(2008/10) Oct 2008


yah... actually I think any amount is fine leh... just take the cue from Bryan. If he wants more, give more. If he don't want to continue eating, stop and give him the rest of his milk feed.

<font color="aa00aa">Wenmin's latest photo</font>
nestle mix with milk.

bb woke up two nights in a row at 5 am!! Usually she sleeps thru till 7. Haiz. Put some densitin first night and rocked her to sleep. This time after densitin still shoutingaway. So stuffed boob in. Wah she better not continue like that man.

Bb now on 3 tbs cereal, 1 tbs sweet potato. She got big appetite. Walloped all that can still latch and drink. Gulp.

wow kieren has gd weight!
seems very long hor? I wonder where else I can go to take accurate weight and height measurements for kate before she turns one year old...

dun worry she'll put on more weight once she eats more solids...

That's good weight too right? U starting solids soon?

now I'm not sure whether I really need a handblender. So far all the things I mash by hand she eats leh... Then soon she won't need pureed food so might become white elephant?
Regina also has been waking up for the past three nights. So much so that I have to start drinking essence of chicken. Think this is going to continue till their teeth comes out. Sobz! My beauty sleep!

I havent tried densitin yet. So far it's the boob or some plain water.
Hi mummies..
My apple purée seems fail le.. I don know if the apple not soft enough or what le.. Manage to get abit for bb only..
Varner doesn seems to like cereal.. Is it coz of too plain or he not ready??

Ch and kieran got good weight n height..

How's yr nipple?? Ok liao???
baby crying in the night
My girl has been like that for eons, if 5 months is eon. Usually she would fuss in her sleep, I would just turn over, stuff my boobs in her face and we'll both continue to sleep. Now that she's more adept, she would always turn towards my side and seek the boob. I wouldn't say that she wakes up, because she doesn't really open her eyes and all she does is blindly seeking the boob. Once that's in her mouth, she would drift back to quiet sleep. Co-sleeping allows me more sleep.
So i go ahead without yr order yah?

U want to order for u? I work in the west,i can pass it to u at west mall if not imm...let me noe ok?
tweety and mint
sorry I meant dentinox. Not densitin. Sleep deprived typing haha.

yeah, quite a few ppl co-sleep... But we wanted to make it easier for bb to get used to her own bed early so sleeping in her own room wouldn't be a big transition....

I'll discuss with hubby and let u know by end today k?
finally tried solid food on Clare today. Tried 1 tablespoon of HT brown rice cereal mix with water and she seems happy. As adviced by IFC teacher to wait for 1hr to give milk, but less than 1/2 hour, she's asking for milk. Therefore make 150ml (3.5scoop FM) for her.

will bring cereal to IFC for teacher to try this week.
Give them yr boob will make them used to it??

Applying that gel will make them sleep better??

How's arielle??

U start with brown rice? Or u alr give rice cerealbefore??
start with brown rice .. never on plain rice cereal.. it's very fine &amp; smooth for healthy times... my 2 friends recommended me.. they too tried on their bbs with brown rice (HT)

i have few packets of nestle (need mix with milk) from clinic but heard very sweet so hesitant to try so in the end i give brown rice.
hi all mummies...

wah looks like all the bbs growing up well and fast...

really hope to be able to see all at the next gathering, still not sure whether i can attend the current planned one.

I already started to give Zac cereal everyday for lunch and apple for morning. night he gets an extra dose of cereal for long night sleep.

By the way, do mummies have delayed menses like now?

thanks for lending me the slings, i have decided to get my ring sling.Zac ok to sit in there, but the pouch, he cried before I could even pop him in.

have you gotten my reply on your thread and email?
Please reply so I can pay you.
I thought must start with plain rice cereal first??? My boy don like it le.. I think I shall stop for few days first.

I got that nestle cereal from clinic too but it's for 6mths onwards.

So u decided on ring sling huh.. Hee
XY, oh no. I think cos the organic ones are alot more bland compared to the other brands which are normally sweetened. My gal used to wolf done the frisocrem, but slower when eating the bellamy's one. I mix in some puree for her and she enjoys it that way. Bot a box of Happy Times Brown Rice Cereal to try today. I am upping her solid feeds to twice a day. She has finished her first can of cereal (frisocrem) and is half way thru the pack of bellamy's rice cereal. Want to also try organix bb food and the bb yoghurt soon. Wanted to start cooking porridge for her but hubs think I should stick to cereals for now, he reminds me to take into a/c her corrected age since she is a preemie. Dun give up, try again. But I think choose a time when Marcus is in good mood, not too hungry or sleepy.

Porridge for bbs...
Read from other threads that a lot of mums blend the uncooked rice to cook porridge so texture will be smoother and cooking time shorter, any mummies know if the braun handheld can do the job? Otherwise was thinking to blend after porridge is cooked.
Arielle is much better nw. Poo not as watery n frequent nw. Am gog to cont the med till tmr.

So many bubs oredi started on their solid..my arielle haven start yet
gonna wait till she recovers n try it again! Cant wait to see her enjoying her food.

