(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Mint
Me too, like the "unlimited cancellations" from this caterer cos I understand some caterers only allow a max of 2 days nia.</font>
OMG! and to think people feel sorry for maids who get abused. They probably did it first then the parents get so mad and do it back to them.
Mint, I am not sure about Ivin's rates cos they dun deliver to my area. How's four season's? I wanted to get Mum's cooking but its double the mkt rate! Abt webcam, that's exactly what my hubs want to set up. His mobile phone is like an extension of his arm!

BB Shouting, I think our little ones just found their voices so the shouting or screaming is amusing to them. Read that they love hearing their own voices. My gal has evolved from shouting to wanting to hold conversations wt me. She will babble and wait for me to answer her and then she will babble back!!
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">XY and Jelly,
PD didnt say anything... this is not our regular PD. Dr Koh is on leave hence went to Dr Vella instead. Both from SBCC AMK.

re : child abuse
I cant view youtube in office! arrggghhhh</font></font>
<font color="#C25283"> Busy Bee
so u memtion in the mornin de.. is ur frens kids la? aiyo!!! poor gal leh... haiz.....
busy bee
OMG. i just watched abit, i cant take it... i feel so much for the little ger. ya, i hope the maid is in the hands of the police for child abuse
u noe her mum? she should be very upset bah
this maid really bu shi ren. she is just a little gal why she vent anger to her.
same as Jelly, hope this maid is on police hand nw &amp; better let her taste the cane
<font color="#C25283"> seriously i feel like killin the maid leh.. really!!! if i were to show my hubby this. i can tell u.. all the "san zi jing" will be out frm his mouth n he will curse n swear the maid!!</font>
oh dear, the poor girl must have been badly hurt! So vicious.
goodness, wonder if the employer was very mean to the maid.
Some employers are also just as bad, starve the maid etc, then they dare not report cos need to pay debts etc.
screaming babies

My boy also likes to scream.now his voice is very hoarse leh...hope it wun be permanent...is this screaming thing a phrase that all babies go thru?

maid abuse

I am not going to look at the video...i will cry...in singapore women would not be caned rite?..hope the maid gets her retribution. This is a cruel world...
that f~~~king maid! she actualy stood on the baby's back!! shesssssssssh.

i will kill her, if i'm the mother.
If I'm the mother, I will ask the maid to jump off the building right in front of my very eyes. When I'm angry, I can really go crazy and the most morbid thing will not even faze me.
My hair just stood on the ends when I watched it. grrr! Feel so angry that the maid would do such a thing to a poor and innocent girl.
imagine i was going to scream at the maids yesterday for chatting while the poor 1 yo was going to fall down at the height of my eyes..

i think i can murder this maid
hi all!
pop by to say hi! hardly time to come in nowadays coz got training in office, else be taking care of tanya. then all the breaks i must pump milk, rush like crazy! and my pump output quite disappointing, despite taking fenugreek + mothers milk tea + mothers horlicks!
so baby now on mix breastmilk + formula. hai bo pian lor

XY>> aiyo tanya oso hate her car seat! lucky is infant car seat so she gonna outgrow soon. hope she more guai in the priori child seat we got her. do update how the roadtrip went ok?

screaming>> ya tanya oso got this phase. but her voice not hoarse one leh. but my eardrums gonna burst liao...

maid thing>> o dear, i dun dare to see. very jia lat is it

outing>> wow! another outing liao??
Jus watched the maid abuse and am crying. Feel so sad for the child. Hope she gets her retribution. Read the child ended up with a broken back bone?! This kind of woman I feel should not just be pushed off the building. She should be sliced bit by bit, and tortured the exact way!
<font color="#C25283"> mummies
i watch the clip again. i cried. this time round i cnt control my tears.

just imagine she actually urinate! can u imagine he frighten she is?! she might need to go thru counselling u know. hope nxt time whn she grow up, she wont hve the fear in her.
<font color="#C25283"> i wish i can make a voodoo doll n stab her n also at the same time.. get a black magic witch or bomoh to cast a spell on the maid!!!!!! but cnt.. christian cnt do that..</font>
<font color="#C25283"> EY
no ar.. still can view leh.. i show it to my cousin n aunt. nw waiting for their reply.</font>
bbl...i just burnt the rice while watching this stupid video.
such a coincidence of talking abt maid this morning.
<font color="#C25283"> EY
yup. i save it for my hubby to watch. wanna see hw he react. i guess he's react will be:'wat to do, there are too many such cases.' n his facial expression will be.. NO FACIAL EXPRESSION!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
I dont want to see those clips cos I know i will be very upset and angry when I see it. Our govt should have imposed a heavy punishment on these cases.</font>
<font color="#C25283"> mousebb
ya. but i cnt help leh.. i'm those kaypo type de.. hehe... but 1 tin good is ar.. see liao hor... makes me tink thrice X 100 whether i wan a maid ant. </font>
that's why lor. Not safe to leave young children with maids. If the child older, know how to complain, maybe better. So young, very dangerous.
<font color="#C25283"> XY
nt all kids will complain de. my son ar.. kena shouted ar. i walk out ask him.. 'so and so shout at u is it?' know wat he reply? 'no la.. i keep toys.' *FAINT!!!!!*</font>

<font color="#C25283"> show my hubby the clip liao.. i know him well.. all my guess of his expression is... BINGO! but i missed out 1 tin.. he call out a "AIYO!! Y LIKE THIS?!"</font>
