(2008/10) Oct 2008


Should we come in our saris too? Haha... But it is troublesome to run after Tong if I am in my saris. The scene of me in sari running after Tong must be very much look like those Indian musical movies I grow up watching.

hi Xy - hee hee wear sari must have fat fat tummy one then nice... my three layer belly fats will do sari good .. hahaha

btw u free next week i see u for lunch and collect my loot?

buffy the only time i put fake lashes was during my wedding time.. haha and i kept telling her not too long or not i cant open my eyes!
This week or next week?
I'm free both Thursdays for lunch.
Better still, come join us for Deepavali gathering. I would love to see ur darling in person!
hi XY - next week thur then?

I need to check w hb on his program this fri.. if can i pop by for a short while? what time u will be there?

if i do it will be in late morning..E naps from 1pm++ onwards...
Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns.)
3. <font color="ff0000">Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM - might need to remove my name as shawn is super duper cranky these few days</font>
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets &amp; Mini Hotdogs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken &amp; corn patties for kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
would love to but it's my hubby's cousin's wedding day. Think will b too tiring for Nat to chiong 2 events in a day

But i m so looking forward to see u mommies in sari, dark shade fountation, paste bling bling on the forehead, nose, mayb do the hand henna &amp; do the indian dance...woohoo!
Shawn fever ok already?

1st Nov
How are the toddlers that started CC today? There are a few right? Rebby, Bryan, Dylan.
Hope they all had fun!
Hello Mummies,

Bryan 1st day at childcare..he was ok initially until i went off and returned around lunchtime. Cried so badly and went to take his bag and wanted to go hm! I failed to console him and cried too
The lunch serving was quite pathetic. What is the teacher, child ratio at your kid's cc? The cc was quite in a mess this morn. The teacher told me bcos there were a few newbies today. Felt disappointed with the cc, no one really engage bryan and he's left to wander by himself!! The playgroup are situated near the main door. I got this freak thinking if the door is unintenionally left open, bryan or any other kid can wander out!!!
thanks for concern.. he finally recover after 1 wk and now i guess the 2nd molar coming out and is causing him great discomfort and hence super cranky.. always wan to carry and dun wan to open his mouth to eat, drink, talk and touch the face only he cry.. every nite wake up 5-8 times until me and my mum raise white flag liao.. everyday come to ofc late and not enough sleep

hope bryan is feeling better now.. and yes, their lunch is super pathetic. btw bryan also at faith right?
2nd molar is at the back? bryan still got many more to go! Cham! cant imagine if he behaves like that in cc. Yup he's at Faith but at Blk201A. I wonder if the one ash at would be better?
oh dear, poor Shawn &amp; mommy

more teething gel?

hmm...do sounds a little bad but mayb try for a few more days? What the kids had for lunch? Any tea break &amp; dinner?
ya 2nd molar is the back last teeth.

i dunno abt the faith that ash is attending but seems not bad as jolly never complain :p
i am on the waitlist to go in on jan 2011 but still not firm yet.

i hope i could apply more for him but the thing is he dun even wan to open his mouth to eat/drink/talk.. going back to the time that he dunno how to talk and go "eh eh" faint leh and i so worry that he will get dehyderated.
JJmom, I brought him HM aft lunch as the teacher recommend half day for 1st 3 days.. Sigh...hope can pull thru the next few days

Ya lor, not only made my heart break but also triggered the cry duct :p
First few days will surely be tears and heartache. U must assure him that u will come back. Tell him u go buy things or prepare dinner etc. Dun sneak away without informing him first.

As for the gate thingy, i also had this problem with the previous Faith Marcus was in. The gate is facing the rubbish chute landing. If left open, the kid can just run out and who knows what will happen. It's up to the parents/guardian/teachers to really keep an eye and remember to LOCK!
oh... and when u do go back and pick him. Bring him a surprise. Can be stickers, his fav food etc.