Aft reading wad dimpletot n whitepaper analyse, haha i am tiking shld i buy? Oh dear..cant make up my mind..am worried will b white elephant again.
heya mommies

got a gd pc of news to share. rebby can turn both ways today! she could only turn one way for the longest time and today, i taught her for one morning. just abt an hr ago after my mom finished her dinner, rebby decided to entertained my mom by flipping from her back to her tummy! i'm so happy! my whole family cheered and encouraged her. she did it again and again!

i had some success in feeding rebby solids as well these two days - catching her when she is the most hungry. i hope it continues. she is a week shy of her 6mth milestone.
Congrats!! 3 cheers for Rebby.
i dun wanna spoil ur happy mood. But once they know how to flip both ways, new headache when it's diaper changing time.

Marcus keeps flipping around and won't stay still!

Ok count me in for the Braun handheld, thanks.


Yup its teething gel so supposed to reduce pain.


Yup still no signs of menses for me. Not that I'm complaining.
maybe cos of bf.

Busy bee
thot porridge is for 7 months onwards?
I'm typing and posting more so i can hit 2000 posts and become intermediate member.

Also, i'm trying to get use to the keyboard on my new lappie. Argh... too old to learn new stuff. My nails keep getting in the way.

Haha just saw yr post. My thinking is buy first lor. Saves time if nothing. Cos mashing can take a while.

so fun hor? Hugs to rebby.

Haha... I dunno leh. I also still have some packs rotting in the corner. Let's see... 1 yr 3 months without menses yeah!!
Same here... bought alot thinking that i'll bleed like crazy after delivery. Have the super super 40cm ones too.

i think we better inspect them before using should AF decide to pay us a visit.
3 more!!!

Dowdy Dowdy
Today I went to town alone, with bb of course. I was beco-ing. No matter how beautiful the prints of our carriers are, it's still nothing! I remembered I hardly wear flats. Now I wear birkies (ugly!!). I always wore heels and really dressed up, like the girls now in Orchard. I saw the reflection of myself. Yeeeeeeks! Not to mention the fats that are hanging around. I miss my old self, man. Luckily, I still get good service from the upmarket shops. NOT that I dared to venture into many of them. And now my clothings are mostly loose ones so that I can pull down and nurse easily!
cheer up. We'll lose the weight when ur young ones start crawlin gand running about and we have to chase after them.

Actually, why dun u wear ur heels now? i wearing heels already. But i must say, birks are much more comfy. Get nice print ones.
u are welcome!

still no sign of menses for me! i certainly hope it continues this way!

haha like XY said, it is v challenging to change her diaper once she is flipping! i had to do it super fast wif Izzy. Only time she'll stay still is right after her nap.
My 2000th post

Embarassing story
I wore mismatch birks out last weekend. I wore the plain black one on one side and the colourful printed one on the other!!! I didn't notice till i was alighting the MRT at City Hall.

My sis consoled me by saying people may think i'm creating a new fashion statement. I was wearing a black tube dress and hotslinging Marcus on my Pink carrier. Keke... so, ironically, my mismatch sandals matched my outfit.
Hmm, hard to wear heels and carrying babies. Plus, not elegant. Wear heels then backside sashaying left and right, that's elegant and sexy. If I wear heels, I'll be trying to find my balance most of the time, with the huge load (not to mention my own) in front.

PS: I'm also trying to get used to my new keyboard.
hi mummies..
mia many days.. been busy with work.. sick.. then kaitlyn sick.. horrible week..

reply u le.. tks

bp ending le.. orders did not hit MOQ but i will go ahead and order to stock up my web-store.. i will let u know when its in.

looking dowdy..
yep, no matter how i dress up.. i still feel aunty.. still lotsa lose skin n fat ard tummy n thighs.. no matter how i suck in there's still a muffin top.. shapeless babydoll dresses are my closet staples now.. no need to suck in.
Got a new comp too?
Keke... my new lappie is sooo cool. 16 inch monitor and the graphic is sooo pretty. Keyboard got number pad somemore. But making me abit confused coz the old one dun have. I'm not used to the position of the END, DEL, BACKSPACE and ENTER buttons.
Coool! Intermediate liao!

Yah, new computer, with compliments from the husband. Mine's an apple though. From old old apple to new new apple. I love ping guos!!!!!!!! <---- gila
Haha... my sis also using ping gou.
But too ex for me lah. I only need basic functions. Keke... Happy with my $999 acer. Cheap and nice.

Hmm... maybe i can bling my new lappie. Keke... but the blinging stuff may cost more than the laptop itself. Oops... better not. $ can be better spent.
haha tks.. that is one of my fav shapeless dresses. i very conscious of what i wear now cos hubs n i used to laugh at some girls in orchard wearing "tuck out" tops.. where they wear jeans so tight.. that they get a muffin top.. like how u will losely pull out abit of shirt over pants/skirts..

!?? err i duno whether to take that as compliment or insult leh.. haha! but seriously.. i know some of the gals.. use them as talents for events before. and judged a couple of themk when they took part in a reef bikini contest. the reef boss is a friend. they're not as dumb as they seem on the show leh.. for the trailer of this show.. they were defining S factor as Sophisticated.. Sexy.. Sassy.. to me.. S factor for this show seems like "Stupid"..
oh well... i'm watching the show now. really acting super bimbotic!!!

Look at my nails, crystals drop off here and there.

I dun know...keep pulling my hair

I worry my bikini will fall off.

