(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff0000">Purebliss</font>
I used to think of getting a sling but it seems that everyone has a stroller, so I wonder if I'm missing out on something. Like sometimes, it's nice to be able to put babies in a stroller and not have to burden ourselves.

You're so lucky! My husband and my wish is to have a pair of "long feng" twins. Think you have a big chance at that! That would be so cool! I have a neighbour who has such a pair of twins and they're so adorable.

<font color="0000ff">Pure Bliss,

Start having cravings le?? Hee Hee..u tell your DH must comply to what u want to eat mah?

Ytd nite, my mum cook for me porridge then suddenly I got cravings for Ikea chicken wings and hotdog bun. So DH drove me down to buy, unfortunately only the chicken wings are available but better than nothing lar..hahaha..;p</font>
karen - having a sling is pretty convenient especially if you don't drive. it's nice to carry the baby in the sling when baby's really young 0-6 mths? after that when baby becomes heavier and their legs are longer.. it's easier to use the stroller. that's my experience.
pinkmum - the multi vitamins u ate from GNC,is it called Prenatal Formula?

Pinky brain - I think taking vit c supplment shld be ok. It can promote a healthy placenta. Excess will be pass out from urine.

Purebliss - u very brave leh...still want to do normal delivery for twins?..heeheee..dun worry lar u bbs will be fine

Anyone has phobia of normal delivery? sometimes i think and think and jsut feel a bit scared. I am worried that after all the labour pain, i may need to do emergency c-section , or bb will be distressed then will poo poo inside. If bb swallows the poo poo, it is toxic to them and may damaged the brain...am i worrying too much here?

Littlebluey - ur HB dotes on u leh. I seldom see my husband because of his work. Sometimes i hungry also have to find food myself. I envy u all who can see ur hbs everyday leh.
<font color="0077aa">lili_fc: My CL is charging me $1.6k, i got fren's CL charge up to $1.8k. So u can agar its abt that range. I'm oso scratching my head on babysitter issue. My MIL is old and her health not that good, i can't let her take care of my BB.

Littleger: Dun stress urself too much on ur chores and dun carry ur ger ok, juz give her a hug when she wants u to carry her. ur situation now dun allow u to do heavy stuff. Bed rest ok?

Buffy: u were at Dr. Ong's clinic last nite? I was there oso from 6.45pm to 8pm. I was there to listen to the package, injection and scan as well.
I was really happy when i see my baby. It was lying on its back and was sleeping, then Dr. Ong woke my baby up and it stretches its back, arms and legs. ( so cute!!!) And it was kicking after waking up. Now, after looking back, all the injections are really worth it.

Tweety: Its me, ur fren here. I dint go for the NT scan coz i read from magazines and net saying that Down syndrome test are mainly for age 35 and above. I dun wanna scare myself with the results so i dint go for it. U alrite? try to take some Wheat Biscuits with Quarker Oats ceral ( dun take 3 in 1 ok) its yummy and got nutrient oso. I had that whenever i wanna vomit. Oh, I finally know the package price already. U and Daniel were asking me that day. Its $1.8k ( 50% payment on 13th week and 50% payment at 30th week) this includes: Schedule outpatient consultations and ultrasound can &amp; urine dipstick at each visit; One free 3D scan; Normal delivery &amp; 1st clinic visit after delivery. My hubby and myself were quite ok with the package and i'm looking into Mt A for delivery.</font>
Diane, u're not alone...my hb on shift work every alternate week. so i can't see him everyday also..hv to crawl to find my own food
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

I agreed!!

It's been a long time since I went down to Ikea and feast on their chicken wings, so happen ytd nite got cravings so went down to get them hahahaha *yummy*!!


