(2008/10) Oct 2008

Jess Lee...thks!

Do u gers feel crampy at ur womb area? I've been having menstrual-like cramps for almost a wk already...

<font color="119911">elchwong>> ya think is quite normal. juz make sure no bleeding/spotting/abnormal discharge?

btw, u know package usually dun include detailed scan? anyone knoe what is this detailed scan and how much is it?ty</font>
<font color="aa00aa">precious: hi there, ham is one of the "nos" from my gynae along with luncheon meat, etc. Unless they are cooked thoroughly because a lot of time, these meat are processed and cured, not cooked. Mayo is another one. Hope this is helpful.

JLow: Dr. Ong told me that it is OK to BD 'cos we did ask. However, for my case now as I was cramping and spotting, we are avoiding it for the moment.
<font color="119911">buffy>> omg cannot eat mayo ah?!?! faint... any reason why? coz is too late for me

everafter>> i got a bit of nausea but still ok, managable. haven't thrown up yet. is yours bad? think some archives ago on this thread got some mention how to ease MS. like a bit of apple cider or what issit? altho they say apple cider not good to take too much. so not sure oso.
got nausea lah, but didnt throw out either..but really feel very sick leh..imagine nausea liao, but still got to eat, i really no appetite leh

my fren suggest drinking green apple juice, anyone tried?
Yes, cramp is alrite as the womb is expanding. But makr sure no bleeding....(spotting)

I was darn nausea when i carried my 1st one. Then my hubby bought me a wrist band (can be found in guardin). It really helped. Maybe you can try.
in fact, i never heard mayo cannt eat lei as well as ham. But we have to make sure that our food are well-cooked not half raw.

and then grass jelly, sting ray and pineapple cannot eat.
i guess i have tat cramp, i consider "pain" instead.

have you guys start to apply sretch mark cream? any recommend?
Hi lili_fc,

Not so fast, you only apply when your stomach starts "pop out"..hmmm...maybe 2nd trimester ba...now still early.
<font color="119911">o i recall that eating small meals many times a day helps prevent MS coz keep ur sugar level constant. i been trying to do this, mabbe thats why no bad MS. mabbe can try? o no i think i eat many thing that is nono

Jess>> your 1st one is a girl? i oso heard girl got slightly higher chance of MS ;) what does the wrist band look like? how much is it?

lili>>yours pop out le...??</font>
yes, i'm preparing for Renovating for our new home.

i know can't go there when pple doing but i'm making calls for PUB gas, items to arrives.. so quite stress out... i even cried this morning at work when so many things to settle...can't hold it.
<font color="119911">nope just that if got MS, slightly higher chance that be girl. either got MS no MS, still got chance of either gender. u all wanna read oso? btw vitamin b6 supposed to help

Are some pregnant women more likely than others to feel nauseated?
You're more likely to have nausea or vomiting during your pregnancy if any of the following apply:
• You're pregnant with twins or higher multiples. This may be from the higher levels of hCG, estrogen, or other hormones in your system. You're also more likely to have a more severe case than average. On the other hand, it's not a definite thing — some women carrying twins have little or no nausea.

• You had nausea and vomiting in a previous pregnancy.

• You have a history of nausea or vomiting as a side effect of taking birth control pills. This is probably related to your body's response to estrogen.

• You have a history of motion sickness.

• You have a genetic predisposition to nausea during pregnancy. If your mother or sisters had severe morning sickness, there's a higher chance you will, too.

• You have a history of migraine headaches.

• You're carrying a girl. One study found that women with severe nausea and vomiting were 50 percent more likely to be carrying a girl.

lili_fc, me too! is it for your new flat? mine is renovations to my existing home. we'll have to move out for abt 5 months while they are at it. now trying to time the whole thing so that the completion can be done before my delivery. when will yours be completed?
xuanting, mine is new flat. currently staying w inLaws. likely move-in May 08 before delivery.
Now about to start, tml install air-con liao and this week should be laying tiles.
<font color="119911">more on MS
What can I do to get relief?
If you have a mild case of nausea and vomiting, some relatively simple measures may be enough to help. (If not, there are safe and effective medications you can take.) Not all the following suggestions are supported by hard evidence, but obstetricians and midwives commonly recommend them, and many women swear by them.
• Try to avoid foods and smells that trigger your nausea. If that seems like almost everything, it's okay to eat the few things that do appeal to you for this part of your pregnancy, even if they don't add up to a balanced diet.

