(2008/10) Oct 2008

what's Shawn fav food? even if it's junk, mayb give him for this period? better than not eating any?

i also lost track of Nat's teething, not sure if she has her 2nd molars already liao boh.

Rebekah's 2nd molar is out. She was super cranky n she didn't eat much as well. She drank alot. My take is, if Shawn is still taking milk, let him. He needs e calories to grow in a sense. Once e teeth is out, he would probably resume eating. It took rebekah 2-3 weeks to resume eating.
Cheer Bear,
Shall go and check on Dylan's teeth tonight.
If you don't have a juicer, you can blend and sieve juices for him too. At least the sweetness from juices are of natural sweetness. Hope Shawn will regain his appetite soon!
Looks bad..guessed u must be very worried that Shawn is not eating..Does he takes adult food? Bryan had his 2nd molar already, but the rest still not out!!

The cedan at Cove LRT is enrichment ctr, not childcare ctr leh
How abt yoghurt? It's cold. Hopefully Shawn will like.

Or do the distraction thing. Try to feed him while he's bathing or watching his fav DVD etc.

Marcus has a missing lower lateral incisor.
No 2nd molar yet.
YPG - except vit b.. any other vitamins OD is ok cos will pass out. Vit A, B and E (i think) cannot OD or not will hurt liver.

i will go back and check on 2nd molar.. i rem there is a period E's teeth - the back molars are v sensitive.. if i brush too hard they will bleed and he will give me a poor thing look....
Sigh mummies,

Was so sad last night. Julian only wanted the maid to put him to bed again, for second night in a row, when she said "Ma Ma give you milk, same same" he just kept wailing and crying "No like, no like! Ka Ka here! Ka ka no go". Had to give up and leave it to her... I was planing to draw a big road map on mahjong paper for him to discover and play in the morning, in the end was so depressed I went to bed.
HUGS! Dun worry... it's just a phase.
Look on the bright side... u get to concentrate on #2. Cheer up. Focus on the happy things.
Is she refering to the other one near Rumbia LRT? cos i called the number you gave and they said its enrichment ctr not childcare ctr leh

After so many mths of "jealousy" that Bryan says papa occasionally he finally shout "mama" loud and clear last night! i'm so happy and kept cheering him and he said non-stop for the whole night! hahahahahahahahaha
Think Isaac's upper 2nd molar (his last 2 teeth) also coming out, he woke up 4am+ and fussed til 6am+! Sigh...Hb and me are zombified today, really quite cham for me, imagine i was awake since 3am+ after feeding baby J?! But heng, he still drinking and eating as per normal. *keeping my fingers crossed* Hope the teething monster can go far far away from our kids!

Mommies with 2 children:
Wanna check with u, how u bring 2 kids out huh? I mean with 2 strollers? twin stroller? carrier? We are wondering shall we invest another stroller, but also very mafan bring 2 stroller out right? That day we went out gaigai, Isaac fell asleep in the car, so we put him in the stroller while I sling-ed bb J. Is really no jokes after few hrs, backache!! But if putting bb J in the stroller, is no joke carrying Isaac or chasing after him too. So HB asked me to check with u all, how u handling 2 kids when go out gaigai huh? TIA!
hi bigflamingo - hugs..i think Julian is v sensitive cos he knows u preggie and tired and he wants the maid to handle him so u can take care of bb and ur self.
his fav is biscuit lor.. also he is not eating.. wan me to take out but dun wan to eat and end up ask me open mouth and feed me.

the thing is he is not even drinking. wow 2-3wks without food ah.. jialet liao.

he used to like adult food then now everything also dun wan.. sighz dunno wat to do with him.

wow bryan 2nd molar out liao and not the rest.. hmmm this is funny.

yoghurt also try liao.. dun wan.. basically he dun wan anything and everything and the mouth jus dun wan to open at all.. not even to call me or talk and he will go "eh eh" and when we dun understand him.. he will go pek che and cry

watch tv also dun work leh.
Cheer bear,
I wonder is teething gel helps? I gonna to try it tonight. Maybe can try teething table, think one of the mommies here posted abt it br, maybe can try it, see if it can help to sooth the pain and shawn can eat better?
Thanks Xy and Vanilla,

Maybe so. Last week the maid was sick so I put him to bed with no problems, but he won't let my husband near him either...very weird, only happens at night time. In the day he is happy to be with us.

