enya, lovely pic!
littlealmond, EBM usually better to store in fridge for 48hours max. some guidelines said 7 days, but thats ONLY IF your fridge has constant temp throughout that 7 days, which means NO opening or closing door. siao right? who will not open and close fridge door to take out this and that, except if yours is a fridge especially meant for EBM. Even so, also will open and put in new bottles. so best is within 48hours safer. if after 48hrs, try not to freeze, else also no good. try to freeze within 48hrs bah.
xinying...aiyoh...thats what i was afraid of. so u end up pumping at what time?
pinkimum, u are welcome, hope it helps. about the food to avoid, what i read before was spicy food, and food tat cause wind e.g. brocoli, green peas, onions, cabbage etc else baby may have wind. however, this is on case by case basis lah hehee, u have to monitor ur baby, whether or not he/she has different behaviour or reaction after u feed her after eating such food. coz some babies have, some babies not affected. like my boy, i never watch my food, i just eat what i like. i dun rem him being affected. but for those say with food allergy, sometimes even if mommy eat peanuts (high allergy food) will have reaction so better be safe.