(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">wah, you girls so lucky, so queen ah? my husband's work hours are very long so as it is, I do not see him home early except twice on weekday nights and on Sun. Sat, he works full day... so a lot of things, i have to try doing myself. heng, i have PT maid and she is very clean and has initiative, been using her for more than a year. really makes a diff man...

jlow: wah! you very good! promised your husband! i dare not leh, hahahhahahahaaa... but like u, i prefer girls but hubby, he likes boys more. not so much an heir but he just likes boys more wor...

littleger: per box $20+ ah, okok, i will take note. what are dr ong's packages like ah?</font>

Buffy: Sad to tell u hor.. Dr Ong's package has increased abit ley.. the last time was 1.5k and 1.8k if i'm not wrong. 1.5K is with 1 3D scan.. 1.8k is unlimited 3D scan (which i think not necessary la). Now i think increased liao. But not sure the charges... tink difference by a few hundreds..
My hubby can be very stern with kids. I think we both won't spoil the kids la, but it's hard to say for MIL. It will be the only heir, we won't know also.. Just keep fingers crossed lor. Must also pray for obedient kid now also la..
Buffy: hey, ur PT maid is local one huh? On which day she usually pop by? I got thought of getting PT maid also... can recommend urs? Tell me more about her service?
<font color="aa00aa">littleger: wah, $$ increase liao ah! the amount includes delivery charges??? BTW, how much is his regular consult? i have to start keeping track of all the expenses already man, cannot anyhow shop now that small bundle is on the way.

maid hor, u PM me can?</font>
The last time I went gynea, the gal told me to keep the receipts, she say can claim/offset the charges when we deliver le.

Buffy: ya.. includes delivery charges. Can't rem the consultant rate.. after i go back chk the bill i let u know cos now at my mom's place.

ok, will PM u!
Jlow: Ya... can claim up to 500bucks on outpatient clinic expense. U must bring the receipts with u when u are to deliver at the hosp.
wow next time we need a checklist to ensure everything is packed liao.
is it ok if different Gynea le? Or it must be the same one all the way until you deleiver?
<font color="aa00aa">oh, can claim ah??? ohhhhhhhhh... kekekeke... i din know leh! okok, will keep the receipts properly.

littleger: replied liao!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">alright ladies, chat with you all tmr. need to go out and run some errands... have a great friday evening and enjoy yr weekend!</font>
i m not sure wad detail u need, i just tell wad i wan to say, i seen before dr adrain tan and dr lawrence ang,

dr adrain: veri patience guy, gentle too... joke alot... after tt i stop, cos i m not pregnant at that time... tot preg, but not, cos i m too stress... so missed menses for 3mth... i nv ask him to help deliver my bb cos his charges is ex...

dr lawrence ang: he is good, i go thru natural delivery, stitches at my vagina is good, hb said i don look like given birth... same as before... wahaha... but one prob, he do things must quick quick... he got alot alot of patient in the clinic, so if u wan to see him, walk in( u must be veri lucky he don have to rush to hospital for delivery), so better book appointment...

TMC hospital: nurse veri good, food veri good..

*sry if i talk too much, but this is wad i gone thru, overall veri good service from dr ang and nurses in tmc...
If remember correctly, the receipts which you paid for your antenatal check-up allow you to claim up to $450 from your medisave.
Re: TMC hospital
You can choose your own menu for your breakfast/lunch/dinner. They also served confinement food. The soups are very nice and it is esp good for mummies who intend to breastfeed. You can expect 6 meals per day at TMC.

Besides good food, I should say the service at TMC is really good!

More articles on Caffeine

High caffeine consumption has been linked to an increased risk of miscarriage, so it's probably wise to limit or avoid caffeine altogether if you can.

If you're having a hard time cutting out coffee cold turkey, here's how you can start:

Cut your consumption down to one or two cups a day.
Gradually reduce the amount by combining decaffeinated coffee with regular coffee.
Eventually cut out the regular coffee altogether.
And remember that caffeine is not limited to coffee. Green and black tea, cola, and other soft drinks contain caffeine. Try switching to decaffeinated products (which may still have some caffeine, but in much smaller amounts) or caffeine-free alternatives.

