(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font face="tahoma"> hazeline,
like carole explained earlier, the epi is injected by the needle then replaced with a very fine tube which connect from our spine to the drip. hence you can rest and lay down... dont feel anything for me. </font>

<font color="aa00aa">Ribenali! yes yes, i was there last night! I think 7.30pm leh, so I must have seen you. Were you alone or with your HB. I saw a young couple there in addition to a girl who went solo.

Ai yah, I am also down with cold and cough ah. In fact, I coughed until I vomitted the phelgm out this morning. Sigh... I saw my GP yesterday and brought the medicine to show Dr. Ong and he said they are fine. But the cold med knocks me out so I dare not take 'cos am driving. I only take it at night before I sleep.

I saw my bb punching and kicking into the air last night. It was so surreal. When I saw BB so active, I was thinking 'die lah, of all of my genes, it has to be so active!' ke ke ke ke'</font>
Hi Ladies,

Karen, I have the same thought as u. Initially, see everyone had stroller and their babies can sit in there, so relax. But when I had, then i realize it is not this case, my boy refuse to sit in there at all. I also wish for a boy and girl... My gynae last saturday even make fun of my hubby, " Do you want a boy or girl or 2 boys?" Dunno, think let my gynae tell me when I am ard 12 weeks bah. Last once, she told me I had a baby boy when I was in my 12 weeks pregnancy.

Little Bluey, yah.. bad cravings... Just now Bugged my hubby in msn until he surrender... says thursday nite, bring me go and have satay.. Haha! East coast lagoon hawker. :p Opposite my house, talking about that place, I miss the satay bee hoon also and the Pig Trotter. WAHAHAHAHA~!

Diane, yah, me praying day and night for natural birth... No c-section. Cos my no. 1 is natural delivery... this rd if I c-section, will be a bit hard for me to take care of the 2... worst case, no.2 squeeze, no.3 vaccum. Lolz

Carole, wah, ur hubby good la. I think our main problem is no one taking care of my boy so hard to go out and eat... cos he slept early, about 8.30pm. My these 2 babies, craving for hot and spicy food... even chilli also must add a lot.

Juz_me, now me 8 weeks++ I gain abt 1kg liao. :p Maybe is the anmum milk putting me on weight. I am taking 2 cups a day.

Rachel Mummy, wah! 19 hrs labour pain! then i consider lucky... 6 hrs labour with epidural. When I admit in already 3 cm dilated.
C-section:just wanted to share my personal experience.I'd emergency C-sect after failed induction for my 1st child.Could feel the tugging when gynae got the bb out,so rather painful despite Epi.Had infection at wound and post-natal depression coz healing very slow, yet cant take care of bb well. so, personally, i wld've rather had natural delivery if given a choice. Anyway, pls dun worry too much abt delivery as long as bb is fine, right!
Icic..so aft the needle poked into our spine, it wldnt come out although we are lying down? Coz im scared that i move about on the bed, will pull the wire, then the needle drop out how..

For mommies who delivered ur #1 naturally, i tik this time round u can try to Dong awhile before askin for epidural straightaway. Coz i heard that 2nd delivery is much easier and faster than #1. Although it is just as pain, but i guess if the duration is shorter, it is more bearable ba? My frd told me that her #1 is 10+hrs, but #2 is only less than 4 hrs!

Ya carole, I wanted to try VBAC. Esp when it is alredi close to 3yrs come Oct 08. But i heard that there are some conditions before one can go for VBAC, like if the bb is not too big, if i did not go for induce birth etc..The c-sect recovery is so slow! Somemore with the tubes attached to the back of my hand (for the drips) and bags attached to my bed (coz i cant walk to the toilet, so urine all directed into the bag). 2nd day can walk alittle but its v.painful. Very difficult to breastfeed with the tubes on my hand, difficult to carry bb.
ms piggy - got TV to watch in the delivery suite one ah? Eh good leh..then wun be bored while waiting to dilate...wahaaahaa!
Carole, my boy sleeps like pig after 8 plus. He follows we cannot enjoy our food.

hazeline, me died died will opt for epidural... now squeezing 2 out not one only. Hubby asks me can save $800 for him or not or use the "laughing gas" can liao. zzzzz I think my this one, I will kanna my labour pain at home.
<font color="ff0000">hp babe</font>, ya i oso salute those mummies who goes w/o epidural. is really not easy.

<font color="0000ff">hazeline</font>, i think i will kiasu abit. will still jab epidural. coz i really very scare of pain.
<font face="tahoma"> everafter,
yap... but you dont feel anything. i think the drip on our hand is more painful! hehehee</font>
I am afraid of epidural. I can't bear to imagine anyone poking anything into my spine! Yeek!!!!!
I also got phobia of C-sect. Cos sometimes when I accidently cut myself already painful. So I can't imagine for C section the Dr will cut thru several layers of skin, fats and muscle! OUCH!!!

I also din want episiotomy. I find it scary that sb's going to snip me!!!

