(2008/10) Oct 2008

dat dae my aunt was asking my hubby..he wants boy or gal..he said he preferred boy! haha..but all the while he said no diff to him..idiot!

Dr.Adrian told me 'likely a boy' when I was abt 14wks and told me 'the thing is stil sticking out...99% a boy' in my 17wks...having detailed scan tis Sat...hope it's a 100% accuracy...
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
That time when I was told that I was expecting a boy, I din dare to tell anyone yet cos I scared mah. But hor, hubby was so disappointed cos he always want a girl lor! I only told everyone after my detailed scan and of course the most disappointed person was my hubby lor. hahahaha</font>
Trace, told u u r not the only clumsy 1 loh. This morn, I banged my hand on the wall when I m dressing for work, there's a blue black bump on my hand now. Even my DH also commented tat it's funny how I can hurt myself while juz changing my clothes @_0"
Morning mummies,
today report late cos v v busy!!

good that u and bb are fine.. u shd rest more and take it easy these few days... dont get agitated ya!!

im also thinking of those slings... but i am worried i'm clumsy or dunno how to use them.. wahahaha...

Rachel's Mummy, mousebb,
is it easy to use? which would u recommend?
Trace, sorry to kpo but y r your mil &amp; sil staying with u now? Thou u were staying alone previously?
Hi elchwong

Ya me too, i'm ok with either gender..have been telling ppl its a boy since my 15th wk. If not they wun stop bugging me. :p So sumtimes i start to doubt myself if i reali dun mind the gender when all start to ask: "Eh..boy ah?!!"

Hi bbgoh

Hahaaaa..ur hubby lik my hubby 'sama sama', except for my hubby prefers gal, he said: 'cos i male and had 3 elder sisters, so i hope to have a bb gal to sayang, just like when i was young'

Hi littlebluey

ya i read b4 too..so i was kinda afraid of disappointing those ard me.

Hi mousebb

So lucky to have one boy one gal lei..Me &amp; hubby now aldy thinking now wan have bb gal for the 2nd one. Hehe. I think watever colours ppl gimme, i'll just let bb wear, save $$
<font color="ff6000">on fish oil, I'm taking something from Doc Wong's called DHA something. in a gold and red box. capsules are yellow in gel. a bit expensive though - $46 for 30 pills.

Neurogain sounds like it could be cheaper? how much do you gals pay for it?


I only started taking after my detailed scan at 20 weeks so no hurry. doc wong said take too early bb also cannot absorb fully.

on gender,

doc wong said 90% gal at 16 weeks, then detailed scan sonographer said 100% gal at 20 weeks. i asked whether confirmed chop stamp guaranteed, and she said 100% yes. by 20 weeks will not grow anything more and she got a clear unblocked view after i changed position so that bb's feet were no longer blocking view.
so I oredi bought like 10 pieces of clothing, half of which are pink! love those yellow dresses, and pinky tops!</font>
mousebb, nvm now ur hubby's dream come true lor! My hubby is totally opp. of yours. Apparently he is so proud that we're expecting a boy! cant imagine if mine is a girl, wat reactions would he have? Although he told me, girl also ok, but he prefer boy! #$%^&amp;*#$

yes MIL staying with mi..but recently SIL came in to stay cos she quarrelled with her MIL n moved out..nw waitin for her new hse..which is in sept..

i got no prob with this SIL but the elder one who is in china nw..
Hi elchwong

Wau so lucky to detect ur bb's gender so early..last time round...Dr Adrian told mi its 90% a bb boy, yesterday told mi its a bb gal...a bit doubtful. Lol. Like wat the rest of mummies said, gotta wait for detailed scan..no choice.

Cant wait to get the go-ahead sign to shop for bb clothes... I WAN GO GSS SHOPPING LA!!! LOL
Trace, wasn't u who was upset abt being clumsy to burn your fingers? Or I got it worng again? Nowadays I vy blur &amp; forgetful too =P
<font color="0000ff">Ladies,

There's tendency for us to be forgetful and more clumsy these days, juz hv to be more careful in wat we do
Hello mummies,

Wow, the thread is really moving fast. Miss one day only and must take some time to read to catch up. Heehee!

I'll be going to the Motherhood fair tomorrow. Although still dun know boy or gal yet. So buy stuff that are neutral. Still can't buy cot or bb clothes yet cos grandma and mum pantang. So I told hubby, we order the cot first but ask them dun deliver it yet until grandma gives the green light. Heehee! My mum still say better play safe and stroller plus car seat all dun buy. *faint*

My hubby said that if bb is gal, he thinks that he will spoil her so boy better. :p

Until now I still haven't feel my bb move leh.
Or maybe it moved and I didn't know. What's the feeling like?

Which website did you get the Kate Spade diaper bag from? I'm also bio-ing a Kate Spade bag. My hubby ask why must buy so branded bag just for diapers and I said it's to makeup for all the pain that I have to go through. Heehee!

Staying with ILs are like that esp if you have an IL from h**l. Mine is like that too. Luckily I'm not staying with her if not, I'll be staying at IMH now. heehee!
<font color="aa00aa">forest
The bb sling is very easy to use. I have two slings, one is 'born &amp; bond' which comes with instructions and the other one is from "Moms R'Us'.

