(2008/10) Oct 2008

I only eat durian. Not the made-with durian items. But i'm not against the smell.

Just do what u think Nat will benefit most from.

Well... we choose to have kids. So... we have to make the adjustments, not our parents or in-laws.
It's been 3 weeks since MIL left us. Struggling. But surviving still.

Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns. am ok with Jill's suggested 11-4pm timeslot)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (fishballs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (Cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies with less sugar to the kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, organic homebaked potato chips for kids)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
<font color="119911">XY,
sigh...thing is they want a part too but wanna do it their way instead of ours, planning for us to suit/fit into their liftstyle.

kekeke...our situation is opposite now. We haven been over inlaws place for 3 weekends liao.

They suddenly pop over 2 nites ago, informed me tat mil gng tour for 1 week again but fil said he can come over to pick us over if hubby is not free. Really dont see any point gng over...

Is your mil still angry with Ken?</font>
my mom is not working... she still lends a hand in lkg after my kids but as the days go by, i am depending less and less on her cos i know she "mei xin" to look after my kids, which i think it's quite normal and i dun blame her. that is why i am starting rebekah in cc all over again. will not be sending her to kindy after all. am also waiting for the months to past quickly ... when bb s turns 18mths, he will go to cc as well. i dunnid my maid and i can leave the kiddos in cc for the day...

my mom made it clear to me that she has no patience for her grandkids and would rather watch tvb dramas and travel than to look after my monster though i know she loves them, but just dun wanna commit to lkg after them. i went okay lor....
Quoting XY, Well... we choose to have kids. So... we have to make the adjustments, not our parents or in-laws

I love this quote because I agree completely!

My mum does help when I need to go to work. But when I'm around the house, she will not really 'look after' Jo, but rather, play with her PSP (she can be on it for hours!!). And my dad can't look after Jo for more than half hour. I can understand why. It's tiring to say the least. And they're old and if they have a choice, they would let her watch TV the whole day.
Hehe... this is what keeps me going at these tough times w/o help.

We should set up a baby/tod buddy system. Then we get to go on date nights with hubby w/o the kiddos.
aiyah, cos I managed to get 4 mums to enjoy the 20% discount. then now short of one again... hmm... ok, then I sign up same class as you.

Remind me again next year and I'll help you get the tickets. I'm going to do the standby stunt again. Hahaha!

That's the spirit... the less we depend on our parents the better.

wah your mum so happening can play PSP... haha! My mum used to play with my bro's nintendo wii.... lol!

My mum lagi joker... ask me to get a maid so I can go back to work then when I ask her who's going to keep an eye on the maid, she said she'll come by as and when to take a look. Faint! But after I showed her the video of the maid kicking the kid, she shuddup about the matter.

But I agree with you. It's really tiring for them to look after the whole day. Can see that my mum is tired even just for a few hours when I went for my course last time.

your nanny doesn't want to look after Nat anymore? She's quite good right? Maybe see if can work it out with her?
<font color="aa00aa">mummies, please recommend me any good studio package for 2A2C that you used before &amp; find it good.

thinking of having another PS for the whole family.

thanks in advance.
<font color="aa00aa">XY, changes made. thanks for highlighting to me. din really look into the list.</font>

Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns. am ok with Jill's suggested 11-4pm timeslot)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
<font color="ff0000">5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets &amp; Mini Hotdogs)</font>
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (Cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies with less sugar to the kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, organic homebaked potato chips for kids)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!
yes, next year i will stand by too... keke

now bp got many promos... but what sort of ps package do u want? studio only? i like the cheers and tears ps promo on bp now, value for money...
Eat, Swim and Slide! (pls bring swim stuff!)

DATE : 5th Nov 2010(P.H on Fri)
VENUE : Parc Emily, 13 Mount Emily Road, 228494 - Function Room
FOOD: Potluck (Pls indicate what you will bring.)
TIME : 11am to 4pm

1. XY + Marcus (Mini Milo for toddlers and Old Chang Kee)
2. Dimpletot + Kate (serangoon garden famous old style ham and cheese, tuna etc buns. am ok with Jill's suggested 11-4pm timeslot)
3. Cheerbear + Shawn (Fishball) - PM
4. Everafter + Bryan (Qiji Pohpiah) time is now 11-4pm, can u make it?
5. Icylemon + Rachel + Regine + Hubby (Chicken Nuggets &amp; Mini Hotdogs)
6. Jellypurin + Rebby + Hubby + Sydney (swiss rolls - anyone hates durian?)
7. Eelyn + Kaitlyn + Kayla + Hubby (variety of baos)
8. Freda + Gareth + Hubby (Chicken Pies)
9. YPG + Kai Tong + Hubby (Cake)
10. Saxo + Jo (homemade chocolate chip cookies for adults; chicken &amp; corn patties for kids)
11. Mint + Regina (plastic cutlery, organic homebaked potato chips for kids)
12. Jolly + Family (Glutinous Rice)
13. Buffy + Cate (Potato Croquette) - coming early @11am. =D
14. Jill + Family
15. BigFlamingo + Julian
16. Elch + Dylan (Handmade Mantous for Kids)
17. Daisybuttons + Jaz (think think think....)
18. Pil &amp; Abby - ok with 11-4, bringing non-spicy homemade Vadai <-- hey, figured since it's deepavali... bring on the rangoli people -does a banghra-

XY : Slides rental confirmed! Yippee!!!