It might also help to stick to bland foods. Try to eat food cold or at room temperature, because it tends to have less of an aroma than when it's hot.

• Keep simple snacks, such as crackers, by your bed. When you first wake up, nibble a few crackers and then rest for 20 to 30 minutes before getting up. Snacking on crackers may also help you feel better if you wake up nauseated in the middle of the night.

• Eat small, frequent meals and snacks throughout the day so that your stomach is never empty. Some women find that carbohydrates are most appealing when they feel nauseated, but one small study found that high-protein foods were more likely to ease symptoms.

• Avoid fatty foods, which take longer to digest. Also steer clear of rich, spicy, acidic, and fried foods, which can irritate your digestive system.

• Try drinking fluids mostly between meals. And don't drink so much at one time that your stomach feels full, as that will make you less hungry for food. A good strategy is to sip fluids frequently throughout the day.

Aim to drink about a quart and a half altogether. If you've been vomiting a lot, try a sports drink that contains glucose, salt, and potassium to replace lost electrolytes.

• Give yourself time to relax and take naps if you can. Watching a movie (preferably not one about food!) or visiting with a friend can help relieve stress and take your mind off your discomfort. Or try hypnosis — while there's no definitive evidence that it helps with morning sickness, it has been shown to be effective in combating nausea during chemotherapy.

• Try taking your prenatal vitamins with food or just before bed. You might also want to ask your healthcare provider whether you can switch to a prenatal vitamin with a low dose of iron or no iron for the first trimester, since this mineral can be hard on your digestive system.

• Try ginger, an alternative remedy thought to settle the stomach and help quell queasiness. See if you can find ginger ale made with real ginger. (Most supermarket ginger ales aren't.) Grate some fresh ginger into hot water to make ginger tea, or see if ginger candies help.

A few studies found that taking powdered ginger root in capsules provided some relief, but be sure to talk to your provider before taking ginger supplements. There's no way to be sure how much of the active ingredient you're getting in these supplements, so some experts think it's best not to use them. (As with many other things that are helpful in small amounts, the effects of megadoses are unknown.)

• Try an acupressure band, a soft cotton wristband that's sold at drugstores. You strap it on so that the plastic button pushes against an acupressure point on the underside of your wrist. This simple and inexpensive device, designed to ward off seasickness, has helped some pregnant women through morning sickness — although research suggests that it may be largely a placebo effect.

• Ask your provider about a device that stimulates the underside of your wrist with a mild electric current. This "acustimulation" device costs about $75 and is available by prescription only. It's safe, and research has shown that this technique works well for some women.

Juz Me, jane lin, lili_fc...glad to noe I'm nt the only one tat's having the crampy feeling n tat it's normal...thks!

I've made an appt to c Dr.Adrian tis Fri...can't wait!
i'm meeting TMC - Yvonne tml morning... also can't wait... so anxious &amp; excited... heeeheee

do you guys feel "movement" at abdomen? i feel alittle .... maybe thinking too much... hahah
<font color="119911">lili>> ok my frend who's super pro natural and against chemicals, made me swear not to use the stretchmark cream i bought (from bodyshop) she say if want use those with natural ingredients like the one from clarins. so maybe u can try that? since i already buy the body shop one i prob stick to that. i know there is oso a brand palmers that specialise in pregnancy stretch mark/breast creams etc u can try. but when i ask my gynae, she say they don't work one.

wow! i dun feel anything yet leh. only gas haha</font>
<font color="ff6000">hi everyone! just came back from seeing Dr Ho at MAH...

