf baby -now 7 weeks but at nite very haywire, nurse every hour is that normal. Feeds only one side, bb sleeps already after 1 side dont take the other.

2. I would like to express my milk so that husband can feed while I rest or if I need to be out to do errand--- If i only direct latch bb all thro the day, at what time can i express my milk. Am afraid that no milk to be expressed after nursing the bb. or worse, after expressed, not enough to feed bb. how?
die lah... no wonder bb got diahrrea... i had been mixing cold ebm w warm... siao liao... better stop that

re: cleaning bb's face
me follow pil & xinying's style

i order from bbmallonline. i think of getting sm stuff there as well. if interested, let me know we can share shipping

re: freezing ebm
until noe hor, i am damn confuse what is freezing in deep freezer n our normal fridge freezer! so if fridge freezer can only store 1mth??? deep freezer 6mth?

i think 7wk still can understand y u feeding her every hour... but i think by 8-10weeks, shd get better. normal sm bbs like only one side n not latch on the other side

u can express the side ur bb din latch on mah after she nurses n fall aslp
as for the nursed side, if you know she empty ur breast liao then no need to pump lor, if not, u can pump as well
think week 7 or so is growth sput. There's a period i also like nursing every hour!

About nursing and pumping, when baby is sleeping, try to pump and store whatever u have lor. Then accumulate and let hubby help bottle feed. When hubby bottle feeding, u can try to pump again.

Essanna, we shall call it HOTS now. Haha...

Frozen BM
Die... i have alot in my freezer leh. Marcus though big, only drinking 120ml each feed. When i'm away at work, i pump twice, 220 there abouts each time. So i'll have extra 200ml++ to freeze as he only drinks twice (240ml) when i'm away at work. How huh?? I think i have about 30packets in freezer now.
I'm recovered fully le. Thanks for ur concern. Will be back to work on monday but still can meet up. Hee.. I've decided to discuss my work schedule with my Boss to make it more flexible as my working hours can last till very late. I have a colleague who gave birth in May 08 but still haven come back to work. Tink her heart is still with baby.

Can we meet up pleaseeee.. hahaha!!staying so near but never see u before. Buffy oso staying at Bt Panjang, she's a slient reader of our thread but she seldom take part in our discussion. I haven hear from her for quite some time le, we can ask her out too. hee...

Wah, Marcus can turn le?? so fast!! I'm training my gal to do that. hee...
Hi mummies,

Can share where i can buy nursing bra? went to robinson yestd but the normal brands are yucky...
Any recommendations ?

Re the milk stored in the freezer, can only store 1 mth? I tot 3 months? if freezer solely for milk bags, tot it can last 6mths?
hi jellypurin and xinying
thanks for quick response!! My bb is v light sleeper. she sleep better when whe is being carried once put down on bed, she can only sleep less than an hour even during daytime. I'm worried that if I express my milk then when bb wakes, i dont have milk for her liao. How did you express and store so much milk. Can share your schedule of the timings. Do you still latch bb when u express milk? Xie Xie
That's very cute and fun. Ok, I'll wait for her to turn. Now she's able to rotate herself in her cot. I put her at 9pm position and i went to toilet for less than 4 mins and when i'm back, she's at 11 pm position le. so excited.

i gotten my nursing bras here
now got 18% discount
So far i like their nursing bras, got removable underwire.

Oh, i read abt ur mum's comments on horlicks will decrease milk supply. I drank 3 cups a day and it boost my BM like nobody's business until my mum and hubby told me to stop coz got no place to store le.
jellypurin, i just went PD yest and she said best not to keep for more than 3months even if it's in a freezer solely for BM.
jellypurin, u order wat from bbmallonline? our fridge freezer with separate door from the fridge can store 2mths. deep freezer is this type - can store longer - 6mths i think.


xinying, n no more mention of ML! i think u can use the extra EBM in ur hubby's coffee. if only i hv extra, can give to my toddler!
featherG, wanna listen to a tip in expressing? express one side while nursing baby the other side. baby helps let down, ur pumping yield will be better. then at next feed, alternate sides. this way, u will increase ur supply, and maybe baby will drink longer and get more efficient, hopefully u dun have to feed every hour. u can also try drink nursing tea from moms in mind. www.momsinmind.com.sg

lh_jyc, i buy my nursing bras from either Mothercare (exp but very comfy and good support), or the smooth cup ones from www.momsinmind.com.sg. u can only store 6mths if u deep freeze it, meaning u use those special freezers, and u never open it. mommies seldom have deep freezer at home, so our normal freezer 3mths bah.

hi ribena!! YESSSSH lets meet up!! next week????
<font color="ff0000">Hello,

How's everyone doing?? I'll be going back to work next Monday. AHHHHHH, really don't wanna go back to work, think will miss Skylar very much. She's so damn cute at the moment, babbling non-stop. She knows goo, ah, ha, gaa, airh now, loves to chat with pple too. Think i will be really jealous of my maid cos she will spend more time with her than i do. Darn it!!!