Like you, I've phobia of Natural Delivery de wor...hahahaha...so most prob opting for C-section, but guess now still too early to say anythin bah ;p

Ok lar...am sure all DHs will dote on their wives de lar..it's just a different way of showing it


Great to know that all you have been thru is worthwhile! happy to know that your bb is doing well!!
<font color="0077aa">Buffy: i'm oso experiencing insomnia. Think mine is more serious. I will wake up everyday at 3 am+ and can't sleep till 5am+. Everyday feel very stone plus i'm oso down with flu, cough and sore throat. Really feeling very terrible. Did u inform Dr. Ong abt it? He gave me cough syrup and tablets for my blocked nose and sore throat. But i still wake up at 3am+ even after taking the medication. </font>
purebliss, whahahahaa.... lucky my hb not like tt... i crave anything i usually get it. unless when i was 6weeks i crave for escargot.. whahah he was like.. wow.. this bb very good taste n expensive. lol.

this #2 is so different from my #1. #1 loves to eat cheeseburger. i can have cheeseburger for lunch, dinner and supper. sometimes 2 cheeseburger one shot... #2 dun like cheeseburger and like Filet O Fish. geez... hb so poor thing.. kekek every time must go eat. lol

purebliss, he dunlet u eat, just order and eat urself.

rachel, i will go for natural again ( if possible) my #1 was fun... i dun push for long before my gynae came in to deliver. the moment she sat down, with 4th push, #1 is out. my hubby was telling me.. there's lots of blood, i was like... isit? i dun feel it. kekeke... he said scary. Cos i told him, i might want to bring my girl into the Delivery suite, he said no.
tks diane.. i too have the same concerns as you when i had my first baby. in the end, baby's head wasn't fully engaged so i opted for c section. looking back.. maybe i sld have just hang in there and tried natural birth instead. the recovery's probably faster and also.. if you want more kids.. u sld consider natural. with c section, some gynaes have a limit to the number of c sections they'll perform for you. well.. enjoy your pregnancy and don't worry too much. when the time comes, you'll probably have a better idea of your delivery method..
<font color="119911">anyone gain weight in 1st trimester? how much? i was chided by my gynae for gaining 300gm from last visit to now
ah? 300g is pretty minimal.. and also, everyone reacts differently to their own pregnancy.. yikes.. your gynae's pretty strict with weight gain. i think i probably gain around the same as you.. and i'm not even done with my first trimester.
300gm.. which means u arent eating enough and baby will be affected with the rate u are eating.

whne i was expecting #1, i too kena scolded by my gynae, and my hb was there to add salt and pepper that i did not want to eat.

i better nw go check my weight gain.. tomolo gng to see her.. better not kena again.
<font color="119911">i oso not yet done wif my 1st trim leh. 300gm was gained from last visit to now lor, even tho i dun have appetite at night, but day time often hungry. she say if gain weight during 1st trim means will have tendancy to gain too much weight during pregnancy. so got me a bit worried. so thot check wif u ladies. yesterday i went to see her, she 'poke' baby then can see baby wave hee.. very cute. too bad cannot see gender yet
then ytd weather so jia lat i went home wif migraine then vomitted (1st time since pregnancy started)... scare me, so i better watch my diet. but really lah, eat a lot of junk food ;P</font>
Hi Diane, no leh my gynae din give any multivit.. she in fact din give me anything.. but i started nerogain fish oil last week since i read from this forum that some of u on fish oil also.. my gynae sounds a bit funny hor..

she told me 1st 3 months, i can pretty much eat like normal and everything in moderation will do. other than folic, nothing else needed..

1st appointment asked her if my folic acid from outside same or not and if need her to prescribe anything for me she says no need leh.. somemore she's one of the quite senior gynaes around.. though seldom hear her name on forums.. hubby told me to follow the US guidelines but can't help it but worry...
Pinkimum, HopeTBF,
Dr Eunice Chua is recommended by my friends and cousins. So far the feedback of her is good. But she does not have package, everytime i go, i will have to pay for consultation fees, ultrasound, etc. Quite ex in a way. However, i still continue to see her because she is very encouraging and let me try for natural birth as my 1st child is under C-section 2.5 years ago. When i went back to my 1st gynae, he discourage me from natural birth and i am truely dissappointed. I really wanted a natural birth for my 2nd one as i experience C-section before and it is no joke. Although you dont feel the labour pain, but the after recovery is terrible. i had depression after that. So, i really need a gynae who can encourage me and let me try for natural birth. The waiting time is long, but its worth it as long as you know she is the right gynae for you.
<font face="tahoma"> Re : natural delivery