If you're wondering whether chocolate, which also contains caffeine, is a concern, the good news is that you can have it in moderation. Whereas the average chocolate bar has anywhere from 5 to 30 milligrams of caffeine, there's 95 to 135 milligrams in a cup of brewed coffee. So, small amounts of chocolate are fine.
I was reading this article from http://www.kidshealth.org/parent/pregnancy_newborn/pregnancy/preg_health.html

These are Certain Foods that we need to AVOID
Although you need to eat plenty of healthy foods during pregnancy, you also need to avoid food-borne illnesses, such as listeriosis and toxoplasmosis, which can be life-threatening to an unborn baby and may cause birth defects or miscarriage.

Foods you'll want to steer clear of include:

soft, unpasteurized cheeses (often advertised as "fresh") such as feta, goat, Brie, Camembert, and blue cheese
unpasteurized milk, juices, and APPLE CIDER
raw eggs or foods containing raw eggs, including mousse, tiramisu, raw cookie dough, homemade ice cream, and Caesar dressing (although some store-bought brands of the dressing may not contain raw eggs)
raw or undercooked meats, fish (sushi), or shellfish
processed meats such as hot dogs and deli meats (these should be well cooked)
Also, although fish and shellfish can be an extremely healthy part of your pregnancy diet (they contain beneficial omega-3 fatty acids and are high in protein and low in saturated fat), you should avoid eating:

king mackerel
These types of fish may contain high levels of mercury, which can cause damage to the developing brain of a fetus. When you choose seafood, eat a variety of fish and shellfish and limit the amount to about 12 ounces per week - that's about two meals. Also, when you're eating canned tuna, you may want to choose light tuna, which has less mercury than canned white tuna. You should eat no more than 6 ounces per week of canned albacore or white tuna. Also, it's a good idea to check any local advisories before consuming any recreationally caught fish.
Another post from another website.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Safe for Pregnant Women?
There is not enough information to determine whether apple cider vinegar is safe for use during pregnancy. Small amounts of pasteurized apple cider vinegar used in cooking likely do not pose any risk, but apple cider vinegar supplements should be avoided.

In addition, some apple cider vinegar products are not pasteurized and may, therefore, contain harmful bacteria or toxins. Also, some herbal supplements have been shown to contain contaminants (such as heavy metals) or unlisted ingredients (such as prescription drugs), so it is a good idea to avoid supplements when pregnant, unless you are absolutely sure of their quality.
found something on solution for MS

Morning Sickness:Apple Cider Vinegar
Try taking two or three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar (not any other kind)in warm water first thing in the morning. Apple cider vinegar is pH neutral and it may help neutralise excess stomach acid.

Has any Mummies tried before? Maybe they can advice us..
Understand that u r the only gal delivering at GlenE.
I visited Dr W K Tan at TMC today and is now in 8 weeks now. I quite like her cos she's quite patient and caring. Even my hubby has very gd impression of her.

Now i'm very confused, cos I prefer to deliver at GlenE and have actually visited a gynae at GlenE for the 1st visit. He's Dr Peter Chew and is very famous in GlenE as well. He's quite patient too, but somehow i sort of think Dr W K Tan is more detailed in the sense that she takes longer time to scan my bb and gave me 3 scan photos . Unlike at GlenE, i was given 1 photo only and have short time in scanning.

My hubby is not able to advise on Dr Peter Chew cos he did not go wif me at the first visit. I am afraid i would regret my decision should i choose either one.