Me is a scaredy cat when it comes to such things...
yep. I think the design is very rugged, that's why I dun like and that's prob why it appeals to ur husband! Mebbe he thinks it looks cool to be pushing that ard rather than a mummyish or feeble looking stroller! I mean, if I were a man I wldn't want to either! Hee...
Ever after
dun be scared. If u scared and tense then u take longer to dilate! Relax and labour will be very short! then no need epi or c section! So take heart!
Eh maybe we can try hypno-birth methods. Its all abt positive thinking if i am not wrong. haahaaa
I read that with positive thinking, we would embrace the contractions that are coming and think that with each contractions, it would bring us closer to the bb...gosh!!..

Highest level of positive thinking!!...
ok i am still scared....wahahaa i am a scady cat. One of my fren hor, wah she dilated very fast leh..even though her intention was to get epidural, but the doc say cannot because she can give birth anytime lor. In the end, she just endure and scream and scream all the way until bb is born. But to me, its good leh because at least the birth was quick. Just get it over and done with.

Is it true that we can have a smoother delivery if we walk more?
hello my baby edd is 28Oct08

now reading through the previous posts!

btw any comments on lucky baby stroller? my hb says he saw a lot of parents using lucky baby. but i dont like their design. i prefer combi...
hynpo-birthing's really good if you want your birth to be as natural as possible. not cheap though and also it depends on whether your gynae is comfortable with someone else (doula to help with the hypno birthing techniques) in the room other than your husband. i know my gynae told me before that she's not keen on having a doula. and told me to find another gynae if i wanted to go ahead with hypno birthing. i know Dr Paul Tsang - TMC - he's very pro natural birth and probably one of the easier going dr.

All mummies talking about labour pain when there are 7 more months to go before the real thing happen.

Relax..... I read an article some time ago that talking to your baby helps. Sorry the article I read was in Mandrain. Me cannot translate. (brain not working) hehehe.

The lady talk to her baby everyday 宝宝,你要健康的在妈妈的肚子里长大。Then the baby grow up well in her mummy tummy.
Then near delivery, she tell your baby 宝宝, 你要用自己的力气出来。
On the day of delivery, the mummy had a very fast and smooth delivery.

So start talking to your baby and near delivery, tell the baby everyday that when he/she is ready to come out, must use his/her own strength to ease mummy pain.
oh yes. It works! Cos I used hypnobirthing mtds and also engaged a doula. Labour very fast. And when ppl asked my hubby how his wife took the labour, he says he cldn't tell that it was painful cos I looked so relaxed all the time!
i think i will still opt for epidural also. in fact think the 1st thing i will ask for that liao. My hubby ask if i wan, n without 2nd thought, i told him DEFINITELY YES. hehe.

dunno abt other mummies...but for me based on the experience of my #1, i rather have a needle poke thru my spine than enduring the pain. i cant tahan....i deliver 6 hrs later after admit hosiptal...i think i almost wanna kill the doc who is taking his own sweet time injecting the epidural. request for epidural when 3cm dilate, by the time he finish, i'm already 9cm dilated
Hi Karen, the expo one is this fri, but too far for me, think I will gie it a miss!

Mrs LAu, better not to use. I use "Ru Yi" oil to rub my shoulders, think its safe...
The fair I went in 2005 completely waste of time. there is nothing much except tonnes of Insurance agents and also Beauty slimming. Handful of baby stuffs with some strollers, which i think one can easier get better buy else where. Recently i drove pass Balestier, and there is a Place selling Strollers. I took a peep and i saw tonnes n tonnes of different ones. Its just opp. Lightology at Balestier which is after the Caltex petrol. Check this plc out instead.

TOday at 3.30pm, i will be gng to see my little fellow, keeping fingers crossed as whole nite i cant seem to get into sleep.. thinking and wondering if this fellow is doing well. Worse nitemare as i stepped on the scale and its stood at 55kg, 1 kg lesser than the last time... chamz. sure kena butter by gynae later.
I will be making my own beansprout pillow... anyone need one, let me know later date. i will keep all posted on this too. I m totally sotong when comes to sewing, am only doing for fun since i am sitting at home. Will start in Aug. So if you mummies need, dont hesitate to tell me... so i can start collecting husk in July and sunning it. As for the charges, just pay for the cloth and the postage likely... I am just killing time. :p
<font color="aa00aa">mrs lau., i remember reading on the box of such plasters before and i think it is not recommended for pregnancy... so perhaps you can read the box for further instructions? i went to one of those massage place to do a head and shoulder massage (checked with my doc. and he said it was OK, just no reflexology and no massage on tummy and lower back.). i super KS, dare not even go for half back, just head and shoulders and it was good.
you can try also lah or get your HB to do it for you??? idea? :p</font>
good morning!

hi karen, its at expo. are you going?

hi Buffy, where do you go for massage? i have package with Amore Spa but i think its not suitable for pregnant women..

hi all, is it too early for us to buy things for the baby? i dun even know the baby gender yet. or rather what do you think we should buy for mummy now instead? thks

this thread is really fast.

anyone have formula to treat fatigue? feeling super tired easily.
<font color="119911">Diane>> hey i think ur frend oso very good leh!! if can i oso wan liddat ;P

Carole>> how to do?? i oso wanna make leh

MrsLau>> i oso tempted to use but end up just use axe oil. last 2 days got migraine and puked
hope recover by HK trip
<font color="119911">pkum>> too early lah...but but i buy some liao lol... 1st time mum very gancheong leh. altho they say pandang, best wait til after 1st trim. i cannot control my itchy hands ;P fatigue ah. sleep lor ;P i even nap in office
<font color="ff0000">Pkum</font>, maybe u can start to buy some white or yellow colour clothes for the baby. baby cot, playpen or stroller oso can start to buy. car seat. some little toys. milk bottles oso can buy le.
Good morning ladies!!

