(2008/10) Oct 2008

haiya, ya lor, I was so silly. Shld have made it clear from the start no hp. But I din want to 'pressure' her with a whole list of dos and don'ts. I think I was too kind and afraid to 'offend' her. How stupid of me.
We knew all along she was eyeing hp but din say anything cos and we thot she wld ask can or not when she wanted one. Somemore every two mths I used to buy her phone card to call home. Who knows she asked my mum and my mum din say yes or no, so she got the idea that if she had money she cld get one. Plus we din make our stand clear.
Then one day after her off day she happily told my mum she bot a hp that day with her ang pow money from CNY and the b'dae angpow we gave her in dec.
Next time I will not be so po po ma ma and say right from the start! Stupid stupid me!!! I am her boss!!!!


Isabelle, thanks so much for sharing your experience. My hb and I already decided that if we were to have a maid, we won't give her off days. Besides the fact, she might mixed around with friends. I also can't afford to give her off days as I need help during weekends as well.

Ya, I saw a lot of maids bringing kids downstairs chatting and never really keep a close looks at the kids. I don't think I can fan xin to let my maid bring my kids anywhere. Bascially, her role would be more on household chore and tend to one of my kids when the other one needs my full attention. My purpose of having a maid is so that I can have more time with my kids and won't let either my elder one or my younger one leave left out.

But it doesn't seem so easy to be a good employer as well haaa.. Got a lot of things to learn!
altho my tummy is still small at nearly 16 weeks but my skin has been feeling very itchy already! First one not like that. Wonder if it's becos second preg skin is weakened already so it starts to 'respond' faster to the preg???

good luck with the maid. Hope u get a good one.
And yep think no off day is a very GOOD idea.

I stay with my mum on weekdays but at in laws on weekends so maid is left at my mum's place. We have never had maid before so at first my mum thot if got off day she also can go out in peace and not worry abt the maid and my dad alone at home. My dad is not a lecherous guy, but we were afraid maid might cook up some story if she wasn't happy and the male always loses... Plus weekends also nothing much to do, and me with my silly human rights theory abt maids also need to have freedom blah blah blah. Sigh...
At first we even thot maid every week got off day!!! Until agency told us otherwise...

But now we regret since we r used to having maid ard already. Guess it takes experience to learn all these! I'll be wiser next time!
sure.. hope i have the energy to come in at friday nite when i come back from the bb fair.

nope.. staying with in laws.. already tahan for 4yrs plus liao.. dying to shift out asap.. they r inconsiderate pple to stay with.. sighzz long long story la..
cheer bear -

it's never easy living with other ppl... even best friends living in school dorms also can have major issues. anyway, you're going to get your own place really soon! so hang in there!

maids -

I think for as long as i can hold out, I won't wanna have a live-in maid... too complicated and too many things to worry about. i have a friend who feels the same way. she quit her high paying job and now is very happy SAHM to two kids, managing by herself. only gets a weekend helper to come and clean the house. quite inspired by her, hope i can do the same!
talking abt maids, dun think i would want to have one too. My aunt recently found contraceptive pills and condoms and pics of her maid and a banglaeshi man leh!...yikes...who knows what hanky panky they have been doing behind her back wor ...scaly the maid contracted some kind of disease and passed it on to the family. Having a maid is a complicated and worrying matter.

Hi Cheerbear, me staying at Buangkok too!..Urs is the grey, white and orange building near the MRT station right? Mine is the beige color blocks. Soon there will be a lot of shops just near us!....Have u finished renovating?
Hi jeregiam,

u can buy decaf coffee and tea from marks and spencer. Dun drink those with high caffeine coz may lead to miscarriage. But i think green tea is ok though. Japanese women drink it throughout their pregnancy isn't it?
I just went for my check-up today. There is a cyst in my ovary and it had apparently grown in size since my last check up 2+ week ago. I am pretty worried about it, especially the gynea mentioned that might need to remove it if it continues to grow.
Anyway, good thing is, I managed to hear my bb's heartbeat today. Feel so relieved and happy
Oh, and I had not put on any weight since the last check-up.

purebliss, congrats that ur twins are doing well. Just now before the check-up, I was still hoping for twins. hahaha..

rachel's mum, guess what, I had mac for lunch and finally had nuggets. Felt so good. And big mac and the spicy wings. I am greedy! And I had some coke too, just couldn't resist.

cheer bear, where to get the stretch mark cream huh? And what is the price?