Btw does any mommies here swaddle your baby?? I swaddle Skylar at night but am thinking she might be getting a bit old for that but don't know how to stop it, she will wake up easily if not being swaddled. Tried swaddle her loosely last night but she woke up a few times when she can get her arms free, end up didn't get much sleep. Any advice here??

I got my nursing bra from wacoal. Recently got more from OIO, suntec. But 1 get 1 free. So 2 for only 39.90. Normal full cup with ah ma lace lor. But cheap lah. So no complains.

Like what daisybutton say, i also express 1 side when baby latching on the other side. Haha... Drink milo, horlicks to boost supply. I also treid taking fenugreek. But stopped coz i cannot stand the smell. But i must say, fenugreek is really effective.

Gioanna, i never swaddle since Marcus was week 2 or 3. He dun like being tied up. Have u tried beansprout pillow?
<font color="0077aa">wet cotton wipes- me hv been using cotton ball n dapped w cool boiled water since day 1... even use that to watch her mouth...

sling/pouch - brought bb out to chinatown today n sling bb all the way... seems quite ok leh.. now make me wonder again should i get the pouch or not. *headache leh*</font>
wow.. u mummies are now v active!!

*waves too* =)

hahahaha... NO Lah.. i dont remember exactly ur wedding photos.. i dont have such good memory lah.. but i just have a feeling when looking at Jaz's pics.. that she gives me the image of ur hubby wor... kakakaka. :p

oh dear.. didnt know that you were unwell for so long... but glad to hear that you are well now!! do take care ya!

you go girl!! i would have done the same if someone disturbed my boy when he sleeps and my boy gives me hell for it!! such an inconsiderate person she is!!

i dont do the sterile cotton balls with cool boiled water thingy either.. hub just uses the warm water from the bath.. we're really easy on most things... talk abt lazy parenting!! :p

re: bean sprout pillow
does any of ur bb still startle when you place the bean sprout pillow on their chest? it seems that the pillow have no effect on Kieran.. he still startles quite a bit... hmmmm

re: Medela spare parts
any mummies keen in getting medela spare parts? i found this site http://shop.nurturecenter.com/breastfeeding-products.html whereby the price of getting an additional set of the PIS parts - i.e. 2 funnels, 2 connectors, 2 valves with membranes, and 2 tubings costs USD 29.50 (this price is with personal fit shields) or USD 31.00 (with soft breast shields).

there's other stuff like the storage bottles also available on the site.. if any of u r keen, do PM me on what you want, as I can start a spree so we can all share the shipping cost.. =)

1 thing though, the site does not acccept intl credit card, so i'll be trying to order with the concierge service from CGW. i've not found any spree by anyone in this forum before, so cannot guarantee that concierge might work (apparently, CGW states that some sites still disallow orders by them).. but i will TRY anyway.. and it'll be good if it works anyway! =)

p.s. Mint, there's lilypadz available
bm dun have the milky taste. dun think will go well with coffee. Haha...

Talking abt hubbies, how many of u your hubby tasted your BM? My hubby tried coz he lost a bet. He gave me the yucks face. He says taste ok, but dun like the idea.
Hi Mummies,
I'm from Nov thread but bb born on 16th oct. You oct mummies are really active. Hope to learn tips from all of you.

i latch bb on and pump at the same time. It really helps in getting faster and more let-downs. But can be quite tiring.
i poured the cubes into the tray lid without touching the cubes, then transfer to ziplock freezer bag. From freezer bag, transfer directly to bottle.

You may hv prob with small opening of the bottle unless you store 1/2 oz instead of 1 like some mummies do. Other alternative is the change the bottle.

actually i use it like the baby lotion cuz I like the smell of the cream. :p

hum, my kids smell of ruyi oil and calendula. :p

whitepaper/studio loft
maybe they got also walk in for QingMing festival

okay...though if you live nearby, can show you both the bjorn and ergo.

www.freshbaby.com it's for storing breastmilk and baby food puree.

i lie down beside to breastfeed at nite and daytime, on breastfeeding pillow. but my boy is getting big and heavy. :)

my son also takes one breast...as long he's putting weight and looks healthy, 'he's okay.
you can express the other for storage.

yes, some sites, though items are cheap, they do not accept local credit cards. so couldn't order from them
hi mummies

Up at unearthly hr pumping cos one boob got blocked ducts OUCH. Rock hard on one side of that boob. Done all the usual to try easing that at 11pm last night but still hard. Even tried pumping after bb suckled. Nothing much came out. Haiz. Dunno why suddenly also. Got big reunion dinner last night so missed one latching and fed ebm from bottle. Then go home realize rock hard. Maybe also thru out day bb only half drained that boob? But got latch reasonably long thru out day leh. Haiz. Wish me all the best in quickly solving this. Praying hard!


