(2008/10) Oct 2008

Rachel's Mummy,

Definitely less excited for #2 lor. I don't know should feel gulity or not. I rem my #1 time, I was so exciting, keeping track of her weekly development. Talked to her every night before I slept the moment I knew I'm pregnant.

For this one, like you said. Already knew what is expected. I haven't even start talking to my baby and I find time pass so slow! :p I'm only excited when I go for my scan to see my baby moving. So in order not to forget about this pregnancy, I had started a blog for my baby to keep track (not that I have many things to write though) haaaa.. Otherwise, I'm sure I will forget everything soon!

You have bought something for your NB already. I haven't even start looking at anything. :p Except confirmed NB's caregiver. Heee.. will start soon once I hit 12 weeks next Monday!

Carole, I think it is a very nice thing to do
I would love to make one for my baby too but I don't think I have time for that. Work, taking care of #1 after work and somemore so tired now.

JuzMe, Mothercare rompers are very nice and comfortable.
I got 2 packs of pink one for my gal last round.

Pkum, heee.. old folks will find a lot of things no need to buy, waste of money heee...

<font color="0000ff">Hi Ladies,

My mum told me not to buy anything yet, she's more pantang bah..she's said tis kind of things dun play a fool! So now, I can just only see see look look nia ;p</font>
<font color="ff0000">Jasminetea</font>, ya i was excited for #1 too. i did a blog for my #1 too. now when have time will update.

i did bought some stuff only. not much.
Hi jasminetea,
me too, find time pass so slow. My next scan will be next week. Very eager to find out how the baby developing.
But did not forget abt the pregnancy cos kept reminding myself that no tea
, no coffee
and no cola
Morning Mummies

Bean Sprout Pillows
I make my own bean sprout bolster for my boy and will make 2 more later when my babies about to arrive

Delivery Method
No matter what delivery method we choose, so long bb healthy, safe and sound can liaoz.

I also will not buy yellow for my these newborns. Pantang they will kanna jaundice. But last rd, I din buy any yellow colour for my boy, he still kanna jaundice. Last rd, my gynae advise me to go shopping when I am 5 mths preggie... this rd, dunno when should I go. I also dunno how big my tummy will be this rd.

Confinement Food
Mummies, do you all know if we can take broccoli during confinement?

Karen, when is the expo fair? When will it be held?
<font color="119911">bean pillow>> i have a friend who say last year they had some kind of BP for a customisable bean pillow leh. can put name choose coulour pattern everything. anyone know where to get that?

jasmine>> hee u tempting me to buy only! ;P i find got many pinks, less for boys. i scared i tempted to buy pink then wait is boy, then my boy must wear pink liao hahah
<font color="aa00aa">purebliss</font>, Y broccoli? i tot should be ok? but during my confinement. i ate alot of kai lan &amp; spinach.
Morning mummies,

My edd is somewhere end oct or early nov, so just pop in here.

This is my 2nd pregnancy, 1st son is 14months+.

do u remember me? i am also a jan thread mummy but seldom post
Purebliss - Brocolli ok leh. Its rich in iron. Good for those whoi dun fancy liver like me!...heeheee..kai lan and spinach is good too!

Littlebluey - eh if its accurate, then mine will be a gal wor....then my HB will be over the moon...! my next scan is on 2 Apr..sooo long....

Carole - dun worry lar. Maybe ur body just happen to burn off the calories faster lor,...heeheee...1 kg nvm one lar..u still have 7 more months to eat leh.
<font color="0000ff">Oh really Icylemon..
it seems to appear a boy for me as well hmmm....lolx but both DH and me prefer a gal hahahahaha</font>
<font color="0000ff">Diane, dunno how true it is but apparently to some it's quite accurate de wor hee hee

Btw, do u all have "tai meng" - baby dreams, apparently I was reading a taiwan mother and baby mag and they have an interesting article abt it which says the kind of animal u dream of will represent whether it's a boy/gal hahahaha</font>

oh, u prefer a girl.. me too, hopefully can get a girl in this 2nd pregnancy.

hmm, so far no dreaming of any animals lei LOL
littlebluey - then i hope it will come true...heeheee

no tai meng. ....only got funny weird dreams that wakes me up sometime. But before i was preggers, i dreamt that i tested and it was negative. Then turned out in reality it was positive.