Hope the tears and screams end soon.
U miss out Tong name. U bo sim. Haha... She also 1st day of school today.
At 1st I onli want to send Tong go school, say bye bye n go. But I stay till 10.30 n ended up rush down to school. Cause can't help staying to watch her interaction with the rest of kids. It is so cute seeing them in school n do things. I take video until camera no more battery. Haha...

At tong school, the ratio is 1 teacher to 6 kids for playgroup n 1 to 8 for nursery. Think k1 and k2 slightly bigger.. But generally, I always see very few kids in tong school, unlike wat I see in other schools. The branch director answer is that they will not have 2 teachers to 12 kids. Tat is why her school look deserted. At 1st, my mum thought the school fees very expensive, $980 before subsidy, tat is why so few students. LOL...
Tong at Cherie Hearts. The location more convenient for my mum so bo Bian, got to put her there. I can hear my wallet crying when I pass the $ to the branch director just now.

She is ok for the 1st half. Will check with my mum how is the situation when she pick up her at 5.
Hi dear mommies how are you! I need your help with something. I heard from a friend that in this FORUM there used to be a thread selling "bag Organisers". anyone knows where I can find it?

I bought a bag for my mom, but she's complaining that it only has one big compartment inside. she's the kind who likes those with many many compartments, even one zipped compartment also can. a friend told me forum has a thread selling bag organisers that u can put into such bags (comes with diff dimensions) to compartmentalise it, and also useful for ppl who change their bags frequently. just take out organiser, put inside another bag, and go...

anyone pls??thanks a MILLION!!!!!!
Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns.)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM - might need to remove my name as shawn is super duper cranky these few days
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets &amp; Mini Hotdogs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (will make jelly cause now no maid to look after tong, hard to bake cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken &amp; corn patties for kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, Egg tarts)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian (finger sandwiches)
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (<font color="0077aa">maybe I bring pan-fried yong tau foo in bean paste...can???</font>)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
whats the size u bought and what colour??? may not fit my mom's bag but thanks, pls check for me thanks muaks! <font color="ff0000">but do u rem the URL pls?????</font>
Okie, jelly reporting!

Rebekah cried(as usual) when my mom n I left her after we said our goodbyes... The teachers tried consoling her n gave her some biscuits... She calmed down after her snack (glutton)...

After that she participated in music lessons, played w e tambourine n joined in the Chinese lessons too.

She had a full lunch as well. She looked okie when I picked her up at about 12 noon

Rebekah's fees are almost $800 a month but I like e environment - they have a huge outdoor garden, al fresco dining n art area, indoor gym. The children can hv second helpings to food as well. The teachers are far better compared to my first skool folks.
Wow, deepavali party.. Really dressing up? I have a deepavali dinner to attend in e evening..hee

cheerbear/everafter: For us, we r comfortable w e exposure that ash is getting in PG plus his caregivers love him
loads..however, we dun think e same for n1 onwards. Hence, v likely we will b changing to another kiddy for n1
So coincidental.. I just ordered a bag organiser from her via email. Heehee!

XY, was yours meant for the LC bag?
think tong really LOVES sch

u left rebby for the 1st day? i thot usually sch allow parent to accompany for first 3 days?
at least biscuits can help to calm her down which is better than she keep crying.

n1 is jan 2011 leh.. u found another sch liao?

think bryan starts to adapt sch liao.. at least from wat i see, he adapts faster than shawn
wah suddenly so many people want to touch me (okay my bump)...


sure! let's take lotsa photos! love Jo's gingersnap dress at Rianne's party! tempted........... but i think that one no more liao.


if you conceive now, still have 9 months of relative freedom! go for it... yeah, nothing like having your own home. enjoy the bliss. your place is really well located, drove past the other day - next to huge hawker centre! 24/7 FOOD...

dress up

I have a punjabi outfit but NO WAY i can fit in now.
a sari might fit though, but come to think of it I've not seen any indian ladies in a sari... hmm.... anyone wants to wrap me up in one?
pooh bear

wah the diaper bag organiser looks useful... wonder if they will be at the nov motherhood fair with discounts, hiak hiak.
yup, we left her there for half day. this week will be all half day. next week will extend to nap time and then the following till about 5pm.
i was also advised to let E go home earlier on his first week... end at 11, then week after 11.30 then 3rd week 12 and by the 4th week normal timing 1230pm...

i was also advised to just do a drop, no lingering.. i am inclined to do that too...
Morning mummies...