Woo, e food list getting yummier! Looking fwd to catch up again.

Jelly/mint : i missed e bb prom too
enjoyed it alot last year.. Let's all standby next year n click !!

Xy/Saxo/mint: yes.. Agree! It's our choice to have kids n we jus have to find e best care for our kids..till now my parents will still comment on my choice of IFC n cc but then again
I know they cannot take care if e grandkids full time.. Jus half a day.. My parents will b pretty drained

Xy: the idea of buddy club sounds fun! We def need dating time too!

E haze is really bad.. M sneezing away.. Gonna stay indoors this weekend
<font color="119911">XY, Saxo, Jelly, Jolly,
We have the same thinking too, which is y Nat is at a nanny in the 1st place.

Guess we &amp; inlaws juz have a vy diff idea in mind when fil suggest we move near them &amp; leave Nat with a maid with them after school.

We r sort of caught off guard when we realise how diff our ideas r. We din expect we cant even decide which school Nat goes to if we take their offer.

Which is again y we r saying, no thanks, Nat will stay put &amp; take the school bus.</font>
hi hi mommies!

its been a busy week....dad was hospitalised and had urgent ops within 3 days due to disc prolapse...stayed another 3 days and today just discharged. was so worried for him.....just fetched him home and rushed to work.......

Buffy, lkg fwd to your party! oh happy birthday to Cate! just realised your party is AFTER C's actual day!

JJmom, eh i did not say my boy bored leh. hahaha. I said I myself brought him there for 2 yrs consecutive liaoz i am getting too bored to go a 3rd yr. hahahaa. not him. as for him...well....he does enjoy it, esp the parts where its interactive and teach them rhythm and clapping and sounds. but he cannot focus quietly throughout unlike plays. My friend's son who sat beside us could focus very very well throughout! very impresseed! think my son needs a story line to keep him focused, or he's simply not culturally inclined haaaa...

XY, jiao you! hang in there.....din know ur MIL not staying with you liao. When I have only one child, I also dun have a maid, the entire day is involved in pumping, washing, cooking, feeding, washing, the cycle repeating itself every day. worst is we bring him to 2 caregivers places every week, so every morning and night is packing and unpacking hahaaa. tiring but i find without another person in the house the family feels closer.

Vanilla, what happened to E?? how is he now? Hope everything goes well for you guys....E is a strong little one, he will be fine!
the look of the air outside now reminds me of when we drove up to snowy mountains last July! dun look like SG! but the smell spoils the effect! bleh.

XY, wah ha ha..life with 3 is best experienced if Jolly's 2 boys sleep over for a few nights leh! only for one day not realistic! hahaha!
Positive thinking hor... Snowy mountains. More like Lunar 7th month at my window to me.

Hope Jovann's cough will not come back due to this haze.
XY, yah positive thinking hor? hahahahahaha!!! hubby lagi better, he said it looks like London back when he was studying in the UK hahaha. thanks...you very smart...Jov cough is indeed back. scary right? how sensitive he is??? aiyoh... I think we are overworking our purifier. recently took out the filter to check, i nearly fainted from the look of it. Bleh...
A few nights??!!! *Gulp* Can try lah.

Hope u have sufficient insurance coverage for the boys. *touchwood*

Marcus fell at the CC on Tuesday. Cut his lower lip. Sigh... now looks like he's having this huge yellow ulcer. Looks painful. Lucky he's still eating the dinner i prepared. Then i treat him with mini connetto after the meal. Keke...
<font color="119911">daisy,
oh...mommy is the 1 who is bored...kekeke
hope your dad recovers well.

wah...coping with 1 man + 3 boys, feeling vy brave? kekeke...
so u guys not gng up to KL to talk your mil over anymore?
aiyoh...poor Marcus. Mommy's cooking must b yummy for him
Vanilla: think I missed e post on E..hope he is feeling betta..

Xy: u sure ah..It may Not b as bad as u think..hee.
Oh no..Was it a deep cut..

Daisy: u mus b do tired..hope your dad N jov r betta..
I know wat u mean by packing n unpacking.. It's like gg on a 'holiday' every other day :p
We will definately go KL to talk things over. But more like to maintain the mother and son r/s. Not so much like beg or force her to come back.

We can arrange. I think i can survive with 3 boys. Plus, Justin is still in the milk+sleep+diaper stage right? Keke...
Oh ya, jts, there's this v special event org by a sahm for children suffering from cancer called " happee day" on 31 oct at Hort Park, 9am-noon
it's a v meaningful event so if u free, can head down to bring joy n fun n to cheer for e children.
So how's ur dad now? My best friend also went for a similar op last week. Remove the disc between her L2 and L3.