So excited! could see 3mm long baby and the heartbeat clearly like it was a dot jumping out of the screen! the heart was almost one third of the entire baby... but it's so tiny and the water sac so tiny too! my hubby was with me and he was amazed too.

We didn't really expect to see heartbeat so early cos I thot i was only around 5 weeks but dr Ho said I am 6 weeks and 1 day from the baby size.

take care everyone...

lili and xuanting - i can still remember how stressed i was with doing reno before getting married and moving in. Try to get hubby to do more stuff. In first trimester really shouldn't get too stressed or run around too much.

elchwong - not sure whether it's safe to consume DOM but that is usually consumed after delivery rite?

CH Lee...ur visit sounds really exciting! Prior to preg hb n I were drinking DOM every day b4 slp so I'm nt sure shld I continue drinking n whether it'll benefit the little one in me...
hi all
not sure your mum / mum-inlaw mentioned to you that now can't take tonic first... wait till after 3mths...any comment?
<font color="119911">hey dimpletot!! so sweet!! u 6 weeks can hear heartbeat le ma?? very fast leh =) very touching hor to hear and see... hehee, make me recall my gynae visit too ;P how u find the gynae? u gonna deliver at MAH?</font>
lili_fc...dunno leh cos I haven't mention my preg to my elders yet...only mentioned it to my gd frens n colleagues...
<font color="ff6000">Juz Me - I find Dr Ho very experienced. Definitely knows what he is doing. Like what others at the forum say, he's a no-nonsense straightforward kind of guy. which i find quite assuring. my hubby is comfortable with him too, so high chance that we might stay with him and deliver at MAH.
But he's definitely not cheap. First visit already $200 - $100 for consultation, $180 for scan, $7 for urine test and that's before GST for all... and his packages only start at week 20 and cost $700!

Actually I was more surprised than touched at seeing the heartbeat... cos really didn't expect it. But it was definitely there. And got photo of the scan too. hee hee, can't wait to scrapbook the picture.

I have only told parents and PIL before this. Now I'm going to tell my closest friends and also to request for prayer.
Think I'll only tell my colleagues if they ask... or if they need me to do something for work that i cannot - like travel or work really late...</font>
dimpletot, so happy and excited for you.

I'm also looking forward to my visit tmr. However, now I'm a bit worried cos I just saw the brown discharge...
Hi all

I"m new in this thread. Glad to see that it's so active! I tested positive with preg test last thurs. Going to see gynae on Wed! Any one heard of Dr Paul Tseng? Me deciding between him and Dr Heng
<font color="119911">hey i heard the print is thermal print and will not last. u might wanna scan it into your pc like what we did =)

precious>> dun stress, see what ur gynae say tmr? meanwhile try to rest more dun stress?

foodwise i find i more or less din change much except eat less more times a day to prevent bloat and MS

welcome and congrats calla! my frend wif paul tseng. i think he's a very pro natural doc =) u should be in good hands
Hi dimpletot, so exciting right?? The little heart blinking away!! Am seeing Dr Adrian tonight, hopefully everything will be fine &amp; will be able to see the little legs... Kekeke

Ladies, anyone knows if we can eat the cooked pineapples in pizza??
Storeberry: I think should be ok for cooked pineapple. I had pineapple tarts during CNY too and my mom said cooked pineapple is ok.
<font color="aa00aa">wah! i did not realise that i created so much commotion! alamak! so sorry, did not mean to create any worries. mayo hor, consists of eye yolks and if you are not certain about the cooking process, sometimes there is a risk of exposure to salmonella? i read about it in books and Dr. Ong also said the same thing. maybe you girls can check it out...</font>
Buffy: SO Dr Ong's advise is avoid taking mayo also? Hmm... den i can't have my delifrance chicken mayo sandwich!! *sad*
<font color="aa00aa">oh, having said that ah, i think the commercial brands are OK if they are pasteurised? if they are "home made" from some gourmet or bakery, then best to avoid lah... hope this makes things clearer
