(2008/10) Oct 2008

Congrats pinky_brain! Hi especially to Buffy, Littleger, RibenaLi and Ms_pi, I am with Dr Ong just like you.

Hi Linda, hope you take care of yourself and get well soon.

Can I ask when there's cramps is it constant pain or it fells like a pull/tug once in a while?

I had bleeding too, but it has stopped since my med and jab, but seems that my MS has also stopped since then. I am worried its my hormones dropping. Any advice?

Hi MTBs,

Do you experience the following for your pregnancy?

- easily tired & fatigue.
- always hungry (almost every hour) but no appetite
- dreams alot
- still having white discharge

Wife is only into 8th weeks of pregnancy and 15 Oct is still such a long way to go.

Soooo many things and tests to worry about and it's driving us crazy!!!
- is the baby growing?
- will the OSCAR result will ok?

A worried and anxious FTB
hello mummies,

I just tested positive last week too!
Had not seen gynae and should be delaying till abt 1 month later.

And like pinky_brain, its my 3rd child. First boy is turning 3 years old end of this month, 2nd girl is 21 months old.
Hi gals,
I'm a sahm with a 3-yr-old boy, staying in yishun. I think I shd be in my 5 - 6 weeks, edd will ard oct/nov. My first gynae appt will be on 19 mar with Dr T C Chang. My ms is still ok, juz that sometimes, I'm hungry but at the same time, I don't feel like eating. Feeling very bloated. Last nite, I couldn't sleep, my stomach is feeling so uncomfortable.. wind is churning inside. Took a cup of hot water, felt slightly better.

Hi poohy,
you are here too!!!. congrats on your 3rd pregnancy!!
Morning Mummies!

Hi Rei-chan, wah... how many weeks is ur bb now... I have not seen mine yet. Got to wait for 2 more weeks.. 15 Mar, cannot tahan.

Hi Nanny! Congrates and welcome to the thread! I am staying in the east too but still going to TMC for my gynae check up. If you planned to deliver in East Shore, maybe u can find out more from Dr Esther Ng or Dr K M Heng. Heard they are pretty good.

Hi Pinky_Brain, Wah! Congrates to you... I guess u must be a SAHM... 3 kids in a row with 1 yr diff... keke!

Hi Chua Wan Chuen, even though this is my 2nd pregnancy, but I do experience a lot of cramps and pain... check with my gynae and she says it is very normal for 2nd pregnancy and some for 1st pregnancy and so long no bleeding then should be fine. Maybe u wanna find out more from your gynae... too prolong pain and cramps also not very good.

Hi HopeTBF, yes, I do feel easily tired and fatigue most of the time. Erm... easily hungry yes... but sometimes no appetite and therefore I just munch some fruit. Dreamt a lot and a lot of nonsense dream and my hubby says I sleep too much. White discharge is normal.
Actually dun worry too much, everything will be well if u try to relax.
Be happy and lastly, Baby of course will be growing.

Hi Poohy, Congrates!!

Hi Stephy, Congrates to you too!!
gynae said from now till end of 1st trimester, i'll be experiencing more of MS ... sigh...

who's already past 1st trimester??

hopeTBF, i feel that too. no worries.
Morning all...

Feel super tired this morning even though I slept at 9.30pm last nite...never felt tis tired before...

Is yellowish discharge normal if there's no weird smell? I'm in my 6th week nw...can't wait to c Dr.Adrian tis Fri to find out hw am I doing...

congrats! Great to see familiar names around !

Shadow, thanks.. hope u can join us sooon also


its normal to have yellowish discharge too. As long as there is no smell.
Congrats n woah! U're gg to be a really busy mummy? R u a SAHM? How do u cope?

hi stephy,
congrats. Me FTWM. my girl is 21 mths old. gynae also TC Chang

me is 13 weeks plus. Still having ms tho better now. Now also confused as to when first tri ends. Some say 12 weeks plus is 2nd tri liao. Some define as past 14 weeks. Make me so confused!

yah, i din use at all. But i knew i wasn't gg to wk in a jap company! Jap society is far too patriarchal and social conventions too rigid for my liking! I'm a free spirit!

ooh yes, gg to mac's to study really reminds me of sch days! I like!
Mebbe u can go kinokuniya see if they got past year papers/booklets for sale? I'm sure u can make it! ganbatte!
it is prob only infection if the discharge is alot, like really really alot. And u start to feel itchy. But it's more common in later stages of preg, not now.
I should know, cos I was so suay, had yeast infection in 3rd trimester. Sigh...
Good morning MTBS!

Welcome to all MTBS who just tested positive. Congrats!

I'm looking forward to see my gynae this Sat! Have been counting down to this day to see my baby again.

I'm so tired over the weekends. Not sure why also. Just feel tired and just want to sleep and sleep. Feeling a bit sorry for my little gal who kept wanting me to accompany her but I just don't have the mood to play with her. Hai~ Hope this will pass soon and I can play with her like before my pregnancy.