Then before preggers, i also always dreamt that I was carrying a bb boy....some people always say that dreams are opposite!...So maybe i could be expecting a gal!
<font color="ff0000">joyce</font>, sorry cant really recalled. using the same nick too?

no lah.. using the link tat littlebluey posted to check gender. kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, i oso prefer a girl. think of it. boy or girl is ok. as long as is a healthy baby.

interesting! do u still have the article?
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

No online article leh..I borrow the mag from the library then happen to read it, quite interesting.

For eg, if you dream of a "Dragon" it means it will be a boy and it's a very gd sign meaning which the boy will be very blessed, then if dream of "Spider" it will denote a boy oso especially if it's a very fierce one!! hahahaha...

I keep having dreams on/off thru'out the night, not really can zz thru it...but those symbols in my dreams oso seems to signify a boy hmmm...but nevertheless boy/gal oso nvm lar, like wat all mummies wish for "healthy can le"!!
ya, using same nick, cause i seldom post, that's y.. My 1st bb is a boy, but he was born in dec 28, (same as firstbaby). edd suppose is Jan 07.
purebliss: brocoli introduce colic to new born, one should try to avoid if u are breastfeeding

Diane, just to correct u, brocoli is a NONO food if you intending to FULL BF.
<font color="ff0000">littlebluey</font>, intereting.

<font color="0000ff">joyce</font>, OIC. ya shannyn born on 28 dec. mine was on 30 dec. kekeke... can ur boy walk yet??
Hi mummies, I just lost the post that I typed. Something wrong with the internet connection. Argh... Let me recall...

is it okie to rub 'ru yi' oil on our tummy? I used to do that very often before preggie, and now sometimes I still do that at night, when feeling too bloated.

I have not started buying anything yet. Been looking at maternity wear and strollers only. Other stuff like bottles and teats, I don't know what brands and how many to buy.

I have lots and lots of weird dreams that I feel so tired when I wake up. But no dreams of any bb leh.
Just found this article on caffeine.

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa"><font face="Book Antiqua">What's the Real Scoop on Caffeine During Pregnancy</font></font></font>

Caffeine is one of the most loved stimulants in America! But now that you are pregnant, you may need to lighten up on the daily intake of your favorite drinks and treats.

<font color="0000ff">Facts About Caffeine: </font>
<font color="0000ff">Caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic.</font>Because caffeine is a stimulant, it increases your blood pressure and heart rate, both of which are not recommended during pregnancy. Caffeine also increases the frequency of urination. This causes reduction in your body fluid levels and can lead to dehydration.

<font color="0000ff">Caffeine crosses the placenta to your baby. </font>Although you may be able to handle the amounts of caffeine you feed your body, your baby cannot. Your baby's metabolism is still maturing and cannot fully metabolize the caffeine. Any amount of caffeine can also cause changes in your baby's sleep pattern or normal movement pattern in the later stages of pregnancy. Remember, caffeine is a stimulant and can keep both you and your baby awake.

<font color="0000ff">Caffeine is found in more than just coffee. </font>Caffeine is not only found in coffee but also in tea, soda, chocolate, and even some over-the-counter medications that relieve headaches. Be aware of what you consume.

<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa"><font face="Book Antiqua">Fact or Myth?</font></font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Myth:Caffeine causes birth defects</font>

Fact: Numerous studies on animals have shown that caffeine can cause birth defects,<font color="0000ff"> preterm delivery</font>, reduced fertility, and increase the risk of low-birth weight offspring and other reproductive problems. There have not been any conclusive studies done on humans though. It is still better to play it safe when it comes to inconclusive studies.

<font color="0000ff">Myth: Caffeine causes infertility.</font>

Fact: Some studies have shown a link between high levels of caffeine consumption and delayed conception.

<font color="0000ff">Myth: Caffeine causes miscarriages.</font>

Fact: A few studies have shown that there may be an increase in miscarriages among women who consume more than 300 mg (three 5 oz cups of coffee) a day. Other outcomes include preterm labor and low-birth weight babies. Again, it is safer to avoid caffeine as much as possible.

