(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="aa00aa">Nickypower
Yes, there is one on 3rd floor if I remember correctly, just next to the lifts.</font>

<font color="#C25283"> Mousebb
haha... just nice ar.. guess u got bring them out often to exercise la.. if nt hw to be just nice.. i kept dogs b4.. so i know.

Busy Bee
WA!! organic some more!!! good life la...!</font>
there is nursing room there..but hor, only 1 room which got lock de..then the rest r common area where babies change their diapers
yalor.. so sad.. now i'm asking my hubby for a dog but he doesn't want. and i don't like my bro's dogs. he got 2 belgian shepherds and he got them trained as attack dogs. scare me to death just to go near them.
<font color="0000ff">mousebb, hmm...u can say he is a dog lover but in his old fashion way loh

Joanne, so sorry abt your dog *hugz*

I feel bad abt neglecting my dog eversince having Nat but really bobian</font>
thanks! will try to post a pic of him here soon.. he looks like a siberian husky but he is a mixed breed (pomeranian and japanese spitz).
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
No lah, no exercise for them. I myself also no time to exercise le how to bring them?

Wow! Attack dogs are fierce! It really depends a lot on the dog owners. Mine are bull terriers but they are very adorable and gentle as compared to other bull terriers cos my hubby refused to train them as attack dogs but want them to have the loving characters instead.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">JJmom
My grandpa who kept dogs before also think the same way as your fil. He said must give rice, give meat to the dogs so that they can have enough energy. Last time he also gave the leftover to his dogs.

busy bee
Forget to tell you I give hard boiled eggs to the dogs too
for me i prefer loving dogs as well. don't want attack dogs. but the girl one is quite sweet. everytime she sees me she will jump (cause she saw my dog do that everytime.. so she followed). but she's quite big.. and her nails quite long also. always get scratched when she do that. the boy one.. don't want to go near him at all. very fierce.
missing for few days. am down with stomach flu &amp; diarrhoea... mc till fri (4days)...
going to take a nap soon. bye &amp; enjoy yr wkends!
Mousebb, hmmm idea! Eggs good source of protein, i will add into their food!! Btw bull terriers are my hubs favourite breed. Mine is westies and daschunds. Wanted a daschund but got preggers so no more dogs for now....

Joanne, So scary why train as attack dogs. Get a small one like a silky or daschund? Daschunds very docile.
busy bee,
cause my bro says the neighbourhood near our house not so safe one. so he got them trained as attack dogs just in case. then i told him.. train as attack dogs for what when you keep them in a cage and they only listen to you. but it's his money and his dogs leh.. so cannot do anything.

teething giraffe:
looks so cute.. tempted to buy... but quite ex..

ask you mummies... does your bbies scream a lot? mine has been doing so for the past couple of days. if she doesn't see us she will scream and scream. if we don't carry her or play with her she will cry liao.

get well soon!
teething giraffe,
So cute. So tempted to get one... Any baby using that now?

My boy loves to scream these days. Real loud. And cannot leave him alone to play anymore. Think since 5month old, becomes notti.
giraffe teether
i bought! git permission from hubby! haha

get well soon! do pme me abt the time to collect ur loot if cmg on sat

my ger SCREAMS! she screams mostly at bath time, clothes change and when no one carries here!

i bought from happykae. there is another one but $13 more expensive and i dun think for FOC reg postage
My boy screams too...when he's excited, angry, bored, happy and etc...my bro has been complaining about how noisy my son is whenever I called to check on my boy...haha...
hmm... interesting topic. Maybe my next assignment can be that then borrow yours for a peek. heehee!

Oh my! What a horrid maid. It's when I hear horror stories like these that makes me glad that I'm home for Regina and not subject her to all these psychos out there.

How much is Ivin's tingkat?

Ok, let's see if can get one more person to order.

How do you find the food from lexin? I just started on four seasons catering on Monday. So far the food has been quite good. Think not much msg cos not thirsty after eating. But I still like mom's cooking... the soup is really yummy. But it's really too ex. Sigh!

