(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">mspiggy</font>, i oso heard abt that. scary hor.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font>, i m oso like u. scare of needles. i told my gynae. jab me with pain killers whenever u need to. juz make sure i m not in too much pain. even when he sew me up. he oso jab on my thigh. i told h im. no need to ask. juz jab.

i think i feel more pain when the baby head is abt too come out. wah lao! that kind of pain is really like the shit hor... kena stuck there for millions of years cannot come out. coz the hole is very near to the poo poo hole. hahaha....

once the baby head is out. follow by the body. u will feel very relieved. hahaha....

i hope i didnt scare u.

<font color="aa00aa">blur
Bo bian bcos I have to wake up at 6.30am everyday. This morning, my son was still sleeping so I had a little bit of time to log in.

Rachel Mum
I din dare to look at the needle but the moment the needle was injected into my spine, I started to cry liao bcos it was very painful. Come to think of it, have to go thru this process again, me scare scare leh!

One of my friends also told me the same thing. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Natural birth is definitely better in terms of healing but but but...-_-""

My feet are getting cold and I'm starting to shiver at the thot of it!

U know wat my DH said? He said wat happen if later long labour then cannot come out then hv to do "E-Csection" even worst right? double agony and pain! dudz! haiz...

How? How? How? *peng san* alrd....

Maybe I shd let my bb decide during the last 2 wks or so....see whether he wants to go the natural route or opt for the simpler method...tis mummy of his very "chicken" hor... bleh ;p

<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,


<font color="aa00aa">Rachel Mum
Really peifu you. Your labour process was so long and you can tahan. Think for me, my hubby will tell doc to give me c-sect liao.

I also hope to go thru natural birth but bo bian leh.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Mousebb,

Think your DH like mine, he asked me dun think too much, juz opt for Csection! hmmm....but my mum oso keep telling me that natural easier to heal...

I'm still at a crossroad, was alrd telling my DH that let Bb decide wor...

Good morning all Mummies!!!
what a nice day to just nua at home... although i see the sun coming out liaozz.. kekeke.. :p

thanks.. im slightly better... throat not as pain.. but now got stuffed nose.. hahahaha.. :p

re: natural birth
actually, i really nearly freaked out after attending the last antenatal class.. watched the video on labour, and i really cant imagine how its gonna be like!! i even asked my hubby... "we can't reverse the clock can we?".... :p

even my hubby is a little taken aback.. and he asked if he can choose not to be there.. but i told him... since we cant reverse the clock... u HAVE to be there!!! kekekekek.. nonetheless, i think i will still try for natural... hehehe
<font face="tahoma"> <font color="0000ff">Re : nursing shawls order </font>

1. Trace - Out of the Town Brown (collection : Admirality MRT)
2. Diane - Grand Sand (collection : Admirality MRT)
3. Ruffles - True Blue
4. forest - color? (collection : Yishun MRT)
5. everafter - Grand Sand (collection : AMKhub)

just realised you've placed order in the BP thread hence I remove from here okie. thank you for your order.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Glad to know that your throat condition is improving, it's always like tht comes in a package, I had it 2 wks back till now nose still blocked from time to time and I can still feel/taste the bitter taste of the "greenish mucus" lodged in my throat! *yieks* -__-""

My fren's DH oso watched the video during the last antenatal class and her DH oso freaked out, my fren said it's so gross! argh!! when I told my DH abt it, he asked me if he can "ponten" that lesson ornot? lolx ;p

<font color="ff0000">mousebb</font>, ya is painful. i oso cry. i cried until my DH laughed at me. coz i forgotten to tie up my hair. so messy. so during the whole process, when i cried until i look up at my DH. he said i look like "zhen zi". piangz!!

u r right! even we are 2nd time moms now. think of the process again. oso scare.

<font color="0000ff">littlebluey</font> dun think too much le. when u see ur gynae nearer to date, gynae will let u know.

infact most gynae will advise to go for natural birth.
<font color="#D16587"> <font color="ff6000">mspiggy,</font>
no wonder whn i push.. i no strength lor.. aiyo.. guess is possible i dun use that liao.. coz i use that durin my 1st preg.. i dun hve such prob.. hmm.. will take note of that!! thx for sharin!!

