(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="119911">cheerbear,
i din start this...kekeke =P but at least it beats FP toys &amp; it's edu mah =P PLUS there's discount NOW!!!
<font color="119911">Vanilla,
has E starts JG playclub at east coast? pls share your review on it with me after your class, thanks
thinking of gng too but the timing is clashing with Nat's nap times...argh</font>
for leapfrog - am not going to org the spree as i ordered via spree liao, but if i have enough orders i dun mind doing it for all of you

for OTC. yes, organising. i want to get party stuff... hahah!
Oops, jelly didn't realise ur spree for LF cancelled. If so I think we can join an existing spree. Not to worry, u already have so much on ur plate, dun tire uryself out too much. U pregger leh! Party stuff already!! Rebby's bday is 7 months away!!
<font color="0077aa">busybee: i am good to share the sticker scenes if you aer keen. looking at:

1) Design Your Own! Noah’s Ark Sticker Scenes
2) 12 Design Your Own! 3-D Butterfly Ornaments With Stickers (I dun mind taking 2 - 3 of these 'cos Cate is fascinated with them)

Anyone else wanna share?</font>
re: leapfrog spree
mommies, am going to post this thread here. FYI. bcos even experience spreer cant estimate shipping so hor, if the shipping comes up to be quite ex, it's due to the size of the boxes. am going to conduct the spree via VPOSTUSA. base shipping is $14plus and i will conduct if there are 5 mommies to share the baseship first.
actually i dun mind doing all these spree. in fact, if you all are spreeing from LF will spree OTC using the same VPOST acct so that we can save some moolah...

mommies interested to spree, just pm me ah... me can do it for fun... plus i love shopping... so hor, dun worry abt me being preggers and all lah...
re: Leapfrog Spree
Okie, i will org the spree. I got something to buy lah... hehe...

re: OTC
Will org the spree too!

All spree via VPOSTUSA. Pls pm me, k?
Thanks Jelly! I will get the microphone. Will post once ur spree is up.

Buffy, hee, those were the few i am keen on too. I am still looking thru the designs to decide. Hopefully we get enough mummies to share. Miki also a butterfly buff. I will sing "flutter flutter flutter" and she will giggle!
<font color="0077aa">Jelly: I will order from both so please include me. Will email u OTC one shortly

Elch: cannot see you leh... How come ah? offline mode leh. U wanna try to msn me?</font>
elch, ok. will look out for ur email.

jelly, am wondering what do the pro spree-ist gain? Why are they doing it all the time. can't be they have soooo much to buy?
i apologize if i confused u all abt LF spree. as a private spree, will accept orders via PM. there is 20% discount on all items incld discounted items as well. will close spree 28/03/10. as usual, i will not collect payment from you until e loot arrives.

pls email me at [email protected] to place order from me for leapfrog.
xy - the play time thing is by focus on the family at jurong point...bit far for u rite?
wat's odysee??

re. leapfrog, i bought the fridge phonics a year ago.. how much does the alphabet explorer cost/ no prices on the leapfrog website leh..

zoophonics - really no one has tried?? wanted to go today but heavy rain so didn't go. lady at the centre says i must pay registration even if im going for trial..$30 for registration
I'm caught in a dilemma between Fridge Phonics and Alphapet Explorer...Fridge Phonics looks more interesting as it's more colorful but Alphapet Explorer has more 'functions' and hence more mileage...haiz...
Hello mommies!
Just back from my gynae check-up, having mild cramp since last night. Thankfully, baby is doing well, but my "likely to be a gal" baby decided to become a baby boy instead, AIYO!
Elch, i was abt to say get both too!! hahaha... the alphapet explorer can be something u bring on trips or play in the car. The fridge phonics serves as reinforcement and familiarisation with individual letters... Wah JJmom, u and I ought to send leapfrog our cvs soon! hahaha
<font color="119911">elch,
if u will b getting the word builder, i would suggest u getting the alphaper explorer coz fridge phonics has pretty similar concept as the word builder
juz sharing my thoughts

i noe topic on diapers has been going on and off... but can i check again... what other diapers are your bubs using during the days... cos want to change the NTUC one... It's cheap but think it cannot contain the urine for long already... it will LEAK if i dun change in time... so m looking for other alternative...
congrats! think u and me got same issue... cramps occur frequently.

yes, am going to bring the alpha explorer out on road trips. if i cant entertain rebby, i can entertain me! keke
how often do u change ur ger? rebby's huggies pull ups can last her between 4-6 hours. no leakage so far unless it's too big for her.
<font color="0000ff">Phtanus,

Hope you are doing well!

Most importantly, baby is healthy lar boy/gal nevermind lar

Still got room for No 3! ;p
NTUC diaper can only last her for abt 3 hrs... cos she drinks alot... then if not, it will leak lor...

huggies pull up not cheap wor...
3 hours consider not bad already I thought? For Huggies Dry Comfort which Dylan uses during the day, can only lasts for 2-3 hours as he's a water tank!
<font color="119911">purple,
Nat having the same problem with NTUC diapers now too, i m switching to petpet. Mint recommend fitti which i will try it out after finishing with petpet
<font color="0000ff">Elch,

Agreed! We muz be practical and logical! ^_^

When I can't make up my mind and if I asked my hb he will surely say then dun buy lor lolx ;p~
ya, but i dun change her often for that matter of fact... rebby's xl huggies pull up can last her for 3-4 weeks wor if i use carefully
Me too! When I can't make up my mind I'll ask hubby and get the same answer as your hubby! Hahaha! But most of the time after a few days/weeks/months, I'll still go ahead to buy! Haha!

thanks for the link.. i plan to buy in adv for shawn 2nd bday

anyway, the price is in USD right? also, any idea jelly's discount is how many % and applicable to sale item?

congrats on ur bb boy

u take care and rest well.

busy bee,
hope u receive my pm liao.. let me know the amt to tt u

u might wan to try huggies dry comfort.
