(2008/10) Oct 2008

jus me,
i think i will start a photo album when bb is born.. now too lazy and tired to do anything :p

dun eat too much maggie mee not gd leh..
sure.. we will exchange after our T1

little blue,
my mum say will do confinement for me but she will hv to take leave and she dun hv too many days so will be unpaid.. so think she not veri happi lor.

same as u.. me always feel bad in the morning.. pm and evening still ok bearable lor..

go see ur doc and ask them for hormones (dunno how to spell) pills.. white colour one.. one box is $25 with 20 pills.. i have cramps but eat liao ok no cramps liao

i still drink my tea-o but once a week (miserable leh.. from everyday to once a wk)

green tea i oso drink but not everytime la.. once a while is ok..

onli fruits is the headache one.. so many fruits cant eat
<font color="0000ff">Cheerbear,

Think will feel more comfy with my own mum no matter how..I will compensate her for her assistance
Maybe u can give your mum a token for helping out...

Are u referring to Duphaston?? Small little white pills in pack of 20, my gynae also got prescribe to me at $20 a box...Ruffles are u on them oso or are u on utrogestan?</font>
<font color="ff0000">littleb;uey</font>,
Y no mood? care to share wat happened??

<font color="0000ff">ruffles</font>;
rest well yah.

<font color="aa00aa">dimpletots</font>,
wah! nice lunch yah.
little bluey,
of coz own mum better la.. at least she can cook those things that i like mah.. and the best is my mil eventho she wan to help she dunno how to cook hahaha

errr.. i cant rem the name leh.. but yes is small white pills in a box and inside got 20 pills.. $25 per box from my doc.. actualli i oso eating now coz ks mah.. scare cramp again so my hb say nvm la.. jus buy and eat lor.. anyway he pay.. keke
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

In such a condition currently whereby fatigue overtakes u notwithstanding the nauseous feeling and etc...terrible!! where got mood to go shopping ;p really admire those MTBs who still have the energy to do many things! How I wish 2nd trimester to come faster!!
hahahaha..hopefully will feel better le...

Btw, wanna check with you all, have anyone start experiencing "memory loss" I used to be very gd in remember stuff lately i find that I've been forgetting things even my Dh commented on it too!!

Any MTBs attending the First Mum Congress tmr?</font>
Dimpletots: Wow.. seem yummy!! I love koran food but ever since I am preggy, have been avioding spicy &amp; strong flavour food because of vomitting..

Rest well, ruffles. I had spotting throughout my 1st trimester, now ok le...
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Hahahahahaha, good to know that someone is in the same boat as me ;p really find that I keep forgetting things and concentration is very poor these days...super cham!!</font>
littlebluey, I also feel worse just before sleeping. I tried eating some sour stuff, but think not good for gastrics leh. I just drank some orange juice though I am not supposed to take citrus fruits coz of reflux problem. sigh.

memory lost: So I am not the only one. My hubby also commented on that. haha...

cheer bear, what are the fruits that we are not supposed to eat?
I also still take green tea, when go for jap food.

I still have no cravings for food, except those that we are not supposed to eat, eg maggi mee, sashimi... haha...
Now, I am thinking what to eat for dinner... What you mummies having for dinner huh?
storeberry - gd to hear your good news. pray mine will stop soon. i am taking duphaston, utrogestan and getting injections of proluton and pregnyl. damn cham.
me is alot of white hair instead of memory lost.. maybe i try to rem until got white hair hahaha

any fruits that r too cold lor.. like pineapple, watermelon, melon (both white and orange), english banana, orange cant eat too much, pear or LI oso cant eat too much, papaya oso.. one time can onli eat half and not everyday.. i think basically apple is the safest.

wow.. so now i know not onli me eat jap food.. but of coz i dun eat the raw sushi onli eat those cook one and udon or ramen lor

now 3.40pm onli u thinking of dinner ah.. too fast anot.. anyway i jus finish my small pkt of oat snacks
Memory loss> sigz..talking abt it, i shake head. Lost my staff pass 2 weeks ago, hv to get replacement + $50 fine! Must be raining, scrumbled to dig out my umbrella, and it dropped until i din realise. Worse still, abt a month ago, i lost my ATM card! I duno how it happens!

