(2008/10) Oct 2008

Thks! YuP,arielle is taken care by my mil. Not sure where she got this running nose, intestine virus. will get this virus even stranger touches her? My milk for her r fresh bm, i hardly gave her fbm unless not enuff for the day. Am using blue egg milkbags oso. pd oso worried she dehydrated so said i can gv her rice porridge water,its gd for tummy. Yet to gv her cos tdy she kinda cranky aft the pd visit.

The 42 bucks is gd enuff for puree. If u want to do like meat, mayb the 80 plus one is gd too. But so far ruffles bot the 42 one,she said gd enuff. Am getting dat, cos hse still got those bigger blender. If u want can let dimpletot or me noe, we r consolidating orders

Gd morning mommies - TGIF!!!

Trace - Hope Arielle gets better. Poor gal and poor mommy.

Dimpletot - Tampines One Gathering: Shall we do that later? Not keen to jostle w the crowds when it newly opens and I think there will be crowds even on weekdays. Let's KIV till after our 18 Apr gathering?

Everafter - the blender is to puree fresh fruits / veg / porridge for yr bb. I find it useful. The off the rack jars need not be pureed again.
sure! Mid may might be good. I might go earlier to recce the place since so near. Eastie mums lemme know if u keen to pop there too.

Nicky and EY
lemme know when u all going to town next wk. If I can make it, will join! Kate is so much easier to manage outside the house.... Where u all thinking of going? City hall(from nicky's qns) ?

thanks for info! I go city hall so often but didn't know there was one in basent! Been squeezing in the 3rd fl one. Revamped basement so nursing rm should be sweeeeeeee....
morn all!
Got a recipes book by Annabel Karmel from borders yesterday after clinic. Stomach flu and diarrhoea still. Sigh.

Sorry i need to postpone another week cos not well. Hope is ok. Or should i get my hubby to pick up from u this sunday?
Morning mummies,

Hope Arielle get well soon.. Try to apply desitin cream on her butt ya.. I'm sure she will feel the pain as she keep LS...
<font color="#C24641"> mummies
please allow me to rant here! Thanks alot!

haiz... dis coming sun my hubby is opening a chalet. now he is vry angry n fed n refuse to reply my SMS.
all this thanks to my sister.

she promise to share the $180 n pay us back on this comin sun. but now she gve me an excuse that her manager hold on to her pay!
so which is mean she can only get her pay back 2nd or 3rd wk of April.
n i feel like she play me out!
i did cfm with her that whether she can afford to pay us back ant. i ask her a few times liao. he keep tellin me YES, YES, YES! but now.. tins turn out like this.
hubby got fed n told me that this will be the last time he open chalet.
to be honest, my sister already own me $400+ liao. n coz of that, hubby scold me like hell.
my Aunt nag at me askin me y dun ask frm her. i did hint her, but she keep givin excuse.

mummies, tell me wat should i do? i dun wan to quarrel with my hubby coz of my sister. nt worth it. n she treat me like a fool.. i said that coz i know her too well.
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911"><font size="+1">Good morning!</font>

re : MAID
I teared when I saw the clip! That maid needs to be CANED and SHOT! Is it in Singapore? Anyone knows?

Even if her employeer is ill-treating her, she cant vent on the young kid. she's so innocent! Wonder what damages will she suffer after this.

Hope Arielle is better now. Use Desitin on her bum, will recover very fast!</font></font>
<font face="tahoma"><font color="119911">Rebecca,
Hugs.... dont be affected by this. Your hubby will understand. He's just angry at a moment only. </font></font>
try and rest when u can... i know the frequent diaper change and a fussy baby is tiring... hang on there! am sure arielle will be better by today.

i know that both sides are pple you love and sometimes, money is really the root of all evil. having said that, i feel your sis needs to come to terms that it's her word as her bond and if she plays u all out like this all the time, then that's it - no more family chalets next time. as for your hubs, tell him as well this is the last one leh. no more sharing chalets - at least w ur sis...hugz
<font color="#C24641"> mspiggy &amp; Jelly
thanks. for concern.

finally hubby reply my SMS. he told me now shooting gun. i was so sad n feel like cryin just now but the moment i saw his SMS, i become LOL!! "shooting gun" get wat i mean.. hehe...

yup. told him this will be last. no more ler. all this thanks to HER!