<font color="0000ff">Myth: A pregnant woman should not consume ANY caffeine.</font>

Fact: Experts and studies have stated that "moderate" levels of caffeine have not been found to have a negative effect on pregnancy. The definition of "moderate" varies anywhere from 150 mg - 300 mg a day.

<font color="0000ff">How much caffeine is in your favorite drinks &amp; snacks?</font>
Starbucks Grande Coffee (16 oz) 400 mg
Starbucks House Blend Coffee (16 oz) 259 mg
Dr. Pepper (12 oz) 37 mg
7 Eleven Big Gulp Diet Coke (32 oz) 124 mg
7 Eleven Big Gulp Coca-Cola (32 oz) 92 mg
Ben &amp; Jerry's Coffee Buzz Ice Cream (8 oz) 72 mg
Baker's chocolate (1 oz) 26 mg
Green tea (6 oz) 40 mg
Black tea (8oz) 60 mg
Excedrin (per capsule) 65mg

<font color="0000ff">How much caffeine is too much?</font>
The less caffeine you consume, the better. Some experts say more than 150 mg of caffeine a day is too much, while others say more than 300 mg a day is too much. Avoiding caffeine as much as possible is your safest course of action. If you must get your fix, it is best to discuss this with your health care provider to make the healthiest choice for you and your baby.


<font size="+2"><font color="ff0000"><font face="Book Antiqua">So mummies, control ur caffeine intake.</font></font></font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Rachel's Mummy,</font>
Think the caffeine in Chinese tea falls in the black tea cat. Got to reduce.
<font color="aa00aa">pkum: hi hi, when i did the head and shoulder, it was at this franchise - "step-by-step"?

But my regular massage package is with Elements Spa located at Orchard Hotel and The Cathay. They have prenatal massages and are actually quite experienced. But they will only do the massage for you once you are past the first trimester.
here's the link for Broccoli &amp; Colic...

New mummies who intended to BF, do read up what you can eat and consume to prevent your baby from getting Colic. Colic is not easy to get rid of and making babies cry lots and bloated tummy. GRIPE Water is famous for getting rid of COlic, but this cannot be introduced until they are over 1 mth. BF mothers must avoid spicy food and cool vege to prevent colic, unless you thinking is so MOdern and cant be bothered. Preventation is always better than cure and i am sure no mummies love a crying baby all the time.
<font color="0000ff">Rachel,

Thanks for the article, it's definitely great info to digest!


Like you, I oso like broccoli!! oops look like during confinement hv to be very careful with our diet if we intend to BF!</font>
Rachel, i love it too.. kekekek.. but i stop taking in broccoli for #1 till she is about 5mths. I stopped all spicy food then too. As my girl was on Total BF-ing, diet is very impt for BF-ing mothers. I ate tonnes of fish daily and each meal has Fish.

My hb and me did lots of reading up from US site on Colic and reflux. and he always warn me against any possible food that should be avoided during and after pregnancy.
During confinement, make sure CL dont cook Water Cress soup for u all. If she does that, you can ask her to leave as well. Cos Water Cress is COLD! Some CL are trying to make quick bucks and they dunno what is right to do and wats not right. Make sure ask your Friends or colleagues for their CL contacts and ask into details wat they do.

CL jobs:-
1. Taking care of your baby 24 hours/day for 28days
2. Taking care of Baby's feeding and laundry (usually hand wash)
3. Taking care of Baby's daily shower
4. Taking care of Confinement Mothers Food and Laundry (handwash)
4a. Making shower water for Confinement Mummy
5. Taking care of Hubby's dinner/meal time (usually CL will cook one dish different for hubby as Confinement food is too heaty)
6. Includes Hubby's laundy (machine wash)
7. Basic Housekeeping ie, sweeping/vaccuming and mopping of floor.

Those with maids can lighten the CL's chores by taking over the House keeping and also Hubby's and your laundry. Must remind CL to handwash baby clothes. But if you are like me.. very bo chap, i ask my CL to machine wash... kekekeke

I love my CL lots... she called me yesterday just to remind me to stay away from Computers. I was like.. i will die if i go without it. I wonder if those sit in front of PC everyday.. like tt die lor... cant work might as well fire the boss. My CL told me that her Daughter's MIL is also doing CL. If anyone needs her contact, email me [email protected]. Her daughter MIL is singaporean so dun have to apply permit or etc. But i have not used her i wont be able to know. But if you need, i will check into details. I dun want to recommend someone bad too
Good afternoon mummies!

