(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="ff0000">seems like nobody saw my hot wheels frisbee?

<font color="119911">Daisy dear,
we were @ the party at 5:30pm hor, where got super late? U left without gng ard to say byes lah. Me busy guarding Nat at the slide mah...

Nowadays tough to meet up for lunch liao, big boss been watching us closely
<font color="119911">Ginapy,
U keen on star tot at Marine Terrace? I reg Nat for their next yr class. It's a totally new class.

YPG's tongtong is at the 1 at Bedok
Hi JJMom,

thanks for your reply. Actually i want to enroll Remus for 1 month short class. He is currently with Lorna Whiston at East Coast Parkway (they took over Cherie Hearts outlet). however, his last day with Lorna is till Nov 2010. We are moving to US in end Dec, but dont really want him to stay at home to idle, since he always like to go school. So thinking of sending him to those 2 -3 hours daily programs. I am staying beside the Star Tot Marine Terrace location, so thought can give it a try.
JJmom, oh you were there!!! sorry sorry! I didnt know you were there else i sure go over lah. big boss still must let u go for lunch right? at most I meet you girls at BK lah, i haven't been there for lunch for a while, miss their beef noodles leh.
Dear mommies... I am starting to feel very emo today leh.
Next Sat I am going off for a work trip, first time leaving my 2 kids in SG. initially looking fwd to going. But now as the dates drew near I am feeling more and more down at the tot of not seeing them for so long, almost panicking at the thought. I will be worrying and worrying about them esp Jaz, whether she will cry and miss me, whether she will ask for milk and not be able to get it, whether she will fall down *CHOI*....whether i will cry and miss her. darn...... type oredi also wanna cry.
am i being overly emotional? ppl do this all the time right? Am i very weak?
morning mummies

cant wait to see the 2fast2furious photos

how many days u ll be away? *pat pat*
who will look after them when u r away?
OCT'08 BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE : Anchorage Function Rm

ACTIVITIES - Art &amp; Craft
(I'll do up something simple for the kids.. hope ur tods will enjoy it.. feel free to bring other activities to share.. my activity will prbly be 15 minutes tops.)

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu &amp; mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008
5. Freda
6. mint
8. ypg
9. bbgoh + HB + Seline (Pizza)
10. Wan Chuen + Kaijie (donuts)

anyone else?

can i have full address ??
OCT'08 BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE : Anchorage Function Rm

ACTIVITIES - Art &amp; Craft
(I'll do up something simple for the kids.. hope ur tods will enjoy it.. feel free to bring other activities to share.. my activity will prbly be 15 minutes tops.)

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu &amp; mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008 <font color="119911">(fish cakes)</font>
5. Freda
6. mint
8. ypg
9. bbgoh + HB + Seline (Pizza)
10. Wan Chuen + Kaijie (donuts)

anyone else?

bbgoh : Eelyn, can i have full address ??
thanks for inviting us to the party. We had a blast. Hubby was saying that regina seems to be the only one running up and down. The rest were playing with the cars or at the playground. Heehee! Lovely place to have a party.

it's the condo directly opposite from ikea alexandra and next to anchorpoint.

i dun remember seeing any red frisbee around. Thanks for sharing your photobook. Might do one up with them. Heehee!
your first time away from your kids? Understandable that you'll be emo about it. Maybe try to think of it as finally getting your 'me' time? Heehee! You'll be home soon enough.
Daisybuttons – no la. You ain’t weak. Just being maternal that’s all. I am also facing the same thing as you - only thing is I will travel end Oct for a whole week. Have been worrying if J will have enough milk, what if he rejects FBM etc. I’ve started giving him some FBM and he absolutely hates it. So stressed…… Vic also has been screaming and crying for me when I work late these days. Worry if she will be ok when I am gone. You know am nutsz – I keep thinking I need to write a proper WILL cos will be going India for business and staying in that horrendous Taj Palace that was bombed and killed a SG lawyer hor! Hb nodded when I told him I will do up a will just in case?!
bbgoh, thanks..i will be away for 12 days... almost 2 weeks.
my inlaws and my parents are sharing the 12 days to take care of them. i think too tough for either side to take care for 12 days, will be so tiring.

mint..yes first time away from them. sigh...i have to go for this work trip, no choice. but its just that as the day draws nearer i get more worried. sigh...

