(2008/10) Oct 2008

hi R&R mum - sorry late reply -- this thur i cant... hoping to run some errands if my back stops killing me

hi phtanus - aiya! i left early or not E can play w Issac didi!

cheerbear - like what other mummies say sometimes it is a mood thing w our kids... as long as he asks for other food it is ok...

ruffles - saw bb J's swimming ..so cute! he is such a wonderful bb!

Morning mommies,
Nanny thinks Nat is having hordeolum (针眼) but she says no need to see doc for it. & b4 R&Rmom say anything, nope, Nat din 偷看 any boy 'pom pom' hor =P

I googled abt it & confirmed my believes tat it due to heatiness

Shd we still go ahead & bring her to the doc but not sure if they have any cure for it?

I had this b4 but i rem my parents also juz leave it alone & i think it goes away by itself after awhile. But i m thinking mayb there's some med to speed up the healing so tat it's less discomfort.

Any mommies with kids kena this b4? Any advise or remedy tat works?
morn mommies

but i must say the bag is v v nice

me too, i wanna go. shall we all do that together?

it is okie if shawn does not want to drink milk anymore. now, i have a habit of buying the 900g tin of milk cos it is taking alot longer for rebekah to finish 1 tin of milk. buy 1.8kg v sayang... she will not be able to finish in 3 weeks and that is optimum freshness for FM. having said that, u might want to supplement shawn w calcium base foods, like cheese and yogurt. he needs the calcium for his bones to develope and grow.

my cc asked for 6 diapers and they dun use wipes. i think they dun even wipe their bums! if f the kid poos, they will wash w water. that i am quite sure.
r&r mum,
dun wan to change brand coz think he will lagi dun like coz of the sudden change in taste.

bo bian think at cc the teachers there cant chap too much coz too many to take care as compare to at home we can give them much more attention.

so happy to see ur E for the 1st time.. he is a tall boy and he is really jealous abt u carrying jolly's J.

those food he ask is not nutritional enough leh.

think no need to see doc but if u wan to be more "an xin" then bring her for a check.
hi jjmom - u can bring Nat to see PD and he will give eye drops. Try wiping her eyes w cotton wool w water. My colleague's son has it (he is in P school) and after eye drops does not subside will need op. it is due to active glands.

hi cheerbear - nice seeing u and shawn too.. haha ya he is v jealous of me carrying other babies cos to him i can only sayang him...hahah...he is tall but skinny ... but ok lah as long as he makan and sleep well and play hard i am ok.

try sneaking other nutritious stuff in..like biscuits, try putting cheese on it..

i have some packets sample - i ordered on line this brand - pedismart.. it is like pedisure but is organic and lactose free.. i have chocolate flavor so if u want i can send 1 pack to u to try.
she cried lah... she cries everyday but when we get there... she will let teacher carry her to the centre and she will say goodbye to us.

both hubby and i feed she is more open and more sociable and "dong shi" so she we think she is trying to adjust to going to school and but we all know that the comfort of home is far more welcoming than school so she will try to escape going to cc by crying lor...

again, she is learning alot in cc... her vocabulary and ability to converse improved these past 2 weeks, not tremendous but u can see she is trying to put words to sentences... so hubby and i are happy...
cheer bear - I think it's a phase. Dun sell your FM at a loss lah. Just wait and see. ANyways he is eating other stuff right? So no need to worry. Milk is just a supplement as their main nutrients come from food now.

Everafter - Yea ask cc.

Chats w cc- those with kids in CCs: Do you schedule regular chat sessions w the principal or form teacher to find out how your kids did that week/day? I thought it might be good, but not sure if the school / cc will have time to entertain so many parents.

jjmom - Give barley water.

Vanilla - Thanks for yr sweet words. Yea, J is really a sweetie. I love kissing and hugging him
Gd that Rebby is adapting well. Bryan cried badly..there is no way he can bid us gdbye..this morn he was grabbing my hands/hair -_-" I'm not sure izit cc or wat, coincidently he started saying a few words on 2nd day after he started cc. So..i am very glad that he finally opened his golden mouth at 25mths!!!
i plan to speak to the centre every month. my folks are giving me mix feedbacks
i cant trust them so i have to check with the cc :p
i jus open a new 1.8kg not too long and is still there coz very heart pain to throw. hope he will drink back soon. will try to let him hv more cheese and yoghurt.

glad that rebby starts to like sch abit.. hope shawn will be ok come jan too..

wow u got it online so must be ex.. is ok leave it for E.
Ok, i called the cc already. P said they will use wipes (jus in case) but obviously lying lor..i asked her on the timing they chg diapers.

1) Morn
2) 1st Bath
3) After wake up frm nap
4) 2nd bath
5) in btw if poo

This i find its lying also. For 3days bryan went 1/2day session, they did not chg his diaper at all. Ok...cannot expect too much frm cc
<font color="aa00aa">everafter, i m not sure abt your ctr. but i think most of the CC's teachers or the cleaners will wash up the kids after poo.

actually for myself, when i m outside with the girls &amp; happened that they poo. i will oso wash them up. i seldom use wipes too. wipes nowdays i normally use to clean their hands or legs or maybe table &amp; chairs.

actually you should ask your CC if they will use the wipes or not. if not, no point bringing it along.