I'm so sick of washing and washing Marcus uniform. Mr Drool King really drool alot!!!!
yes yes, egg machine, my best friend before my maid hahahaa!!!

XY, its by Scense. Its Scense Mini washing machine.here it is.

JJmom and Jolly, thanks yes he's recuperating at my home now... Jolly yah loh! always packing!!! so tiring!

XY, my dad's one is L4 and L5. a bit lower down on the spine...how is she now? which hospital did she go and what procedure did she do?
outdoors? hmm, actually i really like F8, but the fotog just had an etopic pregnancy and is now resting in a sense... but u can still ask if they can do the outdoor ps for u.

how abt ask bluey's hubby?
i bought mine at $60 brand new off ebay shortly after my confinement lady left. One of the mummies here mentioned it when we were preggers. Lazy me realised that i had to handwash baby's clothes cos they were too small an amount to dump into my normal washing machine. My hubs tsk tsk-ed me for buying it but now he's also using it to wash his running tee and shorts immediately when he returns from from his jog. Too stinky to leave it till laundry day. Haha!

it's just the right size to wash a few pieces of clothing. But like saxo said, it's for washing delicates so there's no tumble dry function. After wash, just need to squeeze the water out from clothes and hang dry. That's the only laychay part. Other than that, it's one of the best inventions ever next to the tampon. Heehee!
XY, search ebay for cheaper ones. sometimes brand new like mine and mint, both from ebay. or u can buy from original supplier which is in the URL i gave u above...but that one more exp lah.
I am old school. I don't like tampons. Don't like things inside my body. That explains why I only have Jo. Wahhahahahaha.

Seriously, since the egg machine is only for delicates, wouldn't it be unable to really wash dirty laundry?
not sure how dirty the laundry is but so far i'm able to wash the stains off the clothing. There is a soak and wash function too. I sometimes let it run two cycles to make me think that it's really clean ie soak/wash plus full wash cycle.
<font color="0077aa">welcome back daisy and thanks for the well wishes. Ya, her party is a belated one cos I didn't wanna kill myself planning for one just as I was planning the Perth trip plus maidless.

Heng I planned it as a belated thing as it allows me to have more time to source for food craft items. Hee... It's a humble affair, hope the crafts are good fun for the kids.
Other than that, it's one of the best inventions ever next to the tampon

- mint

Man, i have to check out the egg washing machine.

Living without help:
It's like a coming of age thing, like a rite of passage. imagine the tag line, what fun

No.. in-laws. No... maids. No... help. No... sex. No...sleep, coming soon to mel's home this holidays.

yep mommies, moving in next friday. I am going to roll in a pineapple, throw the cooking oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, rice into the kitchen, somersault into the corners of the living room like a ninja armed with expensive japanese knives in case i get way laid on my way to planting prosperity, just to plant $1 gold coins at the corners (nevermind my commercial cleaning company may mistake my prosperity tokens for tips). Yea, when i'm done with the chinese thing. I'ld be doing the Indian thing.. put aside the pot of chinese rice, now boil a pot of sweet milk and maybe rent a cow to take a piss in the middle of my living room while serving sweet milk to my guests and hope that they do not get diarrhoea (since i only have two toilets)

ok.. after that, i think i'ld be done.

Did you do anything when you moved into your home?

Haha! You never fail to make me laugh. Post more often leh.

I didn't do much. Just had pastor come over during housewarming for CG to say a short prayer of blessing.
<font color="119911">Pildough,
wahahaha...your post make my day!

think we did the pineapple roll too, walk over the burning charcoal cooker with the '早起开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶' then turn on all the lights &amp; taps to let the water run for a while.

cook a sweet soup for all &amp; stay for the night.</font>
morn ladies

some carnal postings today, eh?

omg, ur sense of humour is brilliant! thanks for perking up my day after i had such a disastrous start w a tantrum throwing tod who cried until vomit; a helper that will not listen and a mom who nagged at you about your helper!

yah can't really expect them to want to help. for my mum, she nagged and nagged me to have kids and part of the bargain was her promise from the start to help. must give it to her, she even asked me to have second one and said she can help with both. and said didn't need to send kate to school to give them some time off! but sometimes i think spirit is willing flesh is weak. my mum doesn't do any house work or cooking though - housework mostly taken care of by my dad, and we buy in food.

i suppose my mum is willing to help cos when i was young my grandma helped too whilst my mum worked to support my grandma. so now it's my turn... and i was v v close to my grandma. till now, I'm the only one in my generation who can speak the dialect cos brought up by my grandma.

when it's my turn, my dream scenario is for my daughters to want to be the main caregivers, and be financially stable enough not to have to work (and for myself to be financially stable enough for them not to have to work to support me).

then i can be the fun grandma who brings my grandkids to jacob ballas and playgroups to relieve their mums and give them some me-time.