Lunch> I was v.hungry just now, had 2 pcs of roti prata and a bowl of handmade noodles. Coz i hv been thinkin of having curry whole morning. But aft 2 pcs,not full enough, scared will be hungry by 4pm, so ordered the noodles. But I noe the portion for the noodles shop is on the smaller side lar. Jialat..I am going to balloon sia...So far no vomit but defin. got the "want to burp but cannot burp out feeling", v.uncomfortable.
feel like calling mac delivery now. craving for mcwings &amp; apple pie.

memory loss is ok... but we cannot forget our ATM PIN no.!!! kekeke....
u can realli eat alot.. i cant leh.. too much will be veri unconfortable liao

u make me feel like eating mcwings too.. *dripping seliva :p
<font color="0000ff">Pinkimum,

Am oso avoiding all the cooling fruits for the time being like "Watermelons, Pineapples, Bananas, Dragonfruits, Oranges, Chinese Pears, Papaya and etc" It's really very tough for me becos I'm someone who likes fruits alot boo hoo hoo.....everyday eat apples oso sianz..so i try to eat mango too! hahaaha

Storeberry! Happy for you
muz be enjoying your 2nd trimester now!! Hee Hee...

Nowadays, I can't stand deep fried/oily food, the smell and thought of it puts me off. I only like soupy stuff for now
<font color="ff0000">cheer bear</font>,

mcwings? mc nuggets?? apple pie?? fillet o fish?? double cheeseburger??
I just realised that there are so many fruits that we can't eat! I juz had honeydew the other day, is that okie? For bananas, is it only those del monte ones or all bananas also can't eat? Think I will just stick to eating apples now... haha

cheer bear, I also eat udon and ramen. Think I like soupy stuff, same as littlebluey. But I still eat kfc fried chicken! And felt bloated after that....

Storeberry, so happy for you. You can share with us how much better is 2nd trimester so that all of us know we will start to feel better soon

hazeline, wow, you can really eat alot! At least you have the appetite to eat and got cravings. Maybe you can stock up some biscuits to eat if you really get hungry by 4pm.
Hi Chris!
I so miss twisties but DH don't allow.

Hi Diane,
Can share more abt cord blood banking? clueless abt it. Thanks in advance!
Ya lor, duno why today is extremely hungry since 10+am alredi lookin forward to lunch. Will be stocking up some digestive biscuits over the weekends =)
dun eat too much mango coz is heaty one.. somemore now we preg more easy to get constipation. me oso like to eat alot of fruits one.. now onli eat apple until i dun feel like eating liao so eat more veg lor..

actualli my mum say the no-no fruits is pineapple, watermelon, melon and english banana (those big ones).. the rest can eat abit but not more than half so the other half ask hb to eat lor..

me want to eat durian but mum say onli can eat after 5 mths.. so now waiting :p

i wan nuggets.. long time no eat liao.. nuggets not full if eat as a proper meal so must eat as snacks.. can we share :p

since u eat liao then nvm lor.. but rem dun eat liao lor.. for banana, my mum say those chinese one.. small small type can eat but guess again cant eat too much.

for kfc or mac, i can onli eat a burger and some fries and 1/2 cup of drink anything more i will feel uncomfortable.. actualli u can try drink sprite and put abit of salt then not so gas and can help to burp (my way la..haha)
<font color="0000ff">Cheer bear, ok ok everything in moderation! But i really love those super heaty fruits like mango, lychee, durians and etc...lolx...my Dh pays a closer attention to my diet than i do muhahahaha...diaoz....sprite can take oso rite? sometimes i will have the craving to take abit of coke with salt added of coz.. ^_^</font>
guess the flip side of not having MS is that we put on weight! Doc Wong was quite funny, she said 'wow you've already put on 1 kg in your 9 weeks'. Then i was like yah...oops. then she tried to console me saying, it's okay lah, it's cos you don't have MS, which is a good thing.