<font color="ff0000">JJmom, tao yan leh. hahaha... you know i will ask you this qns de meh. kekeke...

Jelly, ya it looks nice hor.

Vanilla, how abt next week?
hi cheerbear - no worries -- it is cheaper for me to buy online cos i buy in bulk ..the stores here are selling the small tins at $36 but if exchange rate and shipping is good i get it less than $25. the sample packs are given to me free.. so do let me know if u want them.

hi ruffles - ya boys can be v manga ...E loves to cuddle w me and hug me ... haha i think i will miss it when he grows up and be macho.

feedback w CC - how abt email or a communication book?
I did asked..The P very contradicting..she said they used..then again say they normally use water to wash..then told me to bring jus in case? In case of what? i told her its not opened for a week, if not using then i wont bring...she told me to bring jus in case! -_-"
both hubby and i wants rebekah to get use to cc so we told ourselves, we will comfort her but we must try to turn a deaf ear to her crying and tantrums as she enters the centre. hence, everyday and night before she goes to bed, we will ask her what she did in CC, what songs she sings (then i will sing with her) and she will usually reciprocate to us by telling us what she learns and the songs she sings.

morning, we will praise her and comfort her in the car. distract her to ease her in sch. so far, it didnt work all the time but at least, she is not crying until she vomits or is throwing tantrums on the floor or in the car.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter, actually sending our kid to CC, we need to really learn how to 开一只眼,闭一只眼.

there are so many kids in the CC. we also cant except the teachers to be always eyeing on our kid.

i encountered before when Rachel was in N1. she can have a diaper on for the whole afternoon without changing. and it was very soiled. i oso made noise. but things still happened again.

now i m glad that Rachel is totally toilet trained. so i dun have to worry.

but you can always bring up your concern to Bryan's form teacher or to the Principal. they will try to look out for you.

tats why my mum been telling me. young kids who attend CC esp those very young ones like PG or N1 are very 可怜 coz they dun know how to express themselves when they are dirty or wet.
there is a way to prolong the life of the FM. transfer what u think u will need to use in a lock and lock box. the rest, keep in the tin in a cool dry place.

shawn will learn to get use to going to sch
<font color="aa00aa">everafter, if that is the case. dun bring the wipes to CC. let them use water to wash Bryan will be better.</font>
R&amp;Rmom, juz kidding with u lah
dont wanna give u chance to 'attack' me mah...wahahaha

Vanilla, thanks

Ruffles, thanks. Juz sms my nanny to boil some for Nat
at least, this week, Shawn starts to eat something right? Last week, u said he totally not eating.
Mayb his teething is already starting to get much better liao. So slowly lah, mayb vy soon, he will drink his milk like he used to b.
Wowo...Rebby still can sing to u all..thats nice! I wonder what he learn there? so far nothing..when i asked him he like sch, he shake his head..i think he dont knw what i'm talkin abt also..

Ya..i know hv to try to let go...sigh
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom, kekeke....

i m so happy. next year, Regine will be going to the same CC &amp; same class as Mona's son, Jonathan.

hopefully my dear Regine wont be a bully in school.

coz i already have alot of complaints from other parents abt my Rachel pushing her friends in school. haiz... my little chilli padi.
R&amp;R mum,
Ur "thinking so hard" make me feel so touched!

Aiya, we only arrived 1pm+, too bad else can meet E &amp; u, next time ok?

Wow, congrats! My Isaac still holding the gold in his mouth, i will only be sending him to 3hr PG next year, hope can see the improvement too.
I finally got my phone call from CH yesterday. Interview is next Tues. Actually, I called them in the morning to ask when the interviews will be held. Then I told them that I would be away for a week from the 20th. Later in the afternoon, the call came to schedule the interview. Heehee!

When I told hubs that Regina has interview, he was like, "what?!?" Then he jokingly asked me if we would need to prep her to answer questions like where she would see herself in 5 years time... Hahaha!
hi phtanus - sure dear! we left abt 12++ cos E needs his lunch..

i think boys will speak suddenly and alot.. E suddenly is picking up alot of what he hears.. so i must watch my words..that day i dropped my thermometer and i exclaimed "oh sh*t" infront of him.. immediately kenna scolded by hb...

the other day he looked thru my iphone video which showed fireworks and in it i told him it looked pretty..so he said pretty and mama.. so i took it he said pretty mama...hahah made my day! (haha me so shameless right
hi mint - haha ya my mum was so shocked to hear interview and she was like ...he is 2 what questions he will be asked?? haha actually it shld not be called an interview lah.. more P meets P... E was busy playing in the P's room while i chatted w her and told her all my "wants" for him... she seems to understand all my demands.

recently, on 3 occasions, i find Nat tries to suppress her cry &amp; also dont 'dare to' (not sure abt this) voice out what she really wants.