He has also become a bit of a crybaby at his saturday playgroup class, and keeps clinging onto to us. I guess he knows he is not going to be the baby of the family soon.

My only consolation is that at least the maid is able to give me a break, and that she will be here only for a few years, wheres I will have him forever...

I guess if he is really not eating and only drinking packet drinks then just buy him mini milk packets or milo packets, at least he will feel more full.
Hugz, like XY said, maybe it's just a phase. Dun be depressed, u shud spend more time with Ju, and try the over-compensation method. I learnt this from Ruffles. Or try to "hide" the kakak during Ju's bedtime, make u the only available person to him during that time?

Sigh...I also miss the days I tuck Isaac into his bed. Now HB take over to feed, brush his teeth, change him before putting him to bed. I feel a bit "suan" lay. But on the other hand, also happy that he draw closer to his daddy now. Is so hard to balance btw 2 kids, sometime really feeling guilty towards Isaac. When he needs me, he will come hugz my leg and pull me when I carrying didi, but too bad, I have to call daddy to attend to him, coz bb J also prefer me than hb.
yes bigflamingo - i think Julian can sense it so he is displaying it in his own way... sometimes children is really adaptable..my mum's neigbour maid is v close to the boy..she took care of him since birth..when she went to work elsewhere i thot the boy will cry make noise..but no.. he is like 'ok bye bye"..
I bring two strollers. Once bb s holds his head up v v well, he will b in e ergo! So far, we brought e kids out wo e maid n had been v gd experience.
i apply dentinox for him and think is still very painful and he bite me till i bleed on the finger so guess he is transfering his pain to me.

thanks will ask my mum to get the mini milo.

J can sense the bb and thats y he clings on u. As for putting him to sleep, maybe u can think of the other way like read him a book and then put him to sleep.. might help.
Thanks dear! Guess we really need another stroller or carrier, hm...which one better? Ya, we also brought e kids out almost every weekend, although it can be quite tiring but we enjoyed the family outing. Hoho, we always try to come back home b4 5pm, imagine 4 of us need to bath and eat, and I need to express too. I hate the dinner time, is soooo bz, and sometime i wish i can have 1 more pair of hands. Usually when we settled all, already ~8pm le.
Why dun u just ask abt the fees and their operating hours. Whatever the name, so long as there's activities between 7am to 7pm, should be good enuff. I have not been there. So can't comment. But my colleague is asking me to change Marcus over. She keeps saying the P is very very very good etc. Haha...
Am looking out for another buggy for rebekah. I dunno which 1 is goods well.

I like beco but I am not getting another carrier anymore cos I doubt my back can tahan bb s' weight ... Eventually will hv 2 put him in stroller.
I'm sure its not the one at Cove cos Cedan is not listed on mcys cc link either..i called Cambridge instead..will go and visit the place next week. So far the rest of the cc i called although most are full, they only have 1 playgroup and abt 8kids. But faith have 2 and mostly mixed tog and almost 20 kids! so crowded! i think bcos of its closure timing thats y its so popular
can understand y u feel depressed *hugz*
has this kakak been putting J to bed often? yes, i think 'hiding' kakak for a few nites will help & mayb start with playing with him b4 gng to bed

i saw a mommy posting in forum tat the teething tablet was recalled. U better check it out 1st ok?
I know why liao. Cedan at Cove is a new centre. The P left the old CC she was with and set this centre. Due to some funny ruling, she's not allowed to set up CC with a certain radius from the place she used to work at.