About massage, it is not advisable to do so in 1st trim. My gynae and my massage lady told me best to do when we are in our 5th mth. My shoulder is also aching and yearn for a massage so much. But can only tahan at the moment.

Wow, so many MTBS in this thread is going Japan!
I'm still in my planning stage. Haven't confirm. And since I'm so tired, I just don't have the mood to do much planning now also haaa..

Janey, just discussed with my hb regarding employing a maid. We might be getting one but like you said need to work out on budget etc. My nanny took care of my gal at my house, so she can jagar the maid as well during day time when we are not at home. I'm still hesitiating to send my gal to childcare due to her character and I also do not want her to feel that just because a sibling is coming and she got to be "sent off" to a childcare. I had actually sent her to a playgroup, twice a week in Jan. However, she isn't coping well with it though she learnt a lot. So I had withdrew her. Maybe will send her back when she is older and more ready for it. But don't know when?

So now looking very hard into maid option.
Hi PureBliss, thanks. I will check with my gynae when I go in 2 weeks time. Don't dare call the nurse now wait she say so trivial. Hope your cramps get better soon.

I also have yellowish discharge.
yep.. i'm a SAHM.. my first is almost 22 months. 2nd just turned 6 months - both girls.. i have a helper at home. but i do most of the taking care myself. helper usually do the household chores and helps out with the night feeds. My first currently goes to a half day drop off. that gives me some time with baby 2 until her sister comes home. once baby 2 hits 18 months.. she too will be going to a half day drop off. this way, i'll have one on one time with baby 3 ! congrats to all mommies to be..
Good morning to MTBs who just tested positive.

Tik the Nov thread is coming up since alreadi hv MTB with EDD in late Oct/early Nov?

Pinky_brain> you are so productive..keke..actuali its a gd thing coz closer age gaps between silbings is better, the bonding is stronger. Although tough to take care when they are young, but when they all grow up you can shake leg liao. BTW, did you breastfeed? I wish for age gap of abt 2 yrs but couldnt coz was beastfreeding for almost 2yrs and menses only returned aft 18months.

TBF> Yes, I have all those experiences except for the discharge. I dun seem to hv any discharge. But I heard that as long as there is no bleeding, it shd be fine. If I remember correctly (for my #1 more than 2 yrs ago) OSCAR is scanning the bb's neck + blood test. Accuracy is very high. Only when one's result is not gd, then further test (drawing water from the water bag directly) is required.
<font color="0000ff">Hi Oct MTBs,

I'm new here *waves to everyone*

Just wanna check with you, how many weeks were you along when your gynae managed to detect the heartbeat?

I went to see my gyane last Fri which happen to be the day I stepped into 6 wks, he did a tummy scan and did not managed to secure the heartbeat yet but he did say the sac was growing.

I was wondering am I too early? tht's why the tummy scan cld not pick up anything as yet? hmmm....quite paranoid...

Appreciate if any mummies can advise?

Many Thanks
Morning Ladies,

welcome everyone,

i also looking forwards to see my baby this sat....

wan to check with u all

do we gain weight during the 1st trimesemter?
<font color="ff6000"> welcome all the new mummies!

Little bluey - Hi my gynae managed to see the heart beat at 6 weeks. I think it varies slightly between person to person, esp since each person's LMP date and length of cycle differs so the calculation of exactly how many weeks is not always 100% accurate.

Don't worry, just stay optimistic and healthy for the next two weeks before scanning again!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hi Dimpletot,

Thanks...i oso hope so

I understand that a V-scan will be able to give more details, but i think my gynae did not suggest it, shd I? ;p </font>
oh you only did a tummy scan? I did a V-scan that's why could see the heartbeat... V-scan much clearer i think. the foetus was only 3mm but I could see it!
<font color="0000ff">Yes Dimpletot, my gynae only did a tummy scan for me during my 2 visits, he did commented that the size of the sac has grown bigger..abt 3 times since the last visit.

Am supposed to go back for another checkup tis Sat..hope everything goes well..
I oso did a V-scan last friday..I'm in my week 5
and the foetus is only 1.9mm...*so small*..haha
Could see the little heart *jumping*..keke
Hi all,

I am new here. Just tested positive last week and went to the gynea on saturday. Did a tummy scan, detected the sac but could not detect the heartbeat yet. My LMP was 21stJan. So probably around 5-6weeks.

I am thinking of going to the gynea again next week. Wonder if the heartbeat can be detected by then? I can't wait for that to feel more secure.

Glad to see everyone here and exchange pointers
hi Jasminetea,

If you have a maid, still have a nanny quite shiong on the expense leh..are you paying your nanny market rate right now for coming to your place? I used to think of having a nanny at my place, but they charges 800 min.

So, a maid will be better option after calculating..haha..

I think when your girl can go to school later, like nursery. My kid also does not adapt well for playgroup so i didn't let her go now till she is bigger
i think around age of 3 they are more sensible and knows what is expecting and not feeling so lost and unsecure.