I do agree that natural delivery recovery is much faster than C sect. My mum and frds those had experienced both C sect and natural deliveries before, all said they prefered natural. The labour pain is short-term, but C sect wound took a long time to heal and they felt very helpless during confinement.
Good afternoon ladies

Juz Me, errr.. your gynae scolded you for gaining 300 gm? That is weird ler. For my #1, I gained 1 kg every mth during my 1st trim, meaning I gained 3kg in total for 1st trim. But I didn't gain excess weight finally. Because towards last trim, I was gaining like 0.2 - 0.5kg only. So final weight gain is 11kg.

For my this pregnancy, I had gained about 1kg so far also, a bit lesser than #1 pregnancy, but still got gain ler. But given the way I ate, I don't feel surprised.

Diane, I was scared for my #1 natural birth. However, I kept talking to my baby, asked her to come out safety and help mummy (me) to go thru' the natual birth smoothly. Got to "let go" my fear.
Although my labour was 12.5 hrs but my whole delivery process was very smooth.

So don't think too much on the bad side ya.
Think positively and everything would be fine. This round, I'm also going to apply the same thing although of course, there is still fear in me.

Food ==> I took curry chicken rice just now for lunch. Spicy food again! Now feeling so bloated. Hai~
Hi liyan, its ok lar. Like what i said, bb feeds on uterus lining for the first 12 weeks. At least u did eat the 800 mcg folic acid. Some people blur blur, dun know they are pregnant until 3-4 mths, which means they also did not take folic acid. Turn out their bbs are also ok
One of my friend's colleague din know she was pregnant until 5 mths. Her bb is fine too.

Just casually check with ur gynae. If u dun feel comfortable, then maybe u may want to consider switching gynae if u haven sign up any packages yet.
Hi Pinky_Brain,
My gynae did prescribe Vit C before pregnancy and told me to continue after we confirmed pregnancy. He said the anti-oxidant is good for our general wellbeing,so dun worry. But as my Morning sickness is very bad. I cut down on number of pills to take so eliminated the Vit C.

Which quinny stroller do you experienced mummies recommend? Heard the frame alone is 12kg! How to manage when out alone with baby? What are the criteria when choosing a good stroller/ car seat.

Been having nightmares about childbirth. With low threshold of pain,I'm kind of developing a phobia. I am the kind that faint from bad menstrual cramps. So I can imagine childbirth. Does opting for c-section mean not having to endure the pain?
natural delivery,
Indeed one heal faster. I gave birth at 3am, and i was down the bed walking to nursery at 8am. guess i just miss that little fellow then.

But when she is out with me... the moment she cries, i was like... geez did i make her cry?!?!? When she cries, i cried too. that lasted into 2 weeks of the confinement. Weird i guess.. cos that time dunno how to handle.. kekeke. maybe i am lost.. kekeke 1st time mummy.. hands and legs will cramp lor
<font color="ff0000">littlebuey</font>, think our taste bud quite similar. kekeke...

<font color="0000ff">carole</font>, i will oso op for natural though my 1st one i had 19 hrs of labour pain, i still feel tat is worth going thru natural. recover faster within a month.
Rachel's mummy - 19 hrs of labour pain is sooo long!...how did u endure? usually for such long labour, wouldn't the baby be in distress? did u opt for epidural?