Yesterday was Dylan's 1st and last day of CC. Dylan was ok when I brought him in. He's excited and busy exploring with the countless toys and etc and waved bye bye to me 2 times in less than 30mins. I left and returned only about 1.5-2hours later only to see him crying and following a teacher everywhere asking for me. I wanted to let him cry it out but hubby can't bear to and urged me in which I did. Teacher said that Dylan's ok until another new boy cried for mummy.

Not attending the CC was not because of Dylan's cries and etc but because I can't stand what I see in the CC when I was there for merely 2 hours or so. Very unprofessional. Not sure if I'm too fussy but Following are what I observed:-
1) Reached at about 8am and no 'fixed' supervision around the playgroup's area, except for those teachers who happened to 'pass by'. Was told by another teacher that the teacher for playgroup will reach only at 9am.

2) A teacher shouted/screamed at a boy who's about 4 that he's naughty, very naughty and etc infront of ALL the children from PG and N1. After doing so, she even complained loudly in Hokkien and English to other teachers who are in the midst of teaching about the student.

3)The boy mentioned above was actually an ADHD boy and the way he's treated was really unprofessional. Not sure how a kid with ADHD should be treated but I thought he should be given more special attention and not be labelled for his illness. The screaming teacher's the one who complained to me! She says the boy 'got something wrong one, doesn't want to mix with other children and always want to be alone'.

4)AM tea break, the teachers and kitchen staff 'questioned' one another how come Boy A is eating as his mum informed repeatedly not to give him any food as he has a stomach discomfort. At lunch, Boy A was eating AGAIN! Teachers and kitchen staff started their 'questioning' again! What if a child has certain allergy???

5) N1 went out to the playground and came into the centre via the side door where the PG children were sitting, listening to a story. The N1s walked into the centre with footwear on, removed them where the PG children are seated and place them into big baskets. Class is disrupted and the floor where the PG children are located are dirty.

All these are observed when I'm there....what happens if I'm not there???
Sorry for the long post above as I was really disappointed with the CC and having to revert back to square one. I am on the super long waiting list for My First Skool at Punggol. Think most probably there'll only be vacancy till late next year...haiz...
hi elch - wah if i am u i also pull Dylan out.

for my case, the principal told me in N2 they will have 13 spaces for normal and 1 for special. special can be from autism, physical etc.. which i am glad cos means both sets of children get to mix. and the teacher will be trained to handle the special kid.

i find the teacher screaming at the ADHD kid v unnecessarily.

when i was there for the interview one girl was crying cos she does not want to go school and her parents are screaming at her and the school adminstrator helped her in also sort of raised her voice. the adminstrator got told off by the prinicpal later who told the former screaming and shouting does not calm the child...

sorry not comparing but i have a soft spot for special children and i think schools shld know how to handle them. it is not the child's fault for being special.... scream at him/her also wont help
Guess we just have to close one eye on certain things. The teacher/student ratio is just not good enuff to give every kid enuff attention.

U better observe for these few days. If u really dun like, withdraw!
i do agree. honestly, now that i have no choice and i do not want to keep changing cc for rebekah, i will stick with it.

i really like how the centre manager assured me that rebekah was doing well by sending me an mms update of her so i thought that was really nice

Exactly! Screaming at children with special needs are like screaming at babies for crying! The teacher screamed at the boy because she got kicked by him but that doesn't warrant more shouts. Found out that the principal was away on course yesterday and today. Not sure if her absence made any difference to the teachers behavior.

Seeing so many issues within 2 hours is scary! Dylan's back to my mum's care.