Has anyone started looking at strollers? I know it is a bit early, but just doing homework first. hehe.... Any comments from present mummies?
<font color="ff6000">for strollers, I heard that Aprica (jap brand) is the lightest and can close with one hand, so that's the best. but of course pricey lah.

some say macclaren is good, but more bulky and heavy. hard to store or move around when outside.

some say those where baby can lie down completely are the best so they can sleep peacefully.

also impt when shopping to see whether the stroller is sturdy. otherwise if you hang things on the handles, it might topple over.

there are some (graco) where the stroller is combined with a carseat capsule. think my friend bought that. but it's heavy. everything has got its trade off i guess.</font>
Hello Mummies,
Thanks for all your advises. i guess i will stop the english &amp; chinese tea as it contains caffeine. I have checked the website and it says that having too much caffeine will stop the baby from growing.... I will now substitute by either japanese green tea or "Pao Shen". My friend ask me to drink this and it works for me.
Pao Shen is chinese herbs, so i guess this is safe for pregnancy.
i've got the maclaren techno xt. I love it very much and wld still choose it as my choice now.
Sun shade can be pulled down all the way. I like this and its sporty look too.
But the net basket beneath the stroller is nothing to rave abt. Hard to access ur stuff once the seat is completely reclined at 175 degrees. (New born can also lie in it altho i wldn't reccomend at such a young age cos my bb looked awkward in it. Only after 1 mth she looked more comfy)
Also, it doesn't have handle bar in front bb can hold on to.
Still, it's my fave!

Have heard gd reviews abt the lighter Maclaren Quest and Volo too. But these dun recline completely. So not for me.

Like peg perego too. Got big basket and easy to access things. Seat is higher than most others so baby gets less dust. But it is darn heavy. I cld not lift it up after closing! Good thing is it is roomier than maclaren and can stand on its own once closed.
Also got removable handle bar in front for bb to hold.
At the back got footstand to support older kid who stands at the back while younger one sits in front.
If u got the budget and r able to lift this one, then go for it!

Combi is very light but it is very very small. Put my girl in when she was 18 mths old to showed to my then preg SIL what a bb looks like in it and my girl was like occupying ALL the space.
But sunshield also can pull down completely and airy material. Can also change direction of psuh handle so that u can have bb facing you if u like.

is korean brand. My SIL has one. But I dun like cos the seat is very very hard. Like v uncomfy, It is like a cheaper and slightly bigger version of combi. But design wise of course loses out big time.

Anyway I have personal pref for european prams over jap ones cos the latter r kinda small.

So depends on how u r using the pram. If u are SAHM and using the pram on ur own, everything DIY, then better not get peg perego cos so heavy and big cannot handle! Maclaren Techno XT mebbe still can and Maclaren Quest and Volo are easy to handle.
Combi lagi can. No problemo with that man! Easy to close and open. (Esp the lightest and most ex version)I must say I'm impressed with how it opens at a literally a flick of the hand!
ya lor.. me realli looking forward to my new hse.. jus start doing reno leh

me staying at atrina. u leh? sorri i dunno which blk is the beige colour one.

u how many wks liao? how come can hear bb heartbeat?

the stretch mark cream i buy at SK kiddy palace after 10% discount (my fren lend me the card) ard $19++
dimpledot, isabelle, thanks for the info on the strollers. Very helpful. I gona be a SAHM, so looking for something easy to handle. But my hubby likes the quinny which is very heavy.

cheer bear,
I am 7+weeks now. Think I may try to get the stretch mark cream though my tummy is not growing much yet. I did not put on any weight but I feel my jeans getting too tight and I stopped wearing already.

I missed out your post. I saw Eunice Chua in late Jan for a check-up. Do you find that it is very difficult to make appointment with her as she is always very packed? And even with appointment, it's always very long wait? I feel very comfortable with her, but am thinking of changing gynea because of the difficulty in making appointment and long waiting time. How is your experience so far?
HopeTBF, how about your wife's experience there?
Wow isabelle, you have so much info for strollers! Thanks! But my BIL might have a stroller that he is not using so will pass it to us.