Ruffles, thanks dear...yes FBM does taste horrible to some. how old is he now? if he dun take FBM then really no choice may have to give FM? or you keep trying FBM from now until the day you leave see does it improve? hahahaa can imagine your "Duh" look when ur hubby nods his head like that hahahahhaha! i dunno is it a parents thing but i also keep thinking morbid things like that....*choi choi Touch wood*
thanks for the party. We had a great time. I think so good till Jo was over stimulated and had a bad night heh.

I am really worried. Jo has suddenly started snoring. And it's affecting her sleep. She isn't nursing any flu or cold. Really worried

I would be worried too. Yah how long will you be away? Seems long.
daisybuttons - Yep will try giving him 1 FBM daily from now and hopefully he will adjust. He HATES FM – I’ve tried that too. So he better like FBM or I am screwed.
<font color="119911">Daisy,
oh...poor mommy *hugz* &amp; of course it's understandable tat u will uneasy abt leaving your kids for the work trip.</font>
thanks for the info
i ll search the map &amp; print for my HB

looking forward to meet all the bubs

wah tats really many days..
ruffles, alternatively, dilute the FM? thats how i got my son to take to FM last time. he used to puke and vomit out the FM and gagged and all kinds of things when i intro FM to him. eventually i tried diluting it by half, he took it. then slowly up the amt of FM.
I think i saw a red plate near the drink dispenser. There was a 50cent coin on it.
Now... i dun see it at home. Not sure of anyone too it or while packing, someone threw it away. Can buy this frisbee?? Let me go search for it again. Hope i can find it.

Where u going for ur biz trip?? Ask hubby take leave.. then family getaway?

Just a tot
Since we all had so much fun, minus the aches... maybe we can have this for our X'mas Bash. By then, the kiddos should have better driving skills. Interested??
Cheerbear, JJMom,
I remember seeing your names in the Linda raincoat BP which i joined. Can u fwd me the link? i can't find it anywhere in the BP thread. Thanks
Hi mommies

Thanks for hvg us at marcus' party. Rebekah had a great time.

Apologies as I din get a chance to speak to all of u... But was great seeing all the pretty mommies and cute toddlers!

Rebby snores too... Over tired I guess... But does Jo snores every nite?
The party must hv been a real blast! I've a timid mouse in making! There's once we were at kiddy palace and bryan practically jump out of the kiddy ride once he hears the "engine" sound frm the motorised bike! haha..

how come they allocate taj palace for accom? can change or not? I know it's a 5* place but after what happened, really not very nice to stay there.


all the best for your worktrip. my take is to enjoy yourself as much as you can whilst you're there (do manipedi, go facial, make more photobooks - all those things that you can't do easily here!), cos thinking too much might make u feel sad, and there's nothing u can do about it. then when you are with yr kids, make the most of every moment, and you'll find yourself cherishing them more!
dimpletot - Sigh. My event is held in the exact ballroom where most died .. tried to change to another hotel but all fully booked to accommodate the nos. I am looking at. Also tried to get the Reg Risk dept to say that the place is too risky for us but no use leh. I really pray for God's protection and that nothing bad happens when I am there and that I don't spot no ghosts man.
don't worry - He who is in you a greater than he who is in the world.

aiyoh, what a place for the organisers to hold an event. nvm lah, kuai qu kuai hui.
Xinying, yes yes thats the one!! the red frisbee with that 50cents coin! alamak! anyone happen to take it? aiyah its a set of 3 frisbees, my son didn't wanna let Jaz take the red one with her, but i persuaded him. then when we reached BG he said he very sad that we didn't play the red frisbee...aiyoh...feel so bad.

XY and dimpletot.....wah...hahaa...not possible to do pedi mani lah! hehehe...going Barcelona for a meeting...yes you are right, just don't think too much about it!

ruffles, oh dear...what?? same venue!!! i think you must be quite freaking out.nevermine, stay calm, stay safe, quai qu quai hui like what dimpletot said.
<font face="comic sans ms"><font color="0000ff">halo ladies....

Had been really busy and nvr login... Just saw XY fb posting of the pics... wah all the kids enjoy the kiddie ride..

