(2008/10) Oct 2008

hmm..yes and the nurse will ask you to sign up as soon as possible before 3 mths. But for me, i prefer to sign up after 3 mths.
Hi elchwong,

I sign up the 1st time when i went to see him.

u can pay half 1st and u can see him even for normal sickness and only pay for medicine.

as for me coz i have spotting and i seen him almost every week.
no price differnce but i feel is cheaper if u go to dr adrain coz the 1st time i see is is 130 over already. been seeing him for 5 time already due to spotting. only paid for the horomone pill.
most likely , i will wait till 12 wks later...then sign.. no hurry...

hope that my bloodclot will disappear soon... i'll be most happy!

Dr Andria is allowed to rebate the earlier's visits if you sign up the package.

e.g. you seen him 2 times cost $200. When u decided to sign up on 3 visit. They allowed to deduct 1st and 2nd vistis' multi-vit, scan and consultation fee but not hormone pill. Then you only pay $550 - $200 (example) = $300.
i dun llke formula milk - too sweet. I think it is no necessary as long as you taking the multi vit. And it is very "fattening"...
littleger:dun worry too much ok. keep urself away from all chores, juz lay back and rest like a queen. do keep us updated on ur scan tonite ok. i can hear bb's heart beat during my last visit and its really exciting. Have a wonderful scan!

Buffy: u ok? u may want to ask Dr. Ong if there's any med to replace the dup.Do take care!!

Jasminetea:thanks!! I'll go check it out tis sat.
lili:i'm now taking FrisoMum. tink u can get a free sample from ur gynea then if u find its ok, then u can go supermarket get it. my fren from April thread was telling me not to take too much of it, U may want to take it in the morning but dun take it at nite coz our body might not able to absorb it. in fact, a lot of mums kena diabetes when they take too much of the milk.

I personally like the taste of Frisomum and i had been taking this since i noe i'm preggie. This milk will actually help us to produce milk to prepare us for BF.
Hi all... me found out that i was positive last week.. went to see Dr Adrian on Monday but he couldnt find the sac, so tested at his office again and results were positive.. my LMD is 09 January 08.. so its quite worrying cos should be able to see something by now right???
am quite worried... sigh...
Hi Emma,

My LMP is 8 Jan. I went to see Dr Adrian last friday also cant see the sac. Will see him again this week. Dun worries, the sac might not been seem before 6 weeks.
I would like to ask if any of ur breasts grew bigger? My bras are now feeling very tight. i'm very use to wear underwire, can i stil wear underwire bras now? any recommendations wat kind of bras i should wear?
I m not taking any multi vit, gynae didnt give me.
I was given sample of anmum and enfamama. Was encourage to drink milk powder by nurse.
How about 3-in-1 cereal/ oat? I have been drinking that when hungry.
same feel 'big' than before. Lol
Guess we need a more support bra now. I intend to go buy if tighter.
Must buy suitable one else too tight not so good as 'it' preparing us for BF.
lili: i'm not too sure abt 3 in 1. My mum told me that nuritionist from polyclinic was telling her that 3 in 1 drinks they contain coconut powder ( dunno how true it is) but, i dun take 3 in 1, instead i mix it on my own for my quaker oats drink.
hi ribenali, i'm not sure abt underwire bras but for the moment, you can get bra extensions to ease the pain. mine are also getting heavier and i'm thinking of getting the cheap singlet type with an elastic band at the bottom to wear for the moment. according to some experienced mommies, the size will keep increasing so there's no point spending too much on them.
Thanks. Maybe i should try avoiding instant.
Do any feeling tired lately? I feeling tired. Now at home resting, mon start work. Boring hope 1st trimester faster over .
xuanting: thanks for the advice. but where can i get the extension?

lili: I'm now feeling tire and should be taking a nap in a while's time. feel like a pig now. i woke up too early today, ard 6plus, go toilet then can't sleep liao. now feeliing tired le.
Then now MS. my brother help me to get a wrist band, someone mentioned that it is useful in this thread to curb MS.
<font color="ff6000">yah I also dunno whether to start buying new bras. Cos the norm is to increase 2-3 cup sizes! wow.
but then most people go back to their original size after that.

