(2008/10) Oct 2008

i gave my milk to my friend who adopted a baby. So it was worth it. the baby is big and healthy now :)

my gal took fresh breastmilk.. :)

fridge 24-48 hours
freezer 3 months
deep freezer 6 months
Enya, what is the diff btw freezer & deep freezer? Thanks
<font color="aa00aa">forest
Before you fly, it is better to get your gynae to write you a letter stating that you are fit to fly and your edd too. Some airlines are quite strict. That was what I did when I went to perth for holiday at 6.5mths pregnant last time. </font>
freezer is the compartment with the fridge.
deep freezer is a standalone (like those you keep icecream)
<font color="#D16587"> Enya,
nursin tea? didn heard of that b4.
whr u got it? hw is the taste like?
wanna try coz i wish to express it out for my #1 &amp; #2 w/o their notice.. hehe...</font>
Milk trays are relatively new in the market. many mummies are still quite skeptical about using them. I personally like them very much.
<font color="aa00aa">Enya
I also bought fenugreek on the other day, hoping it can help me to booast my milk supply. When is the best time to take huh? After delivered or what?

re:maternity pads
TMC also provide maternity pads for you but whatever items you used there, this will eventually go to your hospital bill. When I delivered my boy, on the first day after c-sect, bcos I couldnt get up the bed, the nurses were the ones who helped me changed the pads and so bo bian have to use the hospital one. The next day when I was able to get down the bed, I used the ones which I brought there and was so much comfortable.</font>
<font color="#D16587"> Enya,
icic... experience mummy leh u..
my #3 comin but i'm still like a green horn..

re:milk tea
can i get it frm any pharmacy or places like GNC? </font>
<font color="#D16587"> mousebb,
KKH oso the same. wat u wan they gve but the amount goes to the bill. there's no free lunch in dis world... ^_^</font>
i'm thinking of ordering from webvitamins.

only after delivery. cuz it helps also the uterus to contract. will hv a bit of discomfort.
i think it's 6 capsules each time.
thanks. You are very young, if i remember right, 23 years old?

I did alot of research before and asked alot of friends who had children.

Milk Bags Order:

Elch - 4 boxes
JJmom - 4 boxes
Ribena - 6 boxes
Nanshee - 4 boxes
Dimpletot - 4 boxes
Diane - 4 boxes
Purebliss - 4 boxes
<font color="aa00aa">Enya
Thanks for the info on the egg. I guess I better let my boy have it when he turns 1 esp he has G6PD deficiency.

6 capsules each time? This is a lot leh! I bought mine from GNC and the instruction stated 1-2 capsules daily.</font>
if it's for lactation purpose, you can take up to 6 capsules. you can check with the sales person.
<font color="#D16587"> Enya,
ya.. i'm 23yr old. i cnt ask my frenz n all dis
coz among all my frenz
i'm the 1st to get married n 1st to hve bb.
so my son didn get a chance to drink my BM.
so dis time round i'll try to express it out
n mix into his Isomil n let him hve it.

u mean u takin fenugreek aft birth
n 6pills each time?
if let say u take 3 times a day
den u'r actually takin 18pills a day lor?</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Enya, Rebecca
I remember when I delivered my boy, after the epidural was administered to me, I kept wanting to throw up while on the operating table. The nurse passed me a bowl to standby just in case I really vomit. In the end I never use the bowl but the amount was stated in my hospital bill. Till now, my hubby still remember this item in my bill and was teasing me that he is going to bring his own bowl this time just in case they 'rent' the bowl to me and charge to my bill again. hahahaha!!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Enya/Rebecca,

As wat it's always said, no free lunch in tis world, moreover it is in SG!! Surely everything we utilise hv to pay wor!! :p


Am keen to order the tea/fenugreek wor...


