(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">EY,
*cry* 1 &amp; 1/2 yrs!!! think i mayb as botak as my Nat is now then @_@''

Wah...$180 for hairgrow lotion isn't it ex? =P</font>

that's the norm price... i even saw dermalogist for that problem, no use de... maybe we shd hv BP for Yun Nan or Bee Choo. lili is using Bee Choo's treatment, i wonder how she feels abt it...
Jelly, someone mentioned to me that the HOYU brand is quite good. My hair is dropping lesser now since I chopped it off, but I hate the white hair and dun want to keep colouring, Does the HOYU one help with White hair?
busy bee
the BP products are mainly to combat scalp issues that results in hairloss, so i dun think it combats white hair in particular. but hvg said that, some pple blieve that white hair is also a form of scalp problem. i guess no harm trying... our crowning glory almost all gone leh!
busy bee
how much is bee choo? where is she located? hiaz, i could nv catch up with these sort of treatments... too lazy to go, i rather sracpbook! haha... ya, but shampoos and all, i dun mind
<font color="0000ff">sleep pattern:
any of your bb will juz wake up for awhile &amp; go back to sleep after a pat or pacifier?
sigh...these 2 nites, beside the routine feed, my Nat will wake up 1 or 2 times for a pat &amp; pacifier *yawn*</font>
<font color="#C25283"> Jelly &amp; Busy bee
YN hw much? heard frm lots of frens that it only meant for 'you qian tai tai' to go. SAHM 'mei qian' go there help them sweep floor. LOL!!!</font>
rebby does that tome all the time but as long as she can fall aslp after a pat and paci... i am v thankful leh!

not sure le...

busy bee
Maids looking after bb
Yah, call me narrow-minded but I don't trust them enough to look after my precious ones, including my dogs. In the Nov thread, there was a friend of a mummy whose maid actually threw her 18months old baby purposely onto the floor because she was angry with her employer. So scary!! Lucky the baby knows how to break her fall. I know my girl will not know.

I mean, not all are like that. But when they're so bogged down with work, and get frustrated, yet can't vent their frustrations towards employers, naturally they would vent them on the children. Scary! Why take that risk on your loved ones?
hi mummies!!
remember yesterday i told you about my ex-colleague. well, i didn't reply her sms today.. now she sms me again and then sent me an email attaching some docs asking for help again.... grrr!!
<font color="aa00aa">Joanne
Just tell her that you are busy with your bb and no time to log in! Just ignore her.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
Me also just as narrow minded as you! I have no choice so I have to let my maid take care of the dogs but I would as and when do spot-check on her! The maid used to bring one of my fav bull terrier go for evening walk at the estate but then we realised she would take a super long walk cos she would use the opportunity to go chat with other maids which we caught her a few times le. Since then, my hubby stopped her from bringing the dog out liao.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Joanne,
juz ignore her, i think she is juz too much liao. Even email docs to u when u have already left the co. She is still getting paid, u r not leh.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Karen, Mousebb,
1 of the maid we had, fed our family dog sotong from the leftover dinner!!! End up our family dog itch all over, so poor thing

She think she is pampering the dog wor @_@''</font>
Oh either my husband or I will accompany maid to walk the dogs at night. It used to be the 3 of us. Now because bb usually would wake up during that time, I have left the walking to my husband. She only cleared the urine in the morning and cook for my dogs. Dare not expect too much from her. And worse than children, the dogs never would complain!
<font color="aa00aa">Busy bee
I order for 2 pax and I should say the portion is just nice. Dont know if they offer a trial anot. I take the asian delight one so that mu son wont be tired of eating rice everyday.</font>
jelly, mousebb, jjmom,
ok. will try to ignore her.. i also think she's really too much. when i was on maternity leave she also do the same. i think she just wants me to solve and then tell supervisor that she solved it.
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom
My sil used to give leftover food to our dogs and when I knew about it, I stopped her from doing it cos human food may be too salty for the dogs and some dogs' skin are sensitive. And I warned my maid not to do it too. The chicken breast meats which I give to the dogs everyday are also boiled ones.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Karen
My fav bull terrier is too old to walk le and he is lazy too. I remember a few years back when I was the one walking him, sometimes he would suddenly refused to walk and just stayed in the middle of the road. I had to pull and drag him. At times I even have to carry him home.</font>
<font color="0000ff">mousebb,
yah, i will also give the meat tat i use to boil soup to my dog (b4 i put in the salt)

