(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="119911">hi yiling, take care ya? bored mabbe can read some books or play some comp games?

btw i thot of going the maternity wear sale at suntec. think was yvonne who shared with us the ad that day? anyone went? any feedback?
coz today and tmr natas though and i think of the crowd there then i sian le. dun wanna go unless is good

Thank you for your advice. Actually both docs are equally good, so i'm confused and both locations are pretty convenient to me. Ya agree that doc should be the most impt than hosp, but now for my case, both are rather good and caring...sigh confused...i know i'm leh cheh.

My hubby cannot accompany me for next visit cos he'll be overseas for 1-2 mths, so he will not b able to see Dr Peter Chew.
millie: you can always go alone to the clinics isnt it?
it is only temporary for 2 months

I am seeing Dr Peter Chew, and if I want the prints, I asked him, he will print it out

I think most important is which gynae you prefer, the cost, the character of the gynae ... ...

hope this helps
hey gals i haev a question for you all.

Is it okie if you don't get MS?
My hunger strikes like going up and down too.
1 minute hungry that was a few days ago, now that feeling kinda disappear again?

I do not experience any MS at all and i'm now in 8 wks . So far my gynae checks are good and i certainly hope everything will go smooth thru'out the whole pregnancy. Hope same goes to u too.

Maybe u do not need to worry 2 much, unless u experience bleeding etc.

Take care.
yeah doc peter chew did tell me to look out for red, brown or black discharge

but i am having bad lower front pain. He said it is due to intestine moving around and my constant diarrhea

so have you decided which doc to go to?
how do u find dr peter chew charges huh?
Lovebug 1822,
Thanks for your advice...i tink most pple would think the same as when choosing a gynae.

I tink the prob is i prefer Dr W K Tan (TMC) but wanna deliver at GlenE which Dr W K Tan only delivers at TMC. But as mentioned b4, i think both gynaes are good.
Is this ur 1st pregnancy ? How do u get to know Dr Peter Chew ?

I have no issues going alone esp when my hubby is always outstation, but of cos if someone is around to advise, it would of cos be better.
I din have any MS when i was expecting my 1st bb. It is perfectly ok. Dont worry.
As for the hunger strikes, pregnant women are advised to take small but frequent meals everyday. My gynae said some mum-to-be would take up to 8 meals a day.
My personal opinion -> I would choose the gynae whom i feel comfortable with and the choice of hospital would be secondary. Anyway, the hospital stay is only about 2-3 days so it doesnt matter to me. However, the gynae is going to accompany you and give you advices throughout your pregnancy.
<font color="aa00aa">hello ladies, am back! wah, gone for only about 15hours and so many postings le!

yiling: dun be so upset ok? i also had spotting but worse 'cos cramping too! some more only slowly moving into my 6th week hence, kena jabbed and now taking tablets also. had 2days MC on Thurs and Fri and learning to slow down a bit. so far so good. so hang in there ok, you are not alone? *hugs*

ladies: ai yo yo, i had TWO bowls of shark's fin just a few days ago leh! how how how????
guess now too late to worry also hor?
<font color="aa00aa">mousebb: oh, deduct $450 ah? i better check this process out man. i am quite blur at these sorta things. some more the hormone jab and med so ex, can claim some $$ also good. :p

yvonne: wah wah wah! scary lor! you are sooooooooo young! eh good leh, after delivery, heal faster also! not like me, older than you by a DECADE! sure jat lat de!</font>
I already know b4 hand that Dr Peter Chew's charges are pretty high, but not sure bcos he gave me calcium and fish oil pills besides folic &amp; multi-vit. 1st visit cost me almost $250.

Dr W K Tan (TMC) is the gynae who delivers Zoe Tay too. She did not give me fish oil and calcium, so that's why my 1st visit wif her cost abt $160.

However, i feel that the nurses at Dr W K Tan are more knowlegeable and friendly. They even showed me their package bill which can be taken up at the 2nd visit and actually sat down wif me to talk on my family history, etc.

Have u been advised on the package at Dr Peter Chew ?
Millie: I got to know Dr Peter chew through my colleagues at my workplace. I heard that alot of colleagues are with him.
I first went to him because I needed a 3rd opinion and not about pregnancy but just after my first appointment with him, a few days later I discovered I was pregnant ... ...
My hubby trust him more compared to the other 2 gynaes.

Thanks mousebb!!!!!!! What I do now is that I have a very heavy meal just before I sleep, eat eat eat or drink stuffs so that I don't wake up in between nights or early morning for snacks!!! :p

Mousebb and millie do you both happen to have msn? the thread is getting too fast to catch man ... ...
ladies, thanks for suggestion for book appnt

i just made a call, wah its fully booked for next sat leh, luckily left 9.50am de

looking forward to 23rd
During my last pregnancy, I attended about 6 wedding dinner and each wedding dinner also served sharp fin and so i also happily ate 6 bowls of sharp fin. So dont worry lah.
Millie: What I like abotu Dr Peter Chew is that he is pro-nutrition! I studied nutrition thus to me that is important. I was speaking to some people, they do not get fish oil in the first trimester, but I believe that nutrition should start the earliest.