The busy bee - i think if u opt for c-section right from the start, u will not feel any pain. Because the date everything is pre-determined. So u will go deliver the bb even before the water bag burst or before the pain comes. My sis in law went thru c-section. She told me she regret because dun not get to be like the rest of the mummies who experience the pains. She also said that the husband will not be able to go through with the wife, the pain of giving birth to a bb if its a c-section.

u can only give birth to max 3 bbs if thru c-section.
Rachel, we had about the same labour hours.. mine just refused to dilute. so was in the delivery suite from 8am till 6am. They kept me in delivery suite after i delivered till 6am cos i have side effects from the Epidural. thereafter, i was back into my bed and i sneak out at 8am just wanting to see how this little fellow is doing
diane, Csec got 2 different types. if she opt for Epidural Csec, hubby can go into the suite after she has been cut opened. If she opts of GA, then he is not allowed in.
oh yah, my sis in law opted for the GA so the husband cannot go in lor...
oh my god i cant imagine being awake while they are cutting me up!!!
<font color="119911">wah now worry about labour liao ah? hai i oso very worry about natural delivery ;P pain pain argh. busybee>> i think c sect oso pain leh, but the pain is after that recovering that time? coz natural recover faster

jasmine> she din really scold lor. juz say a bit coz she say mothers nowadays dun wanna gain so much weight. so warn me 1st trim gain likely will gain too much weight.</font>
<font color="ff0000">diane</font>,
yes i asked for epidural. 12.30am admitted to KKH. abt 3am i asked for epidurial coz i started having pain before tat. took 5 epidural coz each epidural lasted abt 3 hrs.

at abt 5pm evening i only diluted 5 cm. i gave up. i told my gynae i want to C sect. he does not allowed me. at abt 6.30 pm.. i was told to push liao.. coz already 7cm. then i ask for 1 more jab coz is painful like hell. 1 jab on my right arm. i have natural tear too.

actually i dun know if the rest of the mummies agree. natural birth is really like poo poo. like poo poo got stuck there for very long &amp; hard &amp; cannot come out. kekeke... sorry har.. for being so er xin in my description.

<font color="0000ff">carole</font>, i do not have any immediate side effect of epidural. but as usual back pain. even now oso. right after my delivery i tot i will vomit. but i didnt. i ate bar chor mee at the delivery suite right after the birth. damn hungry.

but can you recalled tat after jab the epidural, ww will shiver. like feeling very cold like tat hor.
cannot endure pain so was thinking what if I faint from the contraction pains.... will be dangerous right. When i get through my first trimester must really discuss my options with my gynae.
i think most ppl will opt for GA. coz i heard from some friends of mine who opt for epidural C sect, they can feel the cut wor... so scary.

but they can see the baby right after tat while GA you got to wait until u are fully awake lor.
wah rachel's mummy - ur ordeal sounds very scary. How come will have natural tear? Thought they will usually do a cut?

haahaaa not er xin lar...i also hear my frens talk abt like poo poo like that...heeheee...like very bad constipation right?

maybe the jab is at the spine so that's why feel cold? some people shiver and vomit very badly also.
<font color="ff0000">the busy bee</font>, i was like you cannot endure pain one. but dun worry u will overcome it. juz like me. i oso dun know how i go thru it. tats Y ppl always said women are the greatest mah. kekeke... jia you!!
<font face="tahoma"> My labour for #1 is quite long too... abt 15 hours! I opt for Epidural too.

Luckily no side effect on Epi for me. Hence just lay down on the bed and rest... but too excited too rest. Hence didnt sleep and eat for long long time. very very hungry coz I'm admitted at abt 3am!

Rachel's mommy,
wow.. how come you took so many Epi?! I took 2 for 15 hours labour coz I've requested them to drip at the lowest level. </font>
<font color="ff0000">diane</font>, i oso tot my gynae will cut me. but he told me i have a tear le. so dun need to cut. my whole birth story damn funny. my gynae oso buay tahan me. while he was sewing me, i was actually talking on the phone with my mum. i dun even know he was sewing me up. when my gal came up tat time, i even asked my gynae to put my girl in position so tat i can take photos. i m still keeping some real bloody photos during the birth. hehehe...
I was taking the normal multi-vit from GNC.

ikea chicken wings,
Now I am craving for that, and also the cheesecake! Wonder when can I have that....