<font color="aa00aa">Rach's Mom,</font>
hmm... the drippin part i dun hve much pain leh.. serious.. coz the doc seems so experience leh.. i was tokin to my hubby.. den he juz poke in.. den draw my blood.. den aft that he put the drip.. i only noe it whn he put the drip coz he need to tighten it ma.. mine is like dis lor..

<font color="119911">mousebb,</font>
u C-sect de ar? but aiya.. it doesn't matter wat way u use to deliever he little ones.. as long as they are in a pink of health.. all tins if wroth it!! ^_^</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Agree with Rachel Mum. You should try for natural birth unless your doc advise you not to do so. My biggest regret is I cannot go thru natural birth bcos bb position was breech. Hence when I was told i was not able to go thru natural birth, I cried almost everyday till that day when I was wheeled into the OT. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rachel Mum
I cried until Dr adrian kept looking at me and thot bcos hubby not with me and I was scared. He kept telling me hubby is coming in soon. So paiseh wor!!! My hubby was shocked when he came in and see me crying.</font>
<font color="#D16587"> Rach's Mom,
actually i'm nt scare guess my labour hours are nt so long like u all.. u all really veri long lor.. 16 hours!!!! piang!!! noe i;m gettin more n more excited coz my EDD is gettin nearer n nearer.. hehe... actually i enjoy the moment whn i saw my little ones is out safe n sound.. ^_^ i'm kind of bian tai!! hehe....</font>
morn mummies,

i just came bk from checkup! cfm bb ger..cos last visit Dr Ho said most likely ger so nw is 100%...yest my hubby still laff at me..buy so many ger's clothings..skalli bb today marikita and he will laff until his teeth drops!

wah..mi gog to be 25 weeks this sat, n bb oredi 1kg liao..a bit overweight?
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Congrats on having a princess!

Did you Dr tell you that your bb is overweight? If not, then should be ok lah. Dont worry!</font>
<font face="tahoma"> littlebluey,
if your gynae see no medical reason for C sect, it's BEST to opt for natural delivery. C sect will also have its own risk beside the reason of better healing. i also see no reason to opt for C sect if there's no medical complications. best is to talk to your gynae on both the options.

but frankly, i find that some gynae will ask you to go for C sect coz it's fast for them.

yap... try not to use laughing gas this time round if possible.
ya lor.. it comes in a package.. thats why this morning i told hubby and baby.. i think im falling sick... but my hubby says... dont think so and u wont be!! bleh.. hahaha..

true leh.. the video really looks gross to me too!!! but it also kinda give us an idea of what to expect... and somehow, it makes us realise that hubby's role during the labour is also very impt... heheheh... ask ur DH don't pontang lah... kekeke

nope, doc nv say anything ..juz said bb doing well.. but i tot at this stage, bb average weight shld b ard 900 gram? actually talking abt birth...i m worried bb too big n i hv to go thru c-section
<font color="0000ff">Trace,

Congrats on a Princess! *yeah*

No worries abt the bb's weight, it only goes to show that she's absorbing the nutrients well

<font color="0000ff">Forest,

I bet he's going to turn his face from the video when it's been screened! or he will find excuse to go outside hahahaha ;p


Dun worry too much for the time being, my bb oso weighs 900g at 24 Wk leh, my gynae said he's on the bigger side but it's ok, no problem abt that

<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Dont worry then! Your doc will alert you if he think that you bb is too big. For some cases, doc will advise you to induce instead of c-sect. </font>
Congrats on your little princess!!!!
hehehehe... wow... ur baby is 1kg and u're 25wks only this sat.. my baby was 600g at 24wks.. but did ur gynae say baby is overweight???
ya.. since ur gynae nv say anything.. im sure your baby is fine!! for me, my gynae says average size.. though i think alittle small.. kekeke..

re : laughing gas

Not 100% agree. I was giving birth naturally w/o epidural for my daughter. I used laughing. It din make me high but drowsy...i slept for 6 hrs and then gv birth my daughter. Very smooth and i dun feel pain after havinig laughing gas. I hope my 2nd one will be as smooth as my daughter ;-)