The second thing I like about Dr Peter Chew is that he shares the same religion as me, although I am not quite a fateful one :p, knowing that kinda put me alittle at rest.

I asked about the package yesterday it is 1.6k, 1.2k pay upfront at clinic, 400 at the hospital. This is consultation and delivery i think. meds urine test all not included. Need to ask that again once I touch 3 months, now alittle unpredictable especially when this come as a miracle ... ...
wah seem still got a lot things to learn leh, shark fin also cant eat huh

8 meal a day?? if we spend whole day in office how to eat like tat? we only got lunch time leh..

at this moment i cant eat full portion each meal, my stomach ll cramp and i have to eat slowly
It's better for you not to take too heavy meal before you sleep. You could experience heartburn (a form of indigestion). It's best that you have your dinner or last meal of the day 2 hours before you sleep. Maybe you can try drinking a small cup of milk before you sleep instead.
jane: Eat 6 small meals
in office snacks nuts, biscuits, drink milk, milo ... ...
Eat nutrition dense foods better than gummies or candies :p
mousebb: i drink milo b4 i sleep
I tried eating heavy meals but no heartburn keke :p

But in the morning when I wake up, I have no appetite
keke or when I eat I feel like my food not getting digested.

What I jsut can't stand is my lower front side pain!!! killing me
I sometimes rather have MS than that man! can I do a trade off
Hi thank Jlow for the info!! Wow today thread move very fast!!

Jus me, I got married in May07 and TCC in Oct07 &amp; strike Dec07.... Actually also wanted more private time together but decided to just go ahead and TCC, if have means its a gift from GOD...
<font color="aa00aa">mousebb: thanks! thats a great relief man. suddenly when ppl around me know that i am preggie, wah, a lot of advice man - this cannot, that cannot. i listen also blur. i think should be like you,take it easy, will be better for me and BB.:p</font>
My LMP on 30 Dec so i guess i should be around 5-6 weeks now. Going back to gynae on this Fri again and hopefully can see bb's heartbeat.

Install also no use lah. I only have chance to use it when hubby not at home mah.
mousebb: So good you all know when is your LMP
I am questionable about mine
only know through seeing the water sac that probably about 5 weeks. I had to go back yesterday to the gynae again because of my lower front pain. he did another scan and I was surprise in just about 3 days from one tiny dot to a oval shape and alittle bigger.

How is your scan like? I am curious
describe describe?
Like what lovebug suggested, you can have small but frequent meals like having biscuits, milo, milk when you are in the office and most important of all, have nuritious food.
Afterall, nobody will dare to stop pregggie women from eating...hahaha
i heard my cousin said cant drink too strong of milo leh, i nvr ask why since i seldom drink it.

yah maybe i can pre some oatmeal/biscuit in office.
jane: Why milo cannot? If you read the nutritional panel of milo, it is actually good, it has 150 of calcium :p

maybe have milk with you :p
what nutrients you need now is calcium, folate, iron ... ... So find foods that are good source of those.

Oh Soya milk also can :p
make sure they have calcium in it :p
I was scanned on the 12 feb too
saw a tiny water sac but was scanned again on 15feb and that tiny water sac grew abit longer ... ...

next appointment is 2 weeks time, and by that time should see heartbeat?

scary because first I was worrying about water sac now is worrying about heart beat :p

Looks like pregnancy is never easy :p

If drink too much milo is not good cos if 2 many cups contain caffeine and is heaty. However, 2-3 cups should be fine.

Maybe drink milk should be better.
Agreed. Pregnancy is never easy. Although I din have ms last time, but I had migrane but bcos i was preggie, gynae cannot give me stronger painkiller. I remember the pain was sort of like killing me until I shed my tears in front of my gynae.
mousebb: I have migarine too, but i just go sleep
what is frustrating now is the lower front pain! it wouldn't go away, cannot eat pain killer and just relying on rubs!!!!!
Can you try to rub with tiger balm oil? When i experienced backache last time, my gynae told hubby to rub the tiger balm oil for me and it helped.
mousebb: thanks!!!!! he gave me some rub btu the pain got worst in the night like muscle pulling man!!!!!!!
cannot sleep
making so much noise laugh

ask a question huh.. pregnant woman can eat chilli or not huh? if cant then i ll suffer evry meal le
jane: hahaha... i had alot of chilli for my first girl. Even now i'm pregnant with my 2nd one i still take chilli... so far ok ley.
hi lovebug1822, ur scan can see water bag increase in size ? any fetus in it ? cos my scan in 5 weeks can see water bag and a tiny fetus also....then in 7 weeks only see a waterbag. no more fetus liao...i got bleeding last week. now wait for the blood test result loh...
littleger, my bleeding a bit for 2 days then stop already. but yesterday the scan cant see bb at all...the blood test result will be out on tuesday. now i still take the hormones tablets 3 times a day
