(2008/10) Oct 2008

bunnyhop: this 2nd one is planned but din expect it to come so fast
I just hope that I would be well to care for my lst while being preggy. Have been feeling tired easily and nauseas nowadays. I've taught my first to hold my hand when we walk. If not, she would be in stroller or daddy carries her when we r out. I will either sit or squat when she asks me to carry. no choice...

When I did my scan last week, doc also saw blood clot but he said it's fine as it may be due to implantation. He say I may expect spotting but so far I'm clear. And based on my last menses, the sac is considered small for its age and he explained that it may be due to my longer than usual cycle. So I will be back in 2 weeks time to see the bb and hear the heartbeat.

Juz Me: Here's my info.

LMP: 5/01/2008
EDD: 16/10/2008 (doc will determine again next visit)
Doctor: Dr. Han (KKH)
Child: 2nd
Zodiac: Snake

BTW, regarding consuming fish, fish is good as long as you dun consume big fishes (like sharks, stingray, swordfish etc) cos big fishes go deep into the ocean and hence have more lead in their body. I think being surrounded by sea, we do have a good choice of small fishes to eat in Spore.
buffy: i m very excited and my hubby is to very happy when Dr. Ong let him hear bb's heart beat. i brought along my MIL as well and she's excited as well. The foetus is growing faster than i tot. Ur turn will come very soon.do keep us updated k.
<font color="aa00aa">ribenali: yah, i can't wait!

BTW ladies, those who are on hormone tablets, is yours called duphaston? Do you get any side effects? I have terrible bloating from the med and because of the bloating, my digestion is made even worse and hence, ended up with gastric! just called jenny to see if dr ong can give me anything... the gastric pull is quite painful...
yup, mine is called duphaston. B4 taking it, i already hv very bad bloated stomach and gastric. Dr Adrian gave me some medication for the gastric last week. but i try not to rely on the medicine.

Wanna ask when will be a good time for us to start to use the cream for stretch marks? What bands would u recommend?
buffy: r u alright? i m taking tat as well. 1 tablet,3 times daily. so far so good for me. but after taking it, will feel vomitting but so far it does not give me any prob. but instead i have breakouts and pimples all ard. Think u check wof Dr and see what he says.
hi buffy, if it's painful then you'll need to take something le. did the doc say if he's going to give you any medicine for it? mine gave me some mylanta for my heartburn too, but i'm also trying my best to avoid taking it; only take when really cannot tahan.
Do u ladies have problems sleeping at nite? These few nites I've been waking up almost every 2hrs n take a long time b4 getting back to slp again...
Hi RibenaLi,

I started using stretchmark cream already. :p I started using during my 2nd mth for my no 1 too, and no stretchmark. I got a friend who didn't use at all also do not have stretchmark, so I'm not sure if it was the cream which helped me at all. But decided not to "take the risk".

I'm using Clarins.

<font color="aa00aa">everafter: for my case 'cos there was cramping and spotting, i have to be on it. no choice. i already have some bloating before the med but after taking it, it got so bad!

ribenali: yah, told jenny to check with dr. ong and see what he can give me for the pull. dr. ong gave me OK to take veragel but that only helps me with the hyperacidity, not so much the pulls. damn sianz... am back at work and the pulls, when they come, are so darn painful!
Hi Bunny,

My gal has been "super glue" to me since Jan 08. I think she somehow can sense I'm pregnant leh. I can't even get out of her sight these days. And yes she wanted me to carry her everywhere. Even from her room to kitchen also want me to carry. :p Quite heartpain when I sometimes got to tell her I can't carry her so much already. I will hold her hand and ask her to walk along with me instead. Sometimes can, sometimes cannot.

Not sure which age they will become more independent ler. I'm hoping soon!
Jasminetea...where can I get the Clarins oil at the cheapest price? How much is it? What's the exact name of the product?
Hi ladies,

I'm here to join your crowd! My LMP is on 5 Jan 08, EDD 12 Oct. Just seen gynae y'day and saw the little 2cm sac.

This will be my 2nd kiddo. My 1st is a 26-month- old boy.

Yes, i've been waking up more often now that i'm preggy, very different from my previous pregnancy when I slept like an oink. I'm really tired today cos of the nite wakings.
storeberry,yes i was given 4 days mc and back to work on thurs. So worry now. But happy to hear bb heartbeat.
Buffy, i was given that medicine too today. Still okay for me.
Was given some sample formula milk for myself and sketchmark cream. But i bought it on spot. So far quite nice my gynae. Next visit 2wks time but i change to a sat.
Hi mummies!

I went for my 2nd scan last Fri. Can see and hear the baby's heartbeat already!!..Woa so exciting! ..Pardon me coz 1st time mama....heeheee
So now baby is 7 weeks from LMP and 5 weeks from conception!

Btw, my gynae put me on the duphaston too...so far so good for me...i had some spotting but it cleared with the painful jab and the pills.
Buffy: poor ting. Pls do rest ah. before preggie, i got terrible gastric pain and a frequent gastric flu person. But now, i'm taking small meals to curb my MS and my gastric all gone. Maybe u can try taking small meals as well.