Wow! So many posts to catch up!

I had c-sect for my last pregnancy and I must said Dr Adrian's skill is very good cos I din feel any pain and throughout the whole process, he kept talking to me to keep me stay alert. However, I was very gan chiong then and whatever questions he asked me, I also din really answer him. I was so anxious and eager, waiting for my bb to come out. However, was told that my bb is BIG and so another doc (the one who administered the epidural for me) and a nurse actually kept pressing on my upper tummy. My hubby was so worried and kept asking me if i could feel any pain. Guess the effect of the epidural was working well for me cos I cannot feel anything. I only heard Dr giving instruction like "push" and "stop". After a few rounds of pushing, my bb finally come out!

I guess for this round, most likely i would have c-sect also. Even though Dr Adrian has said that I can try for natural birth but I dont want to have high hope and end up go c-sect again!
Confinement bath:- these sachets can be easily purchase from Medical Hall. I dont think its very expensive. SO once you hit 8/9mths, you can start buying the herbs and keep home. You will need abt 20packs. Shower is not daily but alternate days... if you can take it.. kekeke

REd dates/black dates/dried longans:-
CL will need tonnes of them. if your mum is gng bugis, ask her to grab the big bags for red dates &amp; medium pack for black dates and longgans, if not Medical hall sometimes chop robert.
I am thinking of buying such stuff as strollers only after baby is born. As Purebliss noted, baby may not like stroller. Is that ok or is it too late?

I asked but didn't get an answer. When do you all think it's a best time to get a new maid? After delivery or pre?
Karen, best u shop 1.5 mths before ur delivery... cos u need 2 weeks to bring her in and then your orientation another 2 weeks etc...

this was mentioned before, i think now in archives liaoz :p
pinki, im a manicurist... kekeke.. OF COS U CAN! but insist on OPI polishes if you trust me.
I painting my own toe nails still even though i got a bigger tummy.. and doing clients from next week onwards.

diane, For both. For hair, u use ur normal shampoo and then rinse with the herb bath. But i lazy, i use warm water from the shower to wash it clean.. whahaha.. My CL very modern, she even let me shower every other day. never bothers if i wash my hair within 7 days etc. SHe believes in Personal Hygiene and the same time yet obeying rules. CL damn cute, she only said... when there is guest, i must wear long pants and wear slippers. when no one is ard, i wear shorts and step on the floor. She closes her eyes... she knows i also modern mummy. But is a NONO when comes to fan, but i can on aircon.. so cute
hello... I've just tested positive and m going to b 2nd time mum to be.
Though was not very stable yet. Hope to have a sept baby.... though chances of getting a oct kid is higher...
carole - din know u are a manicurist...heehee..i love OPI colors too!...u can bend down to paint ur own toe nails ah? Vey flexible leh...heeheee..ya i think i also will wash my hair on alternate days. But I want to bath everyday...haahaaa...if i am not wrong, the herbs costs $1 per packet from the medical hall.

My SIL din wash her hair at all during confinement leh.!!!..she used those powder shampoo...but i think its still err discgusting lor. can u imagine 1 mth of powder accumulating on ur hair??? And she on the air con 24 hrs a day. So the utilities bills were horrible for that mth.

Welcome bbhuimin
Diane, i tot so.. cos the herbs i nvr buy, my buddy's hubby bought for me when he visited me at hospital after i delivered #1. Well, better to buy me this herb then to buy me things i dun need lor.. :p

I can still paint my toes cos i have a slightly higher stool to lift up my feet. not nicely done, and dying for a pedicure..kekekeke... I love Pedicure as its more worth it the Manicure lor. :p

NEVER WASH HAIR!!!! I think i will go crazy. whahahhaa....I nvr on 24 hours cos i am anti-aircon. My house at that time was very windy and when i open my balcony, fresh wind just gush in. This plc i am in now is the same... i hate to on fan and aircon. but sometimes just too warm, i will just turn the fan on.

Hi hi BbHuimin, welcome.
