(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">Ruffes</font>

<font color="0000ff">Wont be getting anymore for now haha else over stocked later then never use hv to lelong sales alrd muhahahahaha</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mspiggy</font>

<font color="0000ff">The mini thermal pot I bought frm JL tis round, my mum and I alrd have one bigger one le, juz thot a small one would be ideal so dunnit cook a small qty with a giant one the next round hahahaha</font>

<font color="0000ff">Mousebb</font>

<font color="0000ff">Am more assured after u said it hahahaha, *phew* becos it seems like I overstocked like that ;p
Found at Nepia online site...
Nepia can be found at:
MEIDI-YA Supermarket、ISETAN Supermarket、BHG(ex SEIYU)、NTUC Fair Price
<font color="0000ff">Lili,

Seriously, I believe there's no free lunch in tis world. Even thou they might say no charge but it's alrd incorporated into your bill leow..

<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font> u think i should buy more drypers or dry out drypers 1st? coz i scare the bb's skin not suitable leh. how how how?? wat u think?

i guess Rachel will oso get jealous. coz tat day i carry my friend's bb. she didnt want to talk to me after tat. throw her elmo on the flr. hahaha...
<font color="0000ff">Cheerbear,

How r u feeling tdy?


Agreed, they won't refund us one lar hahahaha..tell them can I return u one packet then? hahahaha lolx ;p


Wah! Rachel throws tantrum!

Rachel's Mummy, mousebb,
all u 2nd time mummies will need to soothe ur #1 also... !!

Rachel's Mummy,
i dare not buy too much in case bb is sensitive to any of the diapers... cos' me myself has got sensitive skin.. i think better to play safe lor.. :p
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel's Mummy
I think better let your bb use the drypers which you have already bought first and decide if you want to continue with the brand cos scared the cutting too small and also dont know what will be your bb's weight. Get your hubby to go buy if need more. Dont worry.

lili, littlebluey &amp; Phtanus
Agree. Alto "no charge" but somehow already incoporated in the hospital bill le.</font>
JJmom, no problem. Rec your IB transfer.
I think i most KS, I got mummypoko 1 NB, 1 S and 2 pampers S for baby. Think will have alot of left over.

Icylemon, have u started preparing Rachel for the arrival of a sibling?
<font color="0000ff">rachelmom,</font>
Yah loh, i also know my DH sure dunno how to buy those stuff we need 1 so I was hoping to get everything ready &amp; no need to get him to buy loh.

Think i no strength to teach him during confinement &amp; I also don't wanna have the chance to get angry if he got the wrong thing...
<font color="ff0000">phtaus &amp; littlebluey</font> ai yo! she very naugthy one.

<font color="0077aa">forest</font> think i better on hold 1st.

<font color="aa00aa">mousebb</font> ok. roger tat.

<font color="119911">xinying</font> not yet leh. think she is too young to understand oso.

<font color="0000ff">JJmom</font> slowly teach. my hubby 2nd time father oso damn blur de.
<font color="0000ff">Gals,

Going to get ready for my checkup, be back later, enjoy yr lunchie

Btw, one more thing that may need to ask hubby to get is: Cabbage for breast engorgement! haha...but this shud be easy, unless ur hubby dunno what is cabbage?!
<font color="119911">lili>> think bringing some breast pads in case milk comes, and some personal toiletries, including nipple cream too. plus all required documents.

phtanus>> heard is not advisable to feed baby anything else if u hope to TBF, juz put baby at breast to stimulate milk production. but if u really wanna FM in hospital, they provide FM too.

icylemon,mousebb>>yup yup do share with us how ur older chil reacts, so next time we know how to handle too!
<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> take care. updates us ok.

<font color="ff0000">Phtanus</font> izzit?? i always tot cabbage is to stop the flow. didnt know is for engorgment.
<font color="119911">littlebluey>>do update us!

lili>>quick, take more vitamin C!

phtanus>> haha that one nvm, can ask him ask the vege aunty for cabbage can le :p
me feeling better liao but last nite got difficulty sleeping.. feeling so breathless and v area still pain if walk too much

u leh? take care and rest well

washing bb clothes - is it rach mum who say throw into w/m? wow u steady leh.. new clothes i dun wan to throw in coz scare later out of shape even b4 my boy can wear so ask my hb to hand wash then i hang to dry lor.. so cute to see all the small small tops, bottoms, rompers

btw, i oso finish washing the last batch liao which r some of the toys passed to me by my colleagues

4 bedder at tmc -
yes i think there r more 4 bedder now so dunno will get the free upgrade to 2 bed one mah? but seriously after staying 1 day in the 4 bed.. i HATE it lor.. u cant rest.. the whole place like market.. u will see so many pple come visit the other mummies and is so noisy.
Hi Phtanus,

I think no need cabbage. If you feel engorgement. Get a small HOT towel and massage your breast(Do it every day) Very useful. I heard if you apply too many cabbage or too long...will end up no milk
Good morning mummies!

yup, gnc sells fenugreek too. At the bb bathing.breastfeeding classes the trainer mentioned that TMC parentcraft sale price is cheaper for the fenugreek.

I know what you mean about feeling upset if baby was not near us. Which was why I was very upset when I was initially given a room on 4th flr cos that's the pediatric ward and new babis are placed in the 3rd flr nursery. I'd rather give up the newly renovated room and move to a older room to be close to baby.

