(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0077aa">cheer bear: not sure if this will shed some light but what Shawn is doing is not intentionally trying to annoy you. Rather, it is about Cause and Effect. When he throws the items, sound is being produced. Hence, he will keep repeating it. C does it all the time too. I will explain to her not to throw ('cos am afraid that the items will break or that my dogs get a concussion!) and then distract her with other things. For e.g. I will give her actual pots and pans play with - pretend play using wooden spatulas, etc. Or give her 2 paper cups and a spoon and allow her to scoop / pour some big dried pasta from one cup to the next, etc. So even if she throws the latter, no one is injured! LOL</font>
<font color="119911">morning all,
went to vivo last sun &amp; witnessed a little ang mo gal who got her foot trapped in the escalator.

It was really a nerve racking scene with the traumatized little gal's cry echoing the mall, the mother screaming at the security guards for not able to do much help &amp; her frightened older boy crying...

It's so scary to even watch

Parents, pls pls b vy careful with our little 1s when on the escalator.</font>
Morning mummies,
Mint &amp; Karen, with the downpour u gals still going to the zoo?

Jelly &amp; YPG, just to share my review for both the fridge phonics and alphabet explorer set, I find the latter more useful and entertaining for miki. Fridge Phonics makes the letter sounds and 'sing' the alphabet. But she does enjoy switching the alpha magnets into the slots to hear the sounds and also likes to hit the button to hear the alphabet song. Alphabet Explorer, on the other hand, has those functions as well but also can play letter games. Like instead of just A makes the sound "Aaa" (for fridge phonics) the Alphabet Explorer will go A makes the sound "Aaa" as in Apple followed by an apple crunching sound. And asks the child to pick out the letters. So a good feature when they are older and are able to recognise the alphabets already. If u read the product details and compare, the Alphabet Explorer has more mileage for a similar price. Hope u dun mind my humble review....
Throwing is one of the motor skills to be achieved. Haha... My neighbour praised Marcus for being able to throw things. Her girl could only throw at 2 years old.

Ouch!!! What shoes was she wearing? Crocs??
Buffy, I want to do the pasta scooping activity for miki too. But am afraid she might try to eat them and it ends up a choking hazard. She loves transferring stuff in and out of containers and her trolley.

JJmom, scary.
<font color="119911">Busybee,
i got the fridge phonics for Nat coz she is into magnets on the fridge
Juz ordered a word builder too

din know of this Alphabet Explorer, think Nat will love this too, she is into 'press, press, press' now...kekeke

thanks for sharing
Mummies, how are you archiving your bub's pics? At the moment i just have them on memory cards. Am thinking of getting external hard disc purely for archiving pics. Not sure if its the best solution, suggestions mummies? Also do u mums actually print out the pics?
<font color="0077aa">busy bee: i am always around when she scoops it. Also, I buy the BIG elbow pasta / macaroni because I am also afraid! Hahahahaaa...

Busybee: what's this phonic thing u girls talking about?</font>
JJmom, we received it as a gift and tot its a wonderful toy. Portable edutainment for roadtrips or vacations. I still feel the fridge phonics is a great toy. Am also looking to get the word builder. Not sure if its too early tho. Its targeted for 3yos right? Miki is also into pressing buttons too! She will press the green alphabet song and boogie for us!

XY, wah marcus future athelete!
Buffy, I read abt the using beans for the transferring but feared the choking hazard issue. Even when we are sitting there with her, she can be so swift with putting it in her mouth! I guess the spiral pastas may work too... Good tip, thanks!! I'll go get some for her.... Oh its the Leapfrog stuff. I am a huge fan.
<font color="0000ff">Busybee,

I've got an external hard-drive to back up the pictures becos my lappie is simply running out on space on just storing the pics! ;p~

Am trying to consolidate them and send it for printing one day hmmm...
<font color="119911">XY,
dunno, i din really dare to watch, only saw what happened when we were on the other escalator. We felt so helpless to watch &amp; yet couldn't help at all. My hubby kept saying so much for him being an engineer himself =P &amp; I kept asking y the escalator co weren't here to help...

We din even get to see how they eventually got the gal's foot out...

Saw some civil defense men, mayb they r the 1 who helped.</font>
Joanne, after u mummies shared abt the fridge phonics, i put that on her christmas wish list and she received that. But also received the alphabet explorer from a friend as a surprise. But I would say both has its advantages so dun feel bad. Leapfrog constantly coming up with new edutainment...
i burn the pics in dvds. 2 copies for every month (just in case). hehe..
for me, i don't print out pics. so far i think i only printed once to give to the grandparents. made them a scrapbook.
<font color="0077aa">JJMom: I am damn paranoid of C's toes getting stuck. Hence, I always let her wear closed toe shoes. And Jack and Lily still has my vote 'cos it is still leather but it is a bit firmer - has the shape and hence, I think it protects the foot. Ai yoh, I am cringing man, when I hear your tale... Tsk tsk tsk...

I was thinking of heading to Vivo again on Sat for C to play with the water spouts since HB is not in town (so I can shop!). Will take extra care...

Busybee: Ohhhh... Thanks. I got a phonics radio from LeapFrog; got it for Cate's 1st BD prezzie too... Will go kaypo kaypo...