Isabelle, you had hypnobirthing method for delivery. Wow! I really envy ler. Can you share more about this? Is engaging a doula expensive? Who did you engage? Hmm.. I'm not sure if my gynae is ok with this method though 'cos in my last pregnancy, she "sort" of encouraged epi for long labour like mine.

Carole, you are making beansprout pillow? That is great!
I had it for my #1 and she loves it until she found her current mickey and minnie pillows and she foresake the beansprout pillow. Haaa..

Good luck to your gynae visit today!

Welcome Pkum, I'm also feeling tired all the time. There is nothing much we can do except to take rest when time permits. I slept very early these days. Around 10pm. (My usual time is 12am) The moment my gal slept, I quickly go and sleep 'cos am so tired.

I feel it is a bit early to start buying stuff for your baby
It would be better to start buying when you knew the gender 'cos you can choose correctly mah. When you don't know the gender, you can only buy netural colours and somehow it is not as fun as buying for the "known gender". That is my view lar. But I admit it would be so excited to pass by those baby stuff and would be so tempted to buy them. That is my experience for #1.

Since this is my 2nd pregnancy, this time I won't feel this way since I can still use most of the things from my gal. Unless this is a boy, I will need to buy clothes. If it is another girl, I don't think I need to do much shopping at all.

Rachel mummy - my MIL told me cannot buy yellow clothes for bb because bb will have jaundice...wahaaahaa!!...so i cannot buy yellow clothes.

Carole - why would the doc scold u for losing 1 kg at such early stage? It could be due to poor appetite right? Is it so important to gain weight during the 1st tri?
<font color="ff0000">Jasminetea</font>, same here. btw do u feel less excited for this 2nd pregnancy?

<font color="0000ff">Diane</font>, ur MIL so cute.
Hi ~Rachel's Mummy~,
I dun think anyone isless excited for our no#2 but just that we are experienced mummy and no longer as kan cheong like our no#1.

See all 2nd time mummies are so relax. All waiting for the baby gender before we start shopping.

1st time mummies, got to control. In case you buy too many clothes. Cos all baby clothes are so cute.
Juz Me, ~Rachel's Mummy~ >> thanks for your suggestions.. hehe. recently went to kiddy palace at toapayoh for window shopping. so tempted to buy some things.. but kana stopped by my mum. she will be the caregiver for my baby.. hiaz.. then like so many things she say dun nid to buy... i hear liao a bit sian.. hehe..

Jasminetea >> yah so tired that when i tucked myself to bed, i fell asleep immediately. i wonder how can i handle if i already have a kid like u..

anyone's gynea is Dr AL Lim from TMC? he is quite fatherly and understanding. but waiting time is long even with appointment fixed.
<font color="119911">there's a sale on now at mothercare leh. the rompers pack buy 3 get one free. haha.. anyone care to share? was hoping to know gender then can buy but now dunno may not wanna buy so many packs liao</font>
<font color="119911">diane>> think depends on gynae one. my gynae finds it normal to lose or maintain weight 1st trim, quite strict about weight gain. so all depends on gynae ba. but maybe weight loss may hurt baby? weight gain will hurt mum ba?</font>
<font color="0000ff">blur</font>, i m not so excited for this 2nd one. like you said. more or less we know wat to do or expect.

so far i only starts to get milk bottles, teats &amp; pacifier for the NB.

Pkum, should be ba... i just heard that there is a baby fair this weekend (but dun know when &amp; where), would like to take a look. Becos intend to let my #1 attend some course. See there got any lobang or not
Karen: I m not sure what boppy pillow is, but its the Green Bean Husk.

Juzme: bean husk needs to be sun and clear away with Beansprouts. and then sew the cloth into desired shape or size then you add the beanhusk.

Jasminetea, mine still having hers beside the bed. sometimes she holds it to sleep. I did one for my Niece when my SIL said she gng to buy one. I told her dun spend money and i can sew one for her. one week later, she called me and ask me to make for her friend. but her friend paid me for the material used.

Diane: the problem is that i have been eting so much and cant be losing that weight lor.. dunno why
Rachel's Mummy,
I have not start buying any thing yet cos bought too many when I had no#1. So need to do stock check before buying anything. hahaha.
<font color="ff0000">blur</font>, same here. i bought too much bottles &amp; teats. clothes oso too much. tats Y i hope my # 2 is a girl. kekeke...
