(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="green">hi mummies!
how's your christmas so far? last night my baby refuses to sleep. no matter what we do. put her on her tummy..don't want. put her in her cot..don't want. put her in between me and my hubby..also don't want. and then kept on vomitting out milk.
whole night we didn't get to sleep.</font>

elch, i use safety pin.. sterilized in my sterilizer then i poke the hole bigger..
both my CL &amp; sis &amp; MIL all doing tat but don poke too big.. must agar agar..
u gauge how fast the current flow is then u poke n c the diff if u still need to poke any bigger..
when using teat 1 i nv poke my gal also fuss n refuse milk cos cannot suck out n too slow.. after poking better
Merry X'mas to everyone!

Thanks cheezel. I did not store up any bm and going back to work on 2 Jan. will be a weekend mummy and try to pump as much as I can and I do not want to freeze bm. Everyday bring ebm over to bb. ebm can keep for a few days in the fridge without freezing right?
This morning I changed the teat back to No.2 as he also fuss when using No.3...for past 2 feeds he's ok, never fuss...hope he's getting used to teats and not just my nipples...
hi, i just came back from Izzy's baptism. Wat an experience! Emma was acting up in church so much so that I was so angry with her that I simply ignored her for the entire duration. She refused to sit with her grandma at the pew when we had to bring Izzy to the altar, she danced around us, she tried to climb up the pew, so on &amp; so forth. I was so v mad that I didnt enjoy Izzy's baptism at all &amp; was black-faced throughout.. sigh.. now hours after, cool down, not angry already, but how to better control my temper, the pictures must have looked awful!
Enya- Hey mummy... Ur 2 kids look so adorable! Girl so pretty &amp; ur lil boy so charming!! ;) And wow ur boi is growing fast! More than 7kg @ 2 mths!! My girl is only 5kg+ at 2 mths! ;)
Does ur girl dotes on her lil bro? =)

Lovely pix of both smiling! My bb is big too 2.5 months est 7kg!


Oh dear, emma is prob going thru a phase. At the baptism she prob felt izzy getting all the attn. Hope u feel better now and enjoy the rest of christmas.

Merry Christmas one and all. God bless!
thanks again mummies...

usually gals are lighter!!
yeah she dotes on him. but sometimes she is very jealous...
heya mommies

i hope everyone had a great x'mas.

jts: this month's mother &amp; baby magazine featured some articles on weaning baby of a pacifier, stopping bf and many more.
enya, lovely pic!

littlealmond, EBM usually better to store in fridge for 48hours max. some guidelines said 7 days, but thats ONLY IF your fridge has constant temp throughout that 7 days, which means NO opening or closing door. siao right? who will not open and close fridge door to take out this and that, except if yours is a fridge especially meant for EBM. Even so, also will open and put in new bottles. so best is within 48hours safer. if after 48hrs, try not to freeze, else also no good. try to freeze within 48hrs bah.

xinying...aiyoh...thats what i was afraid of. so u end up pumping at what time?

pinkimum, u are welcome, hope it helps. about the food to avoid, what i read before was spicy food, and food tat cause wind e.g. brocoli, green peas, onions, cabbage etc else baby may have wind. however, this is on case by case basis lah hehee, u have to monitor ur baby, whether or not he/she has different behaviour or reaction after u feed her after eating such food. coz some babies have, some babies not affected. like my boy, i never watch my food, i just eat what i like. i dun rem him being affected. but for those say with food allergy, sometimes even if mommy eat peanuts (high allergy food) will have reaction so better be safe.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter &amp; mummies who are staying at SK
Heard from the news 2 days ago that there's going to be a market and food centre beside compass point in 2 years' time
! </font>
Mousebb, yes! Finally there's some use for that plot of green land! But 2yrs very long leh :p

Bryan is still on milk strike these few days..His no. of feedings dropped to 6 intstead of the 9 previously. Any mummies bb also the same?
Everafter, Marcus also seems to be drinking lesser.
I think he dun like bottle as much as me. I latch him on before i go work at 8am. Then he can sleep till 1pm then next feed. Then 5pm feed again. Then will wait till i go home about 8pm then will want to latch on for the whole night. Diao...
hi mummies - need to ask u all where to buy the bottle caps? I tried asking guardian pharmacy and Unity but they dont sell. It is to store bottled EBM in the fridge. Thanks
Hi mummies

Am new to this thread. My baby girl was born on 25 Oct. Read that some of you are having problems with breastfeeding just like me. Sigh.... I try to pump every 3 hours but output is always erratic, sometimes only half of what I can pump out during other sessions. I don't latch baby, only pumping exlcusively. Now baby is coming 9 weeks, drinking abt 100ml. Is this too little? Stressed that my supply may not be able to sustain her appetitie as she grows older
vanilla pod - u nd to get them fr the hosp pharmacies. Retail pharm dun carry them. I know Mr A and Mt E pharm sells.
vanilla pod- U can get those storage caps for standard size bottles from the pharmacy at TMC..They do sell for bout 3-4 in a pkt! ;)
Think must go TMC, Mt.A etc then will have.. =)

Enya- Yup think bb girls seem to be lighter and my girl has been drinking less aft her 6in1 jab.. Now latching her fully and only try bottle-feed her like once a day only... and she likes to latch rather than bottle-feed!! Whenever we bottle-feed her, she will be cranky and make a fuss one!! *Headache*
Hi surf,

My boy is born on 24 Oct. PD says 90-100ml is what they shld be drinking. If your baby starts to cry more often for milk then it is time to increase.