So... this centre at Cove, not entitled to MCYS subsidies. Maybe u can call to find out more abt the timing and fees etc.
Jts: I saw that there is a natural remedy for teething problems in kids. I bought already for rebekah n sydney. I haven't got it yet but will tell u if it works.
YPG, it's possible to get vit A overdose from cod liver oil. Vitamins A, D & E are fat-soluble & possible for overdose whereas Vitamins B & C are water-soluble & get excreted.

Bigflamingo, my son also prefers my MIL over me. Feel sad at times but can't be helped.
pooh bear,
hihi u r new? never chat with u b4.
same here.. my boy prefers my mum than me sometimes and i do feel sad but come to think of it, at least is the grandma that he is close so not too bad.
Honestly, would super prefer my kids to b close to my parents or in laws than helper so I dun mind n I dun get jealous. Keeps the grand parents happy too! Whee!
Phtatus: am still using sling/Carrier n a pram.. So far still working fine..so if ash is tired, he will b in e pram n j on e sling. Wun b getting another pram cos there r days when hubby works late n I have to handle e boys alone, hence sling j n ash in pram..still thinking of we should get a double pram :p

Cheerbear: how about bread? It's ash's comfort food

Bigflamingo : I know how u feel.. For us, ash was v v attached to hub when I was preggie..like wat u mentioned , take it as a short break for you.. U can rest more
dun worry, he will come running to momma again.. Then u will b torn whether to attend to him or didi first..
N yess.. Overcompenstate him w all e hugss n kisses..
Ash used to push me away
Now he hugs back n mucckss..simple pleasures

For sling, I still love my MIM.. Can alt between ash n jus.. N packs easily into e bag
carrier : depending on where We go

this fri: r all e kiddos swimming? Anyone has a neck float, can lend me?
Jelly: agree! I used to b soo uplight when mil
was close to ash .. Learnt to let go..makes all happy n this weekend she asked if ash can stay over.. She was soo happy I agreed.. Haha.. So it's some bonding time w J while A 'entertains' w gramps
Cheerbear: I've been a mostly silent reader of the thread, but have occasionally contributed my 2 cents' worth.

I used to feel upset when my boy sticks to my MIL & refuses to follow me, but am getting used to it & sometimes he surprises me when he looks for me.
Updates on Cedan for the benefits of punngol/sk mummies if u r interested..

They're not cc, so dont operate frm 7-7pm but if u want 3hrly kind of enrichment classes, that's what they do. The P is really friendly but unfortunately they dont cater full day cc, so out for me
cheer bear

could it be tooth decay? try shining a small torch light in to check?


seems that kate was also teething cos she had low grade fever for 1.5 days last week. then it went away as mysteriously as it came. had been meaning to check her 2nd molar with a finger brush but haven't gotten round to it.


i guess it's inevitable. children at this age are just closest to whoever spends the most time with them... sometimes i kinda wish kate was closer to her grandparents so that i can go out in the evening! to date we've never been apart for one night since she was born... pros and cons to everything.
tried and he is no no to bread as well

so this wkend will be a great bonding day for u and J

sounds interesting.. more details like cost and venue?

dun think is tooth decay coz he drool lots of saliva so think is teething.

at least kate still let u brush teeth.. shawn dun even wan to open mouth.
i have the neck float but m not gng to the gathering. Let me know if u need, mayb XY can help to pass it to u
The P said no after care till 7pm leh.. Only enrichment class thats extended and last till 1plus. So I'm wondering if your colleague is referring to Cambridge.
Think there is 2 Cedan. 1 at Sengkang and 1 at Punggol. The one at Punggol is the one that operates 7am-7pm if not wrong. The Sengkang one is an enrichment centre.
It's the other way, Punngol one is enrichment ctr, sengkang one is 7-7 and they're called Cambridge not Cedan. Previously its Cedan but the plc taken over by Cambridge
Funny... Blk 198 Punggol Field. It's above the coffee shop at Cove LRT. 63876648 - Mrs Poh

Scense Egg Machine
How much is the new one retailing?