Any mummies bought Little Reader too? How's it so far for you guys?</font>
Lilbluey, thanks. Think i may go get one too. I recently had a scare that i may have lost all of miki's bb pics cos my macbook kappoot from overusage. Was so relieved that i had kept the SD cards of the pics instead of overwriting them. So do we need to first upload pics to lappie then transfer to external hard disc? Or can i direct copy the files to the external hard disc? Sorry I am a tech dinosaur. Hahahha.... Abt printing, i think fotohub has these large quantity printing packages. Used that when i had to print wedding banquet pics for relatives last time. I think it works out to be quite a good rate per piece.
yah.. i love leapfrog. i got the animal barn thingie as a present and rianne loves it too.

oh dear! that's so scary. did you see how she got caught in the escalator?

mint, karen, busybee:
are you guys still going to the zoo? saw in the nea website that there will be rain again in the early afternoon.
<font color="119911">busybee,
i think no harm buying the word builder earlier even if they don't really know how to. I think i will help Nat along with the words tat she knows &amp; let her listen to the sounds of them thru the player.

like bluey, i also got an portable ext hard drive to store &amp; back up all Nat's pics during the previous PC show
<font color="0000ff">Busybee,

You just need to slot the SD Card into the lappie then copy/cut the files directly into the external HDD will do.

Fotohub provides quite good quality prints with those package deals. Am going to send the pics to the professional printers least they 'alter' my original pics.

Have experience of those who crop my pics or there's slight "discolouration" and the final results was not ideal

I oso hv a portable photo printer at home, so any time I need to pass the pics to the Gramps or impromptu printing, I will just use that hee hee...
Joanne, Miki and I won't be going to the zoo as I want to ensure she recovers fully ahead of playclub tomorrow. She missed her 1st day.
Abt the animal barn, what's the purpose of the toy? Matching? I didn't get it, tot it looked too simple so did not give it a second look. Hahahah... Abt pics. I used to the the cd burning thing too, but even cds can get faulty. I have a old cd (luckily back up version) of part of my wedding pics and that could not be read anymore. Not sure why. So i am trying to research best way to archive the pics....
<font color="0077aa">busybee: not too bad lah. its like a book on a radio and then u flip and press the button next to the letter it sings a short verse and then makes the sound of the letter, etc. I just realised that I have Alphabet Zoo too. At my parents' place; hence I cannot even recall. LOL</font>
JJmom &amp; Bluey, thankss for ur photo storing tips. Any recommendations for good external hard disc? Or no diff. I like the sleek samsung one (plus it comes in pink! hahahaha)
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
May I trouble you to help order a set of the labels for wenmin, pls? The same set which I got for wenxuan. Let me know and I can forward the details to you. MAny thanks!!!
<font color="0000ff">Busybee,

External HDD oso has its fair share of con, as it's very delicate, just have to be very careful when handling it as well.

Seagate is a good brand.

<font color="119911">Joanne,
no, i din. When we saw, she was already trapped

sigh...i was tearing when i heard the little gal's loud cry, she must b vy scared &amp; with the whole mall of ppl watching her...gosh...

I think it's vy impt to teach our kids to behave when on the escalator.</font>
Mousebb, ok. I am doing a spree soon as a few other mummies have enquired, will start it today. Which icon would u like? Anyone else keen. If i get sufficient numbers I will waive shipping for Oct mummmies!
yah. that's why after burning i will double check if it's ok on another computer. actually, yeah. it's just for matching. not really that good. but since rianne like animals, she likes it.
same here. letting rianne fully recover first for tom playnest.
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
For the icon, I want the "Star Girl". Will forward the details to you later. </font>
sometimes i also give up liao hahaha

i know his is not doing intentionally.. and thanks for ur info on the cause and effect

aiyo.. can feel the gal's pain.

wat is the brand of the word builder?

marcus also like to throw things ah?

same as u.. i dare not let shawn play with those pasta scare he put in his mouth leh.

btw i jus got a external harddisk from the recent IT fair.. but hv not do the photo trsfer.
Joanne, i see. I think i will be ks and do storing on sd cards/external hd and maybe online photo sharing site.

mousebb,got it! will wait for ur reply.
<font color="0077aa">Ohhhh... Busybee, yr spree started? i wanna confirm mine:

Pre-School &amp; Day Care Labels Value Kit
Icon: Ladybug
Colour: Pink

What other details do you need? Will email to you</font>
ok, buffy. noted. .Will post up spree today and was going to send u the details. better to email me. else i get suspended by moderator!! hahaha
yup, i like the alphabet explorer. i am getting the counting cellphone as well.

my hubby always hv a HDD ready to stash away those photos. it's v useful.
<font color="0077aa">Jelly: I emailed you. Please check.

Ruffles: emailed you too.

Elch: you not in the office today? Din see you online</font>
<font color="0077aa">Jelly: emailing you my order shortly. buying some simple stuff, bible stickers, etc. Thanks dear. For leapfrog, will email you also. buying as a prezzie for friend's kid's 1st BD. buy first and keep lah. save $$
the discount also applies to sale items for LF?</font>
Jelly, am thinking of getting the microphone. Shall go kpo and see what the counting cellphone is abt. When does ur spree close?

Mousebb, got ur email. Thanks!!

<font color="119911">we sounds like promoters for leapfrog...kekeke

busybee, did u get the LP lappie for miki? Hubby thinking of getting 1 for nat.</font>