&amp; i din even raise my voice at her or force her.

juz wonder &amp; checking if the other kids at this age r like tat too? m thinking is this healthy tat a 2yo is trying to suppress her real feeling liao?

hmm...or m i being too kanchong?
Just this morning I exclaimed 'Oh Sh*t!' when I spilled some milk and the next thing I know, Dylan's 'chanting', "Oh sh*t, oh sh*t, oh sh*t..." all the way from his room to the kitchen!
elch - oh no! now we have to use a diff code word for it.. like oh papaya! hahah

JJmom - i think Nat is dong shi and know she cannot whine or cry to get what she wants... so it seems suppression?

E still screams and shouts for what he wants and i dun give it to him...
but only 懂事 at certain time? &amp; most of the time, she still fuss &amp; cry to gets what she wants.

1st time, she wants to open up the bday gift tat gong gong bought. She juz kept vy quiet &amp; juz holding onto the gift but din request to open it until i asked her. (I know she wants to)

2nd time, is the 1st day we got the little tikes kit set for her. When it's her bedtime, i juz told her gently tat it's time for bed. She did come over to let me carry but i can see the sadness in her eyes. So i asked her what's wrong? what she wants? But she juz kept quiet only until i asked her 'cook cook?' then she nodded her head with a shy smile.

Mayb i m really too gan chong but this is juz so not like her lah...hahaha
u also think so? do u think they can handle this kind of emotions now? healthy for them?

but only at certain times? hmm...

aiyoh...i know i sounds crazy to some. sigh...cry i also 烦, dont cry i also worried *faintz*

shd i teach her to ask properly for what she wants or m i asking for trouble for myself? kekeke

or shd i take the chance to teach her tat yah, tat's life, u cant have everything at your own pace/will?
Jo is like that too, when she is caught in the act. She will keep very quiet and refuses to respond. So I am trying to communicate with her more. Don't want her to keep to herself when she's older and bogged with troubles. Would rather she shares with us.
like what saxo said, it's better for us to ask them to tell us what they want so in future they will also learn to tell us their feelings.
hmm...ok, seems like Jo &amp; Nat r behaving like this coz they know/understand tat what they did/want is wrong.

so how r u handling this situation with Jo since u r not gng to let her carry on with the wrong doing, right?

for me, i m really those 吃软不吃硬 mom, if she cries, i usually send her to time out. But those few times when she behaved like tat, i GAVE IN halfway =P

I told her, ok another 5mins on 'cook cook' &amp; we go to bed ok?

Not sure m i heading the right way or if this carries on, she will learn to use this tactic on me...kekeke

ok, i agree on we shd get them to tell us but thing is when they do tell us what they want since it's something tat's wrong in the vy 1st place, how we shd react to tat?

if we allow, it's wrong.
if we continue to refuse, they might chose to not speak up anymore next time &amp; go further into their little shell.
I think have to depend on case by case basis. Like in this incident, giving her another 5 mins is fine. Usually before I stop Regina's play, I will pre-warn her like 1 more minute or I do a countdown. Then she has to stop. If she throws a tantrum, then it's time-out. She has now learned to bargain with me by saying, one one to mean one more minute. Haha! But I distract her with something else or I just tell her tomorrow morning. I think we can give an allowance for them but once it's used up, then we stand firm so they don't try to test our limits at the same time, they have gotten their side of the bargain.
I give you an example. Yesterday I left Jo at my mum's when I went to work. When I went back, she was eating bah kwa. Jo knows I won't allow her to snack on that. When I jokingly questioned her how come she's eating that, etc. she was very quiet. Only after I told her that it's ok, a little bit is ok, she pouted and cried. I knew she cried because she was relieved I didn't take away her food or scold her.

I see that as her character. She's more an introvert who wouldn't just express her feelings like throwing a tantrum. Instead she just bottles inside her. So I'm learning not to be too harsh with her and maybe slowly getting her to learn to express her feelings.
Ruffles: there's a communication book. E teachers have to write about 1para weekly on e updates on your child's dev. Then again, mine, write 1 sentence or sometimes nil, so I will call e P, talk to e teachers. Sometimes even talk to e cook(who will also feedback to me on ash) open communication is v impt

everafter: u spoke to e P? Ash used to leave sch w soiled diapers, feedbacked to e P. B v firm but nt unreasonable. Now, when they see us fetching, will chk n double chk before letting him go home. Oversight prob but it should nt b an excuse

Jjmom: yes, talk to nat, explore what's on her mind/fear

bigflamingo: me gg for e bb prom. Yes, it's 1430. Jelly gg?

Jelly: so happy to know that rebby is coping well. Luv your fb post on e tv
hmm...ok, i get the rough idea
will continue to monitor her on this behaviour &amp; try our your method. Thanks for sharing

<font color="aa00aa">is really not easy to be a mother. not juz a good mother. we are still learning how to teach our kids. we can learn from one another.</font>
