(2008/10) Oct 2008

hi elch - i think that teacher is not trained to handle special children. if i were his mother i will feel v sad.. cos in spore special schools are too full and private sessions are too exp.

instd of full day cc, is there half day schools so ur mum not so siong just watch dylan for half day? i heard mind champs is good.. till 3pm only though.
I suppose its a neighbouringhood cc? sigh..mayb "brand and fees" does play a part..While at the cc, i also see the teachers kept screaming at the kids at other group..the playgroup is really big! i think mayb 18-20 kids, there are 1 main teacher and 3 assts..the main one just engaged to the ones whose interested to participate..the rest who doesnt want to will jus roam abt..dont knw if i shld also withdraw bryan..but seriously i dont want to place him at the one next to my blk! Bcos my mil hv always like to pop by and see him (or distract him likely!) Actually i am quite pissed with my hb last night. It's the 1st wkday that bryan is hm..he jolly well invite his mum and sis to come over at close to 9pm. The thing is he also din inform me earlier..i need to dress more approriate when there are visitors leh! Moreover, bryan needs to slp earlier than he used to during wkends cos now every morn hv to wake up earlier!! I cant imagine if they were to come over EVERYDAY! hello...where is my personal space ever since we decided to shift out??!!

good thing you are still within the 2 week period and can withdraw with no penalty right?

if the cc is like that, then best to remain in your mum's care...
Really have to consider the options available and source for a good or rather acceptable CC.

The time that they spend there could have long term "damage".

I'm so happy that LV is good. At least, acceptable for me. I see positive improvments in Marcus. Really glad i made the change.

Heard the CC at my block changed P again. Hopefully the new P is better. Else, poor kids!
Yah, may hv to search for one soon..but the timing is v diffcult also..i had to rush and reach by 7pm so the plc must b really accessible also..my hb has been eyeing the one next to my blk which i refused lor..sigh
i agree tat a preschool is a vy impt stage & being in a 'bad' cc for 8hrs everyday no doubt have long term damage like what XY said.

i m afraid our society will have lots of problems bcoz of these lousy cc in yrs to come, worrying
I stay at sengkang and work at paya lebar. I hv quarrel few times with my hb on cc. He only want convenience that's y he want the one next to my blk. And he won't agree I place him at the cc near my workplc
Yeeks how can a teacher do that to a special needs student? Hmm, leaves a bad impression definitely.

Indian wear
Hmm, count me out. I don't have any and don't plan to buy any. I'll just be the ah soh that picks up after my girl.

Murdered teen at Downtown East
It's a friend's colleague's son. Sad hor. Now that I'm a mother, I can't imagine seeing my own child dead before me. I don't hope to see that day.
bag organizers
I'm no fan of them because I love the natural slouchiness of bags. I buy leathers for the slouch, man! Having said that, I love organizers and Muji is my favourite store. I went to see the bp page and love the Longchamp organizers because it allows for bottles too. I want to get a Longchamp for that alone! So convenient!
Cheer Bear,
Nope. Only paid registration fees.

I'm looking at those convenient for my mum near her area or at least near my area. I'm looking for 1 that is acceptable not premium. Hehe!

The CC is YWCA leh so I thought it should be of certain standards but sadly no. The fees are also $140 more ex than MFS!
i agree on wat xy say abt the "damage".. but sighzz mcys never do anything so wat to do leh

wow u r lucky... that time shawn attend 2wks nia and i hv to pay reg fee and one mth fee coz the P say no 2wk trial as they r newly open.. suckss
mint, i have to be realistic too. For one, the vadaii is sure set to fail since i have lack of experience and duration of time between cooking and eating working against me. Bringing crispy peanut pancakes from geylang serai! i love the saltiness from the plantar margarine, the sweetness from the sugar and the crunchiness from the peanuts, i can eat 5 at a go.

anyone allergic to peanuts?

Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns.)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM - might need to remove my name as shawn is super duper cranky these few days
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets & Mini Hotdogs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken & corn patties for kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (maybe I bring pan-fried yong tau foo in bean paste...can???)
18. Pil & Abby - Crispy peanut pancake
XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
p.s. if it makes anyone feel better, many indian women seldom wear saris when they have young children. it is punjabi suits for them all the way, much easier to run after the younglings.

so throw off your sari ambitions people.. unless you're leaving the kiddo at home.
yeah I actually meant "Pregnant" indian ladies in a sari...

what do pregnant indian ladies wear ah? extra loose punjabi suits?

I saw some REALLY HAWT indian ladies super duper slim ones wearing very bling sequined skimpy saris crossing the road towards a pub on the same row as Pu Tien near City Square mall.


yah there are pros and cons having him in childcare near your working place. unless you drive to work, the travelling for a young kid is no joke.


urm, ymca/ywca is more exp than MFS? i thought should be cheaper. the ymca at my blk is really cheap. i heard $200 after subsidy! and after observing them for a while, not keen to put kate there even though it will be the MOST convenient, raining also just take lift down and go. fully sheltered.


yeah, generally pay peanuts get monkeys. but sometimes pay diamonds also get chimps. really depends on individual teachers i guess...


i LOVE min zang kuay!


oh dear... you actually know the guy's mom? heard it was a staring incident. what's with these teens?! stare then stare lor!! 唉,闹出人命。
everafter n elch,

So u want to look for another CC for ur boy?

