<font color="ff6000">pinkimum
well, after i got sick and couldn't pump every 3-4 hours, i got very bad blocked ducts. so painful till i couldn't use the PIS even on lowest. then i hand expressed one session. after that tried PIS on lowest again, and could get a little out. thereafter pumped every 4-5 hrs and massaged hard, drink hot water, use hot compress etc... then slowly over a few days the blocked ducts eased, but my supply for one boob was still low. then the other one had blocked duct but after that eased the ss came back. now i don't feel engorged until 5-6 hours after last pump.
sometimes i feel like life would be much simpler and i would be a happier more relaxed mum if i didn't bf. but i guess there are many benefits that I have experienced that I'm taking for granted, like quick weight loss, good immunity for bb (although some friends shared that their bbs who are on tbf still fall sick v often, more so than formula bbs!) so far, and of course saving money on FM... haha.
for decreasing ss, if you REALLY want to stop, my gynae's advice is to pump at longer intervals (e.g. 4 hours first, then 5 hours) and don't drain the breast. just pump enough to ease engorgement. then slowly slowly body will take it that your bb needs less milk and produce less till zero.
another way, is to take pills. 2 pills and the next day zero milk, zero engorgement.</font>