Jasmine: Thanks for the info!! is it call the Tonic Body Treatment Oil? how much does it cost?I'm 8 weeks preggie, can i start using tat?
storeberry,yes i was given 4 days mc and back to work on mon. So worry now. But happy to hear bb heartbeat.
Buffy, i was given that medicine too today. Still okay for me.
Was given some sample formula milk for myself and sketchmark cream. But i bought it on spot. So far quite nice my gynae. Next visit 2wks time but i change to a sat.
<font color="aa00aa">seems like i am the only one with the gastric prob from the pill... ribenali: i dun hv outbreak just the gastric and bloating...

hi hi diane! wah wah wah!!! can see heartbeat liao ah! so exciting!!!!!!!</font>
Hi I was also given duphaston, my frens say will feel nauseous after taking it &amp; it think so too.. But what to do, have to continue taking...
everafter: I have pimple outbreak since last Dec when my hormone went hay wire. then after i gotten preggie,my outbreak kind of worsen after taking the pill and jabs. Think all this has got something to do with the hormone thingy that's y.
U are not alone. I do wake up in middle of night but hungry. After that, cant sleep liao.

I do have outbreak, blackhead , worse than before. Guess after 4mth then go facial. Can go right?
Pinny, lili_fc...glad to noe I'm nt abnormal...I do wake up in the middle of the nite hungry too but I try nt to think bout it...
previously i dun feel nauseous...now i feel like dying already with this nauseous and hungry feelin come and go!! i think i go ask Dr Adrian if i can stop the hormones pills!!
lili: Why we can only go facial after 4th mth? I went to facial on my 5th week ah.am thinking of gg next week again.
elchwong: me too, woke up in the middle of the nite ( 4 plus) then force myself to sleep at ard 6 or 7 plus then ended up waking up very late.
<font color="ff6000">Hi everyone... been a busy day at work for me... now finally get a small break.

Yup I also woke up last night at 1:30am but mainly because of burping! burped sooooooo much last night and this morning. Previously didn't really burp so much. But yesterday after gynae visit he said the rounded waist is because of gas, not because of baby / amnoitic fluid or uterus expansion. So maybe it's psychological - i couldn't stop burping all the air out at night! forced myself to go back to sleep.

also got breakout since missing last period. I always get breakout near start of period, so when i broke out thot menses coming but instead tested BFP!</font>
i will also wake up in the middle of nite feeling hungry but will try to force myself back to sleep.

Any one here have headache?

i been having headache on and off almost everyday since pregrant.
RibenaLi, CH Lee...me woke up 1-2 times a nite...v.disruptive to my slp leh...causing my already black eye rings blacker...-_-
I also burp very often nwadays...so paiseh sometimes when I can't ctrl n burp so loudly in public!

Does any of u feel itchy all over ur body? I itch real bad at nite especially on my legs...dunno cos of itch cnnt slp or cos cnnt slp then itch...
Chris Lin...so far *touch wood* I got no headache...basically my symptoms r crampy feeling, burping, waking up in the middle of the nite...n I think nauseous once in awhile starting fr last nite...still observing...hee
Hi again

Elchwong, I always get my Clarins Products from Isetan counter when they have their private sales.
They usually have 20% during the sales. Ya, it is called Tonic Body Treatment Oil like what RibenaLi has mentioned.

RibenanLi, 8 weeks no problem
I checked with Clarins beautician, she said can start using, should not wait till ur tummy bigger than use, a bit late.

Lili_fc, my gynae do not encourage me to go facial at all during pregnancy 'cos she said our skin is very sensitive during this period. If can better don't go. But I have many friends who still go facial during pregnancy and no problem for them ler.

Pinny, rem me? Nice to see you here.
Orh for me, my complexion not good so alot of extraction to do. So worry pain cant tahan.
Intend to do dental cleaning too once stable.
Hi Mummies,

Can i join? My EDD is 10 Oct
I have one kid whom is already 2.5year old.

I am currently taking care of my 2.5 year old, but with another baby i doubt i can handle both :p

Does anyone has 1 kid already? How do you handle both when the 2nd kid is born?
i start feel hungry on &amp; off tdy also nauseous. have been not slept weel from 2 days ago, wake up ard 5am then feel very pain on my shoulder muscle.

i also tot to go facial next week leh, is it okie to have shoulder msg ?
i went dental for cleaning yesterday liao, i tell the doctor, i pregnant, he said no problem 1 for cleaning....

but for shoulder massage, i think better not leh...cos i still remember someone told me, don any how go and tap pregnant woman shoulder leh, so you see massage even worst rite, so better excuse yourself from this
Jasminetea...thks! Guess I'll get my fren to gey for me fr the airport...hopefully it's cheaper...

I suddenly recall tat I got another symptom n tat's sneezing...I tend to sneeze quite often for a couple of mins at nite when the fan's directed at me n when I jus step into the office in the morning...
Hi Janey,

my gal is oso ard the same as your first 1, now is my sec pregnancy....

I am a FTWM....so on handling, think i will be more headaches than you....
thanks avilmummy for ur reply.. but i often suffer shoulder muscle pain de, then can i use those mint balm to apply &amp; do gentle msg my own?

bcoz my mum tell me not to smell the medication oil.

Hi Chris,

I visited my gynae last Friday and she told me I'm 6 weeks. So this coming week should be 7 weeks but I don't know which day then start to count as 7 weeks ler.

Elchwong, no problem
Sometimes might be able to get cheaper at airport.