yeah i am at work, cant afford to keep taking leave. cos am taking leave on 23 &amp; 24, MIL gog malaysia..then am taking 2 weeks again in may for my tour...
<font color="#C24641"> Trace
aiyo.. u more 'ke lian' den me. *hugz*

ask the caregiver to monitor her. if the med din stop her prob. guess u need to bring her to doc again. LS is nt a joke! as they are too young to express themselve.
<font color="0077aa">good morning mummies

Oh No.. LS?? hope Arielle get well soon.
poor gal &amp; mummy.. </font>
<font color="0077aa">Trace
u still have to go bk to work?? must be so worry, rite?

have you post out the rompers? i worry if its missing. if haven then nvr mind</font>
don be upset ya.. Yr hb will understand at the end of the day.. He's just angry now for awhile...

Poor Arielle.. maybe u can try to give FM?? since BM contains alot of water??
<font color="#C24641"> bbgoh
as long as u gve the RIGHT addy den nt a prob.

du be like me. gve out the wrong unit number n thats' it! up till nw i still din receive my diaper cover n no news frm kylie.
Oh dear, what I'm going through now is nothing compared to you. Sending virtual hugs your way!

Disposable diapers
Mummies using these - how often do you change your diapers? If they don't poo? Sorry ha ha. Using it for the whole day today!

my 10 winks will b soon, cos i need to go for my pump :p


ya monitoring, doc asked us to monitor her poo oso..see got any blood, if hv muz bring back to her immediately



usually i will change for her aft 4hrs..am worried abt rashes..n usually will air her butt for a while before wearing a new pcs
in my next life i think i wanna b a dad rather than a mum!

my hub though is worried but he is more relaxed than me! wondering hw he did it!
<font color="#C24641"> Tweety
ya. thanks for concern. hubby told me he is angry with me but angry with her coz of her empty promises.

i change my Erin 3-4 hourly. but change my Gracia 2-3 hourly whn she was a BB coz her butt sensitive. got nappy rash easily.

ic. just monitor her ba. u take care ya..
<font color="0077aa"><font face="tahoma">morning mummies!

for day time, will change every 4-5 hrs... if not too heavy.. won't change.. nite time... thru out the nite since 9+...</font></font>
<font color="#C24641"> Trace
LOL!!! ur hubby same same as mine la.. i ask him y. he told me that wat can he do? he's nt a doc. anytin happen, bring to doc n see wat doc say la.. rather den keep tinkin n makin wild guessing.. no point ma.. i dunno if ur hubby tink this way too ant. hehe...
<font color="aa00aa">Trace
Hope Arielle is feeling better today.

Xiaojie and da kor are very good today! They poo before I bathe them.

<font color="0000ff">what a way to start a friday morning
juz saw the video clip *cry* cannot imagine if it happen to my Nat &amp; what will i do to tat maid!</font>
<font color="0000ff">Karen, don't feel bad abt changing maid coz u r the 1 who needs to work closely with her so u will know better.

&amp; i always believe it's better not to drag if u r not comfortable with the maid in whatever way, don't risk it.

Yupz, i understand the emotional stress of changing maid, super sianzzz &amp; u feel a little gulity but bobian
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
Dont feel sad. I believe your hubby doesnt want your sis to "take advantage" of you and that's why he is angry. </font>
<font color="0000ff">Trace,
hope Arielle gets well soon. Try not to get too worried thou i know it's almost impossible

Same thing abt my hubby, he also take things with Nat better than me, at least he is CALMER. May not be a bad thing lah, at least some1 have to stay calm to get things done properly =P</font>
<font color="#C24641"> mousebb
ya. guess so. he dun like my sister since the 1st time he saw her.. until nw. dunno for hw many yrs liao man!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Rebecca
A few years back my elder sis also owed me a few hundred dollars and still outstanding till today and I have given up on her liao. My hubby doesnt like me to lend her any more money. Since I'm not working liao then I can tell her off if she ask me to lend her money again. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">Xiaojie is tired of rice cereals liao. How? Am not going to give up. Will continue to feed her some everyday.</font>

<font color="0000ff">Rebecca,
understand u must feel bad to in the storm between your hubby &amp; your sis.

Sometime i also face something like tat with my hubby &amp; my sis/mom. Coz my hubby don't like to do things unplanned &amp; last min but both my sis &amp; mom r like tat 1
Sometime i also stress when arranging for things like family gathering &amp; stuff =P</font>