the really crazy 1 is my fil, he add soya sauce to his dogs' meal (a mixture of dog's dry &amp; wet food &amp; their leftover dinner), saying it will taste nicer for them *faint*</font>
isit that when dogs get older, they are all like this? my mom's 10yo maltese had been depressed ever since rebby came back home and my mom had to look after her full time. sometimes, we caught the dog "fa dai"... so sad
paging for dimpletot,

i shld b getting the blender, am waiting for forest..she wanan go best denki n see wads best for her. Will pm u when we cfm the orders, hehe we hv 3 orders so got free delivery
<font color="aa00aa">Jelly
Maybe you dog is jealous over rebby. My fav bull terrier was like that when we first intro wenxuan to him. I feel sad too that I have no time to take care of him now but I have no choice.</font>
hehe.. really tempted to do that.. anyway, i just sms her. told her i forgot it already. hopefully she won't sms me again.
sadz lor... she had been like this since my mom is busy w rebby... hiaz... like u say, no choice

paging for lili
pls text me and let me know what time u cmg to get ur loot, k?
reading the posts about dogs, i miss mine. ever since i came here my dog got neglected by my fam. then when my SIL gave birth my bro didn't want my dog to be inside the house cause his fur kept on shedding and he almost bit the bb cause my dog got jealous. so they placed him outside the house. last december my dog ran away from home.
Springles, noted.

Venue : MeraPrime Tiong Bahru
Date : 18 April 09 Saturday (confirmed)
Time : 4pm

1 Monyetnakal
2 Joanne Tan + BB Rianne + HB (HB not sure.. might be pai seh again)
3 lili
4 xinying + BB Marcus
5 pildough
6 dumbo + Hubs + Bb Kaitlyn
7 Jill + BB Zoe
8 whitepaper
9 mint + Regina + Mr mint
10 springles + BB Elena + HB
11 Diane + BB Ethan
12 jengcc + BB Kyra + Hb
13 Jollyhoppy + BB Ashton + DH
14 Kylie + BB meixuan
15 Wan Chuen + BB Kaijie
16 Forest + BB Kieran
17 Purpleangel
18 Trace + bb arielle + hb
19 Ruffles + HB + Baby Victoria
20 Mousebb + Hb + Bb wenmin + wenxuan
21 BBgoh + Hb + Bb Seline
22 Rebecca + BB Erin. (hubby vry wishy washy la.. ai mai ai mai..)
23 Thebusybee+minibee (maybe hubs also wishy washy!! hahaha)
<font color="aa00aa">Joanne
I can understand how you feel *hugz*. Eversince my bil's family moved back home, one of my dogs which is free to roam about have to be locked up too cos whenever my bil drives in and the dog happened to be near the gate would take the opportunity to run out the house and the maid would have to give chase. My bil bo chap and closed the gate. I was so upset with them but I cannot blow up mah so told the maid to lock up the dog. </font>
Mousebb, do you just give your dogs plain boiled chix breast? I recently started cooking for my dogs. Interested to know what others are feeding their pooches.

Jelly, Yeah my dogs also I think feel neglected or jealous. Since I started cooking for them they seem happier.

Joanne, so sad... Cheer up k.
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
I still give dog food to the dogs. Chicken breast meats (plain boiled) is bonus to them and I also give them boiled broccoli and potatoes as well for their dinner. For breakfast, I give them breads and sometimes would give them pound cakes too. </font>
mousebb... we are totally off kibbles for them now. I cook poach salmon with brown rice, apples, carrots,corn, peas, veg (sometimes bok choy, brocolli). They love it. Poop not so stinky as compared to when they on kibbles. Now I like weaning bbs and dogs at the same time. So funny
<font color="aa00aa">Busy bee
What to do? They are our "kids" too!

My dogs are not too fat, just nice lah
Rebecca, yeah my dogs very good life. I eat tingkat they eat poach salmon and organic food lor.... hahhaa. They used to go for mud baths for their sensitive skin last time! But now no time to bring them. So I am will be DIY-ing for them.

<font color="0000ff">mousebb, no lah, not me but my fil to his dogs.

busybee, tat's what my sis does too. She cook more when she prepare for my niece &amp; give the extra &amp; my niece's leftover food to her dog
usually fish + veg oatmeal</font>