Think no point to buy new bras every 2 months then only wear for those two months. Where can we get the singlet type with elastic bands below? any dept store will have is it?</font>
i also have to buy new bra, thk of just buy those 3 or 2 for $10 one bah... hehe coz after tat can wear liao, ll be too big

i haven feel any MS yet at this moment, but at night time also cant sleep well
HI Ribena,

I suggest you wear wireles..as more comfortable as ur size will increase one or two depend on ppls. And it is not advisable to wear wire bra..

oh...yes...i recommend wrist band. It helped for me, hope it helps you also.
Ladies: Thanks for all ur advice. I guess i'll go buy those cheap cheap and comfortable bras w/o wire.I'm gg breathless wif wire bras. Oh, i do have some sports bras. Can wear those?
Jess Li: Not advisable to wear wire bra, then I have to go get some cheap ones. I don't wear bra when I sleep, will it cause my breast to sag or should at least wear the cheap bra to support cos now its bigger?

Yday vomit till my throat is burning &amp; lotas of phlegm. Super irritating &amp; cannot sleep... MS getting bad...
Hi Jane, I am in my 11 weeks le.. the past two days like ok but yday &amp; today gotten worse. Today I have already vomit thrice &amp; the sick feeling in my throat &amp; stomach... Yucks..

Do the rest of mum have lotas of phlegm?
hi storeberry,

Wowo...you 11 weeks ? soon you will pass your 1st trimester...Congra !!!! I think ur MS will turn better when u step into 2nd trimester..someone called "honeymoon trimester" which u can sleep and eat better...

You shld cut down the intake of orange / mandarin if you have phlegm.
hi cally, so how is ur 3rd blood test result yesterday ? hope everything is fine now. i think i saw u at Dr Adrian clinic yesterday cos the nurse call out ur name.
other than oranges/mandarin &amp; banana, anythg else of fruit we cant eat mah? is it okie to eat watermelon?
hi everafter, how are u today ? did u manage to see Dr Adrian for the scan yesterday ? hopes everything is fine with u. take care ya !
Hi RibenaLi... i do feel my breasts getting fuller... actualli, underwire bras are not recommended for now cos it may restrict the growth of milk glands or something..
try to loosen the strap first because they will cont to grow so not advisable to buy new bras now unless its realli unbearably tight..

Jess.. thanx thanx.. do let me know abt ur progress after the scan..
Hi Emma: Yah, i think i really need to get some new bras. cannot breathe properly now even at the most outside hooks. Maybe can get my mum to go to the market to see if they sell cheap cotton and bigger size bras or not.had been spending a lot at the gynea and dun want to spend too much on bras.
hi everafter, how are you today?

jane lin, watermelon is cooling, so dun eat too much. but of course some docs will tell u can eat, just moderation lah. the key word is moderation... but i ks, still dun eat hahahaa.

porky....very sorry to hear that......do take care of ur health. after that, ask ur mum to cook you some confinement food. try to eat more heaty stuff or confinement food/drinks/tonic soups to "bu" nourish back ur body the mth after the procedure.....it will help get ur health back...

<font color="0000ff">Bras</font>. there's no point buying too many new bras now, coz our sizes will increase until we deliver. the best time to buy nursing bras is after 32 or 36 weeks. thats still some time away. right now, extensions are good. u can buy from any bra shop or even bra dept... just ask for bra extensions.

<font color="ff0000">stretch marks</font>. my prev pregnancy, i didn't use stretch marks cream at all, until last trimester when i halfheartedly use coz my tummy damn itchy. and i use only when i remember. and i didn't have stretch marks at all. i think its true that either u have it or u dun. my other friend same time preggie as me, diligently used stretch marks in 2nd and 3rd trimester. but she complained that her stretch marks were very obvious after giving birth.

jess, thanks for informing about the wrist band....but somehow i dun feel comfy about it. coz I read before that the thing thats' making us nauseous is the HCG levels in our blood, which raises very fast during the first 12 weeks, then stabalise when we enter 2nd tri. the higher the HCG, the safer for baby it is. in a way, can say baby is more protected coz of the hcg hormone levels. it also means the higher the hCG, the more nauseous some of us may get. so when i felt nauseous, i console myself by saying it means my hcg is high and it is protecting my baby. so if a wrist band uses accupuncture somehow to curb the nauseous, i will worry if its somehoe manipulating my hcg levels? i may be wrong, hope u not offended. just sharing my tots...
but if it works for you, then it must be alright for you.
<font color="ff6000">Storeberry, I don't have pheglm or MS...

but I have green mucus (sorry to gross you all out) cos I've been having a cold and trying not to take medication. so waiting for it to heal on its own with lots of rest and water.

About MS, I heard from a friend that most people only get symptoms after week 10. and overall, only 60% of MTB get MS. so... even though now don't have... maybe it's just a matter of time for me.
Can we eat orange if we have no phelgm and are fine wif no fever/cough, etc. ?
I eat 1 orange daily. Is this fine ?
I'm 8+ to 9 weeks.
