(2008/10) Oct 2008

Good morning mummies!

Ya, awkward situation but you just busy yourself with your children. I'd you tell your husband beforehand that you whole family will just ignore your sister while there.

I am opposite of you eh. I got the rompers but not the giraffe. Can't wait for my girl to try the giraffe.

aiyoh u poor thing, caught in the middle. Scold yr sis lah, its her fault. She buay paiseh meh, say pay dun pay and still can come and stay for so long. I think yr hubby is right to be angry, so u side him lor...
oh yah I'm better now. Still got lump but no fever. Also not so red liao. Don't worry I only used cabbage for 1-2 days so hopefully didn't affect. Bb still feeds at 3 hr intervals so I think ss ok lah.

hihi... Exciting plans for the weekend?

I am So Jealous. I think I haven't watched for a year or more already.At least itfeels so. Mint, sigh, one more thing to sacrifice cos bbs latch and sticky to us. Altho maybe I should try Reb method, kekekeke....
Same for me...hasnt watched any movie since dec'07! I can remb it very well cos watched during that yr birthday..sigh~
EY, my hb buy my excuse! hee..will try out connecta when we go out today!

Yup, will be going. No prob abt the tt, take your time..

think the BB clothes there are quite reasonablely priced although it's in a shopping centre..hehe..

hopefully next time can meet up with you when u go BTP..been missing you twice liao..
yah, errr, what are those?? dvds - are they the same?

chased the maid away, so have to do housework. exciting?
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning mummies

This morning when I woke up to pump at 1am, I have to discard 90ml of my precious bm cos I din notice my right nipple bled. By the time I realised it, the milk has to be thrown away liao
Haiz! </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Hope arielle is feeling better. I can understand how you feel cos my boy kena that when he was around 6mths. He poo until his backside was sored and we have to wake up in the middle of the night to check him and change his diapers. I was so heartache for him. He knew that the moment he drinks, he will poo again and he refused to drink his milk. </font>
<font color="#C24641"> Hello Mummies!!! today is a sunny n shiny weekend!!! enjoy!!!

hubby will get ovr it. but i was liks caught in the middle, dunno wat to do. some more i'm those 'bang li bu bang qing' type. but my sister is nt. she finds that no matter wat happen, i must side her. coz she is my sister!

aiyo. *hugz*
u take care wor..
if hubby ard get him to help out little bit here n there?

ya, will let make myself busy with 3 kids. let them kill each other will the "wink" LOL!!!

ya. really caught in the middle. of coz i side my hubby! coz this is nt the first time my sister treat me like a fool!!

glad to hear tat u recovering well.
mayb u can try to massage gently.
hello all
Brought clare for 3rd dose of 6in1 jab and 2nd pheumococal jab. PD give 1 pack of nestle rice cereal for us to try.
my PD super kiasu... he gave me 20pkts of samples lor!!! got rice cereal, brown rice cereal, cereal with prunes, etc... and last month he already gave me 5pkts...

Brought CH to PD today. He's 2 days to 6 months old. Had his 3rd dose of Hep B jab. He's weighing 10.14kg and standing at 69cm. His next appointment is when he turns 1 year old!!! like so farrr away... thought 9 month suppose to have a check? hmmmmmmmm...
started solids for CH today and he looks so excited!!! ok a good start is half the battle won. Tomorrow giving him slightly more
<font color="aa00aa">whitepaper
CH has good weight and he is tall!!! Hmm....his weight is going to catch up with my son le. The credit goes to your powerful bm! Good job!</font>

Is CH tall??? I dunno but he looks short to me. The nurse also commented he's tall. 69cm is in fact the measurement when he didn't fully stretch himself. Nurse say he should measure longer.

Maybe coz he rather bulky so seem short to me.

How heavy does WX weigh?
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
Wenxuan now weighs 10.7kg.
CH is tall. WX only 70cm++ (in Feb) tall nia and some more he is coming to 20 months soon.</font>
Enya-Oh no....hugs!! How come got rashes outbreak? So the medication still allow u to bf? ;) Take care ya!

Karen- Haaa is it... Hopefully by today, u will receive the teether while I received the rompers! ;) Think my girl not yet teething so her gums not tat sore and itchy, tats why she dun enjoy the Sophie giraffe!! Once she licks/try to chew the giraffe, she gave me tat yucks look!! Cos think of the smell of the teether!! Haaa...;p

mousebb- Ouchs... Hugs!! so got faster apply the nipple cream?

