(2008/10) Oct 2008


i think you need inserts for it. but its 1 size. bb can wear till older.

I will get a few for sumo too.

Diane/pregnant with twin
you heard of the story of the boy who cried wolf?

you better wear some protective gear if you go for next oct thread gathering.

Some comments:
We love bumGenius! diapers! The new colors are so gorgeous. They fit great, don't wick (even after 12 hours overnight - wow!), are easy to use, trim, and don't leave any red marks!

I've heard that they stain for some, but we haven't had any staining whatsoever, but we use a Mini-Shower.

A note about wicking - we switched to a front loading washing machine, and switched detergents at the same time. About a week later, we experienced wicking and a lot of leaking for the first time. We finally switched back to regular Tide, and just use less for our HE washer. Since we switched back, the wicking stopped. So, if you're having any leaking, I would highly recommend switching detergents. bumGenius! diapers are the most leak-free diaper we've ever tried, hands down.

They seem to start fitting babies around 12 lbs.

We also experienced wicking when using any Free or Clear detergent (like Tide Free, All Free and Clear, Method). These diapers are the most leak-free diapers we've ever tried. But, use the wrong detergent, and the suedecloth becomes like a rubber sheet! The Free and Clear detergents also seemed to make the velcro less effective.

All in all, a great diaper and they really save a lot of money! I'm not sure if they would fit toddlers with super long rises. My husband loves them! :)
I have been using bumGenius one-size diapers since my son was a few months old. Had I known about these before investing in a large lot of pre-folds and covers, I would have gone exclusively with the bumGenius.

They are wonderful all around. They are durable (I am still using many of my originals two years later), adjustable from birth to potty training, super absorbent and can be tailored to your child's absorbency needs, easy to use, and easy to care for. The 3.0 version is the BEST with the addition of the top ridge of PUL to keep moisture from wicking onto child's shirt and the newborn sized insert.

love these diapers. They are my husbands favorite too. I use prefolds at home but use BG's for going out and nightime. I have NEVER had a leak with them and my daughter is a very heavy wetter. Mine get washed daily and hold up GREAT. I will be buying many many more of them!
I bought the first one to try it out and loved it and then the next I got them when they were on sale. I absolutely love these diapers. I bought two more used...I am going to buy a few more to top up my stash. I use ""amaze"" when I am rinsing the diapers and they get rid of all the stains...they come out beautifully clean and then I wash with tide and last rinse is with vinegar which takes out any residue left and it works beutifully. Oh yeah and I use a liner(kushies) doesn't stain as much and makes poop clean up a breeze. I just adore this diaper and I can see it lasting for a lot longer on her as it has a great rise unlike the rumparooz( which I love as well but seem tiny for a one size diaper). Dont hesitate to buy this diaper.
LOVE these diapers!

You need a special detergent for them, but other then that super easy to care for,(but if you get country save from london drugs, its really cheap) they stay on better then disposables(my baby shows bum crack in disposables). They only leak if his little winki is pointing the wrong way or if he has a very long night, which even disposables leak then, So i think they are wonderful. Stuffing them is so quick and easy. I like the fact that they recommend just a dry diaper pail !!!!!wonderful!!!!!.

TIP- I rinse them once in cold water before taking out the inserts, because i rinse in cold and then wash in hot with an extra rinse. They come out way cleaner then if i wash cold then rinse in hot twice (like they recommend), it comes out way cleaner, my wash machine actually has setting so i dont have to keep going back to it and i dont have to touch pee liners after the diaper change (cause then how do you wash your hands with out touching your baby when you cant leave them on the change table. Or i don't have to touch them when they have been sitting and the smell is intense. I feel like these diapers are a win win for me and the environment..

I am a first time mom and would recommend these diapers to any first time mom or first time cloth diaperer

<font color="ff0000">sorry for long post, mummies</font>
i tried that too.

i even tried diaper cover+stuff nappy inside.
when bb starts to crawl and move, urine will leak

i have more than 12 trefold diapers sleeping in the cupboard :p + 2 diaper covers plus 6 drybees
Diane - U are really cute!
Thanks for bringing so much cheer to our already very exciting group of mommies. XY is right - u better bring more protection at our next gathering.

EY - is this bumgenius more suited to when we potty train our bubs? Cos me lazy to wash diapers ..

Mint - Can I park my man to yr man at the gathering so he can learn how to install the web cam for our baby room? hahah. I learnt that men need to have a 'purpose' wherever they go ... so they feel useful.

dimpletot - yea let's go. You mean it's open already that Tampines Mall???
Mint, yeah I was also telling my hubs he should find out how to install the webcam from Mr Mint!!

Tampines One Outing.... I am in!
<font color="0077aa"><font face="tahoma">I'm on for tampines One Outing too...