In fact, i encourage mummies try to use laughing gas + inner thigh injection instead of epidural. ;-)
<font color="0000ff">Mspiggy,

Thanks for the advice, currently bb's head still at the top, but gynae said as long as he turns down by 32Wk shd be ok for the time being, maybe will examine the option with him again when the day arrive

haha, i m not worried if bb is a boy! but its a ger n its 1kg oredi..can u imagine oct then due..by then bb hw heavy leh? 4kg? haha..dun dare to think liao..
Jess, I also have friends who did it your way of having only laughing gas + inner thigh injection instead of epidural. I hope to achieve the same too, keeping my fingers crossed but I guess we will still have to depends on the day itself lah...
<font color="#D16587"> Trace,
congratz on ur little princess!!!! everytin will be fine.. doc will let u noe if overweight.. ^_^</font>
i wasn't so great. lol..juz wanted face, that's why swallowed back.

dun worry, about epidural. it's not really that bad. when you are in the delivery suite, you aint sure anymore which one you are more scared of, the room, the equipment in there, the labor pain, the drip, inner fear...that you probably wont remember epidural at all. I didn't at least..after 2 days of labor and waiting...

after all, we mummies are fighters!!!
<font face="tahoma"> Jess and JJmom,
You didnt feel "high" coz you didnt breathe in too much. coz sometimes when you're in pain, you simply just keep breathing in the laughing gas which will cause "high" feeling. </font>
Good morning all!

As our EDD draw nearer we are all getting nervous. Littlebluey, I am also at the crossroads of whether to have a c-sect or natural delivery. As I am home alone most of the time, I am afraid contractions start when I am alone. Imagine already in pain and having to grab my hospital bag and make my way myself. I feel not practical to make DH take leave before to wait for the moment also... Plus I am not good with pain. So somehow the c-sect seems like the 'best' way for now. So confused......
yes, it's my willpower. i kept telling myself, it will be over... pain is only short term.
<font color="0000ff">Busy Bee,

Really at a crossroad right? Now counting down we are left about 3 mths or so leh..hmmm...very fast entering into the last trimester alrd, although we can soon see our precious but yet the inner fear oso getting stronger each day! Although we hv to be brave about it, but sometimes really very tough! hmmmm...

LOL...:p.what to do? my hubby was soundly asleep on the couch while i was having labor. even the nurses were laughing.
actually i m thinking if i can endure the labour pain..cos i dun wish to hv epidural..as i hv back prob all the while..

Yeah. Everynight I bring up on the topic of to c-sect or not to DH. He just say not to worry and wait till closer to the date. Maybe baby will decide for us! Sigh... so nervous.

I suspect my DH will be like that too if I go through a long labour. But I already told him he better not or I will get angry! hahaha....
<font color="0000ff">Busy bee,

For me it's vice versa, my DH will asked me have I decided C section? muhahahaha...then I asked him to stop asking and let bb decide...


I think we will be the same, if I really opt for natural and DH do that to me surely gimme butter! muhahahaha

yeah, he woke up when my gynae came only to check on me. after the whole ordeal, he said..wow it's so fast and painless. ARGH
in fact, he marvelled at how i got piles cuz i had emergency c-section.

ya the exch rate for the BP is quite high. Now exch rate drop liao but the organiser like dun want to lower her rate leh.

How do you find the bfeeding wkshp so far? Useful?

I would like to order 4 boxes of the milk bags. Thanks.
If we use laughing gas n thigh injection on top of epidural, do we get charged for each pain intervention individually or jus charged for epidural?

<font color="0000ff">Milk Bags Order:

Elch - 4 boxes
JJmom - 4 boxes
Ribena - 6 boxes
Nanshee - 4 boxes
Dimpletot - 4 boxes
Diane - 4 boxes
Purebliss - 4 boxes
Celine - 4 boxes
Monyetnakal - 2 boxes
Mousebb - 4 boxes
Mint - 4 boxes

For interested mummies, pls PM me or add your name to the list
, will be closing the orders by Fri.</font>