Childcare is not an option for me, kid fall sick easily and my baby will be affected too, plus i have no time nor energy to keep bringing her to PD, the bills can kill. Furthermore, like you said, the elder will feel very neglected and thinks negatively about baby coming and she lose the love from parents. I do consider that as well...all mummies thinks alike
hi Jasminetea,

Same here, i feel extra sleepy nowadays and come weekends, my hb help me to take care of my kid and i go to dreamland in afternoon! What a luxury :p You can catch some rest too in afternoon, a small nap is good too.

Let hubby play with your girl, he can manage it
But cooking hor, i still do for him :p Maybe i should train him to cook also..hahaaa..
Just got back from gynae and baby is growing well. Praise the Lord. Its bigger than what gynae expected and I am happy with the scan too. next appt 2 weeks, and that time will be almost 10weeks. Just cant wait the time to pass faster!
Hi again,

Janey, ya lor. It will be very shiong on expenses to have maid and a nanny at my place. I prefer my kids to be taken care at my own place as all their toys and neccesarity are at home. I find that by getting 2 sets of everything (1 set to be place at nanny's place) is also another expense. So might as well, get her to come over. At this moment, this seems to be a better option. Now got to work out the budget and I guess just got to manage with lesser luxury for eg?

Ya, I'm also thinking that by 3 yrs old, my gal should (hopefully) be more senisble and should be able to go off to nursery etc. By then, maybe we don't need a maid anymore.

Hai! My gal does not allow me to sleep when she is not sleeping ler. (Even though my hb is playing with her) She will come to my bed to disturb me. Close the door, she will bang until I open the door. So can forget abt sleeping if she is at home and not sleeping! I just have to go and sleep earlier at night these days. :S Sometimes feel so "angry" but yet feel touched she is so close to me haaaa..

Oct08mummy, glad to hear your baby is growing well!!!
<font color="119911">hi all, congrats and welcome to all who just tested positive =) just wondering anyone suffering from dizzy spells??

storeberry>> keep me posted ok? if no one then i will drag hubby along le haha..
<font color="0000ff">Hi Juz me,

Seems like my dizziness has become "worse" over the past few days, when i wake up in the morning, i will feel nauseous and tummy churning..it's got so bad that I dun feel like going to work. I nd to eat at least something so that I will feel better
I'm feeling so so so sleepy!!! Argh....never felt like this before prior to today and moreover I slept at 9.30pm last nite! I wanna sleep! I dun wanna work!!!

I have some brand new products to sell.
1) Medela nipple cream
2) 2 box of tollyjoy breast pads
3) Pigeon breast milk storage bags
4) Palmers nipple cream

Some brand new maternity clothing for sales. 1Suitable for petite MTBs. PM me for the pics.

u have a maid? I still wonder how to arrange care for my children. We din hire a maid when no.2 was borned. My mum took care of them alone in the day. By the time no.3 is borned end of this year, both of them will be in school in the morning till after lunch. I am hoping I wont need to get a maid.... I dunno how to manage a maid.
<font color="119911">ya!! i oso always dun feel like going to work or wanna take leave...faint i hope its only for the 1st trimester, else how to work?

i feel a bit dizzy previously but last weekend or so was quite bad

poohy, yah .. i do leh, just to help out with the chores. No 1 will attend school. I do hope that Krist will be attending 5 days per week once No 2 is born so that will leave me some free time in the morning to tend to the young on. Where's J and S attending school now? Don't worry...am sure you will be work things out nearer to the date. Now, let's just enjoy the pregnancy process.

jusme, I feel faint a lot. I think I am not eating enough ...do you feel faint too?
Hi Juz Me,

I also feel dizzy at times. And I get headache sometimes. Duno is it I sleep too much though. But i never sleep through the night. Seems that I am not getting good sleep. Then sometimes wake up to go toilet.

Any SAHM with one kid and no helper? did you take care of your kid alone right after the confinement? I am wondering if I can manage when the time comes...
I am feeling super tired &amp; lazy as well!! Saw Dr Woody today, blood clot is disappearing!! Yeah! But still gotta take hormone tablets, Dr was saying its very irritating right? Gave me another week MC but I should be going back to work tmr... BB is growing well but Dr forgot to give me the ultrasound slip! Aiyooo... have to remind him the next appt liao...

Hi Juz Me, ok will let you know soonest!
<font color="119911">missk cannot be leh. i think my eating has increased a bit and my weight oso gain a bit. cannot be no eat enuf. but sometimes esp in crowded train etc when dizzy i feel scared sth will happen

storeberry>> great to hear the clot disappeared!! =)

J &amp; S are both attending lorna whiston preschool now. S in the morning N1. J in the afternoon PG (only got afternoon for PG). Next year, Both will attend morning N1 and N2 respectively. I am wondering if I shd put no.3 in infant care in the afternoon. Then no need maid liao.
<font color="ff6000">wow purebliss!! congrats! Doc Wong showed you that yah? And this is your second pregnancy right?

Do you have history of twins in your husband or your side?</font>
