(2008/10) Oct 2008

JJmom, Dimpletot and Jolly,

Ya, this Kakak helps me put Julian to bed half the time, when I am too tired or have to go out or work late. I play with him as much as I can before bed, but I guess being with her all day, he can't help but be more attached to her. Thanks for all your kind words, I will keep trying

Hiya mommies

I survived India! Had a tearful farewell with my babies and so thankful to be back to them on Sat.
India is really a diaspora of extremities! So poor and so rich. Many times I almost teared seeing the children begging on the streets, mommies carrying their infants in the scorching sun – naked and begging for food and money. In fact, just before the plane touched the Mumbai tarmac, you could see an entire stretch of slum – this was the slum they filmed Slumdog Millionaires. Really sad. Heard from my Indian counterparts that there is no need to pity them cos many are very rich – they ‘own’ these slums like gangs and do not want to leave the place. Streets and roads are more like dirt tracks with loads of pot holes and a huge balloon of dust always comes up with each ride. So you can imagine how dirty and dusty it can get.

Loved the food though – there is nothing like real authentic ah neh food manz.

Bigflamingo – Hugs. I suppose it is natural for Julian to want the maid becos he spends most time with her. Having said that, do continue giving him hugs and assurances that you love him loads. Do include a specified time where only you spend with him and no one else. It helps build the bond between you and him and you can do anything he enjoys be it singing, dancing, reading, colouring, masak masak etc. My mom helps me care for Vic in the day. I make sure I allocate the 1 hr before her zz time at night to her only; we read, sing, dance, jiggle together and I ask her about her day, tell her what I did at work or what she should expect the next day ie. Go park with grandma or go zoo etc, and we end off with a bottle of milk, say a short prayer, hugs and kisses and tickles before going to bed. In the beginning when J was born, I noticed from the corner of my eye that she was always watching me feed J etc. I made sure I talked to her as I fed him, and tell her how much I love her, and how much didi loves her. Basically, assuring over and over again that she is still the apple of my eye and to make sure no jealousy. To date, she loves didi loads. Always looking for him the first thing she wakes, wanting to feed him, or give him toys etc. Even if he accidentally kicks her, she will say ‘oops didi’ meaning didi touched her and that’s about it. I bot her a birthday gift from didi too for her bday. And so, she still wants me first before anyone else .. ekkeke… overcompensate overcompensate!!

Strollers – I use 2 when we go out. I don’t really like slings / carriers as I don't want them to be dependant on me / hubs carrying them. So far, it has worked out well.

hmm, i was having grand visions of myself going out alone with two kids. e.g. bringing kate to polliwogs with a light stroller, whilst i hotsling beth (like the name folks?) and nurse her when necessary.

actually I've seen some mums do it, so i guess it's not impossible.
Scense egg machine retails at $230 I think. That was the last time I asked before I decided to get it off ebay.
You might want to consider a double stroller? Have seen some mums make it look so easy peasy with the double stroller.
i wasn't thinking of Little Women but surprisingly a lot of ppl do when they hear the name!

we like it cos it sounds simple, another short English name.
thanks mummies! wonder what beth's personality will be like...!

I'm really looking forward to TOMORROW! Anyone providing drinks? so far just milo for the kids right? If not, we can always bring our own waterbottles, the healthy option haha!

should we set aside some cash for the slides? how much after splitting up cost?

Cheerbear, how come you cannot come anymore?

Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style buns, walnut and banana cake.)
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets & Mini Hotdogs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken & corn patties for kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (maybe I bring pan-fried yong tau foo in bean paste...can???)
18. Pil & Abby - Crispy peanut pancake

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
shawn was super cranky these few days and not eating so dunno shld bring him go anot.. scare he will cling to me. Furthermore, i din get the fishball leh.
Hi - i'm pulling out from the party on Friday cos Gareth is quite sick, high fever and PD says such fever usually lasts 3-5 days, best to let him stay away from crowded places.
Letting him rest at home over the long weekend.
Sad part is I just changed job and my Boss is not family friendly. Sign. She didn't even show any empathy when I told her my son is sick. didn't even bother to reply my sms when I told her I'm coming in later.

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns.)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM - might need to remove my name as shawn is super duper cranky these few days
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets & Mini Hotdogs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken & corn patties for kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
Dimple : Beth is a niccee n sweet name

Freda : take care n hope g recovers soon..

Cheerbear: come come, think Shawn is better now, can bring him to play w his frens

am soo looking fwd to tomolo too!!
hmmm actually i also looking forward to tmr gathering. maybe i see how is he tonite then decide again. if go maybe ask hb to come along :p

i suddenly rem i ask u to bring iherb with u tmr.. i will sms u to inform u whether going anot then u dun need to bring mine if i am not going. dun wan to add additional weight to u
Cheer Bear,
Bringing Shawn to the gathering tomorrow will be good to distract him from his teething pains. If not enough time to get fish balls you can always bring some other food. No worries!

How many of you mummies letting the toddlers have a dip in the pool tomorrow?
Okie. Let me know by 9.30. I need to go out early to buy milo and old chang kee.

Want to meet at SK and train down together?

Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

The slides quote is $60 (super cheap hor). We see how many of us turn up the split accordingly. COD. My guess is ard $6 or less each. Balance will pass to Jill. Think she incurred some cost for renting the function room.
memememmeme! i intend to let Katie waddle around the shallow bits. more like water play than swimming haha, cos no float! maybe we can take turns with whoever brings. Jill might have one or two.

cheer bear, bring shawn lah... maybe he'll see all the tods stuffing their faces and feel peer pressured to eat.

aiyoh... i think one of the most impt things to find out abt future employers is how family friendly they are... cos at this stage, it's really most impt to us.... how bout your other colleagues? all young and chao piah and no family?
I will also let Marcus play in the water. I'll bring my swin stuff. But no guts to show off leh.

I have neck float... now now... where did i chuck it?
hi since i will just pop by last min, i will bring some fruits - grapes etc....

when we reach Jill's plc just tell security guard function room will do? if got prob i sms those mummies i have contact to rescue me and E hor..thanks!

Will b there early at 11am...
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!) </font></font>

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns.)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - might need to remove my name as shawn is super duper cranky these few days
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah)
5. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
6. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
7. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
8. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken &amp; corn patties for kids)
9. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
10. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
11. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
12. Jill + Family
13. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
14. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
15. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
16. Pil &amp; Abby - crispy peanut pancakes from geylang serai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-
17. Vanilla + E (fruits - Grapes etc)

XY : Slides cfm. Yippee!

Removed : Icylemon, Freda
Xy: it's ok, i got a neck float already ( thanks V
) will let e boys have fun in e pool. I meet u there directly cos neec to go n collect some stuff first . See you
I'll be letting Regina swim play in the water too. It'll be too cruel for me to let her just watch.

Jolly, I have a neck float too... but pink... ok with you?

Looking through the food list, seems like more sweet food than savouries. Hmmm... I'll see what I can do.

You still have the bag organiser? Can lend me first? Need it for my trip and the one I bought won't come in time.

All very chao pia and she even "counselled" me when I want to take childcare leave. Saying things like I'm new, should prioritize work and many people are queuing to get this cushy job. I'm trying for #2 and think she might just terminate my service on the basis that I'm not performing to her expectations!

Beth is a nice name. I like it too!

Have fun at the party!

iherb trafficking? no lah... lots of ppl doing sprees for vitamins right? although my hubs did ask whether the ChildLife was HSA certified and i had to say no. wanted to say it was US FDA certified but the bottle had a disclaimer. yikes.


there's always a trade off. by cushy they mean good pay? when they pay you $1 more, they usually expect to squeeze out $2 worth of effort and time from you. haiz. if it were really cushy it'd be high pay and low work.

but at our stage most mums should not feel apologetic abt putting their families first. like someone else once told me, when they company needs you at a bad time, they will ask you to put them first. but if your family needs you at a bad time, will your company put you first? i doubt many companies will go beyond their HR rules to help employees.
Hey Deepavali playdate mummies,

What time roughly will you guys be arriving? I will probably come around 11 plus but leave by 2 plus as Julian's naptime is actually 1pm.
Oooh beth is my fave character in Little Women. Incidentally, I don't like Jo. LOL!!!

Hmm, I know my function room costs $10 to book. Not sure about Jill's. By the way, I may not be able to come. But I've just baked the cookies so perhaps will get mint to bring.
Can you bring my iherb things tomor? Thanks
Did u hv any chance to cfm with your colleague which is the cc she's talking abt?
freda, oh dear, hope gareth gets better soon!!!

XY, think you did not use the latest list i updated leh.
i updated the food i will bring. but nevermind, i changed my mind already lah hehehe! i will bring potato salad instead i think.

<font size="+1">Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns.)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - might need to remove my name as shawn is super duper cranky these few days
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah)
5. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
6. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
7. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
8. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken &amp; corn patties for kids)
9. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
10. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
11. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
12. Jill + Family
13. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
14. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
<font color="ff0000">15. Daisybuttons + Jaz (potato salad)</font>
16. Pil &amp; Abby - crispy peanut pancakes from geylang serai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-
17. Vanilla + E (fruits - Grapes etc)

XY : Slides cfm. Yippee!

Removed : Icylemon, Freda</font>
sigh...your female boss sounds really mean
even "counselled" u for taking child care leave to take care of your sick boy.

I agree with dimpletot. Guess u may wanna start looking a more suitable job if u feel stress &amp; uncomfortable with this current 1
*pat pat*

Hope gareth gets well soon *hugz*
<font color="ff0000">Directions to Parc Emily</font>

By car / taxi:
from Selegie Road turn left into MacKenzie Road and (very important!!!) immediately turn left again into Niven Road (dont miss this turn, otherwise you have to make one big loop), then immediately turn right into Mount Emily Road. Parc Emily will be up the slope on your left.
most taxi drivers will not know Parc Emily, but they usually know Niven Road. otherwise, have to direct them as above.

drop at Little India MRT station and come out from the Bukit Timah Road / MacKenzie Road exit (it's all the way to the very end of the underground walkway).
cross MacKenzie Road, walk towards Indian movies cinema (formerly Rex), turn right into Niven Road, and immediately turn right again into Mount Emily Road.
Parc Emily will be up the slope on your left.
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom,
thanks. i juz received it.


Jelly collected hers.

JJmom, when are you going down? I m going on Saturday morning.
huh? Jelly so fast? I juz told her like 15min ago nia wor...'supermom' kekeke (^_-)v

we dunno leh, i haven check with hubby.

<font color="aa00aa">JJmom,

she is on leave today. tats why. anyway i asked Aprisin whether they can assembly for us. they said they are ok with that.
