(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font face="tahoma"> forest,
I didnt take the medicine from GP too though they said it's safe. If can endure then don't take... too much medicine is not so good for our feotus.

Just rest more and drink more water. You can take Vit C also. That's what am doing. </font>

<font color="#D16587"> Forest,
hmm... mayb..
coz my boy, he seldom move.
he movement is go gentle.
juz normal kickin.
nw he runs abt but while in the train, bus or cab. he can sit still.
even whn he's 8 or 9 mths old.
i told him to behave well. mummy bring u go out.
he seems to understand.

my gal, she move alot.
tryin to tear my belly apart.
now.. i hate to bring her take train,
bus or cab. she cnt sit still.
really need to smack her butt!!

nw my #3 is gal oso n
she's more fierce
den my #1 &amp; #2.
tink i need to really charge up
all my energy to look aft all the 3 little momster!!</font>
<font color="#D16587"> mspiggy,
oic.. i hve that but nvr noe that it's call nursin shawls.
but mine is those cheap cheap de.
coz was tinkin nt for long term use.
so didn get those ex de lor..</font>

mi not accountant, mi doing marketing..hehe..i m laffing at my own joke..so silly! haha..bring trash bag to vomit..hohoho..think my hubby will faint if i tell him this..cos he always say i m very silly..he is so streetsmart, hw come can marry a silly wife.. :p so i always tell him..then how? married oredi say so much..then divorce lar..wahahahhahaha
<font color="aa00aa">forest
If yes, then I jialat liao. How to handle a toddler and a newborn bb together huh??? *headache*

You gals must remind me to bring hor! </font>
i've ordered 12 boxes of the mothers nursing tea.
Will work out to about $9 per box (16 bags)

still waiting for confirmation on shipping rates via DHL express. interested,
can email me [email protected]
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
You and your hubby are a perfect match mah! Just like magnets, always the opposite attracts!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

U very farni leh!! ^_^


We muz remind one another when our turn is near

will advise u on my order... i shd be ordering 1..

u didnt take med from GP also ahhh... how u feel now?? hope u get better very soon!!

hehehe.. i will rest well!!! and no more fried or roasted food!! :p

Rebecca, mousebb,
thats what im AFRAID of leh....

ur ah lao wont collapse lah.. cos' already ATTRACTED.. kekekeke... ;)

wow.. u r fast!! okies, will let u know!!
but seriously, i realised i m become more slow in thinking since i got preggie..like dumb dumb like dat..


pls advise if i shld pay $36 or $38? when do i hv to transfer the money?
<font face="tahoma"> Re : nursing shawls order
We have more than 2 orders hence each at S$36. As for mailing, can u gals make it at those MRTs mentioned in the BP?

1. JJmom - color?
2. Trace - Out of the Town Brown
3. Diane - Think Pink
4. Ruffles - True Blue
5. forest - color?</font>

sometimes my hubby oso cannot tahan me. He just came bk frm his biz trip..so past few days no one toks to me..so when he's back i keep talking to him though no ans frm him..then suddenly he said..u talk a lot leh! haha..then i said 3 days no one talked to me..of cos tok to the max lar! then he said talk to bb! i said i got talk..but bb dunno hw to response except kicking..
<font color="#D16587"> Trace,
LOL!!! heaven match made couple!!!
cute couple!!!

unlike me n my hubby. we only hve 1 tin in common. LAZY.
other den that. nth.. tinkin n all dis.. all diff.
as a SAHM i'm like lookin aft 4 kids in future.
my boy, 2 gals n HIM!!
haiz.. sickenin!!!</font>

i shld b able to collect it at admiralty, but hv to let me know earlier..cos dats my mum's plc..will b there for dinner on certain days..but usually wad time can collect? if not can i request for normal post? let me know which is more convenient for u
I just read that the tea contains coriander... Can you advise if there's a strong coriander smell??? Becos I am super INTOLERANT towards coriander ahhh... :S
<font face="tahoma"> forest,
yap didnt take medicine... still down but feeling better after nap

it's S$36 each for the nursing shawl. you can trf the money to <font color="ff0000">DBS Savings Plus 008-0-044417 </font>

Kindly email the trf details to [email protected], dont PM me okie coz my partner will be helping me keep track too. Thanks!

admiralty is where my partner stays.. hence i guess weekends will be ok the whole day but weekdays will be around 7pm</font>

Sorry, I din check the link to the pic of the nursing shawls juz now. Din know there is prints on it, thou it's plain kind. Think I will give it a miss coz I prefer the plain 1. Pai seh...

just saw yr question. yup I'm planning to travel to spain. Gynae appt on 14th, ticket issue date on 17th, so she wants to make sure I'm ok on 14th before writing me the letter to bring on board the airline. the airline will want a doctor's letter as assurance that you are not beyond 32 or 36 wks (can't remember) so that they are assured that you are not going to give birth on the plane!

I think some things to prepare are 1) buy insurance
2)get emergency numbers of the nearest hospital in the town you're going to be at
3)get the gynae's letter
4) pray hard that nothing goes wrong !

