(2008/10) Oct 2008

yup paid liao. u can tt me back at posb 057-36590-0..

can get toothie pegs from ntuc finest at b2 at organic food section. cost slightly more than bp price..

<font color="#C24641"> kiwi
ya. but still like.. pai seh lor.. coz my hubby are those kind that if he really dun like u can detest u, he will gve u a black face. n i'm always the one who try to assure all the tins go right! but anyway, hack care la.. 'huo chu qu le'!! LOL!!!</font>
That should be the attitude! Don't think too much and be optimistic...Sunday will come and go very fast. You'll probably be too busy with your 3 darlings to realise any tension going on between them...
<font color="#C24641"> kiwi
but the prob is ar.. the chalet start on sun n end on wed. n thru out, my sister n hubby will be stayin!!
I am crying again! Arielle just poo while sleeping. I see the way she forced herself to poo even when she is sleeping,my heart hurts so much. I realy hope i am the one having the virus.
it is not a pose la! I was working next to her on the bed n she kept crawling over to my lappie! sometimes even over my lap! then her position v cute, so i quickly capture on my hp. who knows when i read the forum in the afternoon, u were talking abt erin pulling ur lappie!

n enjoy ur chalet lar. leave ur hubby n sis to exchange killer looks. u'll be busy enuff wif 3 kids!

yea mine's a dell. tell me abt heavy. it's like hard labour bringing the lappie to work with my PIS when my hubby not giving me a lift!

dimpletot, mousebb,
thanks! i find her v cute too. haha buay paiseh!

btw, i jus came back frm watching Confessions of A Shopaholic! Great feel-good movie! I got quite a few laughs too!
So many days together...that's abit tricky. Maybe you can try talking to your hubby these few days, for your sake, try not to make the situation so awkward. And also assure him that this will be the last time that you're doing your sis a favour. Hopefully he'll understand.
I can imagine how you're feeling. When we see our little ones ill, how we wish we can trade places with them. Do hope that Arielle will get well soon. Do you intend to bring her to the doc again coz her diarrohea had persisted for quite awhile already?
<font color="#C24641"> Trace
understand hw u feel *hugz*
my boy got it whn he was 3 yrs old n he keep tellin me he cnt control the poo frm comin out. i know u feel heartache n helpless. as in seein our sweetie suffer, but we cnt do anytin. did the doc told u whn will it stop? if get too serious, better send her to KKH. as they are all professional in children.

LOL!!! but so nice leh all her pose!!! got hair clip some more!!! LOL!!!</font>
Hi Mummies,
Ribenali here reporting!!!
My hubby went back to his "niang jia" tonite coz tmr he gg to sweep tomb at 6am. he dun wanna wake me up accidentally- i'm a light sleeper, so he went back. Freedom!!!

*hugz* May Arielle has a speedy recovery.

aiyo, Izzy looks very much like u! so pretty.

Me too!!! juz came back from movie. I watch Jackie Chan's show. Its very nice n always so exciting.

Looking forward to watch, X-men n Transformers!
<font color="#C24641"> Penny
wa.. shuang la... go watch movie!!! LOL!!! i wanna watch leh.. hubby dun wan..
he say wan watch the X-men. </font>
I will tt to you tmr morning. Thanks for your help. Will you be going? I went to btp today to zap some stuff for hubby. Then I bought the polka dot diaper cover and some tees for bb to wear at home. Cheap. Will go and get the toothie pegs when I'm there next time.
Dun cry. Big hugz. Its always heart pain for mummies when we see our babies in pain. arielle will get well soon.
I like the hairclip too...doesn't it stay on Izzy's head? Thought of getting some hairclips for my girl but I'm not sure if it'll clip well.
<font color="#C24641"> kiwi
missed out ur post.
will try to tok to him lor. he understand but just cnt tahan her. </font>
well izzy likes to use her head to help her move across the bed. the hairclip tends to get messed up. But otherwise, it stays on quite well.

omg, House is looking quite scary now...
hehee, i mean the TV show on Channel 5, HOUSE. Showing a medical case of a mother and baby. Baby almost died twice as mother tries to kill him.
Cheerbear- BB Shawn sooo cute and handsome!! Luv his big round eyes!! ;)

XY- BB Marcus though slim down but is still as charming and cheeky!! ;)

Ruffles- Vicky is so pretty and sweet! Is tat outfit from Baby Fox...? *keke* Thought I saw it at Fox b4... ;)

Essana- Bb Izzy looks soo sweet and awww I'm jealous of her hair! Still can put hairclip lor..unlike my girl..now Botak...so no hairclips for her...Booo...!

jolly- Hope bb Ashton has a speedy recovery! ;)

Trace- Awww feel u...when bbs fall sick, we mummies the most xin ku one...wish we were the one unwell than them...I'm sure bb Arielle will recover soon de! Cheer up mummy!

mint- I oso ordered tingkat from LeXin..Mine is lunch...Think Enya mummy oso ordered from Lexin..;) Till now I think still alright lor...acceptable lah.. at least I dun ve to crack my brains on wat to eat everyday! ;p
Mine is 4dishes...change from the 3dishes 1 soup to 4 dishes instead.... ;)
Their soup is alright, at least I dun feel thirsty aft drinking...;)

jellypurin- Hey mummy... u posted out all the rompers le issit?? Hmmmm all mummies received urs orie?? I haven le...OOps hope wun get lost in the mail! *touchwood*

Sophie Giraffe teether:
I got mine and my girl's expression is sooo farnie when she chewed and licked the giraffe..!! *LOL* Think she not yet teething or itchy gums tats why not as keen to suck/chew on the teether...Hope she likes it!! Else waste my $$$... ;p
<font color="#C24641"> Penny &amp; Nicky
ya. chalet thing n between sister n hubby tin lor. worried leh...
i nvr been so worried b4.
aiya.. dun care liao la.. go slp liao la.. worried also no use. cnt turn back or stop the time.

nitey mummies. go slp liao la.. bye bye...
Hi Rebecca,
everything will be fine! Don't think so much! Your hubby should get over it in no time!

Hi mint &amp; ruffles,
thanks for answering my question. I am giving cereal now and I think have to start porridge soon since his 2 bottom teeth are out and he is rejecting milk when left 20 ml.
What's the BP url?

hello mummies
sorry, im late today
almost fell asleep. went to dermatologist today for my rashes outbreak. doc gave me a medicine that cause drowsiness. sigh i couldn't open my eyes after taking it.