I am in the same situation as you. Milk not enough for baby. Even when he latch on for 15 mins on each breast, he still can finish 90ml of FM. So in the end, I only treat BM as water. then i will give him about 50-60ml of FM. He is now 5.7kg. Is that considered heavy?
HI all mummies..

Belated Merry Christmas and have a Blessed New Year!!

Anyone has good recommendation for Pineapple Tarts??
CNY very early next year... I used to buy from my Malay colleague who made very good pineapple tarts but she is not making this year.. so sad..
hi mummies,

im an october mummy too.. can i join this thread? at times struggling with baby's needs and trying my best to cope.. see you mummies sharing problems and helping each other out.. so great to have such a support group =)
<font color="0000ff">Mommies,how long does it takes to increase ss if pummping at 3 hrly? Like how many ml within a few pumps or days or week?</font>
hi surf, christina,

My boy is borned on 29 Oct and he is drinking 90-100 ml also on a 3-4 hourly feed. But at nite, he will only wake up around 4+am for 1 feed. Last feed before he sleeps is normally around 10 or 11+pm.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
I remember Dr Lilian Lim told us before that some babies will come to a stage where they will 'decide' how much they want to drink. As long as they are still drinking and putting on weight, it is ok. So dont worry.

Poor Marcus! He must have missed your nipples so much!

My gal will be 3 months old at the end of this month and it is only few days ago that we increase her intake to 100ml. Before that, she was drinking like 50-80ml every time. </font>
thread is quiet...
today i only pumped at 12.15 and 5pm.
Sigh... not very good results.

Going to head home now and make sure i latch Marcus on all thru the weekend. Hope will help increase my supply.

Have a great weekend mummies! Last weekend of 2008!
Hello xinying, how did you get Marcus to sleep for so long? from 8am to 1pm! Is he sleeping in sarong? Does he wake up in between? Ethan also seems to be drinking lesser now.
hi mummies
how is everyone?
baby seline will be 3mth old 1wk lata. nw she is drinking 100-120ml every 2.5-3hr. i dunno how is her weight nw, queit long nvr take liao must wait 9th Jan go for jab then take. but her figure queit big those 3mth size rompers cant fit liao..

nightfeed >> she takes last feed abt 10pm then only ask milk ard 4-5am.

ss >> drop le.. pump every 4hr only can get 100-120ml.

Xinying >> ur maternity leave end liao huh? go bk to work alrdy? i feel so xian to go work sigh
Hi Yen/bbgoh

mine takes milk every 3 hours even at night. But recently about 4 hours at night, never like you gals so lucky eat only one time.

My PD says 5kg at 1 month is avg. He was 2.5kg when born.
Hi Surf, christina, my girl born 26 Oct, 2 weeks ago she taking 110ml. now she 8plus weeks, i not sure how much she drinks coz i total latch.

At night, her last feed is around 8pm. recently, if she drinks more than 1 side that time, she can last till around 4am. so on those days, she wakes up once betw 8pm-8am. thats only on good days lah.
on not so good days (if she drinks only 10plus mins on one side), she will wake up twice (2am and 5-6am) between 8pm-8am.
hi mommies

welcome surf &amp; yen!

mommies, anyone of u going to "rehearse" going back to work? i am going to try and do that on new year's day. i hope i can get accustom to the routine as i still intend to express even though my supply is low

my girl now has her last feed between 11pm-12am. then she will slp thru till 4 or 5am. she takes between 120-150ml of FM but recently drop to 90-120ml after her 6in1 and rota

do u latch ur boy b4 u leave for work or u express?
hi mummies, today brought my gal to take pics @ orchard..

milk intake:
my gal now 8wks n i'm feeding her 150ml FM every 4hrly..
is tat suppose to b normal or am i overfeeding?
cos after 4wks i oredi feeding her 120ml..
she now weight ard 5kg+ but she don throw out *touch wood* n when i feed her lesser she seem still hungry sucking hard from the bottle till we have to pull out the empty bottle.
some ppl ask me to feed her water i tried but after 1 hr she hungry &amp; finish 150ml as usual..
but she poos normally &amp; all..
shd i ask PD or is my gal jus a heavy drinker?
<font color="aa00aa">Jen
My kids' PD's advice is if the bb can drink and doesnt vomit, then just give it to the bb. The bb will come to a stage when she decides how much she wants to drink. The amount could be more or lesser. I remember when my son was just 3 weeks old, there was once when he drank 1 litre. We were worried that we had overfed him and when we consulted his PD, she said it is ok as long as he doesnt vomit. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">bbgoh
Long time no 'see'! How are you? My gal's last feed of the day is around 10.30pm-11.30pm and she drinks about 100-130ml of fm. This amount can tong her until 9am-10am the following day. Her daily intake is around 500-600ml.

My gal is also going for her 2nd 6-in-1 jab on 9 Jan. </font>
Wishing one and all a blessed christmas!

lili, purpleangel,
So now lili is taking yellow rosie and purpleangel is taking yellow mjb? Am I right?

It's ok for you to take 2 colours if you dun like the rest. Not a must to take 3 colours.
Hi mousebb, ur gal 2nd jab is it a 5-in-1? My boy took his 6-in-1 in end Nov and his appt card stated that he will be taking 5-in-1 in early Feb.
Socks still available:
1 green rosies, 2 green pixies, 1 black pixies and 1 green mjb.

Hmmm... Seems like green is an unpopular colour. :p

Hi Enya, will my california baby products arrive next week cos I'll be going back to work on 2 Jan and nobody will be home to receive the registered mail if it is after that.