I still feel quite well, no numbness, no nausea, no heart burn, not feeling to bulky or heavy (so far put on about 4-5kg i think) so think i can deal wtih this working trip, and i am quite looking forward to it cos seems fun.
<font color="#D16587"> <font color="119911">Trace,</font>
LOL!!! women are like dis. sumtimes i do the same to my hubby.
i start tokin n tokin frm the moment
i left my house until i reach Sembawang MRT.
n he keep quiet all the way.
den i start to ask him. "wei!! listenin ant?! y no react or respond?"
den he reply "tok la!! y stop?! yes i'm listenin! but wat u wan me to react n respond?
den i was like. wa lau!!</font>
hahahaha... i can imagine leh!!!! 3 days no one talk to u! sure talk all u can one!! hahaha.. im like that too.. but only with ppl whom im very familiar with lor.. wahahaaha...

i can make it at Yishun... what time are the collections usually be?? will update u on the color ya!!! tks..
<font color="#D16587"> <font color="aa00aa">Forest,</font>
agree wif u.. but if really thats den case den bo bian liao leh...</font>

guys r like dat..i always feel like i m talking to the walls..but usually he does listens..so i always tell him..pls response..if not, bb next time will b like u...!


true leh, even though i stayed with my in laws..i dun talk much one..once i got home, shower...then stay in my room liao..to me i feel dat the more u converse..the more misunderstanding..so better keep quiet..anyway aft work, very tired liao so dun wanna open my mouth unless its my hubby
Fenugreek :

I got this infor from a fellow forum mom who shared how she achieve gd milk supply.

She buy this 'Fenugreek seeds'(English) aka 'Hu2 Lu2 Ba1' (Chinese) aka 'Methi' (Indian) from chinese medical hall or indian spices stall.

Then everyday she boil 1~2 tablespoon of this seeds in abt 1 litre of water for abt 15 min &amp; drink thru out the day.

Mayb we can try this too
thanks for ur update!!! sounds like u r all good to go!!!

my travel dates are now planned for 29th.. but seems im still on waiting list.. i have a gynae appt on the 26th though.. so its just nice.. im like u.. still feel well, except for some backaches.. otherwise, i think im ok to go as well, cos its a business meeting.. n for my project kickoff as well... guess will have to see if we managed to finalise the dates and also book the air tics...

tks alot again for ur info!!!
<font color="#D16587"> Trace,
haha.. but thx God all my b nt like him..
if nt vomit blood.

my son is like me. tok n tok..
the only time he stop is whn he slpin..
the moment he saw he fetchin him frm sch.
he'll start tokin n tokin.
tell me tins happen in sch dis n tat la..</font>

i m suppose to go bkk this week..but i dun dare to travel now..n hubby dun allows..so in the end i told my boss, i dun wanan take the risk..
<font face="tahoma"> JJmom,
ohh... those are not prints. just some emboridries which are not obvious coz its the same color thread as the shawl. it's ok if you prefer total plain ones. let me know
<font color="0000ff">Milk Bags Order:

Elch - 4 boxes
JJmom - 4 boxes
Ribena - 6 boxes
Nanshee - 4 boxes
Dimpletot - 4 boxes
Diane - 4 boxes
Purebliss - 4 boxes

For interested mummies, pls PM me or add your name to the list
, will be closing the orders by Fri.</font>
Hello mummies

Hv been really bz at wk so didnt hv much time to chat.. but was reading abt the tea. it can be found in the organic store at tanglin mall..n this other store at the basement of forum..

my hubby bought the pregnancy tea from the same series when i visited him in hk during the 1st tri cos i was still suffering from MS but forgot to bring my supplements along..

i really didnt like the taste of it, but it miraculously helped my MS. Hah..so i suppose the lactating tea shd b gd too, n hv already decided to ask him to buy that for me

i agree with u! stay with my in-laws on weekdays..n tink it's best to stick to small talk cos the more i converse, the more the old pple fantasize and extrapolate hidden meanings + scenarios, leading to lots of unhappy misunderstandings. hah.

Rebecca, i think ur pastor is most wise! Peace can only be achieved by having 1 woman under a roof. Hah.. shall tell that to my DH.
<font color="0000ff">Curioxete,

How have u been?? Trust that you are doing well

The tea is found at Tanglin Mall?? Ok will go check it out
Hi Littlebluey,

Thanks, i'm well, except that i feel a pain at the base of my spine now, after sitting for awhile. wonder if any other mummies experience the same?

Oh, and congrats on bringing ur blood sugar level back down! ^_^

Yah..I've seen it at the store at the basement of Forum Shopping Mall myself, but my yoga teacher says it can b found at Tanglin Mall too..
<font color="0000ff">Curioxete,

I think u need to walk around after sitting for a while, cannot sit for too long else the back suffer..did u try using a cushion to prop agst yr back?</font>

Thanks dear

U muz take care ya

<font color="#D16587"> <font color="119911">dimpletot,</font>
haha.. he's cute but sumtimes he's nt!!
disturbin. like to disturb me.

<font color="aa00aa">Hi! Curioxete,</font>
haha!! ya.. should let the hubby noe all dis.
coz if they wan to prevent trouble they muz noe the importance of dis.
n the only woman u stay under 1 roof is ur 1 n only WIFE!!!! ^_^</font>