Dont need to buy too many clothes for bb during the 1st three months cos very fast bb cannot wear liao.

Before that was thinking what if this round is a boy again, think he would faint! hahaha... Nowadays before he go work in the morning, he will come near to my tummy and say 'bye bye gal gal. daddy is going to work!' *me faint liao'!</font>

she is the one who called n shouted at me..n keep saying i m not blaming ..i noe u r preggie blah blah blah..then on the other hand keep shouting...n my MIL besides me nagging n nagging
wah..2 at the same time..i cant take it n raised my voice n throw my HP!
n run out of the hse! and waited downstairs for my hubby
JJmom, Littlebluey,
i am also forgetful! worse thing is.. told 1 of my colls that it happens cos im preggie.. and she told me that im using that as an excuse... !!! *bleh*... she even told me she asked her preggie cousin.. who said.. depends if u wanna forget! say for example, if u gave $50, u wldnt forget the change right??

i was like.... DUHZ!!!!!!! and cldnt bother to talk to her any longer....
<font color="aa00aa">re:forgetfulness
Me super jialat cos after gave birth to my boy, my memory was like only 50% of pre-pregnancy still have not fully recovered yet. Now pregnant again is like brainless liao!!!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Oh ya,

Before I forgot, who was previously interested in a Ferrari Stroller?? If so for tis coming 6-8 June, Robinson is having a special 3 days sales for members! Was browsing thru the newsletter last nite, and I saw that the Ferrari Stroller is going for $429 (special buy for members) of coz they hv some 20% off some bb pdts as well. So ladies, u might want to check it out! (",)</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Littlebluey
Robinsons also selling Ferrari baby carseat. Those who are interested in this brand can consider a full set liao!</font>
hmmm... strange, think im not getting my Robinsons newsletters lately!!!
what other bb prdts would be on sale this weekend??

dunno, dats y my frens said i got 2 MIL..hahaha..she always like ppl to follow her instructions which both mi n hubby dislikes

wah a bit bian tai to call and yell at you right? any yelling is just uncivilised lor. anything can just talk it through nicely what. good thing your hubby stood up for you. haiz.

cheer up - think happy thots abt yr baby and try to ignore these people...
<font color="0000ff">Forest,

Actually not much stuff leh, only state that there's a 20% off certain brands and a $20 kids voucher with purchase above $150!


She sounds like a tyrant! Aiyoyo! ;p</font>
dimpletot, thanks for your update on fishoil. Phew~

when shopping, im the one who always look at those pink cute clothings. Then my hubby would give me a stare and ask me to put down!
Trace, next time juz tell her from now onwards pls only look for her bro for any issue &amp; put down the phone. Ditto for your mil.

Of course, let your hubby know 1st, talk to him &amp; let him know tat it's not healthy for bb &amp; u to handle them during your pregnancy.

My mil &amp; sil used to like to sms me anything to do with her son (my DH) &amp; 1 day, I juz cannot take it, forward it to my DH &amp; told him to tell his family to contact him directly.
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

Seems like your DH is really very keen to have a son! ^_^ hee hee


Indeed she's one! *lolx* ;p control freak!</font>
Littlebluey, yup! He happily announced to all his colleagues when we knw the gender way b4 the detailed scan. He's like MCP lor...he said most chinese would want a boy to carry the family surname! I told him nonsense! Alot of guys want bb girl too!
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

Your DH is more of the traditional kind of man who wants a son to carry on the family line *hee* it's the total opposite of my DH! keke</font>

Sorry to know ur MIL and SIL are like that. I agreed with the others too, u shouldn't take their crap, it's not good for the baby to be stressed. I think u should talk to ur hubby abt it.
<font color="aa00aa">everafter
Of course you can. The newsletter is only to inform you what are the promtional items. </font>
anyway, i think probably he wanna play his son's toys in future! thats y keep hoping its a boy! He's like a big boy! b4 we knew the gender, he still joked and tell me: nvm if its girl, but i will still buy transformer and let her play! -_-"
dats y yest my SIL emailed to my hubby n BCC me! haha..so i replied her email..n stated very clearly LEAVE ME OUT OF THE PIC! i would like to hv a smooth pregnancy n peace at home!
Hi littlebluey,

Alamak mee oso no receive Robinson newsletter lei...thanks la! If not missed out the sale again

Hi mousebb

Ya bb grows real fast...so i oso think no need get new ones. Me getting hand-me-downs frm frds, if reali wan buy then get one or two size bigger.
i cant b bothered with her anymore! i told my hubby..she shld b glad yest my bb is ok! if not i will make her b sorry for the rest of her life..
I not a Robinsons member, but still will drop by and look for good buys. I am interested in the car seat.

TraCe: Cool down.. *pat pat*. U should try rest more and not be bothered abt your SIL.

I cant understand why there are stil so many people who prefer boy to gals still..if its the surname thing, it sounds so stupid and antique. i mean which century we live in now..already. and who cares after we die, man. important thing is baby is happy and healthy and normal.