Order noted


Bowl oso muz charged ah? In that case, I asked my Dh to bring plastic bag!! ;p

Wa...should I standby lots of plastic bags/ziplock bags in case I wanna vomit then? I dun wanna be charged unnecessarily leh...
<font color="#D16587"> mousebb,
LOL!! ur hubby is bad huh?!
now i noe y the nurse dun allow me to eat
they i told her i'm hungry.
guess as wat u mention juz nw
that aft administered the epidural,
u feel like vomit. n coz of dis,
i'm so disappointed coz i'm really hungry
while i was layin on the bed to wait for my gal to come out...</font>
i didnt know abt fenugreek or this tea thingy!!! thanks enya for the info... so, both shd be taken after birth??

ya.. i m waiting for the confirmation dates for the trip.. and then to get my gynae to write a letter if approved lor...

i just went to see my GP.. she didnt give me lozenges leh.. but said that the throat got burnt cos of the acids flowing up from the stomach... due to pregnancy.. this happens when u have heartburn, tho i dont think i have heartburn?? she gave me mylanta and 1 other pill to eat.. hahaha.. now i thinking if i shd eat them leh.. hahhaa.. :p
<font color="#D16587"> <font color="ff0000">MOMMIES,</font>
guess if u didn use any epidural nth will happen.
coz i didn use epidural on my 1st 2 delivery.
only feel hungry n weak. tink coz i hungry.. hehe..
but to play safe. tink it's better that
get ur own belongin rather den 'tio cai tiau'</font>
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Mylanta is safe to take
Heard it's quite gd! Am sure the medicine prescribed by your GP is safe to take during pregnancy. If u dun want to take, then drink more water and rest more!!

<font color="#D16587"> Forest,
it's better if u take it. coz afraid that the germs might harm the bb. coz ur bb is still inside ur tummy. ^_^</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey, elch
That's what my hubby suggested. Bring our own plastic bags to standby! Hahahaha!!!

I din eat leh. My op was at 1pm and gynae told me to fast from 7am onwards. I was so hungry and kept telling my gynae I'm hungry when I saw him. It's the side effect of epidural that caused me wanting to vomit!</font>

u nv take epidural ar? wow..actually i m thinking if i can go w/o epidural..hv been thinking abt it for a long time..

yes, then i shall pass it to the hospital to throw their rubbish n i shall charge them for using my trash bag..wahahahahah
if u ordering.. can join in as spree?? hehehe..

Littlebluey, Rebecca,
ya.. think i over paranoid.. hehehe.. will take the medicine.. so i can recover faster.. the throat is really v painful... grrr...
<font color="#D16587"> <font color="119911">mousebb,</font>
understand hw u feel. hungry but cnt eat.

<font color="aa00aa">Trace,</font>
ya.. i didn take epidural.
if ur pain takin lvl is high den can gve it a try la..
as for me.. i wanna try ma.. den oso my hubby underestimate me ma..
so i wanna prove him wrong!!!!</font>
hahahaha.. u so funny!!

wahh.. my boy is kicking v furiously since im at the clinic leh... all the kicks quite hard one.... !!!!
<font color="aa00aa">forest
I realise my gal is more active than my boy. She has been kicking me the whole day too. </font>
<font color="#D16587"> Forest,
same here too!! but mine is at hme.. hehe..
i feel like she's try to break my rib cage
n my hip bones!! urgh!!! so painful!!!</font>
mousebb, Rebecca,
im wondering if the movements in the womb are reflections of our babies movements after birth leh......
<font face="tahoma"> Hi ladies,
am back.

The nursing shawl material is 100% polyester but looks like thin suede. very thin and breathable, machine washable and can used in dryer too.

Yes, this shawl is worn over the head. the opening is big enough.

What color would you like for the nursing shawl?

Noted your order, Out of the town brown

Nursing shawl is for discreet nursing in public but this one has other uses too.

Check out details from here:

Noted your order, Think Pink. Hope the shawls arrived already by then, coz all are pre-ordered from US.

Noted your order, True Blue.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Celine,

It's $6.50 per box of 25


The tea think hv to bought over the internet, dun think SG got carry tis brand...


Muz remember to bring..hahahaha


Then u be good and take the medicine and rest rest rest!