whitepaper- Wow wow CH really very big and tall wor!! Think he got ur hub's genes! ;) And ur PD soo good and generous one..gave u 20pkts of samples!! My PD ah...neow one lah... only gave me 2pkts when I asked her on solids! Somemore only normal Nestle rice cereal..no variety one! Booo....
<font color="aa00aa">Nicky
I apply the cream everyday but still cracked wor. Now my ss affected le. Have to pump both sides separately liao and takes about 45 mins to pump. Haiz! Feel like crying wor!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Nicky
Your PD gave you 2 pkts cereals and you still said she is neow! Mine boh give me any leh!!!! </font>
mousebb- Oh... how come still cracked... Think too dry? Or appy the cream few days daily especially aft each pumping session?
Cheers up mummy! Hugs!!
Huh...wah like tat ur PD even more neow than mine!!! *keke*
Compare to CH's PD, ur PD super neow! ;p
She is 7.425kg. Just had watery stool again.
Aiyo 3wks not recovered. Stop medicine, watery stool back again
oh no! must be so painful!

penny, kiwifruit,
scary at hm alone typing on the PC indeed! hahaa, but i was being quite cryptic. ;p

thanks! i was v glad of her hair so much so that i didnt shave her in the end. my firstborn didnt have hear until almost 2 years old!
Hi hi mummies,
Been popping in now and then to check if there's anything worth buying. Nothing much to contribute so usually I keep quiet.

If it's any comfort to you, my sister owes me $4k and I know she probably won't be able to pay me back. She told me she'll pay me back in late March or early April but I know she's in some deep debts so I take it that I'm giving her a bit of helping hand although it's really just a drop of water in the ocean. We're sisters anyway. If she's able to pay back, I'm sure she would. If she can't, I don't want to press her.
In any case, you got a lifetime to chase her for it.
So don't feel too bad over it.

Re: Blender
I'm keen to get the handheld blender too. Still mulling over it. Don't know if I should get the just-making-puree or the other one that has the chopper function.
<font color="#C24641"> whitepaper
LOL!! ur PD really kiasu n cute lor.. at first they get excited. btu as time goes by, they will sianz liao. my Erin are like this. CH is tall!! good wt n ht!

aiyo. hw come? u ok ma? bleed cnt continue latch or pump leh.

wa.. ard the same wt as Erin. anyway, wt or ht is nt the metter. as long as they are helthy will do.

aiyo. tink u better ask ur PD abt it leh. coz BBs got watery stool are nt joke leh.. scare is LS.
hi mummies, jus popping in to say hi..
been so bz n no time to login at all..
hope everyone'd doing fine n bless every bb growing up well n healthy..
<font color="#C24641"> hi rains!!!
long time no 'see'!! or is i miss out ur post. hehe...
hw are u recently?

actually i dun mind she own me $$. but this time round is she own my hubby. i got so upset n angry is coz she tell me many many many times she will return back but she din. nt first time liao.. i believe her coz i tink she is my sister. but still, they treat me like a fool.

is nt the $$ matter. is that u cnt afford, den dun act like a 'xian jing xiao jie' no $$ still wanna act like rich missy. wat is this?! u should know ur limit. she knows her limit but still for the sake of her 'mian zi'. 'mian zi' cannot 'dang fan chi'. is the TRUST den can 'dang fan chi'. if u build up the trust with other ppl, i'm sure all ur frens ard u are willing to lend their hand.

PS: dun get offended hor. coz that is my tinkin la.

Wow CH is really the giant in our thread. Don't worry as he gets more mobile he will be more lean.
my PD also not bad, gave about 4 packets each of three types of nestle cereal. Or maybe its the nurses who are generous with the samples. Butas EY mentioned, realize this brand adds sugar. So today bought Heinz organic. No sugar. Kate as usual walloped 2 tbs no prob. Also been giving 1 tbs of carrots. Today first time she finished all. Think tmw will start sweet potato. Now wondering whether I really need the handheld blender cos most things can mash.... Second time mummies, any comments on whether blender really useful?
You talk so farnie. So much hanyu pinyin peppered in your speech.

Everybody has his own opinion. I won't feel offended la.

From your post, I gather you're closer to your hubby compared to being with your sister. For me it's quite different bcos I'll probably scold my husband bcos I feel that he should 'ai wu ji wu'. My sisters are the ones whom I've spent about 30 years with. Whether he'll remain my husband in the next few years even is still a question.

I thought the blender will be more useful when we need to grind the ikan bilis into powder form. I remember buying a Tefal chopper for the ikan bilis and it broke down after 3 weeks becos I used it too vigorously I guess.
your nipple ok liao mah? must be really painful... I'm heng my nipples are ok so far... you must apply BM to the nipple area after pumping and air dry them ok? Hope they heal fast!

PD too kiasu lah... actually I dun need 20pkts... I already have my Healthy Times in the cabinet lor...

Yah I thought so too... maybe must give them variety to keep them interested. Nowadays babies so fussy hor?