my friend had horrid MS in her first trimester and could hardly keep any food down. She lost so much weight. then when she began expanding in her second trimester she said the stretching of skin was really uncomfortable. So she told me i should eat more - fat people have less stretching? my silly theory is that since the skin already stretched by fat, then the baby will absorb the extra fat nutrients and the skin no need to stretch further. haha.
Busy Bee - can read more abt storing of cord blood here www.cordlife.com

Hi Rachel Mummy - ya heard that can use CDA monies to pay for the fees. I cant decide between the 2 cord blood banks though. The fees are more or less the same. Did u store ur 1st child's cord blood too?
little bluey,
ya lor.. everything in moderation shld be ok. anyway when i drink gas drink i will not finish the whole cup/bottle if not later stomach will hv a lot of gas and if cant burp then veri xin ku one..

wei.. u veri bad leh.. make me hungry liao but i jus eat a pkt of oat snacks not too long leh.
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>,


talking abt dinner. i feeling like having steamboat or cabonara.
rachel's mummy, I was looking at the pix you posted and munching on my biscuits. hahaha....
Still no idea what to have for dinner... hmm...

Nowadays, I will bring my own water bottle when I go out. But sometimes see my hubby drinks soft drink, I will still take abit.. hehe...

dimpletot, I also scared of stretchmarks.
Anyone started using anti-stretch mark cream? Anything to recommend? When should we start using huh? My tummy is not even showing yet but think can try to find out first... keke...
the only soft drink i dare to take now is sprite.

pinkimum - I'm only using normal moisturiser. haven't bought any cream yet.... some ppl say good to start moisturising already. makes the skin more 'stretchable' so will have less marks...
u make me eat another pkt of biscuit :p

i buy liao buy haven use think will use after my T1.. i go home see then tell u the brand coz my colleague intro me one.. say is gd

same as u i drink sprite onli coz coca-cola got caffine leh..
Rachel's Mummy ... hmm, I guess one mum's food is another mum's poison. The nuggets make me nauseous. Yeeks.

I am craving for something I can't have. Watermelon. Saw it on TV just now. Sooooooo juicy! I can't stand not being able to eat.

I also admire mums who can do so much now. I'm always feeling so tired, I wonder if I'm just psychologically lazy. Haaaa.
think my MS getting worse. today puke out my lunch, then no appetite till 2 plus eat some plain crackers....then feel nausea again all the way to home. just had magi mee for dinner cos really dunno what to eat. its just like the 1st trim when i had my #1. now although feel nausea, still feel like eating things cos stomach like empty le....then see the nugget pics rachel mom post, feel even more like eating MC WINGS!!!!

Re: Memory Loss
I think i hit the worst liao. can have one document in my hand n walk from one end of my office to the other end where my boss is, the next moment when i reach there, couldnt remember what i wanna do n worse still, cant find my document. Walk up n down the office to find then my colleague ask me how come i eave tat docs on her desk. *Peng* then was trying to retrieve some files from company drive, keep staring at the PC n asking myself what is it that i m looking for.....haiz....