Purebliss: Congrats on seeing your twins, so excited!
i'm using maclaren techno xt. not too bad. quite easy to push n move it ard. the down side is it does not have a handle bar for baby to hold on to and also to hang toys. my baby can sleep quite well in it.
cheezel, common to have hubbies here.. my KPO hubby was browsing here last nite to see what i bao tuo him here. whahahhaa

lucky i said nothing. :p
good morning mummies.

<font color="ff0000">pinkimum</font>, kekeke...shiok hor.

me not shiok. i threw out all my dnr last nite right after eating. this one is very xin ku then my previous pregnancy. haiz...

<font color="0000ff">hopetbf</font>, welcome to the thread.

<font color="aa00aa">purebliss</font>, congrats on having twins. you muz be very excited. didnt know u r having twins until i saw some mummies congrats you.
Hi all, I've been following the very interesting thread and would like to be able to join u all in the discussions.
I'm in my 11weeks now already.

may i check how much folic acid u gals are taking daily? i've been taking 800mcg folic acid from nature's farm till last week..

cos gynae told me at first appointment that i can continue my folic acid which was bought prior to pregnancy.. it was until last week when i went Guardian that the pharmacist showed me the 5mg folic acid then i started taking the 5mg one.. now worried 800mcg too little for the past 9 weeks... can somebody advise me on this? thanks so much.

I was taking 800 mcg before i was pregnant from GNC. Then after pregnant, i just ate the 5mg one that my gynae gave me. 1mg = 1000 mcg. That's what a pharmacist told me before. And I remember reading somewhere that we shld have higher intake of folic during pregnancy because sometimes the folic doesn't get absorb by the body and gets passed put as urine. But maybe ur gynae thinks its ok to stick to 800mcg lor.
hi all,

my sis in law bought a Quinny stroller that can be detach as a child car seat. But it looks expensive and very bulky lor.

My stomach is very itchy today leh. Must start to apply the stretch mark cream liao.
Morning all

I envy mummies who can log on when at work. I envy mothers who work in the office all day, and not much movement. I have to move around a lot, and all the nagging and shouting and monitoring makes me even more tired.

I am also thinking of getting a maid. Since this is my first (baby and maid), what do you all advise when I should get the maid. I also don't know if I will ever be able to get used to someone else in the house.

Has anyone heard of the brand Bugaboo? I heard that it's pretty good too. Anyone read the book Shopaholic &amp; Baby before? In the story, there's a shop where they sell only strollers and they have different terrains to test the strollers. If only Singapore has such a store. So cool!
Hi Karen,

you are a SAHM is it? Then I envy u leh!!!haahaaa...or u are a teacher?

Nope have not heard of the Bugaboo stroller? Any website on it? Think if want to buy, have to buy online lor since Singapore dun have?
Morning mummies and MTBs

Went for gynae visit last evening. Bb is 3.4cm, at 10 weeks+. Seeing the heartbeat is assuring as I dun reali feel pregnant yet, except for the MS. Dr Adrian confirmed that preg can eat raw salmon..keke..happy happy!

Fortunately, i did not vomit so far, just uncomfortable. I will "Err.." very loudly everyday coz like wan to vomit like tat, but nothing comes out, my hubby hear alredi say "aiyo, so loud". But hey, im feelin v.uncomfortable ok!

Also, Dr Adrian ask if i wan to test for Down's yesterd. Without asking if i wan NT scan or OSCAR, he just highlight on the NT scan column. I asked him wat's the diff between the 2, as I had OSCAR for my #1. He said that NT scan has accuracy of 85% and cost $90+, OSCAR has accuracy of 90% and cost $200+. I tot since the accuracy is only 5% diff, i went ahead with NT scan. Will be goin for the scan in 1st week of April

All daddies,
Welcome to the thread. Feel free to join our chats. Share with us ur anxiety or concerns. It will be gd to hear the daddies' voice and point of view
Hi Diane, thanx for responding. yes that's why was worried abt it..
quite upset with the gynae..seems like singaporeans mostly on 5mg though US references all mentioned 600-800mcg for pregnant ladies..and not to exceed 1000mcg per day..
Hi Hazeline,

din know that NT scan and Oscar produce the same results. Ai yo i very confused over all these test leh. If that is the case, then i wiil go for oscars lar..nvm the cost..heehee

then there is a triple test also right? did Dr adrian tell you?