My friend told me she took package from Eunice Chua before. Anyway, I will not be taking package, so no difference for me. It is the difficulty in making appointment with her that is troubling me. Normally got to make appointment 2 weeks in advanced, but what if it is last minute or I can't confirm when I can go.

you actually lost weight huh. For me, I can't afford to lose weight, because already underweight. And I read that those who are underweight will supposedly put on more weight during pregnancy. Maybe I will balloon later part of the pregnancy.

the busy bee,
I am also the kind who can faint from bad menstrual cramp. Wonder how to handle labour pain... But I think if possible, I will still opt for natural with epidural. Since can heal faster, do massage and hopefully lose the flab easier. hehe...
<font color="0000ff">mspiggy</font>, dun know leh. think different dosage bah. coz i remember the nurse will change the tube after every 3 hrs. she came in &amp; out &amp; recorded 5 times. i was so worried abt my bill. u know lah. the stupid epidural is really not cheap.

<font color="ff0000">diane</font>, no nvr sleep. was actually on the line talking to friends. i feel so useless tat time. coz of epidural my 2 legs machiam like elephant. heavy &amp; numb. so boring. cannot eat anything oso. drink oso can only drink abit. nvr been so sianz b4.
<font face="tahoma"> Rachel's mummy,
yap... maybe different dosage. yeah Epi charges not cheap.. that's why when you mentioned you have to change 5 times. i was shocked!

i am fully understand what you went thru... i was laying on bed... trying to sleep but too hungry to sleep! hahahaha

so watch HBO and talk to hubby and also sms my frds! hehehe</font>
actually we are so lucky to have epidural. imagine our mothers time &amp; our grandmothers time dun even have epidural yet they can give birth more thean 5 children. these women so amazing!! really pei fu them.
err...i am wondering, if epi is inject through spine, then u all mentioned aft that still on drip? how is the process like huh?
my side effects were vomitting and feeling cold. I had 2 shots of Epidural...

epidural is injected via spine, and there is a connecting tube to the spine and there is a machine that slowly injects into the spine.

Natural Tear by natural delivery...
Natural Tear is better than Gynae gng to snip part of your vagina open. Sometimes gynae might over snip the vagina and i recalled one true account that the gynae over snip and left the woman paralyse. My gynae is very anti on the snipping part. she would tell me before the delivery that she will not cut me up, so that the healing part will be faster and closure will be better.

but its all up to your gynae's calls to cut or nt.
<font color="ff0000">carole</font>, i remember clearly hor. the mid wife removed a very long tube from my spine after i pop. she actually ask me to turn ard but i insist tat i want to see. is like a wire can of thing. damn long. out from my spine. scary man.

I also had epi. The moment I was injected, I shivered for about 30 mins. After a while, after that everything was okay. Then I can sleep and waited for my gal. (Also feel very hungry and thirsty in between) I also took ages to dilate. From 12am to 8am, I'm still at 4cm! But after that, at 11.30am, I was 9cm liao. My gal was out at 12.20pm.
I had emergency c-section for my #1, so this time round wld reali hope to try natural, at most with epidural.

I also hv the same question as everafter. Hope mommies here can tell me. If i go for epidural, the big needle is injected into the spine, means i cannot lie on my back for the rest of the delivery? Coz otherwise i'll be lying down on the needle? Hmm..abit hard to imagine. Keke..
<font color="0000ff">hazeline</font>, can! u can lay down ah... ur back will have some coldness feeling. i was laying there for 19 hrs.
hi carole, rachel's mummy,
my gal is born rather small size. so mine also natural tearing. I must admit Epi is my saviour, I will still opt for that this time round. Did u gals tried the laughing gas? probably i used the wrong breathing technique...by the time inhale correctly...the pain already over...i remembered i was cursing &amp; really pity my hubby as i squeezed him so hard

It's indeed a good experience to be able to go thru natural birth lor...i really salute those mummies who do not use epi.

hp, whahahhaa.. ya ya..same same.. cursing and swearing keke. i tried laughing gas when i was trying to opt out for epi, but i cant hang on for too long.

Hazeline: Vagina birth after Csec is call VBAC. This term is widely used.