In case i did not login
<font color="ff6000"><blink>HAPPY ADVANCE BIRTHDAY MARCUS!!!</blink></font>


like to invite you and your tods to Rebekah's 2nd birthday party too. details:

date: 9/10
venue: the calrose @ yio chu kang rd
10-11am swimming
11am-12pm wash up
12pm lunch (mc d's or kfc for the kids. adults - mini buffet)
1pm cake cutting

if you can make it, do let me know

so far so good! more nausea than the last time and a few fainting spells, but overall ok.


barcelona is gorgeous. go and see all the gaudi stuff, buy some mosaic ornaments for your home, eat lots of paella and tapas...
Her snoring only started last week or so. And yes every day. In fact, when she lies down, already can hear her nasal sound. Actually not exactly snoring, more like the sound of phelgm in her throat but I know that's not the case.

Tempted to go for Rebby's birthday party. Think it will be fun for them to swim together. But very hard to convince hubby to go for another one.

Friend who went to Barcelona and Paris has nothing but praise for Barcelona. Saying it's much more beautiful than Paris, and food's really good. While there, try to enjoy your stay there.

I did see the 'red plate' when I was standing there at almost 7. I think the 'packers' would be able to know where the frisbee goes. I hope you find it. I am anal about Jo's favourite things too.
<font color="119911">Daisy,
i was joking with XY tat some1 paid her 50cents for the drink...wahahaha!
So it's u!

i think some1 could have packed it up together with the other stuff. hopefully XY can dig it out somewhere
<font face="georgia"><font color="0000ff">Hi XY, thanks for inviting!

The party is great! Nat had great fun! Too bad Wes had tummyache that evening but he enjoyed the presents from goodie bag!

FYI, the icecream is still intact when we reached home... it's really YUMMMY!!!! </font></font>
<font face="georgia"><font color="0000ff">Hi Jelly,
Thanks for the invite! Sorry, we couldnt make it as both Wes and Nat are having classes on Sat mornings.

Hi Daisy,
Please remember to sms your accounts!
Would love to come but Regina's party will be on the next day so I think will be busy doing last minute preps.

Wah Barcelona... go on a shopping spree lah... heehee!
hi mummies!
how's everybody? just had time to log in now. looks like you guys had fun at marcus' party... too bad i missed it.

wouldn't mind having the cars thing for our chirstmas bash.

OCT'08 BDAY BASH - 26 Sep (530-830pm)

VENUE : Anchorage Function Rm

ACTIVITIES - Art &amp; Craft
(I'll do up something simple for the kids.. hope ur tods will enjoy it.. feel free to bring other activities to share.. my activity will prbly be 15 minutes tops.)

FOOD - pot luck

CAKE - we'll plan for this closer to date? since dunno how many attending yet

1. eelyn + kaitlyn (tofu &amp; mince chicken patties)
2. xy + marcus
3. daisybuttons (fried rice for the tods)
4. jjmom2008 (fish cakes)
5. Freda
6. mint
7. jellypurin + rebby + hubby + sydney (pasta salad)
8. ypg
9. bbgoh + HB + Seline (Pizza)
10. Wan Chuen + Kaijie (donuts)
dimpletot, saxo, wows....thanks for cheering me up with the nice things i will see there hee. yes will def eat some more paella!

Mint, will see if I have time..i doubt so!!!

mspiggy oh yes!!

Jelly, thanks so much for the invites! you are sweet! but I am so sorry I am only coming back on the 12th Oct.

phew.. finally got time to come in..

ya lor the stupid flu come the wrong time.. but now much much better after taking the med and koonz like a pig.

shawn is another timid mouse.. bring him to KP thot of buying a batt operated car for him as bday gift but he is so scare that he scream to call me to carry him. hmmm wonder if we did went to marcus bday, he see pple play will he also wan to play?

i love marcus bday cake.. nice
from pine garden?
that day he really looks like a little racer esp the ferrari t-shirt

now only sep.. so fast wan to organise the xmas party liao.. hope my timid mouse will enjoy the cars.. it looks so fun.. only if i can turn back the clock think i am sure to enjoy :p

sorry.. shawn having class in the pm so hv to let him nap more in the morning.. hence will not be able to go rebby bday.. enjoy and take more pics