Hi liyan,
maybe u want to check with ur gynae? u eat how many 800 mcg per day? one is it? maybe ur gyane's intention is that u can continue tih the 800 mcg but must eat more times per day?

Eh din know abt this US reference. All i know is my friends all took 5mg when preggers.
U due for the NT/oscars already?
<font color="0000ff">Morning Ladies ^_^


Dun worry too much, previously I was oso taking the Nature Farm Pre natal Vitamins and it contains 800 mcg of folic acid as well but however I stopped after a while then only started taking those prescribed by my gynae after I found out I was pregnant
Folic acid is present in our daily diet just that we take additional supplements through the small pill....


Must be really nice to see your baby right? It's definitely a peace of mind


Thanks on the different strollers strengths/weakness, it really helps for all first time mummies here
no pblm mummies! Just hope all mummies can get a stroller/pram that suits their needs and budget the most! ;)

I have heard of Bugaboo. Saw it at Mother's Work at Great World City. But really very ex. I think it is 900 plus onwards or even 1000 plus!

Diane n Pinkimum
I also dun like the Quinny. But it's cos I dun like the design. My colleague bought it and found it so heavy. In the end she bought another stroller!
i think quinny is ok for those who have car. For those who dun have, then it is a bit difficult to lug the heavy stroller all over the place.
yep think so too! peg perego also. Hard to lug that up the bus!
I did read in some mother's mag last time abt this father who said he bought this super ex pram with dunno what fancy function but guess what? In the end when he put it in his boot, it couldn't close! Haha
Hi Diane, ate one 800mcg per day all the way till week 10 the start the 5mg ah. this sat got gynae appointment wanna check with her why she din prescribe me the 5mg pill..

Littlebluey, thanx but my gynae din prescribe me folic when she heard i was already eating my own folic...which week did u start on ur 5mg??

been eating food which i like to eat but dun seem to be absorbing enough nutrients leh.. dun think manage to get at least 2 servings of vege and fruits per day leh..
Hi Diane,

I heard of the triple test, but no v.sure wat that is. NT scan does not produce the same results as OSCAR. The former is 5% less accurate. From wat i can remember, for OSCAR, i got to draw 1 or 2 tudes of blood for test + scanning. I suppose for NT scan is only scan, without blood test.

Hi littlebluey,
Yup, its a peace of mind seeing the bb on the screen. Looking forward to the next visit alredi, but its 3 weeks away! By then, im entering into 2nd trim liao.
Hi Liyan,

dun worry so much ok? if i am not wrong, bb shld be able to get enough nutrients from the uterus lining (blood) that bb is attached to....Only from 12 weeks onwards then bb will start to absorb from the food we eat as the placenta would be working fully by then.
Hi MTB...
So long didn't log in here to chat since last week was very tired and rest at home.. and quite busy at work...

Having ms badly now.. vomit every little things I ate.. No appetite at all.. no craving... only crave for soft drink and cold one, but cant drink...

Purebliss.. congrats on your twin... How I wish I get twin too.. hee...

NT Scan or OSCAR
Is it tested in every Pregnant woman?? I'm 26 this year, do I have to go through this test as well???

Wow.. u are so fast to search about this liao... me haven even bought my maternity wear.. hee... MY hb told me that the car seat is very ex?? about 400+.. I was shocked...

Folic Acid
I'm also taking 5mg one in morning and evening. total 2 pills.
Hi Tweety,

think the scans are not compulsory. I am same age as you. But will go ahead with the oscars.

wah how come u take 2 5mg folic acid? Ur gynae told u to?

Nope. Not a SAHM (yet). No child as of now. Yah, teacher. Can't wait to leave the service though. Anyway.

Yah, bugaboo, I believe, is available locally. On the website (bugaboo.com), they list down 3 stores that carry this brand.

