(2008/10) Oct 2008

Yup. Chiltern it is.
mostly I like the fact there are things used in playclub that are used in school so hopefully transition horror is minimized. But long waiting list. Will try turf club as well as Halifax.

Morning all ...

It's been a while; busy as usual w work and at home. Going India next week so lots to settle. I am looking forward to it to a certain extent as it will give me some much needed me-time and sleep, and also leave HB no choice but to take care of J in the night. I've not had a good night's rest for 3yrs now and I think I look a hag. J has not started sleeping through and every night I barely pull through 3-4hours of broken sleep. Sobs. I suppose I will miss them loads too. Haiz. Just pray for God's protection when there and over my lil ones and family when I am away. Please pray for me.

Pildough - Argh. DON'T remind me about the SLIDE! She goes 'slide slide slide' whenever she sees one ... thanks to the wonderful playground at XY's place. So now, if she wants slide, I bring her to Paragon 5th floor playground to play. Ground is safe, playground and slide new (and seems clean), and there are seats AND AIRCON for mommy to rest!! hee. T3 also has a nice playground area on level 3 I found!

R&R - Hope Regine is better today and hope you managed to grab some zz.

Vanilla - Oh dear why in and out of hospital? Hope E is ok?

Buffy's Messy Choc Playdate
1) Buffy & Cate
2) XY & Marcus
3) Jellypurin & Rebby
4) Ruffles & Victoria

When is this happening ah?

Jan Preschool - Yea Vic is starting too and I also managed to get her to sit in the classes in Dec for a week .. all to prepare her for the REAL thing in Jan!! Looking forward!!!
Hi XY, paiseh yesterday night doze off...i hv just tfred $71.26 to your POSB a/c via IB from OCBC...Ref # 20101020130004...

once again, thanks for coordinating...when you avail for lunch again
<font color="119911">Ruffles,
aiyoh...Nat is like Vic too. Love gng to the slide after having her 1st go at it at Marcus's party...kekeke</font>
yay! But will have priority cos jo is in playclub.

can't wait to taste your vadai.

i like going to paragon's playground. Forum also has a small one. $10 membership fee for 2 years.

I thought the suitable/ recommended age for the Pinocchio musical is for 4 years and above?

I'll be bringing:
plastic cutlery, organic homebaked potato chips for kids and....still thinking of what to bring for the adults. :p
Marcus is using that BEE (PS, i hate the skiphop DOG) to school. Haha... it's a great bag! He loves to poke the eyes.

Looking forward to ur dance on deepavali. Slide to the left, to the right, screw the light bulbs!

On Skip Hop,
I see a Zebra. but BP sellers, none seem to have the Zebra.
Mint – Shucks. Didn't read the fine print. So no Pinochio for our kids then. Jelly .. no loss.

JJmom – LOL on slides.
<font color="119911">XY,
been eyeing the skip hop owl design but BP seller dont seems to carry it too
JJmom, Ruffles,
On Slides
I tot their first go on the slide was at Miki's Elmo party?

Did u see the fine print for PINOCCHIO - The Musical

No admission for infant in arms and child aged below 4 years old. Child 4 years old and above must purchase ticket for admission. Strictly no admission without ticket.
<font color="119911">XY,
Nat only fall in love with slide after Marcus's party.

Wahahaha...u make the dance sounds so fun! Mayb we shd really get Pildough &amp; abby to teach us at the gathering!</font>
<font color="119911">Jelly,
wanted to go but i chio Daisy, she said her Jov finds it boring =P

hmm...let's go together next yr
<font color="0077aa">Ruffles, wah, you created an invite list so quickly! LOL...

Messy playdate after the halloween do lah hor? 'Cos after C's do, there is our gathering on 5 Nov. Our thread like quite happening man. =)

JJMom: ya, we finally caved in and got her the masak masak set. I also bought some wooden toys from AU when I was there last week. She has seen it but we have not opened it up yet. Cant wait for the unwrapping this evening. I do not know who is more excited - C or me!?! LOL If Nat is keen, can come over for playdate too! My house may be a bit far for you and I have 2 hyper dogs! </font>
<font color="119911">buffy,
Happy Bday Cate!

woohoo...can feel your excitement! take pics of Cate unwrapping it tonite to share at FB yah.

hee...thanks for the masak playdate invite
we have a dog at home too
<font color="0077aa">XY: thanks dear.
eh babe, MSN has probs? I cannot see any contacts when I logged on!

JJMom: since XY is so enthusiastically waiting for the topless babes, please travel with her to my place. You girls can share cab. :p

Cheerbear: yes, it is. I just got back into the office an hour plus ago after doing a mini BD song thing with her at her playschool.
Thanks dear.

Mint: C is still a MAJOR fan of J&amp;L. Other brands, she'd complain that they are hard, "poke-y" and dunno what lah... Too bad, they do not have any other bigger sizes. Sigh</font>
<font color="119911">sigh...talking abt shoe,

Nat has a bad sore after gng to the playground in her ON rubber slipper. Hurts vy bad...so heartpain for her
hi ruffles -- sigh we dont know yet. this morn is a bad day at the hosp.

hi mint - i think they are slowly calling.. E's classmate at Playclub has not been called yet for interview. Same school but afternoon session

hi buffy - happy birthday to Cate . God bless this sweet child.
<font color="119911">vanilla,
dont worry, E will b alright, he is a strong little guy. U take care too *hugz* </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm </font>

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns. am ok with Jill's suggested 11-4pm timeslot)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (AM/PM)(Bottomless Apple Crumble with Vanilla Ice-cream or Home-made Pizza)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (Cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies with less sugar to the kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, organic homebaked potato chips for kids)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
I just had the yummiest potato croquette from Hokkaido fair. Can't wait to try yours!

One more thing. JG holiday programme for the gym will be at a gym in United Square. Are you still going for it?
<font color="119911">jelly,
yah, the stupid haze is here again! better keep our bbs indoors.

u take care too!</font>

what happened with the grandparents? so you going to move over or not? seems a little high risk...


yah the haze is BAD... feel sorry for those with asthma. or no luxury of being in aircon most of the day.
thanks dear.

Sigh...my fil thinks a 15min drive to the kindy tat I put Nat on waitlist is considered far! Suggest the PCF kindy below my sil's block. &amp; my mil seems to think tat with a maid ard, she can carry on with her singing, dancing, high tea &amp; what not activities.
Sigh...caring for grandchildren is no longer deem as a blessing privilege in our modern society but a burden, sad
zebra and owl design oos on supplier side.

saxo, joanne and I are going for the baby prom. I stand by at the comp so when the clock struck 12 on ticket sales opening day, i bought the tickets. Heehee!

yes jovanna told us she will be moving to evans come january 2011.

i'm signing up for week 2 animal resort cos regina will be taking her MMR jab on the monday of week 3. So i'm afraid she might not be up to it for lessons.

I tell you on friday about the chips. We meet for lunch ok after class? With joanne. Do you want to come over to sign up for the holiday prog? It'll be rino at evans and eliza at forum.

Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns. am ok with Jill's suggested 11-4pm timeslot)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (Cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies with less sugar to the kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, organic homebaked potato chips for kids)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