TMC service
The level of service is truly commendable they did all they could to help. The rep from TMC was visiting my gynae and even sent me to the hospital when I was told i needed to be admitted for my high bp. She made sure all our needs were met and even visited us everday. The nurses also very nice and helpful. As I was a little upset that my milk had not come in, they made me hot milo and consoled me. 5 stars for their personable attitude and great service!

Experienced mummies, any tips and advice on BF? I still dun see substantial milkflow. My baby is already 1 week old but I think I only still see colustrum. I am supplementing her feeds with formula. Going to try pumping today to see if milk supply increases. The weird thing is I dun feel engorged. Pls help!
take care.. drink more fluids ya!

Cheer Bear,
u take care too.. wah, u steady also.. ur hubby hand wash? me and my hubby also lazy one.. we also threw into the washing machine.. :p

Rachel's Mummy, Phtanus, Jess,
the cabbage def. cannot use too long... think at most a few hours to ease the engorgement..
ya, will take care... hope will recover fast..

nipple cream
medela purelan? apply nnp &amp; the area?

will grab 1 bottle on my next checkup.

what if milk didn't come in immediately or 2/ 3 days, then how? can feed bb formula milk?
oh, 10-15mins only?? hmmm.. i must go and recheck my notes again.. hahaa.. attending the BMSG workshop, n i tot its few hours.. kakakaka.. :p

the busy bee,
did u latch ur baby on ur breasts? our breasts produce milk as per demand.. and if u latch on more often, it will trigger the breasts to know that they need more milk, and thus, more milk will flow... *i'm not experienced, but this is what i've learnt from the workshops and from books* hope it helps!
Yup I latch on baby for every feed. She suckles for about 5 to 10 mins on each breast and cries ( i believe cos no milk and she is hungry). I will then give her formula. I am afraid if the milk supply dun build up soon it will dwindle to a point where I can't breastfeed anymore and have to give Mikayla formula only. Sigh...
busybee- you might wanna have a lactation consultant do a house visit with you to rectify any problems u may hv? Dun think it's ex. Hard for most of us here to give any advice cos mostly 1st time mummies .. 2nd time mummies to the rescue??!!
busy bee - did you try pumping on yr own? Does it render any milk? If so, maybe bb not suckling properly? Do call the LC for any advice.
I oso tot of sterilising the pump. but a bit lazy to do so. Got to open so many tings and later got to keep again. haiz.. Mayb u would like to keep in a ziploc bag after sterilising. Then dun have to sterilise again.

RE: Engorgement
I heard we cant put the cold cabbage for too long if not, we will have no milk forever le.

I hear the nursing milk tea does help. I ordered online and it will take some time to arrive. Do take fenugreek meanwhile.

RE: fenugreek
GNC selling $29.90 here. If u were to get from Drugstore ( USA) it cost $20 including shipping. I've ordered mine. By the time it arrives, I should have pop liao. So, mummies, u may want to order from the overseas spree to buy fenugreek and nursing milk tea now to prepare urself.
hello mummies,
been soo busy w work,after telling my boss that i bring fwd my ML to 24th Sept, lotsa funni client request to do etc..soo busy =(
went for checkup yest, gynae was concerned that bb is not growing much..was 2.23kg - 2 weeks ago and now 2.34kg..was concerned that the placenta not working hard enuff..need to go TMC for a scan tomolo..if need to, will have to induce next week (week 37)was dreaming the whole nite of the scene in the delivery ward !! hope all is ok c",)
Icylemon... why too early. Ur gals is already showing signs of jealousy. u better prepare her early. Like ask her to sayang ur tummy, tell her that there'll be someone to play with her soon etc. And on the day of delivery/bring baby home, coz all attention will be on baby, dun neglect Rachel. Maybe can get a present for her.
don't worry too much...

store BM
so, can BM be store in Avent plastic bottle or glass bottle? still unsure about it..
<font color="aa00aa">Jollyhappy
Dont worry too much. If need be, take the bb out earlier is also a good choice cos can let the bb drink milk. At least when bb is out, you can take control over the situation rather than have the bb in the tummy w/o knowing what is happening. Be positive
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer Bear
Same here. I also feel that the 4-bedded ward is like a market. Difficult to have a good rest also.</font>
busy bee
could it be that bb is not suckling well. When i deliver my #1, Mrs Wong pop by to see how i doing with bf-ing. and she told me tat some babies dun really suckle well. i didnt ask her further cos i have no prob with my boy. another is, is baby position at the correct position when bf-ing? u may wanna check with the lactation consultant if after u try pumping, milk do come in. the more u pump or the more u bring bb to ur breast, the more milk will come in.....so relax urself...too stress out will hinder milk supply too. If u find that when bb suckle, no milk but when pump, milk do flow out, u may wanna consider pumping. Its after all drinking the BM be it latchin on or pumping. ultimate aim is to let the bb drink BM which is good for them. Remember, dun be too concern abt the amt of milk, something is better than nothing. just relax and try on....milk will come in soon.

Re: fenugreek
it doesnt work for me le. i tried during my #1 tat time cos i wannna try increase the amt but it doesnt seems to work for me
thanks lili &amp; mousebb, yah that's wat dr adrain said too, cos @ least its full term next week, so dun have to worry too much..was just kinda in a shock..like next week !! gosh..
Afternoon mummies.. been a few days nvr post already.. hope all's doing well!! =)

Will be going back to my husband's place to finish doing my confinement and pack the room cause little sheralyn will be discharged tml.. =)

here's a pic of her taken yest.. at day 15.