Re: Fruits
I think all fruits should be fine ba. i dint avoid watermelon, melon (white n orange types) papaya. the only fruits i avoid is de montle banana and pineapple. think fruits contains lots of vit, shouldnt restrict to only a certain kind. take in moderation....i like waterapple, grape, mango, apple, pear, honeydew etc

Re: Stretchmark Cream
I use stretchmark cream from the day i know i preg all the way till i give birth....the railway lines r all over my tummy, thighs, breast after i have my #1. i still have them although its getting lighter. some mummies didnt have any, while some like me....cant escape. ep when i was in last trim, my skin at the tummy was stretching till i think super tight...look like the tummy going to burst.....

i hate water now. i drink diluted ribena at times. Plain water makes me feel empty n tasteless n i feel so awful when drinking the water....
Hi pinkimum &amp; Littlebluey: Yeah, 2nd trimester is heavenly!! My energy &amp; appetite is back, no more MS &amp; vomitting. Spotting stop &amp; I am enjoying my pregnancy now! I think the best part is that I can eat &amp; be satisfied now!
icylemon, u are here too...
how's is Rachel? Nowaday seldom back to Jan 2007 thread bcos bz at my boy n me also feel very tire. Bcos of spotting i also ask for rest more... but try my best lor bcos of SAHM need to take care my boy.

bb's cord blood>> I stored my #1 at sterm cord. So #2 will be stored at there too.

CL>> Had decided and book from 1 local agency and recommend from forum. http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/578191/920072.html?1195012841
Hopefully this time will not disappoited me. Last time I used my friend's CL and it is very bad experience.

breastpump>> I also using medela PIS.
quite good!

Hi Ruffles, must rest well. my #1 also spotting till wk 10. like u i need to take alot of pills and jab twice per wk. now #2 also same, but this time I also take TCM, sinseh give some med to bu my body and stop spotting. Dun worry so much, also try not to stress from work. take care!
All Mothers &amp; MTBs!!

How's everyone? I'm into my 2nd trim rite now. MS is cutting down and i hope it will be gone soon so that i can enjoy to be a beautiful &amp; happy mother. I'll be gg for my scan on Monday and i hope baby is growing well.

I've decided not to do NT scan coz i read that this is mainly for mothers aged 35 and above. And i dun wanna scare myself oso. I hope this is a good decision for me.

Has any of u gals start to book ur Confinement lady? I'm only left with 6 mths so a bit kan cheong scare the good ones will be all taken up.

Buffy &amp; Littleger: when's ur next visit to Dr. Ong? Qingxia will be gg thru the package wif me on monday. Dunno will faint or not. already spend so much on this BB even before its born.

But i'm glad that coming monday shall be my last injection!!! Yipee!!
i also looking for confinement lady.
At first, IL dislike getting one and wants to help but i worry they might not cope. So, still prefer to find one. What is the rate now?
Also, now thinking before go work after birth, who to look after bb. MIL and mum cant help, sigh.
i did not apply when i was expecting #1, and no stretch marks left behind. This #2, i guess i am lazy... so leaving those stretchmark cream behind and pray there isnt any.

I banked with Cordlife for #1 and #2 will be the same. Cordlife offers me 1st yr FREE banking, but the basic will have to pay 1.3k if i am not wrong. will check with them once i step into 3rd trim.

Look ard and shop ard and listen to friends comments on their CLs first. If they are good, get their contacts and faster call to enquire. I had a hard time when i was looking for CL when i was close to 5 mths then. Went to an agent, she recommended me my CL then. I called my this CL again, she is overjoyed and more than willing to help me this round.
dimpletot, I am almost 10weeks, put on 1.5kg liao. Tummy showing already haiz.

Although my bleeding has stopped for 2 weeks, but my scan still showed there's blood clot. Is it really ok like what my doc says? The clot actually bigger in size than the previous time.
Carole, I think my smallberry don't like chocolate ice-cream, today went to NYDB had a Emer cake wit double chocolate chip ice-cream, went home &amp; vomitted... Last time I ate chocolate ice-cream also landed in the bowl..

Chua Wan Chuen: The blood clot will either flow out or get absorb by body. Just continue eating the hormone tablets to stabalise the pregnancy. Everything will be fine.

storeberry - any idea why the blood clot is there is the first place? Did your gynae suggest anything? Mine said could be bleeding fr the conception area? And it is old blood.