I didn't buy any blender in the end. Coz my colleague said can use the mesh/sieve which you can buy anywhere to mash food. Just use a metal spoon and press against the mesh. I tried and it works!!! Anyway, I also bought alot of bottled food for CH liao. Plus think blender is only useful in the beginning. After a month or so of weaning, no need to puree liao mah, baby can take coarser food liao. Just my thoughts

think I won't give ikan bilis wor... coz got super high salt content...
<font color="#C24641"> rains
actually last time i'm like u. but aft a few incident, i gve up on her. she backstab me in front of my mother. some more, we dun grow up together. she stay with mother, i stay with grandparents. n my mother believe wat she said. no.. i sianz liao ler.. den i know her pattern liao ler.. she put words into my mouth. so.. k lor.. fine lor.. so i'm nt close with my mother de. that's y i'm more close with hubby lor. but i always keep tellin myself, 'if anytin happen, i'll be all alone. den i cnt always depend on anyone. nt even my hubby.'

ya.. BBs are all now vry clever. they know they got the right to choose! LOL!!!</font>
hi..me tried HT brown rice cereal first time today..wah...either its really filling or my girl is acting up, totally refusing her milk whole afternoon after giving her the brown rice cereal at lunch. usually after lunch wth the plain rice cereal ard 3pm she will take her 180ml of ebm..don't know wat happened..sigh..
any mums have that experience?? then at 6plus , she refuse her milk again but happily took dinner - brown rice cereal again with steamed apple. but after that refuse to finish her milk, only drink little bit. hiaz...
wasted so much milk today...
Think I don't need the fenugreek anymore. Think more frequent switching of breasts enable my supply to go up already. Plus I think horlicks helps some. But if you still need to test out connecta, let me know.
<font color="aa00aa">Nicky
I did apply the cream each time after I pump and in fact the nipple doesnt look dry. Just dont understand why it bled.

essanna, rebecca, whitepaper
It is painful lor
. Now I cannot pump both breasts at the same time le. I pump the injured one at a much lower speed and each pump took me about 30mins. Think for the next few days my ss is going to drop a lot le. Told hubby in worst case I would go see my gynae to buy medicine to increase my ss. My hubby told me to wake up once for tonight to pump can liao and let my nipple rest to recover. Cham lah! </font>
Hi mommies,
I went to Tagore today cos got Braun sale but the hand held blender sold out liaoz! It was going for $39. Cheaper than the BP. Sigh! Wasted trip.

So now I'm wondering if I should wait for Robinsons 20% sale or get from the BP. If get from BP, any west side mommies want to consolidate orders cos FOC delivery for 3 items.
Hey Mummies,

Today I also brought Kieran for his jab.. He's weighing at 8.2kg and is 69cm tall at 5months and 2 week old.
The boy is good.. didnt cry! kekekek...

hang in there gal!! Arielle will get well soon ya!!

ur rashes getting worse? poor mummy!! hope it'll go away very soon!

ur nipple bleed?? poor mummy!! ya, better to use BM to apply after ur pump and rest ur nipples more... hope u'll recover soon ya!

BB Claire is doing great!! seems she have the watery stools for v long le... hope she recovers soon too!

CH is doing GREAT!! He's really the champion liao!! kekeke
hehe..also briught my girl for her pneumo 2nd dose yesterday..my girl is 5 months and 1 week , weight 6.8kg and 67cm tall...PD said her weight not enough for her height wor..
wow... ur gal is really tall too!! weight not enough for height ah??? dont worry bah... i think healthy is good liao! besides, they r still growing so much... when r u starting solids? think tat will also help...

i'm starting cereal tomorrow le!! PD said I can start, so i decide to do so tomorrow!! kekeke... so exciting that i was taking out all the bowls, spoons, sipsters (cos' can also start giving water now)... wooohhh...

hopefully she will be tall when she grows up loh..keke.. i have started her with 1 meal on cereal mixed with milk. PD said to increase to 2 meals. My MIL also tried to feed her cereal with spoon today, she seems ok but slow..

good luck in your feeding session tomorrow..
ooohh.. u've started already ah!! good that she's taking it well... i'm so excited abt mine tomorrow!! :p

i also wish kieran will be tall when he grows up.. he was quite tall at 3mths.. but seems to have slowed down le.. *sob sob* hope he doesnt follow mummy n daddy.. :S
<font color="0077aa"><font face="tahoma">morning mummies!

i also brought my gal for 3rd 5-in-1 and rota ytd, weigh abt 7.2kg.. not much increase in height leh...

kylie, ur gal is tall...</font></font>
bb clare
Ya she been having watery stool for weeks. Today havent poo yet, not sure if still.

Nestle cereal
Mix w milk or water?
Mummies, how much BM /FM u add to cereals? Bryan seems very hungry even after i gave him 1ts of cereal leh..in the end had to top up 80ml of BM. Or next time i should jus give another ts of cereal?

1 tsp is not enough... that amount is just to complement his normal milk feed at the beginning. You should slowly increase the cereal amount and lower the milk feed amount until the former totally replaces the latter.

CH is now taking 3 tsp cereal and supplemented with 150ml BM. I'll slowly increase the former until it replaces 1 of his milk feeds.