The webcam that my hubby set up is just a camera placed in Regina's room but can see from computer and hp if your hp supports wireless. No sound.

Yes go complain about her and get her fired. I'm actually still quite sore about my manicure incident.
glad to know i'm not alone. mine also screams a lot ever since she hit 5mos which was just a few days ago. really loud le. my hubby say she's also become very naughty now. she will only quiet down when we carry her or play with her or if she sees something new.
Mine started screaming after 5months old too...when he gets excited he'll also 'slap' his own thighs or whoever/whatever he gets his hands on...
<font color="aa00aa">lili
Rest well and get well soon.

On lexin's website, it states no msg in the food and low salt and use pure veg oil. That's why I order from them since my son is sharing food with us. I only started yesterday nia. Hubby said the food not bad. How much did you pay for the four seasons catering? </font>
<font color="aa00aa">re: bb scream
My xiao jie used to be a "screamer" but nowadays she changed a lot le. Think she really think herself a xiao jie bah! </font>
Actually my boy just makes lots of noise...not those ear screeching screams....he only 'AHHHH' for a long time...consider screaming? He's super talkative...can 'talk' from Bishan all the way to Punggol...
i just let her be! i dun really carry her all the time - the mkt spoilers are my parents... i do however let her scream for a short while before i go n entertain her and rest my arms
<font color="aa00aa">elch
My gal is talkative. She likes us to talk to us and then she respond. PD said she is very responsive.</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">Hi ladies

Brought Nat for her last 6 in 1 jab. She weighs 7.7kg and she's 66cm tall.

She only gained 0.2kg and grew 1cm over 1 mth

PD gives go ahead to start on semi-solid</font></font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mint
I see. Initially I took the Family deluxe at $195 (2 pax) + $5 microwavable containers + $20 rice for 20 days but then i called them up last evening to ask for the asian delight one instead. They would let me know how much to top up today. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Mspiggy
Dont worry. Nat has good weight. I guess the growth rate for girls is slower. My gal also slowed down since birth. </font>
<font color="#C25283"> mousebb
LOL!!! u look aft kids is consider exercise liao ma..

re:BBs screaming
YES!!! Erin scream alot too! she will cry n scream at thne same time! sometime hubby cnt tahan. she scream until so loud that my hubby say..'u faster go shower! shower liao faster carry ur bao bei away! if nt, sooner or later my ear will go deaf!'</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
My hubby said the same as you but then this type of exercise very slow to reduce weight mah.</font>
i see.. i think i'm the spoiler.. hehe.. always carry her.. anyway, gotta go for a while.. rianne screaming again. going to carry her liao.. talk to you guys later..
<font color="#C25283"> mousebb
haha.. patients. wait till u the both of them starts to run! i can tell u! hw u wish that u can stay at hme n glue ur butt onto a comfy sofa or go out ALONE!!</font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">Jellypurin,
just worried why her growth slowed down so much.

maybe so... my boy seems to have better growth.</font></font>
My bro tells me he actually places my boy in the stroller and makes him 面壁思过!So my boy ends up talking to the wall and screams for attention shortly after!
dun have to worry lah. PD say ok right? My boy's growth also slowing down. So much that i think he actually looks thin now.
I just went to lexin's website and the menu looks not bad. I think I will try it after my trial with four seasons. Heehee! And I saw that they allow unlimited cancellations.
Nowadays, Marcus hates the car seat. Put him inside nia he'll cry all the way till we carry him. Sigh... how to survive the drive up to KL on Good Friday??!!
dun worry! i trust that we all hope our bb grow well and i guess pd says she's sd, she's gd!

wahaha... ur bro v gao xiao
<font color="aa00aa">elch
At this stage, our bb needs lots of attention from us esp when they see nobody around, they would start to scream le. My gal does that too when we leave her alone.</font>

going KL again? hv a gd one... think if u all can tahan the cries, marcus wld probably be too tired leh and fall aslp...gd luck to u on the way to KL