Karen, PM u my contact liao.... won't b answering any calls or sms b4 1pm.. cos will b having driving lesson.. might go alone instead.. not bringing bb.. keke</font></font>
hoot hoot @@

i'm coming to the next outing with a videocam to film what's going to happen to the charbor who cried wolf. hur hur hur...
sian. cleaning up my shit.she just had her 6 in 1 this morning but no fever, going to take a trip down to vivo to meet karen and purple tm. u need anything? i'ld come up to visit u and nicky again if you're free next week

reading up on bum genius, tempted but i have alot of muslin nappies, think i'ld spend the money on the blender. my mil dun want to use current one that she has, she say no good to mix with food prep tools for abby.

i'ld be your 3rd eastie but give me a day and let me check out current rates and promos in town, the GSS usually has good sales for robinsons plus 5% cash rebate coz i don't need the blender so soon yet.

am on for uniqlo.

i've been lazy. my packet of bellamy not opened yet, she's still on formula milk. what kind of feeding schedules are u all on?

i'm not great at assignments but if you need help with writing anything, i'ld be happy to. e.g. summary, conclusion, introduction based on content. i know the feeling.. i damn sian. dunno how u manage with bb and assignments. my research paper only starts with permission in april then i have abt 2 months to write it all up and submit.
Re: Blender BP
Anyone in the west side wanna order cos it's FOC delivery to one location for 3 pcs and above.

Of course can lah... kekeke! At least he will have something to talk about to the other daddies. He just said he will charge me for being a consultant. hahaha!

Loved your April Fools' joke... Classic man! And I esp loved the reactions of those who got tricked. Hahahahahah!
cloth diaper, you may want to consider. will save money in long run.
muslin nappies, i got 36 pieces. use it for everything of kids, from using at blankies, sun shade, wash cloth, etc etc. they are very useful

your mil is right. try not to mix food prep tools. or else, you may want to try to sterilise them if dun want to spend money.

me and nicky want to go town for drooling purpose. wanna join?
The writing will have to be FOC cos I'm flat broke. Hahaha! I'm pulling my hair out right now with juggling both bb and assignments. She doesn't nap enough for me to complete parts of it. Anyways, my upcoming paper is a position paper on e books vs traditional texts. What research will you be doing?
Thanks for your advice, yah now I keep reminding myself not to raise my voice (and my hands) at him. That time when I scolded him, he kept waking at nite to cry =( He really traumatized.

But I am sure you don't raise your voice at hubby now rite?

6 months milestone:
Happy to see my baby grow up but also headache at times. E.g. Now he refuses to sit still in the car seat, can cry for 20 mins or more. E.g. when I take away things from him don't let him bite, he show his temper by crying and screaming. So now his voice coarse! I hope its not permanent damage to his voice box.

The clips are really nice, if my baby is a gal i sure buy from you!
Good luck for ur assignment! Jia you!

May I know what time at vivo tom? Am tempted, but my boy cranky the whole day today.
Wah lau, how can you play such a cruel joke on us innocent mummies? You not worried it turn out to be the truth in the near future? Or that's what you are hoping for?
of course foc lah, i don't sell my services to friends. interesting topic that on ebooks vs traditional text, i'm a big fan of paper and pencil, reading and flipping pages, no ebooks for me unless i'm using segments of text to 'paraphrase' and 'puff up' any work or reports heheh, my research topic looks at the government's role in supporting children's transition from kindergarten to primary 1. easy way out because that way no need to conduct interview, dole out questionaire or do survey. it's pretty much a policy analysis.

keen, when?

i use my muslin nappies for everything too, now mostly wiping saliva, burping cloth, put under bum when washing bum, bring around nappy sheet, comfort cloth when bb holds to sleep, dry skin after wipe down in the evening.. ok i will consider the diaper, will ask u for more details soon.
Oh just came to my mind, anyone signed up for Nestle club and had received the freebies from them? They promised to send samples of weaning food when baby turns 6 months but I haven't heard from them.
u really need to hire a sitter or a relative to help u out for a few hours a day to sit through it, i've gone through that and i get my mil to look after her.. so we reverse responsibilities and i take over and look after bb at night. it's still very very tough, hang on and gambatte! i'ld rather wash a truckload of shitty diapers than have to do another assignment. sigh
u know what i realised? yesterday i got 7 hours of sleep and i was so tired the whole day as compared to days when i average at around 5 hours.

is that normal?
k mommies,
going to bed

night night. EY, sms me on details on meeting.
my tentative plans are thurs vivo late morning/early afternoon karen + purple. fri parkway/mustafa (mil wants to go buy stuff but her children dun want to bring her, so her dil and her granddaughter will accompany her)
pildough/ kylie-mummy
dunno when....one day when sumo, ey and kaelyn are good and me nicky are feeling good.

the day before yesterday
weather strange

yesterday wanted to go out, last min got customers wanted to collect and try stuffs, so cancelled

today wanted to go out, sumo slept and nicky busy

sigh! We dunno when too!!!!
mommies who want to install webcam,

i'm selling mine because we don't use it at all (she moves from room to living room to sil's room to my room to fil's room throughout the day), let me know if you're interested, i get my hb to give me the model and details. bought in march, should still have warranty. u can wall mount it or just put it on a table, drawback: no night vision.

but honestly, i think our babies are big leh.. very soon they will crawl out of the pheripheral zone of the cam. unless u have multiple cams.
Enya- Haaaa cfm we need a drooling session out in town since pildough &amp; Kylie are interested! ;p
And yeap agreed we need more microchip man!! ;)
<font color="0077aa"><font face="tahoma">morning mummies,

I have nt been sleeping well since 4am... after waking up to feed... now aching all over... and now m preparing stuff to go my mum's plc for driving lessons...