For me, another set of worries. Tong enjoys school n the teachers there are good with children. They are more patient n console every child tat is crying by hugging the child while she continue teaching the class. Also can see that the kids like them too.

School hardware is good since it is very new. It is brightly lit n things well organised.

When Tong came back home, keep pointing to the TV n want to watch TV. I guess cause at her school, they dun watch TV. She must have missed her Barney and Mickey alot. LOL...

The food there are good, with great variety. They rotate menu every 4 weeks. So the kids onli eat the same kind of food combination after 4 weeks. But hor, except for teabreak, Tong is eating VERY little but she drinks alot of milk. Haizz... Any of ur toddler experience this recently?

Today, the P told me Tong is underweight as compared to her peers. Make me very worried. Should I bring her see a nutritionist? Am I too paranoid?
'Yi fen qian yi fen huo' doesn't apply leh...YWCA is more ex as compared to MFS but the teachers are so unprofessional.
It's YWCA. After subsidy, it's $390 per month...

I've placed him in a waiting list in My First Skool so at this moment he's back to my mum's care...
hi ypg - u cld ask pd first then see if nutritionist is needed... i wanted to see one cos my son is def way too skinny... but my pd assured me he is ok.. just added Extra Virgin Olive oil into his food.
ya, i know what you mean. it's really the teachers that makes a difference. i also believe teacher student ratio is a big factor as well.
<font color="0077aa">Elch: understand your concern. C has a classmate who has Aperger syndrome, low on the austistic spectrum. It was actually the teachers who noted that she is highly sensitive to touch, noise, etc. and has some socialisation problems and the school later had some review with the mum.

The mum then brought her to a doc and she is doing MUCH better now. The mum mentioned to me before that she is highly appreciative of the support the teachers gave to her daughter and her. So, it really makes a diff as to who the teachers are as well as the student:teacher ratio.
<font color="0077aa">Re dress code this Fri. Sorry, I have been swarmed at this new place trying to meet up internally and externally + pounding out a last min proposal.

I meant I have a punjabi suit and so does C. Anyone else keen?</font>
Oic, is it the new 1 at punggol? Have u been down to check it out?

Since it's a long wait, u might wanna check other cc too? Mayb let Dylan &amp; Marcus b classmates since XY has gd reviews?
It's the 'old' My First Skool at Blk 166. My neighbor's daughter is there and she's happy with it. Even if it's a long wait I still got to wait as my neighbor's mil will help to fetch Dylan to her place in case I can't reach there by 7pm. Unless there are other CCs around my area that opens till 8pm...
Elch, JJmom,

My colleague send her girl to cedan child development centre at Blk 198 Punggol Field. It's above the coffee shop at Cove LRT. 63876648 - Mrs Poh

She loves the P. I heard this centre is new. Maybe u can pop by and see the place.
How come you are not using blue font anymore? Anyway, I mentioned to you my friend, beldry in the 'other' thread? She remembers you as one of the same-month bride
kekeke...was using green font lah but getting lazy to type =P

huh? i tot u said it's 'candy'? but i dont rem any 'beldry' either &amp; i wasnt using the same nick then so how does she knows it's me? hmm...kekeke

hmm...which other thread r u in? heeheehee...
Same... LV also $15 for 10min block.
So far i never late before. Normally rush like mad and reach ard 6.45pm. Latest i picked Marcus was 6.55pm. He was the last kid. So poor thing.
late pick up:
even though Nat is with nanny but every evening, i also need to rush like mad to pick her up
else nanny will black face =P

sigh...but at least i dont get fine lah...
buffy, pildough,
i really should slap my big fat mouth now cos i can't squeeze into my punjabi suit! *bawl* this is the price i pay for my laziness to exercise. Sigh!
Anyone of u feeding ur kid fish emulsion? Tong childcare feed her that. She loves it n keep wanting to buy this. She put this in my shopping basket yesterday. Hehe...

But I worry about overdose if she eat this at home too.
u give tong multi vit everyday? i think not necessary if she is eating well.

mummies whose tod already has 2nd molar can share whether will it be super painful for the tod.. shawn is not eating and drinking milk only wan to drink cold packet drink and one day ard 2 packet and thats it!! nothing else taken!! sighzz he seems to be pale but is still alert leh. dunno how to cure his teething problem which he never had so bad in the past.
Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns.)
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets &amp; Mini Hotdogs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken &amp; corn patties for kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (maybe I bring pan-fried yong tau foo in bean paste...can???)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - Crispy peanut pancake

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!

remove my name from the list.
I give Dylan fish emulsion but not daily because I tend to forget. He loves it though.

Cheer Bear,
Where is the 2nd molar located? I never keep track of how many teeth Dylan have after the 1st 6 teeth.
You let Shawn take packet drink? Why not try freshly squeezed fruit juice?


he dun wan to drink.. i try pediasure ready drink, HL small pack, magolia milk all dun wan.. even his fm also dun wan.

fruit juice, i tried on sun he drink abit nia and my hse there dun hv sell fruit juice.

mayb u wanna skip giving the fish emulsion at home since tong is already taking it in the cc &amp; multi vit &amp; wild honey at home.