I din even know got sterile cotton swabs. Or do u mean just normal cotton balls? Me still using latter with water from bb's bath before adding soap. Actually I think our bbs are stronger than we think. That's what I tell myself whenever being lazy. Hehe. Helping bb build immunity.


The most guo fen buay tahan part is she tried doing it again. If not relative must give her big piece of yr mind.

Qing Ming? Hahaha.

great for marcus! Go tell yr PD! Cheh what too fat. My girl just starting to sleep on side. Every bb got own pace so we also quite relaxed. ;)

I stopped swaddling since 1 month cos kate will struggle free. She really doesn't like her hands tied up. Hee. Swaddling made her struggle till disturb sleep instead of helping.

the mummy'smilk webby says bm good for facial and as creamer. I agree as latter cos to me really taste like those liquid creamer in tiny plastic cup.
tired of pumping. Stopping. Good boob only 70 rosak boob only 45. Usually that boob can get 110 one.... Siao Liao. Hope tmw latch bb will get enuff. Nighty... Yawn.
hahaahhahaha Enya... QING MING???!!! ahahaha!

CH IS SICK!!!!!!!!! He's having quite a bad cough and coughed out a big big puddle of phlegm yesterday! Brought him to see Doc and gave him medicine. Doc say babies recover rather slow from cough, so may last 2 weeks, to prepare us for the wakey nights. Now CH is sleeping, just that he very xin ku when he drinking milk coz got phlegm and wanna cough. And he drinks real slow now... but still drinking 170ml. Hope he gets well soon!

actually CH can flip from front to back when he was 2.5months old... he did that a few times, but after that never see him do it already, probably coz we seldom put him on tummy after that
but no rush for me lah, I let him develop on his own. And yes, I also have ALOT of FBM in freezer! Wah biang dunno what to do with them. Mayb keep them for emergency in case my supply drops when back at work.

I'm also still swaddling CH. He likes to be swaddled and sleeps better. But now I am trying to wean him off that, slowly introduce naps with just half swaddling (with arms free) etc... he seems ok so far. I use the beansprout pillow on his chest too.
dimpletot/forest - ya the silly woman has 3 grown kids even. I think no one pinch her kids' cheeks last time so she never experience this before.

gio - u can use Grobags or any sleep bags.

forest / enya - I need to get the Medela Pump membranes (6pc pack)
xinying - my hubs like my milk leh. kekek. He even said if baby dun want, he can hv mommy's milk...fr the tap ... wahahha.

whitepaper - did CH get the cough bug fr chinatown when u went studio loft? Poor boy... And by the way, dun throw away yr excess ebm hor? In case u need them... my ss dropped since I fell ill last Dec due to dengue and hasnt quite recovered... now desperately trying to pump more freq, drink more water, eat fenugreek etc... jialat cos Vicky's milk intake has increased ...sigh
<font color="aa00aa">Xinying
That's fast! My gal is now learning to flip and each time when she cannot flip successfully on her own, she would make a lot of nosie and we have to help her and turn her on her tummy. PD said should be soon liao.

I also swaddle my gal (with hands free) when she sleeps cos she cannot sleep long w/o the swaddle.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">whitepaper
Hope CH is getting better today. Last time when wenxuan was about 4-5months and having a cough, the doctor at KKH also told us that when bb get cough at this young age, it would take a bit longer for them to recover bcos cough syrup is too strong for young babies and they do not recommend cough syrup for them. The best way is to let them recover on their own.</font>
oh man, i threw out my febm bcos i thot can only keep 1 month -__-""""

re: hubby tasting milk
he said my BM is tastier than the FM and other dairy products as well... cos its sweet :p
<font color="ff0000">Good Morning Mommies,

Ruffles, I am using Grobag and Skylar loves it. Every night, she will have her bath around 7.30pm, then her milk at abt 8pm then sleep throughout the night until about 7am. I have to feed her one last time before i sleep at around 11pm though she is usually 'unconscious' then. Hehe.


Skylar does need the swaddle during the day, she usually sleep in her rocker without it, it's only at night that she needs it.


I've not tried the beansprouts pillow yet, how do I get it and how to use it?? I'm not very cina when it comes to things like this so am pretty clueless.

Enya, in that case milktray not suitable for me cos most of the time my mum would b handling and dun want to b too troublesome for her. But u got the new version blue egg milkbags??

SIGH~~~i also toppled over my milkbag this morn and half of the bag is gone

I still swaddle my girl, although she's perfectly fine without swaddling her hands. I'm slowly going to wean her off swaddling and yes, I want to get the grobag too.

Bean Sprout Pillow
I find this really useless. Swaddling helps girl not to have mojo reflex but the bean sprout pillow doesn't.