<font color="#ffee33">Hazeline</font>
I also burp a lot. Last night I was at my in-laws, and my niece kept on looking at me when I burped twice. But it felt good. My husband also noted that I kept on burping. He said I never used to be like that. Hee.
Liyan - come to think of it, did ur gynae give u any multi vitamins? Multi vits usually contains abt 800mcg of folic too leh.
<font color="0000ff">


I only started on it again once I tested positive...becos was being laid back and kinda give up TTC for a while ;p


3 wks later u will be able to see a more defined baby le, u might even see him/her dancing around
hee hee</font>
<font color="#ffddff">Diane</font>
It's good to know that before 12 weeks, the bb's nutrients is from the uterus. Whenever I get any stomach upset, I would panic and be afraid if I got mild food poisoning and if the bb will be affected by the food poisoning, since we adults should be able to take it but not bbs.
Anyone is always hungry? :/ I bought a bowl of da mai and a packet of noodles. Ate half of each at around 9.30am and am now hungry again!

And I don't vomit so I am consuming all the food. I'm bound to put on a lot of weight.
Hi karen

last week i ate fishball noodle and chiken rice for lunch. My colleagues were horrified. But on certain days, like yesterday i was feeling very terrible then no appetite....
Diane... My gynae ask me to take one in the morning and one at night leh.. all after food leh...

Karen.. I think burp is good leh.. then won feel nauseus as the stomach is bloated... I cant burp and always end up vomit.. haiz.. i think my bb cant get any good nutrients from me leh...
i've seen bugaboo strollers.. nice to have but not cheap at all.
Quinny's good if you're thinking of getting the maxi cosi car seat. cos the Quinny Buzz do fit quite nicely with the maxi cosi infant car seat. I do have a Preg Perego stroller. it's huge and and bulky. i find that it's a tight fit for some of the shopping mall's ally or escalator.

btw, anyone taking vit c supplement? i've been falling sick so often that i went out to get myself a vit c supplement on top of the other supplements that i'm already taking. i'm just wonding if any of your doc have any comments on taking it.. tks
folic acid
I started taking a few weeks before preggie. Mine is 5mg. After first visit to gynea, I started on a multi-vitamin on top of the folic acid. Before that, I was taking the GNC multi-vitamin.

karen, I also panic whenever I get stomach upset, thinking if it would affect the bb. Normally I eat the 3 main meals a day, and maybe bread or biscuits in between. But I eat lesser for dinner these days. Cause always feel so bloated at night. Wonder if that is why I never put on weight. Is it normal huh?

karen, the bugaboo looks quite nice.
isabelle, my hubby likes the quinny for the design. He looks more at design than functionality. haha. I am considering getting a bb sling so that it is easier when I bring the bb out myself.
<font color="0000ff">

Wah Diane,

Your appetite really so good at times!! I can only manage a single portion of lunch at one go and at the most buy snacks to prep for late afternoon...but I guess during the pregnancy, one's appetite really changes quite a fair bit.. ;p


Dun think so much..as long as u are eating well with a balanced diet, everything will just be fine
Morning Mummies

Little Bluey &amp; dimpletots, thanks a lot. At least now I can relax a bit but Doc Wong says the safe period is after 1st trimester... Now 8 weeks plus... 4 more weeks plus to go.

Everafter, dizygotic twins are fraternal twins ( non identical)

Isabelle, maybe 2nd pregnancy our skin more elastic liao... so now stretch and stretch faster. The itch starts on me too... breasts and hip area.

Storeberry, thanks thanks... Me very " greedy" now hoping to past 11 weeks soon and my gynae can tell me the gender for the 2 darlings.

Rachel mummy, thanks! Not easy, everyday I praying hard that the twins are ok and hope I can do normal delivery instead of c-section.

Hazeline, so nice to see ur bb... ur next appt will be 4 weeks time?


I will be taking up the package during 12 weeks ( oscar and fetal) with TMC. For my case, they charged me $485 excluding GST. Singletons, they charge $385 excluding GST. For FBI and SBI card holder, entitled to 10% discount.


Doubt I will be getting one more stroller. That time I buy one Quinny for my #1, end up he sit in there less than 5 times. Refuse to sit... I think i use sling better. Cheaper.


Had Been craving for PIZZA for past few days... stupid hb keeps giving excuses... nite before still say okay I order monday and yesterday buy duck rice for me instead. This pregnancy really cham... crave for simi also cannot eat.

<font color="0000ff">Pinkimum,

It's normal to feel tis way, becos I'm oso more or less like you (eating habits) that's y I even lost weight and my gynae was wondering what happen to my appetite? But I told him am eating well, I just weigh myself over the wkend and seems like I lost another 2 kg or so..hmmm...</font>