Anyone has any advice ?
<font color="119911">hi Millie, congrats and welcome! these are just my personal thots, and i've not seen either your doctors so its totally up to you. But for me, to choose gynae, i feel 1st and foremost

- u must be comfortable with them. ie their level of experience, u can talk to them like their assurances make u feel better instead of worse ;P, the way they explain to you (u prefer tactful, patient, or direct to point and blunt etc), their advise suits your preference, like pro natural or more intervention (if you are particular about this)
- u might also want to ask them if they might be around during your time of delivery (they also go on holiday) unless u dun mind someone else take over
- if all these met, see if the location is convenient for you. u will need to visit them quite regularly esp during late pregnancy
- see if they can deliver at the hospital of your choice (some TMC doctors may also allow delivery elsewhere tho of course they prefer to deliver at TMC; u might want to explain to her your pref for hospital? for eg my gynae is in Mt E but I intend to deliver at MAH. no problem leh)
- cost (antenatal, pills prescribed, delivery, hospital charges, printout charges - if printouts are impt to u, just ask for them from Dr Chew. he'll just impose a small charge. for my gynae in Mt E, is $5 per print)

if u're still not assured, maybe u can arrange another appt with Dr Chew, this time include your hubby? before deciding. aside from that, i feel once u've decided, dun stress yourself too much and enjoy your pregnancy. =)

<font color="119911">hehe too used to this timing to wake up for work. my body has auto alarm clock

just wondering, how long have u ladies been married before u decided to ttc? for me, we just married one year only. initially i hoped to get preggie 2 years after marriage, give us a little private time. but then i guess basically is age lah. din wanna wait too long coz scared complications. how about u ladies?
Juz Me: for mi is after 3yrs+ lor.. hehehee... actually start young better.. u have more energy and also regain ur body faster.
<font color="119911">littleger>> i think is more for 1st baby lah. like 1st baby when i 30, then next one will be mabbe 35? littleger u already got a kid liao is different. actually i was quite worried it would be hard to concieve. luckily we were only ttc for about 3 months then dio already
juz me,
lol... i m not ttc... from my age, i think everyone can guess liao... lol... i nv regret having this baby. is just early for mi and my hb...
yvonneho: early? why early? sorry.. i abit slow!

Juz Me: ok la... for 1st one this age u consider ok la.. just don't drag too long for ur 2nd one if u plan to have more than 1.
<font color="119911">haha i scared i oso must open factory til got boiboi faint... actually given a choice i sure prefer younger give birth. easier to recover and more energy for kids. but then we din marry early oso. so bo pian ;P

yvonne, i oso no clue leh...this is your 2nd right?</font>
<font color="119911">wah yvonne.. u know when u reach my age, your kids are almost independant liao leh! compare to me now then plan for baby. i 40+ then kids independent haha.. how old is your 1st child?</font>
Juz me/littleger
Me hoping to get a gerger this time since i already have a boiboi. But if turn up to be a boiboi again, i will gladly accept it as a bonus since baby is a gift from god.
<font color="119911">littleger>> chinese lor. must have male heir to carry family name or what ah...? altho PIL never say anything lah. but i feel they will want lor. i feel my hubby also wan, altho he never say. but but i think girl more fun for us leh. can dress up pretty pretty hehee... and girls closer to family. boys ah haha marry liao forget parents le

mousebb>> i oso think ideally is dragon-phoenix babies haha one boi one ger is oso my 1st preference. but 1st and foremost child healthy most impt lor. so i try not to stress myself overy gender ;P
Yvonne.. just now i was checking ur zodiac sign n it showed u are a rabbit and i thot u are 34 tis young.. and was thinking why u say early!?? Yuan lai u oni 21!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Juz Me: U are right man! Girls more family oriented.. boys hor.. sigh.. i seen too many... gf n wife more impt one. Nowadays, girl brings in a son whilst boy is married into another family! Lucky my hubby and mi both like girl. I think my pil is hoping for a boy tis round... aiya, i den dun care abt the gender. So long is healthy baby i am happy! And i also make up my mind 2 is the max liao.. i going to close factory after this one.
yvonne, it's ok. Next time u will enjoy life earlier than us! no regret la.. now maybe will be more tedious for u... but think abt the future, u won't regret.