Think hor.. might nd to cancel the trip liao... i'm super tired now.. doubt i can make it later... SORRY!!!

Wan Chuen,
Thanks for the compliment! haha.. think even urs a gal.. u might wan to think twice b4 ordering...</font></font>
morning mommies

i will pm u. i need to know roughly how much is per pc plus insert. need to do my math and ask my mom and my hubs if they are okie to let me buy this - if not, white elephant at home, though i must say that my mom is a supporter of cloth diapering, v cooling, she says!

ur orders for gymboree had been made. will contact you all via email again

pls read this:

Dear Friends,

My friend's little boy, Barney Allan Jeffs, is in need of B negative blood. The blood bank does not have any B negative blood in storage as it is fairly uncommon blood type in Asians. If you are B negative blood type please contact me so we can add your name to a donor list specifically for donation to Barney. The Blood Bank will follow up by contacting you to ask you to come in and donate. If you contact the blood bank directly, they have told us they will give the blood to the next B negative recipient in need.

Barney is 5 years old and he was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia unexpectedly on Tuesday. His only symptoms were that he had been tired and pale during the past week. Today Barney had a bone marrow aspiration test to type his Leukemia and received his first infusion of Platelets and Blood to increase his blood count to an acceptable level so that he can have a central IV line placed tomorrow. The line will allow him to start receiving chemotherapy. As there was no B negative blood available in Singapore this evening, he had to be given B positive blood tonight. This not only increases his chances of a reaction to the blood, but it means he has to have a special injection so that his body won't react to the rhesus positive blood. As you can imagine, each additional injection is torture to a five year old!

Barney's battle with Leukemia will be a long and hard one. The family has been living in Singapore several years and his mom Annie is Irish and his dad David is from New Zealand. They are alone here without family to help them through this, so any support we can give them by trying to get donors is very much appreciated. Please help to forward the request especially around the Caucasian communities in Singapore that are more likely to have people of B negative blood type. The hospital has explained that Barney will require many transfusions of blood and platelets over this initial first week of treatment and in the coming months and a list of at least ten donors will be needed.

Thank you to those who have already started circulating information out. Please do have people continue to contact me if they can donate. We have already had a great initial response of 5 Irish B negative donors tonight but more are needed. Please contact me by phone or email with your name, IC or passport number, contact number and date of birth so I can collate the listing to send to the blood bank.


Friend of Annie, David and Barney Jeffs

If you are not B negative, but wish to donate to blood bank you may want to visit www.redcross.org.sg

can you all help this little boy? i have met him before and this is not a joke. pls pass this along to your colleagues and friends!
good morning mummies!

<font color="ff0000">Karen</font>
Yea. So I went home quietly yesterday...haahaa now I am hoping not to bump into those women from the next dept today...wahahahhaha!!..If they mentioned tat pestbusters cannot find any cockroaches, I will look SHOCKED and say "Oh u mean the cockroaches can escape so fast, Oh my god!!..Oh my!..maybe they escaped down the pipe or something...."..Bleh...heeheee

I think yesterday all my screws came loose leh..I played a lot of pranks to a lot of pple. Until I was mentally exhausted!. I shall not mention what other jokes I played..:x

<font color="ff0000">Pildough, EY</font>

Going to film me?...then I better wear nice nice.and lose some weight.wahahaha!!..


Neh!!!..Not twins for me!!..I will die of exhaustion. Come to think of it, haven seen Purebliss around in the forum for quite some time.

<font color="ff0000">Whitepaper</font>

Ok!... Shld be able to walkover to ur place this weekend. Can PM me ur mobile number?

<font color="ff0000">Busy Bee</font>

heehee... I know my Bellamy stuff still with u...I will collect from ur place ok?...shld be tmrw...I sms u to confirm ok?

Morning mummies.....

Too many gloomy news. Sigh so sad to read about the little boy with Leukemia. I just learnt that a JC friend of mine just passed on and my friend posted a video of her friend's maid abusing her friend's child. The sickening maid kicked the poor toddler till she flew across the room and continually stomped on her and kicked her. At one point she even stood on the poor child! After watching it I felt sick to the stomach. Sigh life is already so fragile and precious, dun understand why there are such psychos!
